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Summary The assessment of changes in immune competence due to cancer demands carefully controlled studies with simultaneous consideration of other factors such as age, sex, and general ill health. To determine the effect of each factor, immune competence was measured in 112 healthy individuals, 134 patients with benign disease, and 350 patients with cancer (breast, colorectal, and stomach) with a wide spectrum of parameters.In normal subjects, advancing age was associated with a significant reduction in percentage lymphocyte count (LC), absolute and percentage T cell counts, and responses to phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) and pokeweed mitogen (PWM). In patients with benign disease, advancing age was associated with depression of serum IgM levels, absolute and percentage LC, responses to PHA, and delayed cutaneous hypersensitivity (DCH) responses to tuberculin PPD (Mantoux), and dinitrochlorobenzene (DNCB), but elevation of serum IgA levels.No significant sex effects were demonstrated in either group of subjects.The effects of general ill health were determined by comparing individuals in good health (normal subjects and patients with minor benign breast disease) with those who had poor health (patients with significant benign gastrointestinal disease). The latter showed significant depression of DNCB sensitivity and lymphocyte reactivity to PHA, whereas total WBC and LC were significantly elevated.To determine the effects due to cancer, controls were matched for their general state of health and site of disease, in addition to completing all studies prior to any form of therapy. Age differences were corrected for by application of the findings of the above study. This age correction resulted in marked alterations in the significance of observed differences between cancer patients and controls. The previous significance of many differences either disappeared or was reduced, although in two instances significance was attained only after age correction. The only consistent immunodepression observed in the three types of cancer patient tested was impaired reactivity to DNCB. Responses were impaired even in early disease at all three sites.We have shown that the immunodepression exhibited by cancer patients is a summation of the effects due to age, general ill health, and malignancy. Some of the changes previously ascribed to cancer are due to these other factors.  相似文献   
In this study we explore the relationships between intelligence test score, educational level, and degree of body fatness. We collected data on intelligence test score, educational level, height, and weight from a sample of 26,274 young Danish men and computed body mass index (weight/height2) as a measure of fatness. Both intelligence test score and educational level had maximum values below the median for body mass index and declined monotonically thereafter. The decline was equal for test score and educational level and above 32 kg/m2 corresponded to almost half a standard deviation. These results are not readily explained by stigmatization of frank obesity, and other mechanisms, possibly genetic, may be responsible.  相似文献   
Plasmids in Frankia sp.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A method to achieve cell lysis and isolate Frankia sp. plasmid DNA was developed. A screening of Frankia sp. strains belonging to different host compatibility groups (Alnus sp., Elaeagnus sp., Ceanothus sp.) showed that, of 39 strains tested, 4 (strains Cp11, ARgN22d, ArI3, and EUN1f) possessed plasmids ranging in size from 7.1 to 32.2 kilobase pairs as estimated from agarose gel electrophoresis and electron microscopy. A total of 11 plasmids were detected.  相似文献   
Genetic and developmental analysis of an X-linked vital locus vnd was undertaken. Embryos hemizygous for the original allele vnd did not hatch and exhibited a disorganized ventral nervous system (VNS). The mutation maps in the region 1B6-7 to 1B9-10, a subregion of an area previously shown to be essential to normal neural development. In this paper, we report isolation of five new alleles at the locus vnd. Genetic complementation analysis of all mutations at the vnd locus, with lethal alleles at adjacent loci, indicates that all lesions at the locus vnd affect only one vital gene function in the region. Four of the five alleles are embryonic lethal; one allele is subvital and behaves like an hypomorphic mutation. Hemizygous embryos for three of the four embryonic lethal alleles were inspected in histological sections; all exhibited disorganized VNS similar to the original allele. The developmental analysis in gynandromorphic genetic mosaics shows that (1) vnd+ gene function is not essential in most imaginal-disc cell derivatives, (2) only about 30% of the mosaic zygotes survive as adults, (3) mosaic zygotes with mutant tissue close to the head cuticle are least likely to survive, and (4) mutant tissue in the thoracic ganglion in the adult is not necessarily lethal. The mosaic data are consistent with the vnd+ gene function being necessary in neural cells derived from the anterioventral region of the blastoderm.  相似文献   
