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Sterol carrier protein2-like activity in rat intestine   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A sterol carrier protein2 (SCP2)-like activity has been demonstrated in rat intestinal mucosal homogenates and in isolated intestinal cells from both crypt and villus zones. The results indicate the presence of a protein with similar molecular weight and antigenicity to that of authentic SCP2 purified from rat liver cytosol. Like liver SCP2, mucosal cytosol stimulates pregnenolone production in rat adrenal mitochondria and acyl coenzyme A:cholesterol acyltransferase activity of liver and mucosal microsomes. The distribution of SCP2-like activity as determined by radioimmunoassay indicates high levels in mitochondria and cytosol and relatively lower levels in microsomes and in brush-border membranes. The widespread distribution of SCP2-like protein in the intestine is consistent with potential transfer functions in all phases of cholesterol processing.  相似文献   
By using ethidium bromide fluorescence to measure cellular permeability and the photoaffinity probe, 8-azido-[32P] cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), to label cAMP-dependent protein kinases, washed bovine epididymal spermatozoa were examined for the presence of "ectokinases" on the sperm surface. In washed, intact spermatozoa, three proteins of Mr 49,000, 54,000, and 56,000 specifically bound 8-azido-[32P] cAMP. The Mr 49,000 protein corresponded to the type I regulatory subunit while the Mr 56,000 and 54,000 proteins comigrated with phosphorylated and dephosphorylated forms, respectively, of type IIA regulatory subunit of bovine heart. The addition of Nonidet P-40 (0.1%) increased the radioactive labeling of all three proteins and caused the appearance of a cAMP binding protein of Mr 40,000, which was likely a proteolytic fragment of the regulatory subunit. Although these data could support the concept of a surface location for regulatory subunits in spermatozoa, it was necessary to determine if the appearance of cAMP binding sites was correlated with the loss of membrane integrity. A population of washed epididymal spermatozoa appeared to contain 10-20% damaged cells based on ethidium bromide fluorescence. The same population of cells also had 10-20% of the regulatory subunits of the cAMP-dependent protein kinase accessible to labeling with the cyclic AMP photoaffinity probe. When spermatozoa were sonicated for increasing lengths of time, ethidium bromide fluorescence was found to be related directly to the relative amount of regulatory subunit labeling by the probe. It is suggested that the major apparent cAMP-dependent "ectokinases" in sperm represent artifacts resulting from cellular damage.  相似文献   
The trpD gene specifies a polypeptide which has both glutamine amidotransferase and phosphoribosyl anthranilate (PRA) transferase activities. Deletions fusing segments of trpD to the gene preceding it in the operon, trpE, were selected in strains carrying various trpD point mutations. The selection procedure required both that a deletion enter trpE and that it restore the PRA transferase activity which the parent trpD point mutant lacked. Deletion mutants were found which had PRA transferase activity although the first third of trpD was deleted. The existence of the mutants proves that a terminal segment of trpD is sufficient to specify a polypeptide having PRA transferase activity. The location of the deletion end points on the genetic map of trpD defines the extent of the trpD segment required for PRA transferase activity. This segment did not overlap the initial region of trpD required to specify the glutamine amidotransferase function of the trpD polypeptide. These results support the hypothesis (M. Grieshaber and R. Bauerle, 1972; H. Zalkin and L. H. Hwang, 1971) that the bifunctional trpD polypeptide might have evolved by fusion of a gene specifying a glutamine amidotransferase with a gene directing PRA transferase synthesis.  相似文献   
The phenolic acids and abscisic acid (ABA) of sugar pine ( Pinus lambertiana Dougl.) embryos and megagametophytes, separated by high-pressure liquid chromatography, were analyzed during 90 days stratification of the seeds. The phenolic acids occurred mainly as glycosides. Following hydrolysis, the majority of phenolics present could be identified as common benzoic and ciranamic acid derivatives. Levels of phenolic acids were relatively low in dormant seeds, but increased substantially in the embryos during stratification at 5°C, particularly cinnamic acid, p -coumaric acid, ferulic acid, and one unknown. This active synthesis during stratification did not support an inhibitory function for phenolic acids. During stratification at 5°C, changes in ABA levels in both tissues followed a triphasic pattern, with no loss during the first 30 days, a significant decrease the second 30 days, and a lesser decrease the last 30 days. Loss of ABA from moist seeds at 25°C occurred three times as rapidly, so that by 30 days the ABA level of these seeds was equivalent to that of seeds stratified 90 days at 5°C; however, dormancy was not alleviated at 25°C. Application of exogenous ABA (10−7 to 10−4M) to stratified seeds did not significantly reduce germination. Together, the above results did not support a primary role for ABA in the maintenance of dormancy in sugar pines.
