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An essence of fresh Venezuelan mango fruit obtained by well-established procedures possessed the characteristic aroma of the fruit. It was analysed by GC/MS using both EI and Cl. The fruit produced a relatively small quantity of aroma volatiles (ca 60 μg/kg fresh fruit), less than that obtained from many similar tropical fruits. Terpene hydrocarbons comprised ca 68% of the sample, eight monoterpenes contributing ca 54% and four sesquiterpenes contributing ca 14%. Important constituents included α-pinene, car-3-ene, limonene, γ-terpinene, α-humulene, β-selinene, acetophenone, benzaldehyde and a dimethylstyrene. Car-3-ene (26%) was the major constituent, and on odour evaluation of separated components at an odour port during GC, the peak due to this compound was described as having an aroma of mango leaves. This compound has not previously been detected among mango volatiles. The only other component providing mango aroma was a dimethylstyrene, and this too is a new mango volatile.  相似文献   
A partition energy method procedure was applied to select the energetically favoured conformations of phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) as polar constituents of phospholipid molecules. The result indicated a large degree of freedom for the two torsion angles of the ester bond of the phosphate and a gauche, gauche star conformation for the ethane bond.A packing process of the molecule was carried out through a potential energy calculation by considering the conformers selected above, using previously published procedure and conventions. All the arrangements which possess the best packing energy values were characterised by an orientation of the PN dipolar segment parallel to the lattice plain. Rotation of the internal torsion angles and rotation in the eulerian space of the molecule produced differences in the charged groups that interact. An additional minimum was present in the energy packing process of those conformers which have the first torsion angle of the phosphate in a trans conformation. This minimum, which corresponds to an orientation of the molecule orthogonal to the lattice plane, requires a complete neutralisation of the point charges on the system.The results of the calculation underline the importance of changes in the behaviour of the polar group of the phospholipids in the packing process.  相似文献   
V Sica  E Nola  G A Puca  F Bresciani 《Biochemistry》1976,15(9):1915-1923
Sodium thiocyanate up to 0.5 M is compatible with a stable estradiol-t-receptor complex during sucrose gradient centrifugation; however, the maximum permissible concentration in 0.1 M during Sephadex G-100 and G-200 chromatography. When NaSCN 0.1 M is added to low-salt cytosol (approximately 7 mg of protein/ml); (1) age-dependent aggregation of receptor is inhibited; (2) peaks of estrogen-binding activity in sucrose gradients and on Sephadex chromatography are sharp; (3) instead of the usual larger molecular states ("8S") found in low salt, most of estrogen receptor is under the following form: 4.1S; Stokes radius, 36 A; mol wt 61 000; flfo, 1.25; homogeneous at electrofocusing, with isoelectric point at 6.0. When cytosol containing NaSCN 0.1 M is diluted down to 2-3 mg of protein/ml or, only for sucrose gradients, NaSCN concentration is increased to 0.4-0.5 M, the 61000 dalton species decreases, being substituted, without loss of bound estradiol-t, by the following estrogen-binding entity: 28S; Stokes radius, 28 A; mol wt 32 000; flfo, 1.44. In the presence of NaSCN, KCl up to 0.4 M does not affect in a significant manner the molecular properties of the above forms. When NaSCN is dialyzed out, most receptor reverts to a 8-9S state. When cytosol is preincubated with Ca2+ (4 mM) and KCl (0.4 M) before addition of NaSCN, the above picture is modified only in the following aspects: (1) Sephadex chromatography peaks are broader and slightly but reproducibly shifted toward higher elution volumes; (2) the electrofocusing pattern consists of a two-peak heterogeneous band shifted toward higher pH (isoelectric points 6.4 and 6.6); (3) upon dialysis of NaSCN there is little or no reversion to faster sedimenting states. These modifications appear to depend on limited proteolytic attack of receptor by Ca2+ -activated receptor transforming factor (RTF), not on binding of Ca2+ to receptor. Present data suggest that the 4.1S entity is a dimer resulting from side-by-side pairing of 2.8S subunits. Molecular dimension of larger receptor forms purified from cytosol are consistent with the hypothesis that under native conditions in vivo dimers are coupled end-by-end into tetrameric structures with two stronger (between subunits) and two weaker (between dimers) bonding regions, and that tetramers may further self-associate. While NaSCN reversibly releases native dimers and subunits by direct impairment of intersubunit bonds, Ca2+ activated RTF irreversibly and specifically releases slightly modified, about 60000 mol wt dimers, by preferential proteolytic attack of the weaker bonding regions and indirect destruction of involved bonds. In vivo, this effect of RTF may be instrumental in mobilization and nuclear penetration of receptor-estradiol complex. Heteroassociation of receptor with other proteins of cytosol is not excluded by the above hypothesis.  相似文献   
In long‐lived species, reproductive skipping is a common strategy whereby sexually mature animals skip a breeding season, potentially reducing population growth. This may be an adaptive decision to protect survival, or a non‐adaptive decision driven by individual‐specific constraints. Understanding the presence and drivers of reproductive skipping behavior can be important for effective population management, yet in many species such as the endangered African penguin (Spheniscus demersus), these factors remain unknown. This study uses multistate mark‐recapture methods to estimate African penguin survival and breeding probabilities at two colonies between 2013 and 2020. Overall, survival (mean ± SE) was higher at Stony Point (0.82 ± 0.01) than at Robben Island (0.77 ± 0.02). Inter‐colony differences were linked to food availability; under decreasing sardine (Sardinops sagax) abundance, survival decreased at Robben Island and increased at Stony Point. Additionally, reproductive skipping was evident across both colonies; at Robben Island the probability of a breeder becoming a nonbreeder was ~0.22, versus ~0.1 at Stony Point. Penguins skipping reproduction had a lower probability of future breeding than breeding individuals; this lack of adaptive benefit suggests reproductive skipping is driven by individual‐specific constraints. Lower survival and breeding propensity at Robben Island places this colony in greater need of conservation action. However, further research on the drivers of inter‐colony differences is needed.  相似文献   
