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Iron (Fe) deficiency is one of the major environmental stresses affecting plant production in the world. The selection of tolerant genotypes is considered an effective remediation strategy for this stress. The present study was carried out in order to investigate the biodiversity within Medicago truncatula plants in response to Fe deficiency, to identify tolerant genotypes and to assess the main tolerance mechanisms. To do this, a screening test was performed on 20 M. truncatula genotypes cultivated in minimal medium. Biometric and physiological markers were analyzed, including plant biomass, chlorophyll and root architecture. Results showed a biodiversity among the 20 genotypes. Interestingly, Fe deficiency tolerance was highest in TN8.20 and A17 genotypes. However, the lowest tolerance behavior was observed in TN1.11 and TN6.18. In order to investigate the main tolerance mechanisms, an experiment was conducted in the hydroponic system on already selected genotypes. Assessment of Fe deficiency tolerance was performed mainly on plant growth parameters, Fe (III)-chelate-reductase activity, rhizosphere acidification and antioxidant system defense. The relative better tolerance of A17 and TN8.20 to Fe deficiency was positively correlated with their capacity to maintain higher Fe-acquisition efficiency in roots via rhizosphere acidification and the stimulation of Fe (III)-chelate-reductase activity. Moreover, tolerant genotypes showed the lowest decreases in chlorophyll content and photosynthetic activity (CO2 assimilation) compared to the sensitive ones. The efficiency of antioxidant capacity of the tolerant genotypes was revealed in stimulation of catalase (CAT) and peroxidase (POX) activities as well as accumulation of polyphenols, leading to the maintenance of cell integrity under Fe deficiency.  相似文献   
Antioxidative response to cadmium in roots and leaves of tomato plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Treatment of tomato seedlings (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. 63/5 F1) with increasing CdCl2 concentrations in the culture medium resulted in Cd accumulation more important in roots than in leaves. Biomass production was severely inhibited, even at low Cd concentration. Cd reduced chlorophyll content in leaves and enhanced lipid peroxidation. An increase in antioxidative enzyme (superoxide dismutase, ascorbate peroxidase, guaiacol peroxidase, glutathione reductase) activities was more pronounced in leaves than in roots, while catalase activity increased only in roots. In addition, changes in isoenzyme composition were observed using the non-denaturing polyacrylamid gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   
To dissect differences in both lipid accumulation and composition and the role of these modifications during drought stress, four grapevine cultivars exhibiting differential tolerance to drought were subjected to water shortage. Tolerant cultivars, Kahli Kerkennah and Cardinal, exhibited higher leaf water potential (Ψw), and lower lipid peroxidation compared to the sensitive cultivars Guelb Sardouk and Superior Seedless during stress. Total lipid amounts increased during stress only in the leaves of the tolerant cultivars. Drought induced increases in the ratios digalactosyldiacylglycerol/monogalactosyldiacylglycerol and phosphatidylcholine/phoshatidylethanolamine of almost all the drought stressed cultivars. Moreover, the overall analysis of the composition of fatty acids revealed that a linolenic acid was prevalent in grapevine and the unsaturation level of lipids increased under water stress in all the cultivars. Specific adjustments in the lipid composition during stress could compromise stress tolerance.  相似文献   
Treatment of rape seedlings with increasing CdCl2 concentrations in the culture medium resulted in a cadmium accumulation within plant tissues, which increased with external metal dose; such accumulation was more important in roots than in leaves. Biomass production was severely inhibited, even at low cadmium concentration. In leaves, quantities of chloroplastic lipids, monogalactosyldiacylglycerol (MGDG), digalactosyldiacylglycerol (DGDG), sulfolipids (SL) and phosphatidylglycerol (PG) decreased sharply under metallic treatment. However, contents of extrachloroplastic lipids, mainly phosphatidylcholine (PC) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) increased significantly. In contrast to leaves, contents of root phospholipids decreased. Likewise, levels of tri-unsaturated fatty acids: linolenic (C18:3) and hexadecatrienoïc (C16:3) dropped in leaves of treated seedlings as compared to those of controls, suggesting that heavy metals induced an alteration in the fatty acid desaturation process or a stimulation of their peroxidation. Also, trans palmitoleic acid (C16:1-trans) level in PG decreased considerably. In roots, there was a slight decrease in C18:3 level, with a concomitant increase in the C18:2 percentage. Radioactive labelling of leaf lipids with (1-14C) acetate allowed to show that fatty acid biosynthesis was noticeably altered at the highest cadmium dose used (50 μM). Biosynthesis of tri-unsaturated fatty acids was also inhibited which may explain the decline in non-labelled lipid contents. Results showed that metallic ion seems to affect selectively chloroplastic membranes due to an inhibition of polyunsaturated fatty acid biosynthesis. Moreover, a lipid peroxidation occurred in our case because of the spectacular increase of malondialdehyde (MDA) content observed in cadmium treated leaves. To cite this article: N. Ben Youssef et al., C. R. Biologies 328 (2005).  相似文献   
