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Osteoclasts are multinucleated cells with bone resorption activity that is crucial for bone remodeling. RANK‐RANKL (receptor activator of nuclear factor κB ligand) signaling has been shown as a main signal pathway for osteoclast differentiation. However, the molecular mechanism and the factors regulating osteoclastogenesis remain to be fully understood. In this study, we performed a chemical genetic screen, and identified a Cdks/GSK-3β (cyclin-dependent kinases/glycogen synthase kinase 3β) inhibitor, kenpaullone, and two Cdks inhibitors, olomoucine and roscovitine, all of which significantly enhance osteoclastogenesis of RAW264.7 cells by upregulating NFATc1 (nuclear factor of activated T cells, cytoplasmic 1) levels. We also determined that the all three compounds increase the number of osteoclast differentiated from murine bone marrow cells. Furthermore, the three inhibitors, especially kenpaullone, promoted maturation of cathepsin K, suggesting that the resorption activity of the resultant osteoclasts is also activated. Our findings indicate that inhibition of GSK-3β and/or Cdks enhance osteoclastogenesis by modulating the RANK–RANKL signaling pathway.  相似文献   
Xavier Arnan  Alan N. Andersen  Heloise Gibb  Catherine L. Parr  Nathan J. Sanders  Robert R. Dunn  Elena Angulo  Fabricio B. Baccaro  Tom R. Bishop  Raphaël Boulay  Cristina Castracani  Xim Cerdá  Israel Del Toro  Thibaut Delsinne  David A. Donoso  Emilie K. Elten  Tom M. Fayle  Matthew C. Fitzpatrick  Crisanto Gómez  Donato A. Grasso  Blair F. Grossman  Benoit Guénard  Nihara Gunawardene  Brian Heterick  Benjamin D. Hoffmann  Milan Janda  Clinton N. Jenkins  Petr Klimes  Lori Lach  Thomas Laeger  Maurice Leponce  Andrea Lucky  Jonathan Majer  Sean Menke  Dirk Mezger  Alessandra Mori  Jimmy Moses  Thinandavha Caswell Munyai  Omid Paknia  Martin Pfeiffer  Stacy M. Philpott  Jorge L.P. Souza  Melanie Tista  Heraldo L. Vasconcelos  Javier Retana 《Global Change Biology》2018,24(10):4614-4625
The relationship between levels of dominance and species richness is highly contentious, especially in ant communities. The dominance‐impoverishment rule states that high levels of dominance only occur in species‐poor communities, but there appear to be many cases of high levels of dominance in highly diverse communities. The extent to which dominant species limit local richness through competitive exclusion remains unclear, but such exclusion appears more apparent for non‐native rather than native dominant species. Here we perform the first global analysis of the relationship between behavioral dominance and species richness. We used data from 1,293 local assemblages of ground‐dwelling ants distributed across five continents to document the generality of the dominance‐impoverishment rule, and to identify the biotic and abiotic conditions under which it does and does not apply. We found that the behavioral dominance–diversity relationship varies greatly, and depends on whether dominant species are native or non‐native, whether dominance is considered as occurrence or relative abundance, and on variation in mean annual temperature. There were declines in diversity with increasing dominance in invaded communities, but diversity increased with increasing dominance in native communities. These patterns occur along the global temperature gradient. However, positive and negative relationships are strongest in the hottest sites. We also found that climate regulates the degree of behavioral dominance, but differently from how it shapes species richness. Our findings imply that, despite strong competitive interactions among ants, competitive exclusion is not a major driver of local richness in native ant communities. Although the dominance‐impoverishment rule applies to invaded communities, we propose an alternative dominance‐diversification rule for native communities.  相似文献   
Farnesoic acid O-methyltransferase (FAMeT) catalyzes the conversion of farnesoic acid (FA) to methylfarnesoate (MF) by the mandibular organ (MO) of crustaceans. Here we report the cellular localization of FAMeT and radiochemical assay of endogenous FAMeT activity in shrimp (Metapenaeus ensis) and crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) tissues. As in the eyestalk (ES), FAMeT is concentrated in specific neurosecretory cells of the ventral nerve cord (VNC) whereas only weak FAMeT immunoreactivity was observed in the MO. FAMeT was also detected in the ventral nerve cord, heart (HET), eyestalk, and muscle of the juvenile shrimp. Although the VNC shows the greatest FAMeT immunoreactivity, the heart extract exhibited the highest FAMeT enzymatic activity. These results suggest that FAMeT in the VNC may be inactive or inactivated at the stages of development tested. Contrary to the previous reports in other crustaceans, MO extract in shrimp shows only low FAMeT activity. The eyestalk, epidermis, ovary and testis show appreciable FAMeT activity. The presence of FAMeT in neurosecretory cells of VNC and eyestalk of shrimp and crayfish implies a possible interaction of FAMeT with the eyestalk CHH-family of neuropeptides. The widespread activity of FAMeT suggests that it has a wide spectrum of action in many tissues that contribute to the function and regulation of MF synthesis in shrimp and crayfish.  相似文献   
