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A fusion of human lymphocytes released from regional lymph nodes of papillary adenocarcinoma of lung cancer with mouse myeloma P3-X63-Ag8-U1 cells resulted in a stable hybridoma-secreting human IgM antibody (NCC-1004) that reacts with a large proportion of squamous cell carcinomas of lung and esophagus as well as carcinoma of thyroid glands. However, the antibody also reacts with normal red blood cells, B lymphocytes, and a few other limited loci in normal tissues such as the basal cells of bronchial epithelium and the basal cell layer of stratified squamous epithelium, as well as endothelium and alveolar lining epithelium. The antigen defined by NCC-1004 has been characterized as blood group i antigen on the basis of the following results. The antibody preferentially agglutinates cord erythrocytes in contrast to adult erythrocytes. The agglutination was obvious at 4 degrees C, but diminished greatly at 37 degrees C, and was enhanced after sialidase treatment. The antibody specifically reacts with lacto-norhexaosylceramide (nLc6) and sialosyllacto-norhexaosylceramide (IV3NeuAcnLc6), but does not react with lacto-neotetraosylceramide (nLc4), sialosyllacto-neotetraosylceramide (IV3NeuAcnLc4), lacto-isooctaosylceramide (IV6Gal beta 1----4GlcNAcnLc6; I antigen), and other standard glycolipids so far tested. The properties of the antibody and its antigen are identical to those previously described for the i blood group system. Inasmuch as the hybridoma was established by hybridization of lymphocytes derived from regional lymph nodes of lung cancer, and the antigen was found in the patient's lung cancer tissue, the i antigen in lung cancer is probably recognized as a tumor-associated antigen by the host's immune cell system.  相似文献   
Dual action of anti-sporozoite antibodies in vitro   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
With the use of a double staining technique that permits localization of the sporozoite during the process of entering a host cell, we studied the biologic effects of three mAb directed against determinants contained in the circumsporozoite of Plasmodium yoelii. These mAb, which included one IgM and two IgG3, were studied in primary cultures of rodent hepatocytes inoculated with sporozoites of P. yoelii. These results confirm previous reports of the extended action of antibodies on Plasmodium falciparum after entering hepatocytes by producing a strong intrahepatocyte inhibitory effect in addition to the inhibitory effect on sporozoite entry. As with P. falciparum the intracellular effects on P. yoelii liver stages are only observed when the antibodies are present at the time the sporozoite enters the cell. While carrying out experiments on this phenomenon, it was discovered that, at lowered antibody concentrations, an increase in number of maturing liver schizonts occurs, with the increase or enhancement of infection reaching up to 150% of that of controls. It was also observed that there was an inverse relationship between the antibody concentration that was inhibitory and that which enhanced parasite infectivity.  相似文献   
A series of glycolipid antigens reacting with the monoclonal antibody directed to the stage-specific embryonic antigen 1 was isolated and characterized from group O human erythrocyte membranes. A ceramide heptasaccharide (Structure 1), ceramide nonasaccharide (Structure 2), and ceramide decasaccharide (Structure 3) have been characterized (formula, see text) The main feature of this glycolipid series is its long core sugar chain with a nonbranched repeating N-acetyllactosamine (norpolylactosamine). This characteristic is in contrast to that of co-existing H-active glycolipid series in which the longer core structures are branched type repeating N-acetyllactosamine (isopolylactosamine). The reactivity of these glycolipids to monoclonal anti-stage-specific embryonic antigen 1 antibody varied proportionately to the length of their core sugar chains. A possible significance of these glycolipids as developmentally regulated antigens and as cancer-associated antigens was discussed.  相似文献   