The effects of cadmium (Cd) stress on lipid composition and biosynthesis were investigated in young leaves of ten-day-old tomato seedlings (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Ibiza F1). Cd was found to be mainly accumulated in roots, but a severe inhibition of biomass production occurred in leaves, even at its low concentration (1.0 μM). Seven days after Cd treatment, the membrane lipids were extracted and separated on silica-gel thin layer chromatography (TLC). Fatty acid methyl esters were analyzed by FID-GC on a capillary column. Our results showed that Cd stress decreased the quantities of all lipids classes (phospholipids, galactolipids and neutral lipids). Likewise, there was also a decline in the levels of tri-unsaturated fatty acids, such as linolenic (C18:3) and hexadecatrienoic (C16:3) acids. The linolenic acid (C18:3) decreased in monogalactosyldiacylglycerol (MGDG) and all phospholipids, while hexadecatrienoinic acid (C16:3) declined mainly in MGDG. Moreover, Cd at high concentrations (25.0 and 50.0 μM) significantly enhanced the levels of lipid peroxides. Radiolabelling experiments were carried out by laying down microdroplets of [1-14C]acetate–a major precursor of lipid biosynthesis–on attached leaves of the control and Cd-treated plants. After incubation for 1, 2, 12 and 24 h, the leaves were harvested and lipids extracted and analysed. Cd stress was found to decrease the incorporation of [1-14C]acetate in total lipids. The biosynthesis of total lipids was altered with 25.0 and 50.0 μM Cd. The decline in the incorporation of [1-14C]acetate due to Cd stress was observed in all lipid classes. There was also a substantial decline in the incorporation of [1-14C]acetate in tri-unsaturated fatty acids. The results indicate that Cd treatment induces an oxidative stress by inhibiting the chloroplastic and extrachloroplastic lipid-biosynthesis pathways as well as lipid peroxidation.  相似文献   
Growth, cadmium accumulation and potassium and calcium status were studied in two halophytes from Aizoaceae family: Sesuvium portulacastrum and Mesembryanthemum crystallinum. After multiplication, the seedlings were cultivated on nutrient solution supplemented with NaCl (100mM) and CdCl2 (0, 50, 100, 200 and 300 microM). After 1 month of treatment, plants were harvested and the dry weight, as well as the Cd, K and Ca concentrations in tissues were determined. Results showed that S. portulacastrum, a perennial halophyte with slow growth, is significantly more tolerant to Cd than M. crystallinum, an annual plant. Cd severely inhibited Mesembryanthemum growth even at the lowest Cd concentration in culture medium (50 microM), and did not modify significantly that of Sesuvium. For both halophytes, Cd accumulation was significantly higher in the roots than in the shoots. However, Cd concentration reached 350-700 microg g(-1) DM in the shoots, values characteristic of Cd hyperaccumulator plants. The addition of Cd in the culture medium led to a disturbance of Ca and especially K nutrition, suggesting the possibility to improve plant growth and Cd phytoextraction of both halophytes by increasing nutrient availability in the culture medium.  相似文献   
Changes in lipid content and fatty acid composition were determined in leaves of two halophytes: Sesuvium portulacastrum and Mesembryanthemum crystallinum exposed to cadmium (Cd). Experiments were carried out using young small-sized plants grown hydroponically (S. portulacastrum) or aseptically germinated seeds (M. crystallinum). Cd treatment was applied at different concentrations (0, 50, 100 and 200microM) for 30 days. At high cadmium doses (200microM), contents of total lipids (TL) and lipid fractions including galactolipids (GL), phospholipids (PL) and neutral lipids (NL) decreased more in M. crystallinum leaves than in S. portulacastrum leaves. Moreover, there were no significant changes in the total fatty acid composition of S. portulacastrum leaves during metal treatment. In contrast, M. crystallinum leaves showed a decrease in the percentage of the tri-unsaturated fatty acid (C18:3), and a corresponding increase in the percentage of di-unsaturated fatty acid (C18:2). These different responses suggested that S. portulacastrum seems to be more feasible for phytoremediation.  相似文献   