Assisted colonization is a form of conservation translocation which introduces species at risk from extinction to new habitats, beyond their current range, in anticipation of more suitable conditions. Identifying which species, communities and ecosystems may benefit most from assisted colonization in coming decades is a key goal for conservation. Climate change is expected to lead to the loss or movement of suitable habitat for a range of species and anticipating which can be effectively conserved through assisted colonization is critical. Here, we identify a series of scenarios that may predispose terrestrial species to the need for assisted colonization in order to reduce extinction risk resulting from anthropogenic climate change and assemble a list of traits commonly associated with at‐risk species. These traits may help to provide broad‐scale guidance on how to select species to target for assisted colonization as a conservation management response to climate change. We also identify six key themes associated with successful conservation translocations including recipient site selection and preparation, a clear understanding of species biology and ecology, and taking lessons from invasive species research.  相似文献   
The effect of temperature on the activation of native fluctuation motions during molecular dynamics unfolding simulations of horse heart cytochrome c has been studied. Essential dynamics analysis has been used to analyze the preferred directions of motion along the unfolding trajectories obtained by high temperature simulations. The results of this study have evidenced a clear correlation between the directions of the deformation motions that occur in the first stage of the unfolding process and few specific essential motions characterizing the 300 K dynamics of the protein. In particular, one of those collective motions, involved in the fluctuation of a loop region, is specifically excited in the thermal denaturation process, becoming progressively dominant during the first 500 ps of the unfolding simulations. As further evidence, the essential dynamics sampling performed along this collective motion has shown a tendency of the protein to promptly unfold. According to these results, the mechanism of thermal induced denaturation process involves the selective excitation of one or few specific equilibrium collective motions.  相似文献   
We report the proton spin-lattice relaxation times (T1) of rat liver samples taken at different times after partial hepatectomy. The T1 values obtained are compared with those of liver samples from sham-operated rats and of liver samples from rats that had not undergone any surgical treatment. The results show that surgical stress significantly influences the T1 values of sham-operated rats both in their absolute value and in their dependence on the time after the operation, while it induces only a modest early increase of the water content. Possible effects of liver regeneration on 1H-T1 are almost completely concealed by the changes due to the surgical operation. These results emphasize the importance of the choice of a suitable control for T1 measurements in biological systems.  相似文献   
Armed deoxyhexose glycosyl donors are very reactive and sometimes too uncontrollably activated in glycosylation reactions; yields can be thereby reduced, especially when unreactive glycosyl acceptors are involved. In this paper, the behaviour of a range of deoxyhexose trihaloacetimidate (trichloro- and N-phenyl trifluoro-) donors is compared in some selected glycosylations towards biologically relevant targets. The selected N-phenyl trifluoroacetimidates often afforded best results in terms of both donor synthesis and glycosylation yield.  相似文献   
To further characterize the molecular events supporting the tumor suppressor activity of Scrib in mammals, we aim to identify new binding partners. We isolated MCC, a recently identified binding partner for β-catenin, as a new interacting protein for Scrib. MCC interacts with both Scrib and the NHERF1/NHERF2/Ezrin complex in a PDZ-dependent manner. In T47D cells, MCC and Scrib proteins colocalize at the cell membrane and reduced expression of MCC results in impaired cell migration. By contrast to Scrib, MCC inhibits cell directed migration independently of Rac1, Cdc42 and PAK activation. Altogether, these results identify MCC as a potential scaffold protein regulating cell movement and able to bind Scrib, β-catenin and NHERF1/2.

Structured summary

MINT-7211022: SCRIB (uniprotkb:Q14160) and MCC (uniprotkb:P23508) colocalize (MI:0403) by fluorescence microscopy (MI:0416)MINT-7210609: SCRIB (uniprotkb:Q14160) physically interacts (MI:0915) with MCC (uniprotkb:P23508) by two hybrid (MI:0018)MINT-7210759, MINT-7210792: SCRIB (uniprotkb:Q14160) physically interacts (MI:0914) with PIX beta (uniprotkb:Q14155) by pull down (MI:0096)MINT-7210883, MINT-7210820: SCRIB (uniprotkb:Q14160) physically interacts (MI:0914) with MCC (uniprotkb:P23508) by anti bait coimmunoprecipitation (MI:0006)MINT-7210634, MINT-7210690, MINT-7210731: SCRIB (uniprotkb:Q14160) physically interacts (MI:0914) with MCC (uniprotkb:P23508) by pull down (MI:0096)MINT-7211267: E6 (uniprotkb:P06463) physically interacts (MI:0915) with SCRIB (uniprotkb:Q14160), SNX27 (uniprotkb:Q96L92), UTRN (uniprotkb:P46939), CASK (uniprotkb:O14936), DMD (uniprotkb:P11532) and Dlg (uniprotkb:Q12959) by pull down (MI:0096)MINT-7211237: MCC (uniprotkb:P23508) physically interacts (MI:0915) with SCRIB (uniprotkb:Q14160), EZR (uniprotkb:P15311), SNX27 (uniprotkb:Q96L92), NHERF1 (uniprotkb:O14745) and NHERF2 (uniprotkb:Q15599) by pull down (MI:0096)  相似文献   
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