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It has previously been found that insulins, to which positive charge has been added by substitutions in position B30, thus raising the isoelectric point towards pH 7, had a prolonged action when injected as slightly acidic solutions because such derivatives crystallize very readily upon neutralization. Positive charge has now been added by substituting the B13 and A17 glutamic acid residues with glutamines and B27 threonine with lysine or arginine. These substitutions were introduced by site-specific mutagenesis in a gene coding for a single-chain insulin precursor. By tryptic transpeptidation the single-chain precursors were transformed to the double-chain insulin structure, concomitantly with incorporation of residue B30. Thus insulins combining B13 glutamine, A17 glutamine and B27 lysine or arginine with B30 threonine, threonine amide or lysine amide were synthesized. The time course of blood glucose lowering effect and the absorption were studied after subcutaneous injection in rabbits and pigs. The prolonged action of B30-substituted insulins was markedly enhanced by B27 lysine or arginine substitutions and by B13 glutamine. The B27 residue is located on the surface of the hexamer, so a basic residue in this position presumably promotes the packing of hexamers at neutral pH. The B13 residues cluster in the centre of the hexamer. When the electrostatic repulsive forces from six glutamic acid residues are abolished by substitution with glutamine, a stabilization of the hexamer can be envisaged.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Antibodies to human amyloid precursor protein (APP695) and beta‐amyloid peptide (Aβ1‐42) were used to determine timing of amyloidosis in the brain of kokanee salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka kennerlyi) in one of four reproductive stages: immature (IM), maturing (MA), sexually mature (SM), and spawning (SP), representing a range of aging from somatically mature but sexually immature to spawning and somatic senescence. In IM fish, immunoreactive (ir) intracellular APP occurred in 18 of 23 brain regions. During sexual maturation and aging, the number of neurons expressing APP increased in 11 of these APP‐ir regions. Aβ‐ir was absent in IM fish, present in seven regions in MA fish, moderately abundant in 15 regions in SM fish, and was most abundant in all brain regions of SP fish exhibiting Aβ‐ir. Intracellular APP‐ir was observed in brain regions involved in sensory integration, olfaction, vision, stress responses, reproduction, and coordination. Intra‐ and extracellular Aβ1‐42 immunoreactivity (Aβ‐ir) was present in all APP‐ir regions except the nucleus lateralis tuberis (hypothalamus) and Purkinje cells (cerebellum). APP‐ir and Aβ deposition increase during aging. APP‐ir is present in IM fish; Aβ‐ir usually appears first in MA or SM fish and increases in SM fish as does APP‐ir. Extracellular Aβ deposition dramatically increases between SM and SP stages (1–2 weeks) in all fish, indicating an extremely rapid and synchronized process. Rapid senescence observed in pacific salmon could make them a useful model to investigate timing of amyloidosis and neurodegeneration during brain aging. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol 53: 11–20, 2002  相似文献   
We have isolated Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutants bearing deletions of one or the other of the two divergently transcribed gene pairs encoding H2A and H2B. The deletions produced diverse effects on the yeast life cycle. Deletion of TRT1, one of the H2A-H2B gene pair sets, affected mitotic growth, sporulation, spore germination, the heat shock response, and exit from the stationary phase; deletion of TRT2, the other H2A-H2B gene pair set, had negligible effects on these same processes. Using a genetic complementation assay, we found that the differential effects of the deletions could be attributed to two features of the gene sets: first, the expression of the TRT1 gene pair, but not the TRT2 gene pair, could compensate for the absence of its partner; second, the protein subtypes encoded by the two gene pairs appear to have different functions in the heat shock response.  相似文献   