A correlated increase in phenylpropanoid metabolism and respiratory capacity with increased germinability during stratification suggests that loss of dormancy may be more closely dependent on increased levels of growth promoters or shifts in metabolic pathways.  相似文献   
The relative metobolic turnover rates of labeled histone fractions and of their labeled acetyl groups were determined in random cultures of exponentially-growing mammalian cells. Both the parent histones and their acetyl groups were conserved, neither exhibiting detectable metabolic turnover. The significance of these observations is discussed.  相似文献   
The emerging resistance to artemisinin derivatives that has been reported in South-East Asia led us to assess the efficacy of artemether-lumefantrine as the first line therapy for uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum infections in Suriname. This drug assessment was performed according to the recommendations of the World Health Organization in 2011. The decreasing number of malaria cases in Suriname, which are currently limited to migrating populations and gold miners, precludes any conclusions on artemether efficacy because adequate numbers of patients with 28-day follow-up data are difficult to obtain. Therefore, a comparison of day 3 parasitaemia in a 2011 study and in a 2005/2006 study was used to detect the emergence of resistance to artemether. The prevalence of day 3 parasitaemia was assessed in a study in 2011 and was compared to that in a study in 2005/2006. The same protocol was used in both studies and artemether-lumefantrine was the study drug. Of 48 evaluable patients in 2011, 15 (31%) still had parasitaemia on day 3 compared to one (2%) out of 45 evaluable patients in 2005/2006. Overall, 11 evaluable patients in the 2011 study who were followed up until day 28 had negative slides and similar findings were obtained in all 38 evaluable patients in the 2005/2006 study. The significantly increased incidence of parasite persistence on day 3 may be an indication of emerging resistance to artemether.  相似文献   
When ecologically divergent taxa encounter one another, hybrid zones can form when reproductive isolation is incomplete. The location of such hybrid zones can be influenced by environmental variables, and an ecological context can provide unique insights into the mechanisms by which species diverge and are maintained. Two ecologically differentiated species of small benthic fishes, the endemic and imperiled prairie chub, Macrhybopsis australis, and the shoal chub, Macrhybopsis hyostoma, are locally sympatric within the upper Red River Basin of Texas. We integrated population genomic data and environmental data to investigate species divergence and the maintenance of species boundaries in these two species. We found evidence of advanced‐generation asymmetric hybridization and introgression, with shoal chub alleles introgressing more frequently into prairie chubs than the reciprocal. Using a Bayesian Genomic Cline framework, patterns of genomic introgression were revealed to be quite heterogeneous, yet shoal chub alleles were found to have likely selectively introgressed across species boundaries significantly more often than prairie chub alleles, potentially explaining some of the observed asymmetry in hybridization. These patterns were remarkably consistent across two sampled geographic regions of hybridization. Several environmental variables were found to significantly predict individual admixture, suggesting ecological isolation might maintain species boundaries.  相似文献   
Following sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, proacrosin has been identified in extracts of intact guinea spermatozoa as a major silver staining band which reacted immunologically with antibodies made against purified proacrosin from guinea pig testis. Proacrosin exhibited an approximate Mr of 50,000 and was rapidly converted to an Mr 45,000 protein following induction of the acrosome reaction with 2.0 mM CaCl2 and 1 micrograms/ml A23187. Apical segments isolated at pH 6.0 from guinea pig spermatozoa also contained a major silver staining band of Mr 50,000 which cross-reacted with antibodies to guinea pig testis proacrosin. Subcellular fractionation of spermatozoa indicated that proacrosin remained in the particulate fraction of homogenized spermatozoa and was enriched within the isolated acrosomal apical segment. When apical segments isolated at pH 6.0 were incubated at pH 7.5, proacrosin was rapidly converted to the Mr 45,000 form observed in spermatozoa undergoing the acrosome reaction. The conversion process in isolated apical segments was inhibited by leupeptin and was accelerated in the presence of calcium, magnesium, and manganese. Zinc completely inhibited the conversion of proacrosin to the Mr 45,000 protein. Neither proacrosin nor the Mr 45,000 protein were released into the supernatant fluid during the incubation of apical segments at pH 7.5. Furthermore, the proteins were resistant to solubilization by 150 mM NaCl and 1% Triton X-100 but were solubilized by treatment of apical segments with 1 M NaCl. These results provide evidence as to the identity and subcellular distribution of proacrosin in intact guinea pig sperm prior to zymogen conversion and suggest that isolated apical segments exhibit a subset of the exocytotic reactions leading to completion of the acrosome reaction.  相似文献   
L-Lactate dehydrogenase (L-LDH, E.C. is encoded by two or three loci in all vertebrates examined, with the exception of lampreys, which have a single LDH locus. Biochemical characterizations of LDH proteins have suggested that a gene duplication early in vertebrate evolution gave rise to Ldh-A and Ldh-B and that an additional locus, Ldh-C arose in a number of lineages more recently. Although some phylogenetic studies of LDH protein sequences have supported this pattern of gene duplication, others have contradicted it. In particular, a number of studies have suggested that Ldh-C represents the earliest divergence among vertebrate LDHs and that it may have diverged from the other loci well before the origin of vertebrates. Such hypotheses make explicit statements about the relationship of vertebrate and invertebrate LDHs, but to date, no closely related invertebrate LDH sequences have been available for comparison. We have attempted to provide further data on the timing of gene duplications leading to multiple vertebrate LDHs by determining the cDNA sequence of the LDH of the tunicate Styela plicata. Phylogenetic analyses of this and other LDH sequences provide strong support for the duplications giving rise to multiple vertebrate LDHs having occurred after vertebrates diverged from tunicates. The timing of these LDH duplications is consistent with data from a number of other gene families suggesting widespread gene duplication near the origin of vertebrates. With respect to the relationships among vertebrate LDHs, our data are not consistent with previous claims that Ldh-C represented the earliest divergence. However, the precise relationships among some of the main lineages of vertebrate LDHs were not resolved in our analyses.   相似文献   
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