Methylfarnesoate (MF), an analogue of the insect juvenile hormone III, has been implicated to play a vital role in the regulation of the growth and reproductive development in crustaceans. Farnesoic acid O-methyltransferase (FAMeT) is the key enzyme involved in catalyzing the final step in the MF biosynthetic pathway. In this study, we report the cloning and characterization of the cDNA encoding the putative FAMeT of the shrimp Metapenaeus ensis. FAMeT comprises 280 amino acid residues with a predicted molecular weight of 32kDa. The predicted putative FAMeT protein reveals a high degree of structural conservation of FAMeT with the lobsters. It shares 79 and 70% sequence identities with the putative FAMeTs of Homarus americanus and Panulirus interruptus, respectively. As revealed by the Southern blot analysis and genomic PCR, only one gene exists in the shrimp genome and the gene is uninterrupted in the coding region. The shrimp FAMeT mRNA is widely distributed in many tissues with the highest expression level observed in the central nervous system. A constant level of FAMeT expression is recorded in the ventral nerve cord of the juveniles and the mature females during the reproductive cycle. Unlike the ventral nerve cord, the eyestalk of the juvenile male, but not the female, expresses FAMeT. Further study shows that the eyestalk of the mature female expresses FAMeT during all stages of ovarian maturation. We speculate that FAMeT may be important for the regulation of eyestalk neuropeptides. This is the first extensive study on the molecular characterization, structural analysis and expression of the crustacean FAMeT.  相似文献   
Background: Second internal transcribed spacer (ITS2) has proven to contain useful biological information at higher taxonomic levels. Objectives: This study was carried out to unravel the biological information in the ITS2 region of An. culicifacies and the internal relationships between the five species of Anopheles culicifacies. Methodology: In achieving these objectives, twenty two ITS2 sequences (~370bp) of An. culicifacies species were retrieved from GenBank and secondary structures were generated. For the refinement of the primary structures, i.e. nucleotide sequence of ITS2 sequences, generated secondary structures were used. The improved ITS2 primary structures sequences were then aligned and used for the construction of phylogenetic trees. Results and discussions: ITS2 secondary structures of culicifacies closely resembled near universal eukaryotes secondary structure and had three helices, and the structures of helix II and distal region of helix III of ITS2 of An. culicifacies were strikingly similar to those regions of other organisms strengthening possible involvement of these regions in rRNA biogenesis. Phylogenetic analysis of improved ITS2 sequences revealed two main clades one representing sibling B, C and E and A and D in the other. Conclusions: Near sequence identity of ITS2 regions of the members in a particular clade indicate that this region is undergoing parallel evolution to perform clade specific RNA biogenesis. The divergence of certain isolates of An. culicifacies from main clades in phylogenetic analyses suggests the possible existence of camouflaged sub-species within the complex of culicifacies. Using the fixed nucleotide differences, we estimate that these two clades have diverged nearly 3.3 million years ago, while the sibling species in clade 2 are under less evolutionary pressure, which may have evolved much later than the members in clade 1.  相似文献   
The isoprenoid methyl farnesoate (MF) has been implicated in the regulation of crustacean development and reproduction in conjunction with eyestalk molt inhibiting hormones and ecdysteroids. Farnesoic acid O-methyltransferase (FAMeT) catalyzes the methylation of farnesoic acid (FA) to produce MF in the terminal step of MF synthesis. We have previously cloned and characterized the shrimp FAMeT. In the present study, recombinant FAMeT (rFAMeT) was produced for bioassay and antiserum generation. FAMeT is widely distributed in shrimp tissues with the highest concentration observed in the ventral nerve cord. Interestingly, an additional larger protein in the eyestalk also showed immunoreactivity to anti-FAMeT serum. FAMeT was localized in the neurosecretory cells of the X-organ-sinus gland complex of the eyestalk. As shown by RT-PCR, FAMeT mRNA is constitutively expressed throughout the molt cycle in the eyestalk and the ventral nerve cord. To show that our cloned gene product had FAMeT activity, we demonstrated that expressed rFAMeT gene product catalyzed the conversion of FA to MF in a radiochemical assay. The ubiquitous distribution of FAMeT suggests that this enzyme is involved in physiological processes in addition to gametogenesis, oocyte maturation and development and metamorphosis of the shrimp. We hypothesize that FAMeT directly or indirectly (through MF) modulates the reproduction and growth of crustaceans by interacting with the eyestalk neuropeptides as a consequence of its presence in the neurosecretory cells of the X-organ-sinus gland.  相似文献   
