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A medium was designed for the enrichment and enumeration of Vibrio fluvialis from environmental samples. The medium contains 1% peptone plus 4% sodium chloride and 5 micrograms of novobiocin per ml, pH 8.5. This V. fluvialis enrichment medium (FEM) was tested, in comparison with alkaline peptone (AP), in field samplings. A total of 177 samples (estuarine waters and sediment, sewage, and crabs) collected over a 14-month period were examined with FEM and with AP broth. Results showed that FEM was more effective than AP in detecting V. fluvialis, particularly from water and sewage samples with low salinities (less than 6%). The best recovery of V. fluvialis occurred when both enrichment media were used simultaneously.  相似文献   
Vibrio hollisae strains isolated recently from patients in various locations were examined for the presence of the thermostable direct hemolysin gene (tdh) using nucleic acid hybridization and polymerase chain reaction assays. The results were consistent with the previous finding that all strains of V. hollisae carry the tdh gene. In contrast, the tdh gene has been detected in a minority of strains for other Vibrio species (V. parahaemolyticus, V. cholerae non-O1, and V. mimicus). Detailed phylogenetic analysis showed that the tdh genes of the non-V. hollisae species were very closely related to each other and that the tdh gene of V. hollisae was distantly related to the tdh genes of the non-V. hollisae species. These results and the proposed insertion sequence-mediated tdh transfer mechanism suggest that the tdh gene may have been maintained stably in V. hollisae and that the tdh genes of the non-V. hollisae species may have been involved in recent horizontal transfer.  相似文献   
The gene (designated as Vh-tdh) of Vibrio hollisae 9041 encoding a hemolysin similar to the thermostable direct hemolysin (TDH) of V. parahaemolyticus contained a 567-base-pair open reading frame (ORF), which was 93.3-93.5% homologous to those of the tdh genes of V. parahaemolyticus, V. cholerae non-01, and V. mimicus encoding TDH or similar hemolysins. Comparative analysis of the nucleotide sequence containing the Vh-tdh ORF with published nucleotide and amino acid sequences suggested that the Vh-tdh gene and other tdh genes diverged from a common ancestral gene, that the divergence was closely associated with the evolutionary divergence of V. hollisae from other species of genus Vibrio, and that strain-to-strain variation of the Vh-tdh gene exists in V. hollisae.  相似文献   
Vibrio cholerae O1 strains isolated from various sources in Japan over the years 1977 through 1987 were examined to confirm the presence or absence of the cholera enterotoxin (CT) gene and production of CT and to determine the kappa-phage type. The CT gene was detected in none of 225 isolates from natural waters but was present in all of the 10 isolates from environmental waters implicated in domestic cholera cases, in 64 strains (26.6%) of the 241 isolates from imported seafoods, in 43 strains (95.6%) of the 45 isolates from domestic cholera cases, and in 119 strains (93.7%) of the 127 isolates from imported cholera cases. The results suggest that the CT gene-positive strains of V. cholerae O1 have been imported into Japan through seafoods and/or by travelers. Sporadic cholera cases have resulted in contamination of the surrounding environment, but the CT gene-positive strains may not have persisted in natural waters to serve as a reservoir for epidemic cholera. The commercially available VET-RPLA kit (a latex agglutination kit for immunological detection of CT) detected production of CT in all of the CT gene-positive strains, indicating that there was no silent CT gene in the test strains. There was a strong correlation between the kappa-phage type and the presence or absence of the CT gene, suggesting a significant clonal difference between CT gene-positive and -negative strains. Five CT gene-negative strains isolated from imported cholera cases (travelers with mild diarrhea) induced a considerable amount of fluid accumulation in rabbit and/or suckling mouse intestines, indicating production of an enterotoxic factor(s) other than CT.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Thermostable direct haemolysin of Vibrio parahaemolyticus has been shown to be a major virulence factor. The Kanagawa phenomenon (KP), haemolysis induced by this haemolysin on a special blood agar medium, is strongly associated with clinical strains. We have been studying the expressions of various tdh genes encoding this haemolysin to elucidate the significance of the tdh genes possessed by KP-negative strains isolated from patients. We examined the importance of the promoter sequence variation for expression level of the tdh gene in this study. Only the tdh 2 gene, one of the two tdh genes ( tdh 1 and tdh 2) present in a KP-positive strain, was previously shown to be responsible for the haemolytic activity of the KP-positive strain. The tdh 1– and tdh 2– lacZ fusions were used to determine and analyse the promoter sequence by primer extension and site-directed mutagenesis methods. Two bases (positions −24 and −34) within the determined tdh 2 promoter sequence were shown to be mostly responsible for the difference in the promoter strength between the tdh 2 and tdh 1 genes both in Escherichia coli and in V. parahaemolyticus backgrounds. Representative tdh promoters of KP-negative strains are close to the tdh 2 promoter; they differ at position −34 but have the same base at position −24 as the tdh 2 promoter. We demonstrated that base substitution of the tdh promoters of KP-negative strains only at position −34 is sufficient to increase the expression of these genes to the KP-positive level. Therefore, the tdh genes of KP-negative strains are considered to be potentially important because they can generate a KP-positive subclone by a point mutation in their promoters.  相似文献   
