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The Caenorhabditis elegans excretory cell extends tubular processes, called canals, along the basolateral surface of the epidermis. Mutations in the exc-5 gene cause tubulocystic defects in this canal. Ultrastructural analysis suggests that exc-5 is required for the proper placement of cytoskeletal elements at the apical epithelial surface. exc-5 encodes a protein homologous to guanine nucleotide exchange factors and contains motif architecture similar to that of FGD1, which is responsible for faciogenital dysplasia. exc-5 interacts genetically with mig-2, which encodes Rho GTPase. These results suggest that EXC-5 controls the structural organization of the excretory canal by regulating Rho family GTPase activities.  相似文献   
The Japanese morning glory carrying the recessive mutable speckledallele with the dominant speckled-activator bears colorlessflowers with fine and round colored spots distributed over thecorolla whereas the plant without the speckled-activator producespale yellow flowers. Previous chemical analysis has indicatedthat a mutation in the gene for flavanone 3-hydroxylase (F3H)is a likely candidate for the speckled allele. However, theF3HmRNA without sequence alteration accumulates normally inthe pale yellow flowers, indicating that the speckled alleleis neither the F3H gene nor a regulatory gene acting on theF3H gene expression. (Received April 4, 1997; Accepted June 2, 1997)  相似文献   
Previously, it was found that the ancient Chinese remedy of Suanzaorentang could be a promising anxiolytic drug (Chen and Hsieh, 1985a, Chen and Hsieh, 1985b). To understand the mechanism of the action of Suanzaorentang, the effects of Suanzaorentang on behavior changes and central monoamines and their metabolites were studied in rats. It was found that Suanzaorentang significantly (1) prolonged the period from the onset of clonic to tonic convulsions induced by pentylenetetrazol or picrotoxin, (2) prolonged the sleep duration induced by hexobarbital, (3) reduced locomotor activity, (4) enhanced the hypomotility induced by alpha-MT, (5) reduced the locomotor stimulation produced by levodopa plus benserazide, and (6) reduced central HVA, VMA, and 5-HIAA, but had no significant effects on central DA, NA, and 5-HT. These facts implied that Suanzaorentang decreased the turnover rate of central monoamines and central catecholaminergic activity.  相似文献   
tsJT60 is a nonlethal temperature-sensitive (ts) mutant of a Fischer rat cell line (3Y1) classified as a G0 mutant; i.e., the ts defect is not expressed within the cell growth cycle but is expressed only between the G0 and S phase. tsJT60 clones transformed with oncogenes such as adenovirus E1A, polyoma large T, polyoma middle T, v-Ki-ras, and LTR activated c-myc, or with a chemical carcinogen N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine, grew well at 34 degrees C. However, most of these clones grew slowly at 40 degrees C, producing many floating dead cells, and some clones were killed at 40 degrees C. When they were cultured under conditions inadequate for growth of untransformed cells, such as high cell density or serum restriction, they were killed at 40 degrees C. These and previous results from SV40- and adenovirus-transformed tsJT60 clones favour the idea that transformed tsJT60 cells occasionally enter the G0 phase and are metabolically imbalanced at 40 degrees C during self-stimulation from the G0 to S phase. We propose that a drug which exclusively block, G0-G1 transition would be cytocidal to transformed cells but cytostatic to normal cells.  相似文献   
The chromosomal gene for human phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase (PNMT; EC was isolated from a human genomic library using a cloned human PNMT cDNA as a probe, and the nucleotide sequence was determined. PNMT is encoded in a single gene which consists of three exons. We observed newly the presence of minor PNMT mRNA (type B) besides the major mRNA (type A) as reported previously (Kaneda et al., J. Biol. Chem. 263, 7672–7677, 1988) by Northern hybridization. Type B mRNA carries an approximately 700 nucleotide-long untranslated region in the 5′ terminus. This suggests that two types of mRNA are produced from a single gene through the use of two alternative promoters. A TATA-like sequence locates 30 base pair upstream from the cap site of type A mRNA. Upstream of the cap site, there are several sequences resembling Spl binding sites and glucocorticoid responsive elements, with the latter also found in the first intron.  相似文献   
The phoretic relationship between the egg parasitoidTelenomus sp. cf.euproctidis Wilcox and its host the tussock mothEuproctis taiwana was studied in Okinawa, Japan. One third of the female moths studied in the field carried female parasitoid adults. No male moths carried parasitoids. Parasitoids were observed only in the anal tuft of the moth. Laboratory observation revealed that most of the parasitoids left the body of the moth at the time of the first oviposition of their host and proceeded to lay eggs on the moth egg masses.  相似文献   