BackgroundSnakebite incidence shows both spatial and temporal variation. However, no study has evaluated spatiotemporal patterns of snakebites across a country or region in detail. We used a nationally representative population sample to evaluate spatiotemporal patterns of snakebite in Sri Lanka.MethodologyWe conducted a community-based cross-sectional survey representing all nine provinces of Sri Lanka. We interviewed 165 665 people (0.8% of the national population), and snakebite events reported by the respondents were recorded. Sri Lanka is an agricultural country; its central, southern and western parts receive rain mainly from Southwest monsoon (May to September) and northern and eastern parts receive rain mainly from Northeast monsoon (November to February). We developed spatiotemporal models using multivariate Poisson process modelling to explain monthly snakebite and envenoming incidences in the country. These models were developed at the provincial level to explain local spatiotemporal patterns.Principal findingsSnakebites and envenomings showed clear spatiotemporal patterns. Snakebite hotspots were found in North-Central, North-West, South-West and Eastern Sri Lanka. They exhibited biannual seasonal patterns except in South-Western inlands, which showed triannual seasonality. Envenoming hotspots were confined to North-Central, East and South-West parts of the country. Hotspots in North-Central regions showed triannual seasonal patterns and South-West regions had annual patterns. Hotspots remained persistent throughout the year in Eastern regions. The overall monthly snakebite and envenoming incidences in Sri Lanka were 39 (95%CI: 38–40) and 19 (95%CI: 13–30) per 100 000, respectively, translating into 110 000 (95%CI: 107 500–112 500) snakebites and 45 000 (95%CI: 32 000–73 000) envenomings in a calendar year.Conclusions/significanceThis study provides information on community-based monthly incidence of snakebites and envenomings over the whole country. Thus, it provides useful insights into healthcare decision-making, such as, prioritizing locations to establish specialized centres for snakebite management and allocating resources based on risk assessments which take into account both location and season.  相似文献   
Insect defensins containing cysteine-stabilized alpha/beta motifs (Cs-alpha/beta defensin) are cationic, inducible antibacterial peptides involved in humoral defence against pathogens. To examine trends in molecular evolution of these antimicrobial peptides, sequences similar to the well-characterized Cs-alpha/beta defensin peptide of Anopheles gambiae, using six cysteine residues as landmarks, were retrieved from genomic and protein databases. These sequences were derived from different orders of insects. Genes of insect Cs-alpha/beta defensin appear to constitute a multigene family in which the copy number varies between insect species. Phylogenetic analysis of these sequences revealed two main lineages, one group comprising mainly lepidopteran insects and a second, comprising Hemiptera, Coleoptera, Diptera and Hymenoptera insects. Moreover, the topology of the phylogram indicated dipteran Cs-alpha/beta defensins are diverse, suggesting diversity in immune mechanisms in this order of insects. Overall evolutionary analysis indicated marked diversification and expansion of mature defensin isoforms within the species of mosquitoes relative to non-mosquito defensins, implying the presence of finely tuned immune responses to counter pathogens. The observed higher synonymous substitution rate relative to the nonsynonymous rate in almost all the regions of Cs-alpha/beta defensin of mosquitoes suggests that these peptides are predominately under purifying selection. The maximum-likelihood models of codon substitution indicated selective pressure at different amino acid sites in mosquito mature Cs-alpha/beta defensins is differ and are undergoing adaptive evolution in comparison to non-mosquito Cs-alpha/beta defensins, for which such selection was inconspicuous; this suggests the acquisition of selective advantage of the Cs-alpha/beta defensins in the former group. Finally, this study represents the most detailed report on the evolutionary strategies of Cs-alpha/beta defensins of mosquitoes in particular and insects in general, and indicates that insect Cs-alpha/beta defensins have evolved by duplication followed by divergence, to produce a diverse set of paralogues.  相似文献   
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