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Meloidogyne californiensis n. sp. is described and illustrated from bulrush Scirpus robustus in California. LM and SEM studies revealed that this species differs from other known species in the genus Meloidogyne especially by the prominent posterior cuticular protuberances in the female, the distinct shape of the perineal pattern which is marked by one prominent stria in the perineum, indistinct lateral lines, many broken discontinuous striae on both sides of the arch, and the excretory pore being located posterior to stylet base. Second-stage juveniles 448-628 μm long, stylet length 11-13 μm, styler delicate, with small knobs sloping posteriorly, cephalic region with 2 or 3 annuli, and inflated rectum. Males vary greatly in size (712-1,952 μm), stylet length 18-28 μm (mean 22 μm), cephalic region slightly set off the body with two or three annuli, spear heavy with massive rounded knobs, lateral field marked by four areolated incisures as seen by SEM.  相似文献   
Salinity had generally little influence on the water content of different parts of cowpea(Vigna sinensis L.), calabrese(Brassica oleracea L. var.botrylis) and red radish(Raphanus salivus L.) plants. Salinity showed a promotive effect on the growth of cowpea, while in calabrese the effect was either promotive or depressive depending upon the concentration of the NaCl, and in red radish plants salinity progressively suppressed growth. Total nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and sodium contents of cowpea leaves were not affected by salinity treatments, while in calabrese and red radish leaves the contents of N, P and K were generally decreased as the salinity level increased. Gibberellin (GA3) applied to salt-treated plants had either a stimulatory or inhibitory effect on the growth, water content and contents of N, P, K and Na in the leaves depending upon the plant type, the concentration of GA3 and level of salinity.  相似文献   
The ability of ethanol to reduce alpha-adrenergic receptor-mediated pressor responsiveness in vivo was investigated in chloralose-anesthetized male Sprague-Dawley rats. Catheters were inserted in the jugular vein and the femoral artery of rats for the injection of drugs and the measurement of blood pressure, respectively. Dose-response curves for phenylephrine and norepinephrine were constructed by plotting the change in mean arterial pressure following a bolus dose of the agent against the dose of the pressor agent used. Following construction of an initial dose-response curve, animals were challenged with either a 1 g/kg dose of ethanol or an equivalent volume of saline (iv) and the dose-response curves were repeated. Using a similar protocol, pressor responsiveness was evaluated in animals pretreated with either yohimbine (1 mg/kg) or prazosin (3.9 micrograms/kg), a dose sufficient to produce partial blockade of alpha receptor-mediated pressor responsiveness, and then treated with ethanol. Ethanol produced a partial blockade of alpha receptors when the animals were challenged with either phenylephrine or norepinephrine. This blockade produced by ethanol was shown to be similar to that produced by the receptor blocking agents used in this study. To rule out any nonspecific effects of ethanol in reducing vascular reactivity, some animals were challenged with angiotensin II both before and after treatment with ethanol, yohimbine, or prazosin and after both drugs were administered together. Ethanol, as well as the alpha 1- and alpha 2-adrenergic blocking agents tested failed to have any significant effect on angiotensin II-pressor responsiveness, ruling out any nonspecific effect of ethanol on the vasculature. It is concluded, therefore, that ethanol has alpha receptor blocking-like activity in vivo.  相似文献   
Salinity caused a consistent reduction in the growth of cowpea plants and water content in their leaves. The total as well as the pigment fractions, except carotenoids, exhibited lower values than those of control plants at almost all salinity levels. With the rise of salinization, the total nitrogen and potassium contents in the leaves were decreased but the sodium content was increased and phosphorus content was not significantly affected as compared with the controls. The application of IAA to salt-treated plants increased the water content in the leaves but it had no effect on the number of leaves and the stem length. The pigment contents in the leaves were either promoted or inhibited with the application of IAA, depending upon the level of salinization. The application of IAA to plants irrigated with water of the highest salinity level was effective in increasing the potassium content in the leaves as compared with the control, but it had no effect on the other mineral elements.  相似文献   
The interactive effect of salinity and presoaking in ascorbic acid or phyridoxine on germination, seedling growth, and some relevant metabolic changes ofLupinus termis andVicia faba seeds were studied. Germination studies indicated that broad bean tolerated NaCl salinity up to 240mM NaCl and lupin to 200mM NaCl. The lengths of roots and shoots and their water content, as well as dry matter yield, remained more or less unchanged up to the level of 80mM NaCl. Salinity induced marked progressive increases of carbohydrates and proline in broad bean and soluble protein in lupin seedlings, irrespective of the salinity level used. The other organic solutes (soluble protein in broad bean and carbohydrates in lupin seedlings) remained more or less unchanged at low and moderate levels of NaCl. However, under the higher salinity levels, in lupin the losses in carbohydrates were accompanied by increases in soluble protein, whereas in broad bean an opposite effect was obtained. The level of 40mM NaCl had a pronounced stimulatory effect on the all the variables studied. Presoaking seeds in either ascorbic acid or pyridoxine counteracted the adverse effects of salinity on germination and seedling growth as well as on some metabolic mechanisms of lupin and broad bean plants. The importance of these processes to the salinity tolerance of broad bean and lupin have been discussed.  相似文献   
The effects of attack by the three predaceous mite speciesPhytoseiulus persimilis Athias-Henriot,Phytoseius finitimus Ribaga andAmblyseius gossipi Elbadry on the development, reproduction and mortality of the two-spotted spider miteTetranyschus urticae Koch were evaluated after the prey larvae being exposed to attack by these predators for limited periods. Development of the surviving prey immatures was significantly prolonged; this influence was more distinctive when prey larvae were exposed to the predators for a longer period. The number of prey adults which died early was positively correlated with the length of the feeding period allowed to the predators. A substantial reduction in the number of eggs deposited by the prey females was noted, although the oviposition by the prey females was noted, although the oviposition period and adult longivity were not significantly affected.  相似文献   
The light-harvesting chlorophyll ab-protein complexes (LHCP) of spinach, pea, and barley thylakoids apparently contain four nonidentical polypeptide subunits of between 29,000 and 23,000 daltons on highly resolving sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gradient gels. Trypsin treatment of the spinach complex degraded at least the two major subunits by approximately 2000 daltons and resulted in a three-subunit pattern on gels. Proteoliposomes reconstituted with LHCP and the chloroplast diacyl lipids aggregated markedly in the presence of cations but vesicles containing LHCP prepared from trypsin-treated thylakoids did not. Amino acid analysis of native- and trypsin-treated LHCP indicated that the fragment(s) released by trypsin, which is essential for cation-induced stacking of thylakoids, contains lysine and arginine, but not aspartate or glutamate, and is thus cationic. Carboxyl groups on the surface of LHCP were charge neutralized using a water-soluble carbodiimide (1-ethyl-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimide) plus [14C]glycine ethyl ester. Only two or three sites were labeled per 26,000-dalton polypeptide equivalent and only a minor fraction of this (22–24%) was located in the surface fragment(s) released by trypsin. Both LHCP and LHCP proteoliposomes, after carboxyl modification, aggregated avidly at low salt concentrations. The findings suggest that exposed anionic groups on the surface of LHCP contribute to an electrostatic repulsive force between membranes which must be attenuated, either by cation binding or chemical neutralization, before membrane-membrane adhesion can occur. In line with this the binding of Mn2+ by LHCP (approximately four Mn2+ bound/26,000-dalton polypeptide equivalent) was sharply decreased after carboxyl modification.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Hyperthermia is considered one of the new therapeutic modalities for cancer treatment and is based on the difference in thermal sensitivity between healthy tissues and tumors. During hyperthermia treatment, the temperature of the tumor is raised to 40--4[DEGREE SIGN]C for a definite period resulting in the destruction of cancer cells. This paper investigates design, modeling and simulation of a new non-invasive hyperthermia applicator system capable of effectively heating deep seated as well as superficial brain tumors using inexpensive, simple, and easy to fabricate components without harming surrounding healthy brain tissues. METHODS: The proposed hyperthermia applicator system is composed of an air filled partial half ellipsoidal chamber, a patch antenna, and a head model with an embedded tumor at an arbitrary location. The irradiating antenna is placed at one of the foci of the hyperthermia chamber while the center of the brain tumor is placed at the other focus. The finite difference time domain (FDTD) method is used to compute both the SAR patterns and the temperature distribution in three different head models due to two different patch antennas at a frequency of 915 MHz. RESULTS: The obtained results suggest that by using the proposed noninvasive hyperthermia system it is feasible to achieve sufficient and focused energy deposition and temperature rise to therapeutic values in deep seated as well as superficial brain tumors without harming surrounding healthy tissue. CONCLUSIONS: The proposed noninvasive hyperthermia system proved suitable for raising the temperature in tumors embedded in the brain to therapeutic values by carefully selecting the systems components. The operator of the system only needs to place the center of the brain tumor at a pre-specified location and excite the antenna at a single frequency of 915 MHz. Our study may provide a basis for a clinical applicator prototype capable of heating brain tumors.  相似文献   