A pronounced interaction between calcium, magnesium, and boron was found in growth studies with Pinus radiata cell cultures. Quantitative isoactivity data for the interaction was analyzed in terms of selected simple and plausible theoretical models. The data was found to be consistent with a model in which a critical acceptor molecule is activated only by binding both Ca and B at separate sites; Mg competitively displaces Ca to inactivate the acceptor. It was found that B is, surprisingly, not bound strongly (Kdiss = 450 ± 80 micromolar) and that the affinity for Ca is two orders of magnitude stronger than for Mg. Therefore only a small proportion of the acceptor will be boronated under natural conditions. Moderate levels of mannitol were found to aggravate B deficiency due to its effective removal by direct chemical complexation. At higher concentrations of mannitol (or other sugars), where osmotic contribution is significant, little B was needed to overcome growth inhibition—a result consistent with B having a primary role in cell wall biosynthesis.  相似文献   
Summary The glucoamylase gene from Lactobacillus amylovorus was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. A genomic DNA library from Lactobacillus amylovorus was prepared by partially digesting genomic DNA with EcoRI and ligating random fragments to the EcoRI digested cloning vector, pZErO-1.1. Three E. coli transformants expressing glucoamylase were identified using a probe prepared from the STA2 glucoamylase gene from Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. diastaticus. The physical maps of the recombinant plasmids were constructed. These plasmids contained inserts of about 5.2 Kb, 5.9 Kb and 6.4 Kb respectively. Temperature and pH optima of 45°C and 6.0, respectively, were obtained for both recombinant and purified wild type glucoamylases. Also, the enzymes were found to be thermolabile at temperatures above 50°C.  相似文献   
Oligonucleotide (2-aminoethyl)phosphonates in which the backbone consisted of isomerically pure, alternating (2-aminoethyl)-phosphonate and phosphodiester linkages have been prepared and characterized. One of these single isomer oligonucleotides (Rp) formed a more stable duplex with DNA or RNA than its corresponding natural counterpart. Hybrid stability was more pH-dependent, but less salt-dependent than a natural duplex. The specificity of hybridization was examined by hybridization of an oligonucleotide containing one (2-aminoethyl)phosphonate to oligonucleotides possessing mismatches in the region opposite to the aminoethyl group. In contrast to oligonucleotides containing (aminomethyl)-phosphonate linkages, oligonucleotide (2-aminoethyl)phosphonates were completely stable to hydrolysis in aqueous solution. These oligonucleotides were resistant to nuclease activity but did not induce RNase H mediated cleavage of a complementary RNA strand. Incubation in a serum-containing medium resulted in minimal degradation over 24 hours. Studies of cell uptake by flow cytometry and confocal microscopy demonstrated temperature dependent uptake and intracellular localization. (2-Aminoethyl)phosphonates represent a novel approach to the introduction of positive charges into the backbone of oligonucleotides.  相似文献   
The role of ABA in the induction of freezing tolerance was investigatedin two wheat (T. aestivum L.) cultivars, Glenlea (spring var)and Fredrick (winter var). Exogenous application of ABA (5x10–5M for 5 days at 24°C) increased the freezing tolerance ofintact plants by only 3°C (LT50) in both cultivars. Maximalfreezing tolerance (LT50 of –9°C for Glenlea and –17°Cfor Fredrick) could only be obtained with a low temperaturetreatment (6/2°C; day/night) for 40 days. These resultsshow that exogenously applied ABA cannot substitute for lowtemperature requirementto induce freezing tolerance in intactwheat plants. Furthermore, there was no increase in the endogenousABA level of wheat plants during low temperature acclimation,suggesting the absence of an essential role for ABA in the developmentof freezing tolerance in intact plants. On the other hand, ABAapplication (5x10–5 M for 5 days at 24°C) to embryogenicwheat calli resulted in an increase of freezing tolerance similarto that achieved by low temperature. However, as in intact plants,there was no increase in the endogenous ABA level during lowtemperature acclimation of calli. These results indicate thatthe induction of freezing tolerance by low temperature is notassociated with an increase in ABA content. Using an antibodyspecific to a protein family associated with the developmentof freezing tolerance, we demonstrated that the induction offreezing tolerance by ABA in embryogenic wheat calli was correlatedwith the accumulation of a new 32 kDa protein. This proteinis specifically induced by ABA but shares a common antigenicitywith those induced by low temperature. These results suggestthat ABA induces freezing tolerance in wheat calli via a regulatorymechanism different from that of low temperature. (Received June 15, 1993; Accepted September 16, 1993)  相似文献   
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