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Immunological memory for T and B cells was studied in an in vitro culture system with spleen cells from mice primed with bovine serum albumin (BSA). Spleen cells taken from mice immunized at various times previously with a single intravenous injection of alum-precipitated (AP) BSA and bacterial endotoxin (ET) were cultured in Marbrook's system with dinitrophenylated (DNP) BSA as the in vitro antigen. In the cultures of spleen cells obtained from mice primed more than 14 days previously, an IgG-predominant anti-BSA response was generated. However, no anti-BSA response was observed in the culture of spleen cells taken from mice primed 7 days previously (day 7 spleen cells). The failure of day 7 spleen cells to generate an antibody response in vitro was shown to be attributable to both the lack of B memory cells and the effect of “suppressive” macrophages induced by ET. On the other hand, anti-BSA memory in the spleen of mice primed with AP-BSA plus ET and 2 months later challenged with AP-BSA matured within 7 days and declined rather quickly by 30 days after the challenge. The difference in the time course of the generation of memory between the spleen cells from primary and from secondary immunized mice might be attributable to the difference in the maturation of memory B cells, since the time course of the development of memory T cells after the secondary immunization was similar to that observed after primary immunization.  相似文献   
Purification of Protein Body-I of Rice Seed and its Polypeptide Composition   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Protein body type one (PB-I) was isolated and purified fromdeveloping rice grain by a combination of sucrose density gradientcentrifugation and treatment with pepsin. SDS-PAGE analysisshowed that isolated PB-I contains several polypeptide groups,the largest having an apparent molecular size of 13 kDa andtwo smaller ones of 10 kDa and 16 kDa. The 13-kDa group wasfound to be composed of two polypeptides of slightly differentmolecular sizes, 13a (larger component) and 13b (smaller component).Most of the 13a and 13b polypeptides were shown to be largelyprolamins, although there were also some salt- and alcohol-insolublepolypeptides with an apparent molecular size of 13 kDa. It wasconcluded that PB-I is the accumulation site of rice prolamin.It was further estimated that the protein amount in PB-I accountedfor about 20% of the total protein of rice endosperm. (Received March 20, 1987; Accepted September 8, 1987)  相似文献   
Soluble extracts from nerve growth factor (NGF)-stimulated PC12 cells prepared by alkaline lysis show a two- to 10-fold greater ability to phosphorylate the 40S ribosomal protein S6 than do extracts from control cells. The alkaline lysis method yields a preparation of much higher specific activity than does sonication. Half-maximal incorporation of 32P from [32P]ATP into S6 occurred after 4-7 min of NGF treatment. The partially purified NGF-sensitive S6 kinase has a molecular weight of 45,000. It is not inhibited by NaCl, chlorpromazine, or the specific inhibitor of cyclic AMP (cAMP)-dependent protein kinase, nor is it activated by addition of diolein plus phosphatidylserine. Trypsin treatment of either crude extracts or partially purified S6 kinase from control or NGF-treated cells was without effect. These data suggest that the S6 kinase stimulated by NGF is neither cAMP-dependent protein kinase or protein kinase C nor the result of tryptic activation of an inactive proenzyme. Treatment of intact cells with dibutyryl cAMP or 5'-N-ethylcarboxamideadenosine also increases the subsequent cell-free phosphorylation of S6. This observation suggests that cAMP-dependent protein kinase may be involved in the phosphorylation of S6 kinase.  相似文献   
The inhibitory effects of proline-containing peptides and their derivatives on prolyl endopeptidases from Flavobacterium meningosepticum and bovine brain were compared. Replacement of the carboxyl terminal proline in N-blocked peptides with prolinal resulted in remarkable decreases in Ki values for both prolyl endopeptidases. Further reduction of the prolinal to prolinol led to a decrease in their inhibitory effects. Z-Pro-, Z-Val-, and Suc-Pro-prolinals were similarly inhibitory for both the enzymes with Ki values of nM order. However, the inhibitory effects of Z-Pyr-prolinal and Boc-Pro-prolinal on these enzymes were significantly distinguished: they strongly inhibited the mammalian prolyl endopeptidase with Ki values of nM order, while the Ki values of these compounds for the microbial enzyme were only of microM order. These results suggest that there are some structural differences in the S2 and S3 subsites between the two enzymes, though their substrate specificities are apparently indistinguishable.  相似文献   
