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In order to adapt to the fluctuations in soil salinity/osmolarity the bacteria of the genusAzospirillum accumulate compatible solutes such as glutamate, proline, glycine betaine, trehalose, etc. Proline seems to play a major role in osmoadaptation. With increase in osmotic stress the dominant osmolyte inA. brasilense shifts from glutamate to proline. Accumulation of proline inA. brasilense occurs by both uptake and synthesis. At higher osmolarityA. brasilense Sp7 accumulates high intracellular concentration of glycine betaine which is taken up via a high affinity glycine betaine transport system. A salinity stress induced, periplasmically located, glycine betaine binding protein (GBBP) of ca. 32 kDa size is involved in glycine betaine uptake inA. brasilense Sp7. Although a similar protein is also present inA. brasilense Cd it does not help in osmoprotection. It is not known ifA. brasilense Cd can also accumulate glycine betaine under salinity stress and if the GBBP-like protein plays any role in glycine betaine uptake. This strain, under salt stress, seems to have inadequate levels of ATP to support growth and glycine betaine uptake simultaneously. ExceptA. halopraeferens, all other species ofAzospirillum lack the ability to convert choline into glycine betaine. Mobilization of thebet ABT genes ofE. coli intoA. brasilense enables it to use choline for osmoprotection. Recently, aproU-like locus fromA. lipoferum showing physical homology to theproU gene region ofE. coli has been cloned. Replacement of this locus, after inactivation by the insertion of kanamycin resistance gene cassette, inA. lipoferum genome results in the recovery of mutants which fail to use glycine betaine as osmoprotectant.  相似文献   
The production of d-aminoacylase by Alcaligenes denitrificans and Alcaligenes faecalis has been studied. The enzyme was inducibly produced and N-acetyl-d-leucine and N-acetyl-d-valine were the most effective inducers. d-methionine, d-valine, d-phenylalamine and d-leucine were produced by the enzymic hydrolysis of the appropriate N-acetyl-d-amino-acids with whole cell biomass. The hydrolysis of N-acetyl-d-methionine by A. denitrificans and N-acetyl-d-valine by A. faecalis was preferential. Maximum yields of d-methionine and d-valine were 94.3 and 84.7% at a specific product formation rate of 20.10 and 19.19 μmol min−1 mg−1 of wet cells at 20 mM substrate concentration and 5 mg ml−1 of cell density.  相似文献   
Out of the leaf juices of eighteen plant species screened, only Eupatorium cannabinum exhibited complete toxicity against Pythium debaryanum, Fusarium oxysporum, Rhizoctonia solani and Sclerotium rolfsii. Shade drying of the leaves had no adverse effect, while oven drying produced an adverse effect on the fungitoxicity of the leaves of E. cannabinum. The crude leaf juice of E. cannabinum successfully inhibited damping-off (Fusarium oxysporum) infection of Pisum sativum seedlings.  相似文献   
The role of the calcium channel in the first large contraction (postvagal potentiation, PVP) of the atria at the end of the inhibitory phase of its response (IPR) to vagal stimulation has been investigated by studying the effects of agents acting on the calcium channel (e.g., Ca2+, Mn2+, La3+, and D-600) or sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) (e.g., deoxycholate (DOC)). IPR was potentiated by high [Ca2+]o (3-16 mM) and also by the calcium channel blockers, Mn2+ (1 microM-0.5 mM), La3+ (0.1 microM-0.5 mM), D-600 (1.0-10 microM), and DOC (1 microM-0.5 mM). PVP was also potentiated by enhanced [Ca2+]o, but the PVP ratio, which employs a correction for the simultaneous changes in the force of spontaneous contraction was inhibited. This indicated greater potentiation of contractility during spontaneous activity by Ca2+ than during PVP. Mn2+, La3+, and D-600 and even DOC in the above concentrations inhibited PVP but increased the PVP ratio. High concentrations of DOC (greater than 1 mM), which disrupt SR, strongly inhibited PVP. It is concluded that the calcium channel plays a more prominent role in spontaneous contractions than in PVP in guinea pig atria. PVP is suggested to be generated by excessive triggered release of Ca2+ from SR leading to a marked increase in [Ca2+]i. The calcium channel and the calcium trapped in the glycocalyx also play significant roles in PVP.  相似文献   
Summary A pigment-deficient mutant ofNostoc sp. was induced by N-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine and selected in a medium containing metronidazole. It formed chains of heterocysts, grew more slowly than the control, and excreted hydroxyproline into the medium, imparting a pinkish-brown colour to the cultures.