Day-6 pregnant rabbits were anesthetized and subjected to a mid-ventral laparotomy. [3H] Prostaglandin F2alpha) (PGF2alpha) [3H]PGE2, [14C]Urea or [14C]Sucrose were instilled into the uterine lumen via the uterotubal junction. The amounts instilled/uterine horn were respectively 3.7 +/- 0.3, 3.5 +/- 0.3, 5.7 +/- 1.3 and 2.7 +/- 1.6 muCi in 20mul of buffer. Animals were killed at 1, 2, 9, 19 or 21 h after radioactive instillation, and the amounts of radioactivity in blastocysts, uterine tissue, peritoneal cavity washings and urine evaluated by liquid scintillation spectrometry. A gradient of radioactivity was observed from the uterotubal junction to the cervical end of the uterus. Large amounts of [3H]PG were found in the injected horn and associated blastocysts with a considerable crossover to the non-injected horn, but little in the associated blastocysts. Much of the blastocysts associated- [3H]PG remained unmetabolized. Large amounts of metabolized [3 H] were found in urine. [14C]Urea was taken up by uterine tissue in the injected horn, but there was little cross over to the non-injected horn. Urea was also found in urine. Much of the [14C]Sucrose remained in the injected horn, and little was recovered from the urine. It was found that at 9 h, but not at 19 h, after [3 H]PG instillation, the PG was localized at the site of the blastocysts in the injected but not in the contralateral horn. Significantly more [3H]PGF2alpha than [3H]PGE2 was localized in this situation. [14C]Urea was not localized at the site of the blastocysts in urea injected horns. (ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
A strong association between anti-SS-A/Ro and anti-SS-B/La antibodies and skin lesions has been well documented in subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus and neonatal lupus erythematosis in which 70 to 80% of patients are female. In order to better understand the mechanisms of the influence of sex hormones on cutaneous lupus, we designed immunopathological in vitro experiments to evaluate the effects of estradiol and other sex steroids on the binding of SS-A/Ro- and SS-B/La-specific antibodies to cultured human keratinocytes from neonates. Cultured human keratinocytes incubated with antisera specific for SS-A/Ro or SS-B/La Ag were fixed with either acetone or paraformaldehyde and then analyzed in indirect immunofluorescent assays or by FACS analysis to detect cell surface IgG binding as an indirect measure of SS-A/Ro and SS-B/La Ag expression on the cell surface of keratinocytes. Estradiol (10(-5) to 10(-7) M) augmented binding of antiserum probes on the surface of cultured keratinocytes, with 10(-7) M estradiol showing the highest induction of cell surface binding of antisera specific for SS-A/Ro plus SS-B/La Ag (24.5% of cells were positive). In contrast, dihydrotestosterone, testosterone, and progesterone showed no augmentation. The augmentation by estradiol was partially inhibited by the antiestrogen nafoxidine. Estradiol augmented the relative incidence and absolute number of small or cuboidal cells binding antibodies specific for SS-A/Ro and SS-B/La Ag, whereas the number and incidence of larger differentiated cells binding anti-SS-A/Ro and anti-SS-B/La decreased significantly in cell cultures stimulated with estradiol. Flow cytometric analysis utilizing monospecific anti-SS-A/Ro or anti-SS-B/La sera showed that estradiol induced binding of anti-SS-A/Ro in 13.1% of cultured keratinocytes, of anti-SS-A/La in 14.4%, and of sera specific for both Ag in 21.4%. This direct association between estradiol and the augmentation of binding to the cell surface of human keratinocytes of IgG from antisera specific for SS-A/Ro and SS-B/La Ag may be a trigger factor of immunologic damage in lupus and may be important in the different sex rates observed in skin manifestation of subacute cutaneous and neonatal lupus erythematosis.  相似文献   
For 15 months, the composition and abundance of drift vegetation were determined from a plantdominated fringing reef at Galeta Point, Caribbean Panama. Five nets located downstream of the reef platform continuously sampled 1.0–1.3 ha of reef flat which included 137–202 m of fore reef. Time series and multiple correlation analysis were done to evaluate the dependence of drift biomass on selected physical and biological factors. Export and import rates and turnover times were derived and compared between the dominant species. Floating leaves, branches, and seeds of higher plants were the major components of imported drift with 52% of the dry weight mass, followed by algae and seagrass each with 19%, the water hyacinth Eichhornia with 2%, and floating tar with 8%. Exported biomass from the reef platform was higher in the dry-season (late November–March) than in the wet-season (April-early November). Within the 1.0–1.3 ha sampling area, export estimates ranged from 37–294 kg mo-1 for the seagrass Thalassia, 3–171 kg mo-1 for the alga Laurencia, and 3–74 kg mo-1 for the alga Acanthophora. Multiple correlation models indicated that meteorological and hydrographic conditions explained between 31 to 65% of the variance in the drift biomass and that the best predictors of exported biomass were tidal elevation and wind speed (3 week lag). Export rates increased with high tides and strong winds and decreased with elevated water temperatures. Autocorrelations of drift biomass were generally highest at 2 week intervals, suggesting that the quantity of drift removed from the platform was, in part, related to spring and neap tide cycles. Export rates were also affected by the morphology of the vegetation, development of uprights, and location on the reef platform. Import rates of terrestrial-plant debris, the hyacinth Eichhornia, the seagrass Syringodium, and the brown alga Sargassum did not exhibit pronounced seasonal patterns in abundance and averaged 60.2, 1.9, 1.1, and 2.7 g d-1m-1, respectively. Wind speed was negatively correlated with Sargassum abundance, suggesting that strong winds depleted it from nearshore waters. Floating tar averaged about 10 g d-1m-1, the highest reported in the Caribbean. The plant-dominated fringing reef at Galeta Point is shown to be a major source, as well as a recipient, of drift vegetation.  相似文献   
