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The major site of phosphorylation of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor after treatment of cells with EGF is threonine 669. Phosphorylation of this site is also associated with the transmodulation of the EGF receptor caused by platelet-derived growth factor and phorbol ester. A distinctive feature of the primary sequence surrounding threonine 669 is the proximity of 2 proline residues (-Pro-Leu-Thr669-Pro-). This site is not a substrate for phosphorylation by protein kinase C. To investigate the mechanism of the increased phosphorylation of the EGF receptor at threonine 669, in vitro assays were used to measure protein kinase and protein phosphatase activities present in homogenates prepared from cells treated with and without EGF. No evidence for the regulation of protein phosphatase activity was obtained in experiments using the [32P]phosphate-labeled EGF receptor as a substrate. A synthetic peptide corresponding to residues 663-681 of the EGF receptor was used as a substrate for protein kinase assays. Incubation of murine 3T3 L1 pre-adipocytes and human WI-38 fibroblasts with EGF caused a rapid increase (3-10-fold) in the level of threonine protein kinase activity detected in cell homogenates. Similar results were obtained after EGF treatment of Chinese hamster ovary cells expressing wild-type (Thr669) and mutated (Ala669) human EGF receptors. Activation of the threonine protein kinase activity was also observed in cells treated with platelet-derived growth factor, serum, and phorbol ester. Insulin-like growth factor-1 caused no significant change in protein kinase activity. Together these data indicate a role for the regulation of the activity of a threonine protein kinase in the control of the phosphorylation state of the EGF receptor at threonine 669. The significance of the identification of a growth factor-stimulated threonine protein kinase to the mechanism of signal transduction is discussed.  相似文献   
A growth factor-stimulated (MAP2-related) protein kinase, ERT, that phosphorylates the epidermal growth factor receptor at Thr669 has been purified from KB human tumor cells by Northwood and co-workers (Northwood, I. C., Gonzalez, F. A., Wartmann, M., Raden, D. L., and Davis, R. J. (1991) J. Biol. Chem. 266, 15266-15276). The ERT protein kinase has a restricted substrate specificity, and the structural determinants employed for substrate recognition by this enzyme have not been defined. As an approach toward understanding the specificity of substrate phosphorylation, we have used an in vitro assay to identify additional substrates for the ERT protein kinase. In this report we describe two novel substrates: (a) the human c-myc protein at Ser62 and (b) the rat c-jun protein at Ser246. Alignment of the primary sequences surrounding the phosphorylation sites located within the epidermal growth factor receptor (Thr669), Myc (Ser62), and Jun (Ser246) demonstrated a marked similarity. The observed consensus sequence was Pro-Leu-Ser/Thr-Pro. We propose that this sequence forms part of a substrate structure that is recognized by the ERT protein kinase.  相似文献   


Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is a chronic respiratory disease for which there is little psycho-social research and no qualitative studies of individuals living with the condition. A questionnaire-based survey in 2003 found evidence of stigmatisation in some individuals with PCD. Although the questionnaire had face and construct validity, stigmatisation was not cross-validated against interviews. The present study had the twin aims of carrying out a qualitative study of the adult patients living with PCD, and using a structured design to validate the questionnaire measure of stigma.


Interviews were carried out with six pairs of individuals with PCD, matched for sex, situs, and age, one with a high stigma score in 2003 and the other with a low stigma score. Depth-qualitative interviews were conducted by one author to explore themes surrounding the psycho-social impact of PCD using a grounded theory analysis. The interviewer was blind to the stigma scores of participants, and after the qualitative analysis was completed, the interviewer made an assessment of which member of each pair seemed the more stigmatised, after which the code was broken.


Interviews revealed a number of themes, including other people's knowledge of PCD, the sharing of knowledge about PCD, the concealment of symptoms of PCD, embarrassment at symptoms, changes of behaviour in response to PCD, mistrust of medical care, in particular in relation to problems in diagnosis, a mistrust of general practitioners who were seen as poorly informed, and the importance of expert care at tertiary referral centres. Although stigmatisation as such was rarely mentioned directly by respondents, when the interviewer's judgement on level of stigmatisation was correlated with stigma scores from 2003, it was found that the more stigmatised member had been correctly identified in all six pairs (p = .016).