Copper(I)-catalyzed 5-endo-dig cyclizations of 5-(alkyn-1-yl)uracil derivatives had given poor yields of substituted furo[2 Robins, M. J. and Barr, P. J. 1983. Nucleic acid related compounds. 39. Efficient conversion of 5-iodo to 5-alkynyl and derived 5-substituted uracil bases and nucleosides. J. Org. Chem, 48: 18541862. [CSA][CROSSREF][Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar], 3 De Clercq, E., Descamps, J., Balzarini, J., Giziewicz, J., Barr, P. J. and Robins, M. J. 1983. Nucleic acid related compounds. 40. Synthesis and biological activities of 5-alkynyluracil nucleosides. J. Med. Chem, 26: 661666. [PUBMED][INFOTRIEVE][CSA][CROSSREF][Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]]pyrimidin-2-ones unless the uracil ring was substituted at N1 with alkyl or glycosyl groups. This limited flexibility for the synthesis of analogues with varied substituents at N3 and/or C6 of the furo[2 Robins, M. J. and Barr, P. J. 1983. Nucleic acid related compounds. 39. Efficient conversion of 5-iodo to 5-alkynyl and derived 5-substituted uracil bases and nucleosides. J. Org. Chem, 48: 18541862. [CSA][CROSSREF][Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar], 3 De Clercq, E., Descamps, J., Balzarini, J., Giziewicz, J., Barr, P. J. and Robins, M. J. 1983. Nucleic acid related compounds. 40. Synthesis and biological activities of 5-alkynyluracil nucleosides. J. Med. Chem, 26: 661666. [PUBMED][INFOTRIEVE][CSA][CROSSREF][Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]]pyrimidin-2-one core has been overcome with 5-(3-hydroxyalkyn-1-yl)uracil compounds with no substituent at N1. Manipulation of the side-chain hydroxyl group gives access to additional furo[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2-one analogues.  相似文献   


Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ) agonists are clinically used to counteract hyperglycemia. However, so far experienced unwanted side effects, such as weight gain, promote the search for new PPARγ activators.


We used a combination of in silico, in vitro, cell-based and in vivo models to identify and validate natural products as promising leads for partial novel PPARγ agonists.


The natural product honokiol from the traditional Chinese herbal drug Magnolia bark was in silico predicted to bind into the PPARγ ligand binding pocket as dimer. Honokiol indeed directly bound to purified PPARγ ligand-binding domain (LBD) and acted as partial agonist in a PPARγ-mediated luciferase reporter assay. Honokiol was then directly compared to the clinically used full agonist pioglitazone with regard to stimulation of glucose uptake in adipocytes as well as adipogenic differentiation in 3T3-L1 pre-adipocytes and mouse embryonic fibroblasts. While honokiol stimulated basal glucose uptake to a similar extent as pioglitazone, it did not induce adipogenesis in contrast to pioglitazone. In diabetic KKAy mice oral application of honokiol prevented hyperglycemia and suppressed weight gain.


We identified honokiol as a partial non-adipogenic PPARγ agonist in vitro which prevented hyperglycemia and weight gain in vivo.

General significance

This observed activity profile suggests honokiol as promising new pharmaceutical lead or dietary supplement to combat metabolic disease, and provides a molecular explanation for the use of Magnolia in traditional medicine.  相似文献   
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