We have analyzed the glycolipid markers of a recently cloned human embryonal carcinoma (EC) cell line, NTERA-2, which differentiates extensively into a variety of somatic cell types when exposed to retinoic acid. These tumor cells provide a model system that can be used to study the ontogeny of glycolipid diversity during human embryonic development. Glycolipid antigens were identified by cell surface immunofluorescence and thin-layer chromatography immunostaining using a comprehensive set of anticarbohydrate monoclonal antibodies. Undifferentiated NTERA-2 cells were found to express predominantly globo-series glycolipids, including Gb3, Gb5 (IV3GalGb4), globo-ganglioside (IV3NeuAc alpha 2----3GalGb4), globo-H (IV3Fuc alpha 1----2GalGb4), and globo-A (IV3GalNAc alpha 1----3[Fuc alpha 1----2]GalGb4). When NTERA-2 cells were induced to differentiate by culturing in the presence of 10(-5) M retinoic acid, a remarkable shift of cellular glycolipids from globo-series to lacto- and ganglio-series was observed: Globo-series structures declined, particularly during the period 7-20 days after first exposure to retinoic acid, while lacto-series structures, including fucosyl alpha 1----3 type 2 chain (Lex) and sialosyl type 2 chain, and ganglio-series structures, including GM3, GD3, 9-O-acetyl-GD3, GM2, GD2, and GT3, increased. The presence of globo-A and globo-H as the major ABH blood group antigens in undifferentiated NTERA-2 cells suggests that globo-series blood group antigens are embryonic antigens, synthesis of which switches to lacto-series during human development. Two-color immunofluorescence analysis indicated preferential expression of several ganglio- and lacto-series antigens on different subsets of differentiated cells and permitted the relationship of these subsets to the development of neurons in NTERA-2 cultures to be determined. The results suggest that glycosyltransferase, particularly those involved in controlling glycoconjugate core structure assembly, are key enzymes regulated during the differentiation of human EC cells and, by implication, during human embryogenesis.  相似文献   
The 2 histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACIs) approved for the treatment of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL) including mycosis fungoides/sezary syndrome (MF/SS), suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid (SAHA) and romidepsin, are associated with low rates of overall response and high rates of adverse effects. Data regarding combination treatments with HDACIs is sparse. Butyroyloxymethyl diethylphosphate (AN-7) is a novel HDACI, which was found to have selective anticancer activity in several cell lines and animal models. The aim of this study was to compare the anticancer effects of AN-7 and SAHA, either alone or combined with doxorubicin, on MF/SS cell lines and peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) from patients with Sezary syndrome (SPBL). MyLa cells, Hut78 cells, SPBL, and PBL from healthy normal individuals (NPBL) were exposed to the test drugs, and the findings were analyzed by a viability assay, an apoptosis assay, and Western blot. AN-7 was more selectively toxic to MyLa cells, Hut78 cells, and SPBL (relative to NPBL) than SAHA and also acted more rapidly. Both drugs induced apoptosis in MF/SS cell lines, SAHA had a greater effect on MyLa cell line, while AN-7 induced greater apoptosis in SPBL; both caused an accumulation of acetylated histone H3, but AN-7 was associated with earlier kinetics; and both caused a downregulation of the HDAC1 protein in MF/SS cell lines. AN-7 acted synergistically with doxorubicin in both MF/SS cell lines and SPBL, and antagonistically with doxorubicin in NPBL. By contrast, SAHA acted antagonistically with doxorubicin on MF/SS cell lines, SPBL, and NPBL, leaving <50% viable cells. In conclusion, AN-7 holds promise as a therapeutic agent in MF/SS and has several advantages over SAHA. Our data provide a rationale for combining AN-7, but not SAHA, with doxorubicin to induce the cell death in MF/SS.  相似文献   
