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H. Ohsaki, T. Hirouchi, N. Hayashi, E. Okanoue, M. Ohara, N. Kuroda, E. Hirakawa and Y. Norimatsu
Diagnostic value of urine erythrocyte morphology in the detection of glomerular disease in SurePath? liquid‐based cytology compared with fresh urine sediment examination Objective: To assess whether the morphology of urine erythrocytes can be an effective tool for distinguishing glomerular disease from lower urinary tract disease in SurePath? liquid‐based cytology (SP‐LBC). Methods: We examined four morphological parameters of erythrocytes: (1) irregular erythrocytes (of all types including fragmented forms) comprising greater than or equal to 20% of erythrocytes; (2) uniform erythrocytes (>80%); (3) doughnut or target‐like shaped (D/T) erythrocytes (≥1%); and (4) acanthocytes (≥1%) in glomerular disease (n = 32) and lower urinary tract disease (n = 20) with SP‐LBC slides in cases that had also been assessed by fresh urine sediment examination. Results: Sensitivity of D/T erythrocytes and acanthocytes (dysmorphic erythrocytes) for glomerular disease were 100% and 87.5%, respectively, with urine sediment examination, and 81.3% and 46.9%, respectively, in SP‐LBC slides. Specificity was 100% for D/T erythrocytes and acanthocytes using either procedure. While irregular erythrocytes were specific for glomerular disease using urine sediment examination, they were seen in 70% of those with lower urinary tract disease using SP‐LBC slides as a result of the deformation of erythrocytes by the fixative. Conclusions: Although the sensitivity of D/T erythrocytes and acanthocytes for glomerular disease was lower in SP‐LBC slides than fresh urine sediment examination, their specificity was equally high. Therefore, urine erythrocyte morphology is useful in the detection of glomerular disease with the SP‐LBC slides. However, morphological features apart from D/T erythrocytes and acanthocytes are not useful in SP‐LBC slides.  相似文献   
The formation of multinucleated giant cells (MGCs) from monocytes/macrophages is controlled by various cytokines, the roles of which are not fully understood. Both interleukin (IL)-4 and 1alpha,25(OH)(2) vitamin D(3) (D(3)) are known to induce MGC formation from monocytes/macrophages. D(3) is also known as a stimulator of osteoclast formation in the presence of stroma cells, and IL-4 as an inhibitor. Previously, we showed that IL-4-induced MGCs from monocytes/macrophages expressed tartrate resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) activity and hydroxyapatite-resorptive activity in the presence of M-CSF without stroma cells. In this study, we examined the effects of D(3) and/or IL-4 on MGC formation and the characteristics of these MGCs using a monoblastic cell line (UG3), to elucidate the involvement of these factors in osteoclast development without stroma cells. D(3)-induced MGCs showed none of the markers of osteoclasts, such as TRAP activity, calcitonin receptor (cal-R) expression, hydroxyapatite-resorptive activity, and bone-resorptive activity. A low concentration of D(3) synergistically stimulated IL-4-induced TRAP-positive MGC formation, whereas a high concentration of D(3) inhibited it. When IL-4 was added on day 7 of the 2-week culture with D(3), TRAP positivity reached maximum. On the other hand, delayed addition of D(3) on day 7 of culture did not increase the TRAP positivity. Although the fusion rate increased during the first week of the 2-week culture in the presence of D(3), it increased further in the second week following the addition of IL-4 on day 7. Furthermore, IL-4-induced, or IL-4- and D(3)-induced MGCs differentiated into functional osteoclasts with bone-resorptive activity following coculture with osteoblastic cells, whereas D(3)-induced MGCs did not acquire bone-resorptive activity even after coculture with osteoblastic cells in the presence of D(3). These findings suggest that IL-4 initiates osteoclast development of UG3 cells, although stroma cells were necessary for development of functional osteoclasts. On the other hand, D(3) had only a "supportive" effect on this differentiation. IL-4 and direct contact with stroma cells may regulate different stages in the multistep process of osteoclastogenesis of UG3 cells.  相似文献   
Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine the utility of SurePath‐liquid‐based cytology (LBC) compared to conventional cytological preparations (CCP) in the identification of endometrial carcinoma. Methods: During a 13‐month period, direct endometrial samples were collected from 120 patients using the Uterobrush. The material comprised 30 cases each of endometrial carcinoma, proliferative endometrium, secretory endometrium and atrophic endometrium. The following points were investigated:(i) the frequency of cell clumps in endometrial carcinoma; (ii) the area of cell nuclei; (iii) overlapping nuclei. Results: (i) Comparison of the frequency of cell clumps with irregular protrusion pattern and papillo‐tubular pattern showed no statistically significant difference in either type of cell clump between CCP and LBC. (ii) Comparison of the nuclear area of cells showed a sequential decrease from endometrial carcinoma to secretory endometrium, to proliferative endometrium and to atrophic endometrium, which was significant in CCP and LBC. (iii) Nuclear area was significantly lower with LBC compared with CCP in endometrial carcinoma, secretory endometrium and proliferative endometrium but not atrophic endometrium. (iv) Comparison of the degree of overlapping nuclei showed a sequential decrease from endometrial carcinoma to proliferative endometrium, to secretory endometrium and to atrophic endometrium, which was significant in both CCP and LBC. (v) Comparison of the degree of overlapping nuclei between CCP and LBC showed no significant difference for normal types of endometrium, but LBC had significantly higher values (P < 0.0001) in endometrial carcinoma than in CCP. Conclusions: The results of this study revealed that applying diagnostic criteria used in CCP to LBC was easy to achieve, because LBC had excellent cytoarchitectural preservation and cells were well presented. Although we have not examined all cytological features of malignancy and have not considered atypical hyperplasia, we believe that this method may be a useful tool in the diagnosis of endometrial cytology.  相似文献   
