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Synaptosomal membrane proteins solubilized with 8% CHAPS-8 M urea were analyzed with twodimensional electrophoresis (2DE). The membrane proteins were resolved up to 250 spots on a 2DE map, ranging in isoelectric points (pI) from 3.5 to 10.0 and molecular weights (MW) from 10 kDa to 200 kDa. Comparison of the mapped proteins of synaptosomal membranes with those of myelin and mitochondorial membranes revealed that synaptosomal membrane proteins were characteristic in the area of pI from 4.0 to 7.5 and MW from 20 kDa to 130 kDa, and that at least 30 spots were synaptosomal membrane-specific proteins. Most of these 30 proteins have not been previously described, named, and characterized Serial numbers (from SY1 to SY30) were assigned to the proteins on the map in order to investigate them systematically. A preliminary attempt to separate synaptosomal membrane proteins was carried out using a reversed-phase HPLC system. Several proteins could either be isolated or enriched. SY10 (pI 4.6; MW 56 kDa) was one of these proteins, and was of particular interest for its unusual behavior on the reversed-phase column, and for its binding to an immobilized protein A-gel.  相似文献   
We isolated the small subunit of ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBisCO SSu) from a fern,Asplenium cataractarum and determined its 34 N-terminal amino acid sequence. We obtained a cDNA clone that contains the entire coding region of the SSu from the same fern species, using synthetic oligonucleotide probes derived from the above amino acid sequence. It contains a 525 bp open reading frame capable of coding for a polypeptide with 174 amino acids, 31 bp 5′-and 206 bp 3′-noncoding regions. It was also elucidated that the precursor to the SSu contains a transit peptide of 53 amino acid residues and a mature protein of 121 residues. We compared the deduced amino acid sequence of the fern SSu with those of 11 other vascular plant species (including gymnosperms, monocots and dicots). As low as 55% homology was observed between those of a fern and seed plants. Constancy of the amino acid substitution rate in RuBisCO SSu was supported by our relative rate test. Amino acid substitution rate per year per site for RuBisCO SSu was calculated to be 0.81×10−9 assuming that the separation between pteridophytes and seed plants arose 380 million years ago.  相似文献   
Concanavalin A (Con A)-binding proteins obtained from solubilized synaptosomal membranes of bovine brain were analyzed by two-dimensional electrophoresis (2DE), and were identified by peroxidase conjugated Con A (Con A-peroxidase staining), after transfer from 2DE gel to nitrocellulose paper. The Con A-binding proteins were resolved up to 40 spots, ranging in isoelectric points (pI) from 4.5 to 8.0 and molecular weight (MW) from 10 kDa to 120 kDa. Most of the Con A-binding proteins were streaked across a pH gradient and/or exhibited as multiple spots, indicating broad charge and molecular weight heterogeneity. The presence of protein groups that showed high affinities for Con A were revealed. Most interesting group (named GP51), which consisted of seven spots separated horizontally in charge heterogeneity (pI5.85-7.5) with MW 51kDa, was characterized by its binding to an immobilized protein A gel. This implies that GP51 is related to immunoglobulins and/or GP51 may be a new member of the immunoglobulin supergene family.  相似文献   
The relationship between O3 tolerance and the chloroplast H2O2scavenging system (PS I  相似文献   
Summary Human blood monocytes were isolated by counter-flow centrifugal elutriation from healthy donors and these noncytotoxic monocytes were rendered tumoricidal to allogeneic melanoma (A375) cells by activation with a synthetic acyltripeptide (FK-565), as assessed by measuring release of [125I]iododeoxyuridine in 72 h. When monocytes were treated with FK-565 for 16 h, and then fixed with paraformaldehyde, they showed cytotoxicity to A375 melanoma cells. The fixed-monocyte-mediated cytotoxicity to A375 cells was induced by the synergistic actions of FK-565 and recombinant interferon- (rIFN-), but not other cytokines [rIFN-A, rIFN-, tumor necrosis factor (TNF), interleukin (IL)-2, -3 and -6]. For synergistic activation of monocytes with induction of a membrane-associated antitumor monokine, the monocytes had to be incubated first with rIFN- and then with FK-565. FK-565 also acted synergistically with rIFN- to stimulate monocytes to produce membrane-associated IL-1 activity, which induced C3H/HeJ thymocyte blastogenesis in response to phytohemagglutinin P. The tumoricidal and thymocytestimulating activities of the fixed monocytes were almost completely inhibited by a specific anti-(IL-1) antiserum, but not by a specific anti-(IL-1) antiserum or monoclonal anti-TNF antibody. These results suggest that membrane-associated IL-1 of human blood monocytes can be induced by two activation signals (rIFN- then FK-565) at their suboptimal concentrations.Abbreviations IL interleukin - IFN interferon - TNF tumor necrosis factor  相似文献   