Our results suggest that some people with PCD feel isolated through mistrust in medicine, and lack of knowledge surrounding PCD. Many responses to PCD can be explained in terms of stigmatisation, and in particular felt stigma. The correlation between questionnaire used several years previously, and the interviewer's judgements of stigmatisation suggest that the stigma questionnaire had both predictive validity and long-term stability. As in other chronic conditions, stigmatisation occurs only in some individuals with PCD, and the present study explores the basis of stigmatisation, and validate the questionnaire as a measure of difference in stigma.  相似文献   
Marmosets (genus Callithrix) are a diverse group of platyrrhine primates with 13-15 purported taxa, many of them considered endangered. Morphological analyses constitute most of the basis for recognition of these forms as distinct taxa. The purpose of this study was to provide a molecular view, based on mitochondrial control region sequences, of the evolutionary history of the marmosets, concomitant with a molecular phylogenetic perspective on species diversity within the group. An additional purpose was to provide the first comparative examination of a complete New World monkey control region sequence with those of other mammals. The phylogenetic analyses provide convincing support for a split between the Atlantic forest and Amazonian marmosets, with the inclusion of the pygmy marmoset (Cebuella pygmaea) at the base of the Amazonian clade. The earliest branch of the Atlantic forest group was C. aurita. In the Amazonian group, the analyses do not support the recognition of C. humeralifer and the recently described C mauesi as distinct taxa. They do, however, support a clear distinction between C. argentata and a strongly supported mixed clade of C. humeralifer and C. mauesi. In the Atlantic forest group, the phylogenetic tree suggests mixing between C. penicillata, C. kuhli, and possibly C. jacchus. Most of the sequence features characteristic of other mammal control regions were also evident in marmosets, with the exception that conserved sequence blocks (CSBs) 2 and 3 were not clearly identifiable. Tandem repeat units often associated with heteroplasmy in a variety of other mammals were not evident in the marmoset sequences.   相似文献   
Overall proteolysis and the activity of skeletal muscle proteolytic systems were investigated in rats 1, 2, or 4 days after adrenodemedullation. Adrenodemedullation reduced plasma epinephrine by 95% and norepinephrine by 35% but did not affect muscle norepinephrine content. In soleus and extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscles, rates of overall proteolysis increased by 15-20% by 2 days after surgery but returned to normal levels after 4 days. The rise in rates of protein degradation was accompanied by an increased activity of Ca(2+)-dependent proteolysis in both muscles, with no significant change in the activity of lysosomal and ATP-dependent proteolytic systems. In vitro rates of Ca(2+)-dependent proteolysis in soleus and EDL from normal rats decreased by ~35% in the presence of either 10(-5) M clenbuterol, a beta(2)-adrenergic agonist, or epinephrine or norepinephrine. In the presence of dibutyryl cAMP, proteolysis was reduced by 62% in soleus and 34% in EDL. The data suggest that catecholamines secreted by the adrenal medulla exert an inhibitory control of Ca(2+)-dependent proteolysis in rat skeletal muscle, mediated by beta(2)-adrenoceptors, with the participation of a cAMP-dependent pathway.  相似文献   
Methane emissions have been previously detected from orangutans, but characterization of the diversity of methanogens in this species has yet to be completed. This preliminary study identified methanogen producing microorganims, also called methanogens, present in the feces from a colony of captive Sumatran orangutans at the Perth Zoo. All animals were housed in the same enclosure and were fed primarily a frugivorous diet. Methanogens were detected using a 16S rRNA gene clone library. A total of 207 clones were examined, revealing 37 different methanogen 16S rRNA sequences, or phylotypes. Of these, 31 phylotypes represented by 170 clones had 96.4-100% sequence identity to Methanosphaera stadtmanae, four phylotypes (32 clones) had 95.1-100% sequence identity to Methanobrevibacter smithii, while two phylotypes (five clones) had 95.9-97.7% sequence identity to Methanobacterium beijingense. Overall, five possible new species were identified from the clone library. This represents the first report of Msp. stadtmanae, a methanol utilizer, as the most predominant methanogen in the gastrointestinal tract of animals. This is likely due to the increased availability of methanol from the highly frugivorous diet of the orangutans. Further studies are warranted to properly assess the effects of frugivorous diets on the methanogen population.  相似文献   
Subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA) is characterized by ruminal pH depression and microbial perturbation. The impact of SARA adaptation and recovery on rumen bacterial density and diversity was investigated following high-grain feeding. Four ruminally cannulated dairy cows were fed a hay diet, transitioned to a 65% grain diet for 3 weeks, and returned to the hay diet for 3 weeks. Rumen fluid, rumen solids, and feces were sampled during weeks 0 (hay), 1 and 3 (high grain), and 4 and 6 (hay). SARA was diagnosed during week 1, with a pH below 5.6 for 4.6±1.4 h. Bacterial density was significantly lower in the rumen solids with high grain (P=0.047). Rumen fluid clone libraries from weeks 0, 3, and 6 were assessed at the 98% level and 154 operational taxonomic units were resolved. Week 3 diversity significantly differed from week 0, and community structure differed from weeks 0 and 6 (P<0.0001). Clones belonging to the phylum Firmicutes predominated. Compared with the hay diet, the high-grain diet contained clones from Selenomonas ruminantium and Succiniclasticum ruminis, but lacked Eubacterium spp. SARA adaptation was found to significantly alter bacterial density, diversity, and community structure, warranting further investigation into the role bacteria play in SARA adaptation.  相似文献   
Non-lactating dairy cattle were transitioned to a high-concentrate diet to investigate the effect of ruminal pH suppression, commonly found in dairy cattle, on the density, diversity, and community structure of rumen methanogens, as well as the density of rumen protozoa. Four ruminally cannulated cows were fed a hay diet and transitioned to a 65% grain and 35% hay diet. The cattle were maintained on an high-concentrate diet for 3 weeks before the transition back to an hay diet, which was fed for an additional 3 weeks. Rumen fluid and solids and fecal samples were obtained prior to feeding during weeks 0 (hay), 1, and 3 (high-concentrate), and 4 and 6 (hay). Subacute ruminal acidosis was induced during week 1. During week 3 of the experiment, there was a significant increase in the number of protozoa present in the rumen fluid (P = 0.049) and rumen solids (P = 0.004), and a significant reduction in protozoa in the rumen fluid in week 6 (P = 0.003). No significant effect of diet on density of rumen methanogens was found in any samples, as determined by real-time PCR. Clone libraries were constructed for weeks 0, 3, and 6, and the methanogen diversity of week 3 was found to differ from week 6. Week 3 was also found to have a significantly altered methanogen community structure, compared to the other weeks. Twenty-two unique 16S rRNA phylotypes were identified, three of which were found only during high-concentrate feeding, three were found during both phases of hay feeding, and seven were found in all three clone libraries. The genus Methanobrevibacter comprised 99% of the clones present. The rumen fluid at weeks 0, 3, and 6 of all the animals was found to contain a type A protozoal population. Ultimately, high-concentrate feeding did not significantly affect the density of rumen methanogens, but did alter methanogen diversity and community structure, as well as protozoal density within the rumen of nonlactating dairy cattle. Therefore, it may be necessary to monitor the rumen methanogen and protozoal communities of dairy cattle susceptible to depressed pH when methane abatement strategies are being investigated.  相似文献   
Treatment of A431 human epidermoid carcinoma cells with 4-phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) causes an inhibition of the high affinity binding of epidermal growth factor (EGF) to cell surface receptors and an inhibition of the EGF receptor tyrosine protein kinase activity. The hypothesis that PMA controls EGF receptor function by regulating the oligomeric state of the receptor was tested. Dimeric EGF receptors bound to 125I-EGF were identified by covalent cross-linking analysis using disuccinimidyl suberimidate. Treatment of cells with PMA in the presence of 20 nM 125I-EGF caused no significant change in the level of labeled cross-linked monomeric and dimeric receptor species. Investigation of the in vitro autophosphorylation of receptor monomers and dimers cross-linked with 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimide demonstrated that the treatment of cells with PMA caused an inhibition of the tyrosine phosphorylation of both monomeric and dimeric EGF receptors. We conclude that the inhibition of the EGF receptor tyrosine protein kinase activity caused by PMA is not associated with the regulation of the oligomeric state of the EGF receptor.  相似文献   
Status of research in stock enhancement and sea ranching   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries -  相似文献   
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