H. Ohsaki, E. Hirakawa, M. Nakamura, Y. Norimatsu, H. Kiyomoto and R. Haba Expression of vimentin and high‐molecular‐weight cytokeratin (clone 34ßE12) in differentiating reactive renal tubular cells from low‐grade urothelial carcinoma cells in voided urine Objective: Reactive renal tubular cells show features of an atypical repair reaction. Differentiation between reactive renal tubular cells and low‐grade urothelial carcinoma (LG‐UC) cells can therefore be a diagnostic challenge based on morphology alone. In this study, we evaluated the diagnostic utility of vimentin and a high‐molecular‐weight cytokeratin antibody (clone 34ßE12) in differentiating reactive renal tubular cells from LG‐UC. Methods: We evaluated voided urine cytology and surgical specimens from 40 patients with renal disease, and 17 patients with LG‐UC. All slides were stained with vimentin and 34ßE12. Results: In the reactive renal tubular cells in voided urine cytology, vimentin showed strong cytoplasmic staining in 39/40 (97.5%) cases, but all were negative for 34ßE12. LG‐UC cells showed positive staining for 34ßE12 in 3/17 (17.6%) cases, whereas none were positivity for vimentin. The reactive renal tubular cells of histological specimens in the renal disease group demonstrated positive for vimentin in all 40 cases and all were negative for 34ßE12. The LG‐UC group showed abnormal staining for 34ßE12 in 4/17 (23.5%) cases, whereas none were positive for vimentin. Conclusions: Vimentin expression in urine cytology can help to distinguish reactive renal tubular cells from LG‐UC. However, 34ßE12 does not appear to be a useful adjunct to distinguish these two groups in voided urine cytology.  相似文献   
The sol-gel transition of gelatin, measured by thermal analysis and viscosity measurement, was analyzed in terms of the change in hydration state of polymer molecules. A new thermodynamic model was proposed in which the effect of water potential is explicitly taken into account for the evaluation of the free energy change in the sol-gel transition process. Because of the large number of water molecules involved and the small free energy change in the transition process, the contribution of water activity, a(W), was proved to be not negligible in the sol-gel transition process in solutions containing such low-molecular cosolutes as sugars, glycerol, urea, and formamide. The gel-stabilization effect of sugars and glycerol was linear with a(W), which seemed consistent with the contribution of water potential in the proposed model. The different stabilization effect among sugars and glycerol was explained by the difference in solvent ordering, which affects hydrophobic interaction among protein molecules. The gel-destabilization effect of urea and formamide could be explained only by the direct binding of them to protein molecules through hydrogen bonding. On the contrary, the polymer-polymer interaction, measured by the viscosity analysis, in polyethyleneglycol and dextran solutions was not sensitive to the change in a(W), suggesting that no substantial change in hydration state with a(W) occurred in these polymer solutions.  相似文献   
The changes in the interaction between food proteins and water and in their surface functional property during enzymatic hydrolysis were investigated. Ovalbumin, a soy protein isolate (SPI), and casein were hydrolyzed with trypsin, and the degree of hydrolysis, water activity a(w), and foaming capacity of each hydrolysate were measured. Ovalbumin showed the minimum value for a(w), and the values for SPI and casein progressively decreased during hydrolysis. Therefore, the activity coefficient of water, gamma(w) (=a(w)/x(w), where x(w) is the mole fraction of water) was obtained to remove the influence of mole change and to examine the interaction of protein hydrolysates with water. In order to calculate x(w) in a sample during protein hydrolysis, a method for roughly estimating the number of moles of the protein hydrolysate in a solution was developed. The strategy was to modify the TNBS (2,4,6-trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid) method and to combine this method with the modified Ellman method and the determination of lysine by an amino acid analyzer. During enzymatic hydrolysis, each protein sample showed a minimum gamma(w) value and maximum foaming capacity.  相似文献   
S-Adenosyl-L-methionine : scoulerine-9-O-methyltransferase (SMT)catalyzes the transfer of the S-methyl group of S-adenosyl-L-methionineto the 9-hydroxyl group of scoulerine during the biosynthesisof berberine. We have isolated functionally active cDNA clones(pCJSMTs) from a cDNA library prepared from cultured cells ofCoptis japonica. The longest cDNA insert (pCJSMT1) had an openreading frame that encoded 351 amino acids, but the calculatedmolecular mass (38,364 Da) of the deduced product was slightlylower than the experimentally determined molecular mass of purifiedSMT. Rapid amplification of the 5' end of the cDNA indicatedthat the full-length cDNA of SMT consisted of 1,458 nucleotidesthat encoded 381 amino acids. When the full-length cDNA wasexpressed in E. coli, the molecular mass of the expressed SMTwas greater than that of native SMT in Coptis cells. This resultsuggests that SMT might be produced in a pre-mature form andprocessed post-translationally. SMT was also found to exhibitsequence homology to other O-methyltransferases from plantsand N-terminal region of the SMT polypeptide appeared to benecessary for enzymatic activity. 1Present address: High Quality Life Research Laboratories, SumitomoMetal Industries, Ltd., 3-5 Hikaridai, Seika, Sourakugun, Kyoto,619-02 Japan 2Present address: Suntory Research Center, 1-1-1 Wakayamadai,Shimamoto, Mishima-gun, Osaka, 618 Japan 3Present address: Department of Cell Biology, The Scripps ResearchInstitute, La Jolla, CA 92037 U.S.A.  相似文献   
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