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The gene encoding the circumsporozoite (CS) protein of the rodent malaria parasite Plasmodium berghei was cloned and characterized. A cDNA library made from P. berghei sporozoite RNA was screened with a monoclonal antibody for expression of CS protein epitopes. The resulting cDNA clone was used to isolate the CS protein gene from a lambda library containing parasite blood-stage DNA. The CS protein gene contains a central region encoding two types of tandemly repeated amino acid units, flanked by nonrepeated regions encoding amino- and carboxy-terminal signal and anchorlike sequences, respectively. One of the central repeated amino acid unit types contains the immunodominant epitopes.  相似文献   
Pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) was expressed in CV-1 (green monkey kidney) cells using a vaccinia virus transient expression system [(1986) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 83, 8122]. The system involved infection of cells with a recombinant vaccinia virus carrying the T7 RNA polymerase gene and transfection with a plasmid containing the mouse POMC sequence flanked by the T7 RNA polymerase promoter at its 5'-end and the T7 RNA polymerase terminator at its 3'-end. Assay of the medium from transfected cells showed that 1-2 micrograms of immunoreactive ACTH was produced/10(6) cells. Analysis of the same medium by SDS-PAGE/Western blots revealed a band of 30-36 kDa, which was immunostained with both ACTH and beta-endorphin antisera. Labeling the transfected cells with [3H]Arg, followed by immunoprecipitation and SDS-PAGE showed the synthesis of a major peak of POMC, 33 kDa. Purified [3H]POMC expressed by CV-1 cells was cleaved in vitro by bovine intermediate lobe secretory vesicle pro-opiomelanocortin-converting enzyme to ACTH intermediates (19-25 kDa), beta-lipotropin and beta-endorphin. Thus, this work has demonstrated a technique for expressing microgram quantities of prohormones in mammalian cells, suitable for use as substrates for prohormone-converting enzymes in vitro.  相似文献   
The nature of the interaction of high density lipoproteins (HDL), formed during lipolysis of human very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) by perfused rat heart, with subfractions of human plasma HDL was investigated. Perfusate HDL, containing apoliproproteins (apo) E, C-II, and C-III but no apo A-I or A-II, was incubated with a subfraction of HDL (HDL-A) containing apo A-I and A-II, but devoid of apo C-II, C-III, and E. The products of the incubation were resolved by heparin-Sepharose or hydroxylapatite chromatography under conditions which allowed the resolution of the initial HDL-A and perfusate HDL. The fractions were analyzed for apolipoprotein content and lipid composition and assessed for particle size by electron microscopy. Following the incubation, the apo-E-containing lipoproteins were distinct from perfusate HDL since they contained apo A-I as a major component and apo C-II and C-III in reduced proportions. However, the HDL-A fraction contained apo C-II and C-III as major constituents. Associated with these changes in apolipoprotein composition, the apo-E-rich lipoproteins acquired cholesteryl ester from the HDL-A fraction and lost phospholipid to the HDL-A fraction. The HDL-A fraction maintained a low unesterified cholesterol/phospholipid molar ratio (0.23), while the apo-E-containing lipoproteins possessed a high ratio (0.75) characteristic of the perfusate HDL.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
The biotransformation of isosorbide dinitrate (ISDN) by various tissues of the rabbit and rat was examined. Incubation of 2 X 10(-7) M ISDN at 37 degrees C with tissue homogenates of liver, lung, kidney, intestine, skeletal muscle, aorta, and erythrocytes from the rabbit and rat resulted in a significant disappearance of ISDN after a 30-min incubation (also, 5-min incubation for liver). The disappearance of ISDN in each tissue homogenate was accompanied by an equimolar production of the mononitrate metabolites, isosorbide-2-mononitrate (2-ISMN) and isosorbide-5-mononitrate (5-ISMN), with the exception of liver homogenates where the loss of ISDN could not be accounted for by mononitrate formation. The relative rate of ISDN disappearance in various tissue homogenates was for the male rabbit, liver greater than lung approximately intestine greater than kidney greater than erythrocytes approximately skeletal muscle approximately aorta; for the female rabbit, liver greater than kidney approximately lung approximately intestine greater than erythrocytes approximately skeletal muscle approximately aorta; and for the male rat, liver greater than intestine greater than erythrocytes greater than skeletal muscle greater than lung approximately kidney. A sex difference in the percent disappearance of ISDN was observed in homogenates of lung and intestine from male and female rabbits. In addition, a sex difference in the ratio of metabolite (2-ISMN/5-ISMN) formed by denitration of ISDN was seen in homogenates of lung, skeletal muscle, and erythrocyte lysate.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Synthesis of biologically active transforming growth factor alpha   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A 50-amino acid residue transforming growth factor, type alpha (TGF alpha), secreted in culture by feline-sarcoma-virus-transformed rat embryo fibroblasts, was synthesized by an improved stepwise solid-phase method with an overall yield of 31%. A deprotection strategy based on the SN2 mechanism using either a low concentration of HF or CF3SO3H-CF3CO2H in dimethylsulfide was employed to remove most of the benzyl-derived protecting groups. The more acid resistant protecting groups of Cys and Arg were removed by the SN2 condition using a high concentration of HF. Synthetic TGF alpha was purified to homogeneity in three steps. Synthetic and natural TGF alpha were indistinguishable from each other in HPLC and in different assays, including the assay for anchorage-independent growth of normal rat kidney fibroblasts in soft agar, binding, and stimulating to epidermal growth factor (EGF)-receptor protein kinase. Furthermore, synthetic TGF alpha showed similar biological activities when compared with EGF in these assays. Thus, the chemical synthesis of TGF alpha provided convincing evidence that TGF alpha is functionally related to EGF and is one of the active principles required for cellular transformation.  相似文献   