Most polyploids can survive better under multiple stress conditions than their corresponding diploid; however, there is no established theory that can adequately explain this phenomenon at the molecular or physiological level. Here, we attempt to explain this interesting but puzzling problem from the perspectives of resource requirement and antioxidant response. In this experiment, we compared the antioxidative response and stomatal behavior of two ploidy levels of tobacco plants (tetraploid and its colchicine-induced octaploid) under drought, cold and nutrient deficit stress conditions. In comparison to tetraploid, less H2O2 accumulation and stronger reactive oxygen scavenging capacity (antioxidant enzyme activities and DPPH radical scavenging capacity) were observed in octaploid under stress free or stressful conditions. In accordant with these, less oxidative damage and higher redox values (ASC/DHA and GSH/GSSG) were also monitored in the octaploid than in the tetraploid under same conditions. In addition, a higher net rate of photosynthesis (Pn) and slower decline in the concentration of intercellular CO2(Ci) were measured in the octaploid compared to the tetraploid following high concentration ABA treatment (20 mg L−1), with more severe oxidative damage observed in the tetraploid than in the octaploid. On the basis of the resource acquisition theory, we consider that any environmental stress that can lower plant resource availability would favor survival in a slow-growing polyploid compared with that in a fast-growing diploid.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) is a signaling molecule controlling several steps of plant development and defense process under stress conditions. NO-induced alleviation of manganese (Mn) toxicity was investigated on bean plants submitted for 28 days to 500 µM MnCl2. Manganese excess decreased plant dry weight and elongation and increased levels of reactive oxygen species and lipid peroxidation leading to up-regulation of superoxide dismutase, catalase, and ascorbate peroxidase activities. The inhibitory effects of Mn on plant growth were associated to reduction of light-saturated carbon assimilation (Amax), stomatal conductance (gs), and transpiration (E). By contrast, Mn induced significant increase in the apparent quantum yield (ɸ) and light compensation point (LCP). Interestingly, intracellular CO2 (Ci) remains stable under Mn stress. Concomitantly, leaf membrane lipids have drastically reduced under high Mn concentration. After Mn exposition, leaf fatty acids exhibited a significant loss of linolenic acid, accompanied by an accumulation of palmitoleic, stearic, and linoleic acids leading to alteration of lipid desaturation. NO supply reversed Mn toxicity as evidenced by enhancement of growth biomass and recovery of Amax, E, ɸ, and LCP. Similarly, NO addition has positive effects on leaf lipid content and composition leading to restoration of lipid unsaturation. The modulation of fatty acid composition can be a way to reduce leaf membrane damages and maintain optimal photosynthesis and plant growth. Despite the absence of enough evidences in how NO is involved in lipid and photosynthesis recovery under Mn stress conditions, it is assumed that NO beneficial effects are attributable to NO/Mn cross-talk.

Plant species capable of hyper-accumulating heavy metals are of considerable interest for phytoremediation, and differ in their ability to accumulate metals from environment. Using two brassica species (Brassica juncea and Brassica napus), nutrient solution experiments were conducted to study variation in tolerance to cadmium (Cd) toxicity based on (1) lipid peroxidation and (2) changes in antioxidative defense system in leaves of both plants (i.e., superoxide dismutase (SOD EC, catalase (CAT EC, ascorbate peroxidase (APX EC, guaiacol peroxidase (GPX EC, glutathione reductase (GR EC, levels of phytochelatins (PCs), non-protein thiols (NP-SH), and glutathione. Plants were grown in nutrient solution under controlled environmental conditions, and subjected to increasing concentrations of Cd (0, 10, 25 and 50 μM) for 15 days. Results showed marked differences between both species. Brassica napus under Cd stress exhibited increased level of lipid peroxidation, as was evidenced by the increased malondialdehyde (MDA) content in leaves. However, in Brassica juncea treated plants, MDA content remained unchanged. In Brassica napus, with the exception of GPX, activity levels of some antioxidant enzymes involved in detoxification of reactive oxygen species (ROS), including SOD, CAT, GR, and APX, decreased drastically at high Cd concentrations. By contrast, in leaves of Brassica juncea treated plants, there was either only slight or no change in the activities of the antioxidative enzymes. Analysis of the profile of anionic isoenzymes of GPX revealed qualitative changes occurring during Cd exposure for both species. Moreover, levels of NP-SH and PCs, monitored as metal detoxifying responses, were much increased in leaves of Brassica juncea by increasing Cd supply, but did not change in Brassica napus. These results indicate that Brassica juncea plants possess the greater potential for Cd accumulation and tolerance than Brassica napus.  相似文献   
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