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Seminiferous tubule involution in elderly men   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The observation of different types of seminiferous tubules (from tubules with normal spermatogenesis to sclerosed tubules) in aging human testes points to the progressive stages of tubular involution in elderly men. The tubules with hypospermatogonesis (reduced number of elongated spermatids) show numerous morphological anomalies in the germ cells, including multinucleated cells. Abnormal germ cells degenerate, causing Steroli cell vacuolation. These vacuoles correspond to dilations of the extracellular spaces resulting from the premature exfoliation of germ cells. Degenerating cells that are phagocytized by Sertoli cells lead to an accumulation of lipid droplets in the Sertoli cell cytoplasm. The loss of germ cells begins with spermatids, but progressively affects the preceding germ cell types, and tubules with maturation arrested at the level of spermatocytes or spermatogonia are observed. Simultaneously, an enlargement of the tunica propria occurs. This leads to the formation of sclerosed tubules, some of which display a low seminiferous epithelium consisting of a few cells--including lipid-loaded Sertoli cells and both Ap and Ad spermatogonia--and others, showing complete sclerosis, are devoid of seminiferous epithelium. The development of tubular involution is similar to that reported after experimental ischemia, which also seems to cause nonspecific effects on the testis such as multinucleate cells, vacuoles, and increased lipids in Sertoli cells.  相似文献   
This histological study of the human ductus epididymidis in autopsy or surgical specimens revealed the presence of multiple intra-epithelial cavities or pits showing a variable degree of development. In their origin, cavities were surrounded by cells with the same staining affinity and ultrastructural features as the principal cells, except for the cavity basal surfaces that were supported by lower cells. The latter cells, although otherwise like the basal cells of the ductus epididymis, displayed short microvilli in the cavity lumen. When the cavities expanded the basal cells became principal cells, while the principal cells located at the top of the cavities degenerated, creating pits that opened into the lumen of the ductus epididymidis. The surface occupied by the pitted areas increased progressively between the end portion of the caput epididymidis and the corpus-cauda transition, where it decreased abruptly. This pitted pattern was observed in all the normal adult men studied and in the children with precocious puberty but not in the normal children or in the adult men with hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism. This observation suggests that the development of pitted cavities is androgen-dependent.  相似文献   
Tissue biopsies from (1) some chronic inflammatory diseases, (2) a necrotic tumoral process, (3) normal human lymphatic ganglia, and (4) two congenital diseases of the adrenal cortex were selected for study. A block from each biopsy was fixed in glutaraldehyde-paraformaldehyde; a second block was fixed in 10% formaldehyde. In all cases septate junctions between digestive vacuoles did occur in phagocytic cells and some adrenal cortex cells fixed in formaldehyde. These junctions were similar to those reported recently for malakoplakia phagocytes. Consistently, they were not found to attach organelles other than lysosomes derivatives. Both phagocytes and adrenal cortex cells in the material fixed in glutaraldehyde-paraformaldehyde did not display adhesive specializations between digestive vacuoles. This suggests that the septate junctions described herein are artifactuous structures induced by formaldehyde. There is, however, a certain degree of specificity of cells having the capability of developing these septate junctions. It is assumed that the coating material of digestive organelles in phogocytes and some other cells would be responsible for both cell specificity and organelle specificity of the formaldehyde-induced septate junctions.  相似文献   
Oocyte control of granulosa and theca cell function may be mediated by several growth factors via a local feedback loop(s) between these cell types. This study examined both the role of oocyte-secreted factors on granulosa and thecal cells, cultured independently and in co-culture, and the effect of stem cell factor (SCF); a granulosa cell derived peptide that appears to have multiple roles in follicle development. Granulosa and theca cells were isolated from 2–6 mm healthy follicles of mature porcine ovaries and cultured under serum-free conditions, supplemented with: 100 ng/ml LR3 IGF-1, 10 ng/ml insulin, 100 ng/ml testosterone, 0–10 ng/ml SCF, 1 ng/ml FSH (granulosa), 0.01 ng/ml LH (theca) or 1 ng/ml FSH and 0.01 ng/ml LH (co-culture) and with/without oocyte conditioned medium (OCM) or 5 oocytes. Cells were cultured in 96 well plates for 144 h, after which viable cell numbers were determined. Medium was replaced every 48 h and spent medium analysed for steroids.  相似文献   


Tenascins are a family of glycoproteins found primarily in the extracellular matrix of embryos where they help to regulate cell proliferation, adhesion and migration. In order to learn more about their origins and relationships to each other, as well as to clarify the nomenclature used to describe them, the tenascin genes of the urochordate Ciona intestinalis, the pufferfish Tetraodon nigroviridis and Takifugu rubripes and the frog Xenopus tropicalis were identified and their gene organization and predicted protein products compared with the previously characterized tenascins of amniotes.  相似文献   
The relationship between intracellular lysosomal rupture and cell death caused by silica was studied in P388d(1) macrophages. After 3 h of exposure to 150 μg silica in medium containing 1.8 mM Ca(2+), 60 percent of the cells were unable to exclude trypan blue. In the absence of extracellular Ca(2+), however, all of the cells remained viable. Phagocytosis of silica particles occurred to the same extent in the presence or absence of Ca(2+). The percentage of P388D(1) cells killed by silica depended on the dose and the concentration of Ca(2+) in the medium. Intracellular lyosomal rupture after exposure to silica was measured by acridine orange fluorescence or histochemical assay of horseradish peroxidase. With either assay, 60 percent of the cells exposed to 150 μg silica for 3 h in the presence of Ca(2+) showed intracellular lysosomal rupture, was not associated with measureable degradation of total DNA, RNA, protein, or phospholipids or accelerated turnover of exogenous horseradish peroxidase. Pretreatment with promethazine (20 μg/ml) protected 80 percent of P388D(1) macrophages against silica toxicity although lysosomal rupture occurred in 60-70 percent of the cells. Intracellular lysosomal rupture was prevented in 80 percent of the cells by pretreatment with indomethacin (5 x 10(-5)M), yet 40-50 percent of the cells died after 3 h of exposure to 150 μg silica in 1.8 mM extracellular Ca(2+). The calcium ionophore A23187 also caused intracellular lysosomal rupture in 90-98 percent of the cells treated for 1 h in either the presence or absence of extracellular Ca(2+). With the addition of 1.8 mM Ca(2+), 80 percent of the cells was killed after 3 h, whereas all of the cells remained viable in the absence of Ca(2+). These experiments suggest that intracellular lysosomal rupture is not causally related to the cell death cause by silica or A23187. Cell death is dependent on extracellular Ca(2+) and may be mediated by an influx of these ions across the plasma membrane permeability barrier damaged directly by exposure to these toxins.  相似文献   
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