Genes involved in the biosynthesis of PQQ fromAcinetobacter calcoaceticus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
From a gene bank of theAcinetobacter calcoaceticus genome a plasmid was isolated that complements four different classes of PQQ- mutants. Subclones of this plasmid revealed that the four corresponding PQQ genes are located on a fragment of 5 kilobases. The nucleotide sequence of this 5 kb fragment was determined and by means of Tn5 insertion mutants the reading frames of the PQQ genes could be identified. Three of the PQQ genes code for proteins of Mr 29700 (gene I), Mr 10800 (gene II) and Mr 43600 (gene III) respectively. In the DNA region where gene IV was mapped however the largest possible reading frame encodes for a polypeptide of only 24 amino acids. A possible role for this small polypeptide will be discussed. Finally we show that expression of the four PQQ genes inAcinetobacter lwoffi andEscherichia coli lead to the synthesis of the coenzyme in these organisms.  相似文献   
Summary The major families of repeated DNA sequences in the genome of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) were isolated from a sheared DNA library. One thousand clones, representing one million base pairs, or 0.15% of the genome, were surveyed for repeated DNA sequences by hybridization to total nuclear DNA. Four major repeat classes were identified and characterized with respect to copy number, chromosomal localization by in situ hybridization, and evolution in the family Solanaceae. The most highly repeated sequence, with approximately 77000 copies, consists of a 162 bp tandemly repeated satellite DNA. This repeat is clustered at or near the telomeres of most chromosomes and also at the centromeres and interstitial sites of a few chromosomes. Another family of tandemly repeated sequences consists of the genes coding for the 45 S ribosomal RNA. The 9.1 kb repeating unit in L. esculentum was estimated to be present in approximately 2300 copies. The single locus, previously mapped using restriction fragment length polymorphisms, was shown by in situ hybridization as a very intense signal at the end of chromosome 2. The third family of repeated sequences was interspersed throughout nearly all chromosomes with an average of 133 kb between elements. The total copy number in the genome is approximately 4200. The fourth class consists of another interspersed repeat showing clustering at or near the centromeres in several chromosomes. This repeat had a copy number of approximately 2100. Sequences homologous to the 45 S ribosomal DNA showed cross-hybridization to DNA from all solanaceous species examined including potato, Datura, Petunia, tobacco and pepper. In contrast, with the exception of one class of interspersed repeats which is present in potato, all other repetitive sequences appear to be limited to the crossing-range of tomato. These results, along with those from a companion paper (Zamir and Tanksley 1988), indicate that tomato possesses few highly repetitive DNA sequences and those that do exist are evolving at a rate higher than most other genomic sequences.  相似文献   
Two human hepatoma cell lines, Hep G2 and Hep 3B, were screened for vitamin D3-25-hydroxylase enzyme activity by incubation with radioactive vitamin D3. A compound co-chromatographing with 25-OH-D3 was synthesized in both cell lines but its rate of synthesis was tenfold greater in Hep 3B than in Hep G2 cells. The identity of the compound was confirmed by comparing its chromatographic properties with authentic 25-OH-D3 on three different high pressure liquid chromatography systems. Its production was suppressed by adding fetal calf serum (10%), lipoprotein-deficient fetal calf serum, or pure vitamin D-binding globulin to the medium. The mechanism of action of these plasma proteins appears to involve retardation of uptake of the substrate. These two cell lines offer considerable potential as defined in vitro models for studying the effects of physiological factors on the 25-hydroxylation of vitamin D3.  相似文献   
We have studied the estrogenic regulation and the potential autocrine role of transforming growth factor alpha (TGF alpha) in the human breast cancer cell line MCF-7. A biologically active apparent mol wt 30 k TGF alpha was identified by gel filtration chromatography in medium conditioned by MCF-7 breast cancer cells. We previously reported induction of TGF alpha levels in medium by 17 beta-estradiol. We now report correlated increases in TGF alpha mRNA, by Northern and slot blot analysis, after estrogen treatment of MCF-7 cells in vitro. In vivo experiments confirmed these data: estrogen withdrawal from MCF-7 tumor-bearing nude mice resulted in a decline in tumor size and TGF alpha mRNA levels. To explore the functional significance of TGF alpha in MCF-7 cells, anti-TGF alpha antibody was added to MCF-7 soft agar cloning assays. Inhibition of MCF-7 growth resulted, supporting an autocrine role for TGF alpha. Further experiments using an anti-EGF receptor antibody expanded this data, demonstrating inhibition of estrogen-stimulated monolayer MCF-7 cell growth. Examining the generality of TGF alpha expression, 4.8 kilobase TGF alpha mRNAs were seen in three other human breast cancer cell lines, MDA-MB-231, ZR 75B, and T47D. Expression of TGF alpha mRNA was detected in 70% of estrogen receptor positive and negative primary human breast tumors from 40 patients when examined by slot blot and Northern analysis. Thus, we have demonstrated broad expression of TGF alpha in human breast cancer, its hormonal regulation in an estrogen-responsive cell line, and its possible functional significance in MCF-7 cell growth.  相似文献   
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