Aislamiento de un mutante do Nostoc sp. deficiente en pigmentos y secretor de hidroxiprolina en un medio selectivo con metronidazol
Resumen Un mutante pigmento-deficiente deNostoc sp. fue inducido mediante N-metil-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidina y seleccionado en un medio conteniendo metronidazol. La cepa mutante creció más lentamente que la control formando cadenas de heterocistos y excretando hidroxiprolina al medio lo cual confirió una coloración rosa-parduzca a los cultivos.

Isolement par sélection avec le métronidazole d'un mutant de Nostoc sp. excrétant de l'hydroxyproline et déficient en pigment
Résumé Un mutant deNostoc sp. déficient en pigment a été induit par la N-méthyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine et sélectionné dans un milieu contenant du métronidazole. Ce mutant forme des chaînes d'hétérocystes, pousse plus lentement que le contrôle, et excréte de l'hydroxyproline dans le milieu, conférant aux cultures une coloration brun rosâtre.
The essential oil from the fruits of Trachyspermum ammi exhibited toxicity at 800 ppm against Aspergillus flavus and A. niger, the nature of toxicity being cidal. The toxicity of the oil was not affected by autoclaving, temperature treatment and storage upto 365 days. The oil killed the test fungi within 50 seconds; withstood heavy inoculum density and was inhibitory to as many as 21 fungi at its minimum inhibitory concentration. However the seeds of Arachis hypogea whentreated with oil at 5000 ppm and stored for 12 months did not show the appearance of any fungi indicating thereby the grain protectant activity of the oil. The oil was characterized by various physico chemical properties and on chemical investigation Thymol and p-cymene were isolated as antifungal principles of the oil exhibiting toxicity against the test fungi at 1000 ppm.  相似文献   
Tilletia indica teliospores were studied by use of thin sections and freeze-etch replicas. Surfaces of these spores have rodlet patterns which differ from those previously reported for spores of other fungi. The rodlets on T. indica teliospores average 240 nm in length and are not grouped into fascicles.  相似文献   
The gametocytocidal efficacy of artemisinin (qinghaosu) was evaluated and scanning electron microscopical evidence is given for gametocytocidal action of a single 5-10-mg/kg dose of artemisinin against simian malarial parasite (Plasmodium cynomolgi B). No sporontocidal effect of artemisinin was observed.  相似文献   
Cropping on jhum fallows in north-eartern India is predominantly done for one year in a jhum cycle. If second year cropping is done, expanse of the forest land required for slashing and burning could be reduced significantly. We tested this hypothesis in a young (6 yr) and an old (20 yr) jhum fallow. We also evaluated if the productivity during second year cropping could be alleviated by auxiliary measures such as tilling the soil or application of fertilizers (chemical or farm-yard manure or both in combination). The results demonstrate that the ecosystem productivity (total dry matter production) and economic yield (rice grain production) decline with shortening of jhum cycle. Second year cropping causes a further decline in ecosystem productivity in old jhum field, but not in young jhum field. Economic yield from second year cropping in its traditional form (without any fertilizer treatment) is not much lower than that in the first year, and can be improved further by manuring the soil. Tilling of soil improves neither ecosystem productivity nor economic yield. Different fertilization treatments respond differently; while inorganic manuring enhances ecosystem productivity, a combination of inorganic and organic manuring improves economic yield  相似文献   
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