Photoinduced lesions in DNA, namely, cyclobutane pyrimidinedimers (CPDs) and pyrimidine-(6-4)-pyrimidone photoproducts[(6-4)photoproducts], in cucumber cotyledons that had been irradiatedwith naturally occurring levels of UV-B (290–320 nm) werequantitated by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays with monoclonalantibodies specific to each type of photolesion. Induction ofthese photolesions was dependent on temperature and their extentwas reduced by simultaneous irradiation with white light. Thedark repair of both types of photolesion was undetectable. Light-dependentremoval of (6-4)photoproducts was very slow, with 50% removalin 4 h. By contrast, 50% of initial CPDs were removed within15 min. Both photorepair processes were dependent on the intensityof white light and were sensitive to temperature. These resultsindicate that high photolyase activity is present in cucumbercotyledons and that repair activities in cucumber cotyledonsare different from those reported in Arabidopsis, in which (6-4)photoproductsare photorepaired more rapidly than CPDs. (Received October 13, 1995; Accepted December 28, 1995)  相似文献   
The food habits of the Iriomote catFelis iriomotensis were studied by analyzing 177 feces collected monthly from 1987 to 1988. A total of 26 food items were identified. The frequency of lizards and frogs in the feces was higher than those of mammals and birds. The food habits changed greatly seasonally.Eumeces skinks were fed on most frequently, and found in the feces with a similar high frequency occurrence in March–April and July–September, while their proportion to the total number of food items was larger in March–April than in July–September. The cats fed on larg-sized skinks, adultEumeces kishinouyei, more in March–April than in other seasons. The number of skinks sighted in the course of a road census was greater from March to August, and large-sized skinks were sighted more in March–April than in July–August. The cats fed selectively on large-sized skinks in every season. Therefore, changes in the food habits depended on the food availability. Characteristics of food habits in the Iriomote cat are discussed in comparison with the food habits of other felids in temperate and tropical regions.  相似文献   
Acidiphilium aminolytica is proposed for a species of the genusAcidiphilium. Acidiphilium aminolytica can be phenotypically differentiated from all other species of the genusAcidiphilium. The seven strains of this species that have been studied are Gram-negative, aerobic, mesophilic, non-sporeforming, motile, and rod-shaped bacteria. They grow between pH 3.0 and 6.0, but not at pH 6.5. They yield positive results in tests for hippuric acid hydrolysis, catalase and urease production. Oxidase, esculin hydrolysis, and -galactosidase tests are negative. They can used-glucose,d-galactose, inositol, sorbitol,l-lysine,l-glutamate,l-arginine, -alanine,dl-4-aminobutyrate,dl-5-aminovalerate, sperimine, or diaminobutane as a sole carbon source, but cannot use elemental sulfur and ferrous iron as an energy source. The DNA base composition is 58.7–59.2 G+C mol%. The major isoprenoid quinone is ubiquinone with ten isoprene unit (Q-10). The major fatty acid is the C18:1 fatty acid. Two ornithine amide lipids, the C18:1 fatty acid esters of -N-3-hydroxystearylornithyltaurine and -N-3-hydroxystearylornithine, are detected as the polar aminolipid. DNA relatedness between this species and the other species ofAcidiphilium, the generaAcidomonas, andAcidobacterium was 29 to 2%. These results indicate, that this new species should be placed in the genusAcidiphilium. The type strain (strain 101) ofA. aminolytica is JCM 8796.  相似文献   
The growth characteristics and intraspecies host specificity of Heterocapsa circularisquama virus (HcV), a large icosahedral virus specifically infecting the bivalve-killing dinoflagellate H. circularisquama, were examined. Exponentially growing host cells were more sensitive to HcV than those in the stationary phase, and host cells were more susceptible to HcV infection in the culture when a higher percent of the culture was replaced with fresh medium each day, suggesting an intimate relationship between virus sensitivity and the physiological condition of the host cells. HcV was infective over a wide range of temperatures, 15 to 30°C, and the latent period and burst size were estimated at 40 to 56 h and 1,800 to 2,440 infective particles, respectively. Transmission electron microscopy revealed that capsid formation began within 16 h postinfection, and mature virus particles appeared within 24 h postinfection at 20°C. Compared to Heterosigma akashiwo virus, HcV was more widely infectious to H. circularisquama strains that had been independently isolated in the western part of Japan, and only 5.3% of the host-virus combinations (53 host and 10 viral strains) showed resistance to viral infection. The present results are helpful in understanding the ecology of algal host-virus systems in nature.  相似文献   
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