Antipsychotics represent high affinity for sigma receptors and sigma-like drugs often have the psychotomimetic properties. Besides, the receptors are unevenly distributed in human brain. These findings suggest that sigma receptors might be involved in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia. Sigma receptors in rat and human brain were measured with [3H]-1, 3, di-o-tolylguanidine (DTG) and non-specific binding of [3H]DTG was determined in the presence of 10–5M haloperidol. Monovalent and divalent cations strongly inhibited [3H]DTG binding. Glutamate, aspartate and glycine also decreased the binding to human cerebral membranes. With post-mortem brain samples from 12 schizophrenics and 10 controls, sigma receptors were measured in 17 areas of cerebral cortex. Sigma receptors binding showed the regional differences in the cortex, but no significant differences between schizophrenics and controls were observed except the superior parietal cortex where the binding significantly increased in the schizophrenic group. These results suggest that sigma receptors in cerebral cortices might not be directly concerned with the pathophysiological role in schizophrenia.Dedicated to Dr. Morris Aprison. Received too late for publication in special issue.  相似文献   
A method was developed for determining the number of nuclei of hepatocytes cultured on collagen gel using a nonionic detergent, Nikkol BO-10TX. The cells were recovered in a test tube after solubilizing the gel by incubating it with the detergent in 0.1 M citric acid and then centrifuging the mixture. Nuclei were isolated from the cells with the same detergent solution and collected by centrifugation. The numbers of nuclei in cultures, scored with a hemocytometer or an electronic particle counter, were proportional to the lactate dehydrogenase activities of the cells. This method was also applicable for scoring the number of nuclei of hepatocytes cultured on collagen-coated plastic.  相似文献   
Amphibian zygotes microinjected with the cytoplasm or cytosol of unactivated eggs are arrested at metaphase of mitosis. The activity responsible for this effect has been designated primary "cytostatic factor (CSF)." Primary CSF disappears from the cytoplasm after egg activation, as well as from cytosols after addition of Ca2+. In the present study, using fresh cytosols of Rana pipiens eggs, a unit of CSF activity was defined as the dose required to arrest 50% of the recipients, and the specific activity of a cytosol was expressed in units per microgram protein. Specific activities of cytosols prepared with the one-step centrifugation method employed in the present study were double the activities in cytosols obtained by the previously described two-step procedure. During storage at 2 degrees C, CSF specific activity in cytosols fell rapidly within hours of extraction and disappeared completely within 2 days. However, if NaF and ATP were added to fresh cytosols, specific activities increased within hours and remained high for at least several days. Addition of gamma-S-ATP also significantly increased the longevity of the activity during storage at 2 degrees C. Further, it was found that primary CSF activity could be recovered by ATP additions to cytosols in which residual activity was still present, but no activity was recovered by ATP addition if cytosols had completely lost activity. When Ca2+ was added to cytosols to which NaF and ATP had been added, CSF was inactivated more slowly than in control cytosols without NaF and ATP additions. Therefore, it appears that maintenance of primary CSF activity in vitro requires protein phosphorylation and that protein dephosphorylation is involved with its inactivation. Also, we compared the sensitivities to primary CSF of Xenopus laevis and R. pipiens two-cell embryos. In order to arrest 50% of recipients, the concentration of primary CSF in Xenopus blastomeres was three times higher than in Rana blastomeres.  相似文献   
The composition and positional distribution of fatty acids inmonogalactosyldiacylglycerol, digalactosyldiacylglycerol, phosphatidylglyceroland sulphoquinovosyldiacylglycerol from two cyanobacteria, Anacystisnidulans and Synechococcus sp. grown at 25°C have been determinedand compared with measurements of the phase separation temperaturesof the lipids. Only monogalactosyldiacylglycerol in Anacystisand sulphoquinovosyldiacylglycerol in Synechococcus showed phaseseparation temperatures above 0°C. The phase transitiontemperature of a sample of sulphoquinovosyldiacylglycerol containingover 90% of the dihexadecanoyl molecular species has been determinedto be 43°C for the Na+ salt and 38°C for the Mg++ salt. *Deceased. September 14, 1986. (Received June 25, 1986; Accepted August 25, 1986)  相似文献   
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