Summary We examined the immunocytochemical distribution of tyrosine hydroxylase, the rate-limiting enzyme in catecholamine synthesis, in the di-and mesencephalon of developing bullfrog tadpoles. Special attention was given to catecholaminergic innervation of the median eminence and pituitary. In premetamorphic tadpoles, tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive neurons were visualized in the suprachiasmatic and infundibular hypothalamus, the ventral thalamus, and midbrain tegmentum by Taylor-Kollros stage V. The number of labeled neurons in all these areas increased as metamorphosis progressed. By mid-prometamorphosis, labeled neurons appeared in the preoptic recess organ as well as in the posterior thalamic nucleus. The majority of cells in the preoptic recess organ, as well as occasional neurons in the suprachiasmatic nucleus, exhibited labeled processes which projected through the ependymal lining of the preoptic recess to contact cerebrospinal fluid. The modified CSF-contacting neurons of the nucleus of the periventricular organ were devoid of specific staining. By late prometamorphosis, labeled fibers from the suprachiasmatic nucleus were observed projecting caudally to enter the hypothalamo-hypophysial-tract en route to innervating the median eminence and pituitary. Labeled fibers arising from the dorsal infundibular nucleus projected ventrolaterally to contribute to catecholaminergic innervation of the median eminence and pituitary. Immunoperoxidase staining of tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive fibers and terminal arborizations in the median eminence were restricted to non-ependymal layers, while labeled fibers in the pituitary were observed in the pars intermedia and pars nervosa. Staining of tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive fibers in the median eminence and pituitary was sparse or absent in premetamorphic tadpoles, but became increasingly more intense as metamorphosis progressed.  相似文献   
Monocytes and lymphocytes form a second wave of infiltrating blood leukocytes in areas of tissue injury. The mechanisms for monocyte accumulation at these sites are not completely understood. Recently, however, fragments from extracellular matrix proteins including collagen, elastin, and fibronectin have been shown to induce monocyte chemotaxis. In this report we demonstrate that chemotactic activity for human monocytes is expressed when a 120-kDa fragment containing the RGDS cell-binding peptide is released from intact fibronectin or from larger fibronectin fragments. Monocytes, either from mononuclear cell Ficoll-Hypaque preparations (10-20% monocytes, 89-90% lymphocytes) or from elutriation preparations (95% monocytes, 5% lymphocytes), but not lymphocytes, migrated toward 120-kDa fragment preparations (10(-7) M) in blind-end chambers when the cells were separated from the chemoattractant by a 5-micron pore polycarbonate filter either alone or overlying a 0.45-micron pore nitrocellulose filter. Neutrophils migrated toward zymosan-activated serum but not toward 10(-5)-10(-8) M concentrations of the 120-kDa fragment. Intact fibronectin had no chemotactic activity for human monocytes. Fibronectin was isolated from citrated human plasma by sequential gelatin-Sepharose affinity and DEAE ion-exchange chromatography in the presence of buffers containing 1 mM phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride to prevent fragmentation. Controlled enzymatic digestion with thermolysin cleaved fibronectin into 30 kDa fibrin, 45 kDa collagen, and 150/160-kDa cell and heparin domains. Upon prolonged digestion, purified 150/160-kDa fragments were cleaved into 120-kDa cell and 30/40-kDa heparin-binding fragments. Even though the intact fibronectin molecule, the 150/160-kDa fragments, and the 120-kDa fragment, have cell binding activity for Chinese hamster ovary fibroblasts, only the 120-kDa fragment expressed chemotactic activity for human monocytes. Thus, the 120-kDa fibroblastic cell-binding fragment contains a cryptic site for monocyte chemotaxis which is expressed upon enzymatic cleavage of fibronectin.  相似文献   
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