A total of 1500 environmental strains of Vibrio parahaemolyticus, isolated from the aquatic environment of Bangladesh, were screened for the presence of a major V. parahaemolyticus virulence factor, the thermostable direct haemolysin (tdh) gene, by the colony blot hybridization method using a digoxigenin-labeled tdh gene probe. Of 1500 strains, 5 carried the tdh sequence, which was further confirmed by PCR using primers specific for the tdh gene. Examination by PCR confirmed that the 5 strains were V. parahaemolyticus and lacked the thermostable direct haemolysin-related haemolysin (trh) gene, the alternative major virulence gene known to be absent in pandemic strains. All 5 strains gave positive Kanagawa phenomenon reaction with characteristic beta-haemolysis on Wagatsuma agar medium. Southern blot analysis of the HindIII-digested chromosomal DNA demonstrated, in all 5 strains, the presence of 2 tdh genes common to strains positive for Kanagawa phenomenon. However, the 5 strains were found to belong to 3 different serotypes (O3:K29, O4:K37, and O3:K6). The 2 with pandemic serotype O3:K6 gave positive results in group-specific PCR and ORF8 PCR assays, characteristics unique to the pandemic clone. Clonal variations among the 5 isolates were analyzed by comparing RAPD and ribotyping patterns. Results showed different patterns for the 3 serotypes, but the pattern was identical among the O3:K6 strains. This is the first report on the isolation of pandemic O3:K6 strains of V. parahaemolyticus from the aquatic environment of Bangladesh.  相似文献   
The tdh gene of Vibrio parahaemolyticus which encodes the thermostable direct hemolysin has been found in some strains of other Vibrio species. Analysis of seven tdh genes cloned from V. parahaemolyticus, Vibrio mimicus, and non-O1 Vibrio cholerae revealed that all tdh genes were flanked by insertion sequence-like elements (collectively named ISVs) or related sequences derived from genetic rearrangement of ISVs. The ISVs possessed 18-bp terminal inverted repeats highly homologous to those of IS903 (2- to 4-bp mismatch) and were 881 to 1,058 bp long with less than 33.6% sequence divergence. These features and nucleotide sequence similarities among ISVs and IS903 (overall homologies between ISVs and IS903, ca. 50%) strongly suggest that they were derived from a common ancestral sequence. A family of ISVs were widely distributed in Vibrio species, often regardless of the possession of the tdh genes, and one to several copies of the ISVs per organism were detected. A strain of V. mimicus possessed two copies of the ISVs flanking the tdh gene and three copies unrelated to the tdh gene. However, the transposition activity of the ISVs could not be demonstrated, probably because they had suffered from base changes and insertions and deletions within the transposase gene. The possible mode of ISV-mediated spread of the tdh gene is discussed from an evolutionary standpoint.  相似文献   
During 2003 and during late September of 2004, more than 1230 cases of gastroenteritis were reported in the south of Sinaloa State, north-western Mexico. All cases were attributed to the consumption of raw or undercooked shrimp collected at the Huizache-Caimanero lagunary system. Vibrio parahaemolyticus was identified by standard biochemical methods, and many strains were positive for PCR amplifications of the tlh and tdh genes and negative for the trh gene. A representative strain belonged to the O3:K6 serogroup. This is the first outbreak of gastroenteritis caused by the pandemic strains of O3:K6 V. parahaemolyticus in México.  相似文献   
Of 97 strains of Vibrio cholerae isolated from various seafoods in Malaysia in 1998 and 1999, 20 strains carried the ctx gene and produced cholera toxin. Fourteen, one, and five of these toxigenic strains belonged to the O139, O1 Ogawa, and rough serotypes, respectively. The rough strains had the rfb gene of the O1 serotype. The toxigenic strains varied in their biochemical characteristics, the amount of cholera toxin produced, their antibiograms, and the presence or absence of the pTLC plasmid sequence. DNA fingerprinting analysis by arbitrarily primed PCR, ribotyping, and a pulsed-field gel electrophoresis method classified the toxigenic strains into 3, 7, and 10 types, respectively. The relatedness of these toxigenic strains to clinical strains isolated in other countries and from international travelers was examined by using a dendrogram constructed from the pulsed-field gel electrophoresis profiles. The results of the examination of the antibiogram and the possession of the toxin-linked cryptic plasmid were consistent with the dendrogram-based relatedness: the O139 strains isolated from Malaysian seafoods could be separated into two groups that appear to have been introduced from the Bengal area independently. The rough strains of Malaysian seafood origin formed one group and belonged to a cluster unique to the Thailand-Malaysia-Laos region, and this group may have persisted in this area for a long period. The single O1 Ogawa strain detected in Malaysian seafood appears to have an origin and route of introduction different from those of the O139 and the rough strains.  相似文献   
Twelve strains of Escherichia coli O157:H7 were isolated from 9 of 25 beef samples purchased from retail stores in Malaysia. These strains produced Shiga toxin 2 with or without Shiga toxin 1 and had the eae gene and a 60-MDa plasmid. The antibiograms and the profiles of the arbitrarily primed PCR of the strains were diverse, suggesting that the strains may have originated from diverse sources.  相似文献   
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