Summary A hydrophobic substrate, 10-hydroxydecanoic acid having two functional groups (–OH and –COOH) in the molecule, was polymerized by ester bond formation with the polyethylene glycol-modified lipase in a transparent benzene solution. The polymer of 10-hydroxydecanoic acid was linearly elongated under a quite mild condition.  相似文献   
The replication origin region of the Escherichia coli chromosome was isolated from an outer membrane fraction. The chromosome was further purified by centrifugation in a cesium chloride gradient. Early replicative intermediates were enriched in the preparation when cytosine-1-beta-arabinofuranoside was added to the culture at the time of initiation of chromosome replication. DNA fragments with an eye structure having two branches of less than 400-500 bp in length were associated with components that were removed by phenol treatment. We conclude that the replication fork usually proceeds counter-clockwise toward the unc operon in the earliest period of replication.  相似文献   
Fibrinolytic system is one of the major proteolytic pathways in vivo and primarily responsible for dissolution of thrombi. Two enzymes are primarily involved in this proteolytic system; plasminogen activator (PA) and plasmin. Plasmin is formed by a limited proteolysis of plasminogen by PA, which is mainly synthesized by and secreted from vascular endothelial cells. This proteolytic process proceeds physiologically only on the surface of fibrin. Thus, initiation and progression of the fibrinolytic process depend on the function of endothelial cells and fibrin formation. Endothelial cells may also synthesize and excrete PA inhibitor (PAI) which inhibits immediately, PA once released. The rates of synthesis and excretion of PA and PAI by endothelial cells are regulated by various factors. Among them, thrombin stimulates the release of PA whereas activated protein C may decrease the release of PAI. Thus, both enzymes enhance fibrinolytic potential. PA which has escaped from inhibition by PAI binds to fibrin. 2-Plasmin inhibitor (2PI) inhibits the binding of plasminogen to fibrin, thereby suppressing this fibrin-associated plasminogen activation. A part of 2PI is cross-linked to fibrin by activated factor XIII when fibrin is formed, and the 2PI thus cross-linked to fibrin inhibits in situ plasmin formed on fibrin. Thus, 2PI as well as PAI plays a central role in inhibition of fibrinolysis.  相似文献   
Temperature dependencies of sprouting and germination were compared for subterranean perennating organs and seeds of ten closely related species of the genusDioscorea (Dioscoreaceae), a group of monocotyledonous summer perennials which are distributed from the tropics to the subarctic. The species used wereD. nipponica Makino,D. tokoro Makino,D. japonica Thunb.,D. tenuipes Franch. et Savat.,D. septemloba Thunb.,D. quinqueloba Thunb.,D. izuensis Akahori,D. bulbifera L. f.spontanea (Makino) Makino et Nemoto,D. pentaphylla. L. andD. alata L.; they are distributed from cold northern areas to warmer southern areas approximately in this order in and around Japan. Bulbil sprouting was also studied in those forming bulbils. Subterranean organs of the tropical species sprouted faster without any prior temperature treatment, whereas those of species from the more northern areas sprouted after prechilling. Northern species required longer, periods of prechilling for sprouting. On the other hand, with seeds or bulbils, the southern species required longer periods of prior temperature treatment for dormancy breaking. This difference in the length of dormant periods between seeds or bulbils and subterranean organs among the ten species may be related to their size and position of shedding; seeds or bulbils are small and are shed on the ground surface, whereas subterranean organs are large and are located below the surface. It is important to determine in other perennials whether the above relation between dormant features of seeds or bulbils and subterranean organs are common properties or not.  相似文献   
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