The purpose of the present work was to study the effects of simulated sunlight conditions on enzyme inactivation and structural damage in dehydrated glassy systems. Freeze-dried samples containing different enzymes (lactase, invertase, lysozyme and amyloglucosidase) were exposed to light using a medium-pressure metal halide HPA 400 W lamp. After 1 h of light exposure, the samples showed a significant reduction (more than 50%) in the denaturation peak area as analyzed by DSC, and this could be attributed to protein denaturation. For most of the pure enzymes, the loss of enzymic activity after 1 h of light exposure was around 50%. In the case of enzymes included in anhydrous model systems (trehalose, raffinose, maltodextrin, and dextran), the remaining activity also decreased dramatically during the light treatment. We showed that the light exposure in dehydrated systems generated both the loss of enzymic activity and structural changes such as denaturation (observed by DSC) and protein fragmentation and aggregation (observed by electrophoresis). Overall, we can conclude that a short exposure to the light produces dramatic changes in the enzymic activity in dehydrated systems with or without protective matrices.  相似文献   
NTERA-2 cl.D1 human embryonal carcinoma (EC) cells were induced to differentiate by either bromodeoxyuridine (BUdR) or hexamethylene bisacetamide (HMBA), and also by retinoic acid. Following exposure to each of these inducers, the globoseries glycolipid antigens stage-specific embryonic antigens -3 and -4 (SSEA-3 and -4) and the glycoprotein antigen TRA-1-60, all characteristic of the human EC cell surface, underwent a marked reduction in expression within about 7 days. At the same time, the lactoseries glycolipid antigen SSEA-1, and ganglioseries antigens A2B5 (GT3) and ME311 (9-0-acetyl GD3) were induced in BUdR- and retinoic acid-treated cells. However, these antigens did not appear during the first 7-14 days of HMBA-induced differentiation. The observations of cell surface antigen expression were paralleled by analysis of glycolipids isolated from the cells by thin-layer chromatography. This analysis, in which the new monoclonal antibodies VINIS-56 and VIN-2PB-22 were included, also revealed expression of gangliosides GD3 and GD2 in all differentiated cultures, albeit at much lower levels following HMBA exposure than following retinoic acid or BUdR-exposure. Further, disialylparagloboside was detected in retinoic acid and BUdR-induced, but not HMBA-induced, cultures. Taken with morphological observations, the results suggest that HMBA induces differentiation of NTERA-2 cl.D1 EC cells along a pathway distinct from the pathway(s) induced by retinoic acid and BUdR.  相似文献   
A major sensory organ for the detection of pheromones by animals is the vomeronasal organ (VNO). Although pheromones control the behaviors of various species, the effect of pheromones on human behavior has been controversial because the VNO is not functional in adults. However, recent genetic, biochemical, and electrophysiological data suggest that some pheromone-based behaviors, including male sexual behavior in mice, are mediated through the main olfactory epithelium (MOE) and are coupled to the type 3 adenylyl cyclase (AC3) and a cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) ion channel. These recent discoveries suggest the provocative hypothesis that human pheromones may signal through the MOE.  相似文献   
Multi-drug resistance of breast cancer is a major obstacle in chemotherapy of cancer treatments. Recently it was suggested that photodynamic therapy (PDT) can overcome drug resistance of tumors. ALA-PDT is based on the administration of 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA), the natural precursor for the PpIX biosynthesis, which is a potent natural photosensitizer. In the present study we used the AlaAcBu, a multifunctional ALA-prodrug for photodynamic inactivation of drug resistant MCF-7/DOX breast cancer cells. Supplementation of low doses (0.2mM) of AlaAcBu to the cells significantly increased accumulation of PpIX in both MCF-7/WT and MCF-7/DOX cells in comparison to ALA, or ALA + butyric acid (BA). In addition, our results show that MCF-7/DOX cells are capable of producing higher levels of porphyrins than MCF-7/WT cells due to low expression of the enzyme ferrochelatase, which inserts iron into the tetra-pyrrol ring to form the end product heme. Light irradiation of the AlaAcBu treated cells activated efficient photodynamic killing of MCF-7/DOX cells similar to the parent MCF-7/WT cells, depicted by low mitochondrial enzymatic activity, LDH leakage and decreased cell survival following PDT. These results indicate that the pro-drug AlaAcBu is an effective ALA derivative for PDT treatments of multidrug resistant tumors.  相似文献   
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