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Using results from a controlled experiment and simulations based on cognitive models, we show that visual presentation style can have a significant impact on performance in a complex problem-solving task. We compared subject performances in two isomorphic, but visually different, tasks based on a card game of SET. Although subjects used the same strategy in both tasks, the difference in presentation style resulted in radically different reaction times and significant deviations in scanpath patterns in the two tasks. Results from our study indicate that low-level subconscious visual processes, such as differential acuity in peripheral vision and low-level iconic memory, can have indirect, but significant effects on decision making during a problem-solving task. We have developed two ACT-R models that employ the same basic strategy but deal with different presentations styles. Our ACT-R models confirm that changes in low-level visual processes triggered by changes in presentation style can propagate to higher-level cognitive processes. Such a domino effect can significantly affect reaction times and eye movements, without affecting the overall strategy of problem solving.  相似文献   
Frankia is the diverse bacterial genus that fixes nitrogen within root nodules of actinorhizal trees and shrubs. Systematic and ecological studies of Frankia have been hindered by the lack of morphological, biochemical, or other markers to readily distinguish strains. Recently, nucleotide sequence of 16 S RNA from the small ribosomal subunit has been used to classify and identify a variety of microorganisms. We report nucleotide sequences from portions of the 16 S ribosomal RNA from Frankia strains AcnI1 isolated from Alnus viridis ssp. crispa (Ait.) Turrill and PtI1 isolated from Purshia tridentata (Pursh) DC. The number of nucleotide base substitutions and gaps we find more than doubles the previously reported sequence diversity for the same variable regions within other strains of Frankia.  相似文献   
The urinary bladder depends on intracellular ATP for the support of a number of essential intracellular processes including contraction. The concentration of ATP is maintained constant primarily via the rapid transfer of a phosphate from creatine phosphate (CP) to ADP catalyzed by the enzyme creatine kinase (CK). Since muscular pathologies associated with diabetes are in part related to intracellular alterations in metabolism, we have characterized the CK activity in both skeletal muscle and urinary bladder from control and streptozotocin-diabetic rats.The following is a summary of the results: 1) Bladder tissue from control rats showed linear kinetics with a Vmax = 390 nmoles/mg protein/min, and a Km = 275 µM. 2) Urinary bladder tissue isolated from diabetic rats displayed biphasic kinetics with Vmax = 65 and 324 nmoles/mg protein/min, and Km's = 10 µM and 190 µM respectively. 3) Skeletal muscle isolated from control rats showed linear kinetics with an approximate Vmax of 800 nmoles/mg protein/min and a Km of 280 µM CP. 4) Homogenates of skeletal muscle from diabetic rats showed complex kinetics not separable into distict component forms. 5) The Km for ADP for both skeletal muscle and bladder was approximately 10 µM.These studies demonstrate that whereas bladders isolated from both control and diabetic rats possess a low-affinity isomer(s) of CK with similar maximum enzymatic activity, there is a high affinity isomer present within the urinary bladder muscle of diabetic rats that is not present in bladder tissue isolated from control rats. Skeletal muscle isolated from both diabetic and control rats exhibited a maximal activity 2 to 3 times higher than that of the bladder.  相似文献   
In the present investigation a method is described for culturing cerebellar granule cells (glutamatergic neurons), cerebral cortical neurons (GABAergic neurons) and cortical astrocytes on Cytodex 3 microcarriers. It was possible to obtain a high yield of attached neurons and astrocytes on the microcarriers and the cell specific characteristics such as the ability to release neurotransmitter (neurons) and a high activity of glutamine synthetase (astrocytes) were preserved. This system, allowing mixtures of neurons and astrocytes at any given ratio to be produced, may constitute an attractive model system by which the interaction between neurons and astrocytes with regard to exchange of neurotransmitter precursors as well as other compounds may be studied.  相似文献   
Summary Growth coefficients ofZymomonas mobilis were compared in glucose-limited chemostat culture using a complex medium and a defined minimal growth medium at non inhibitory concentrations of ethanol. Under carbon and energy limited conditions in the complex medium containing yeast extract, the max. molar growth yield (YG max) and maintenance energy coefficient (me) were 10.8 g cell/mol glucose and 8.3 mmol glu/g cell/hr, respectively. Glucose-limited growth in the minimal medium with NH4Cl as nitrogen source promoted slight energetic uncoupling, as reflected in the decrease in the maximum growth yield. The growth yield with respect to calcium pantothenate was calculated to be 1.4×104 g cell/g Ca-pantothenate. However, pantothenate-limited growth did not result in a decrease in growth yield nor an increase in the specific rate of glucose catabolism. Steady-state growth measurements failed to confirm the previously held view of Belaïchet al. (1972) that pantothenate deficiency induces energetic uncoupling inZymomonas.  相似文献   
The interactions between colorless sulfur bacteria and the chemical microgradients at the oxygen-sulfide interface were studied in Beggiatoa mats from marine sediments and in Thiovulum veils developing above the sediments. The gradients of O2, H2S, and pH were measured by microelectrodes at depth increments of 50 μm. An unstirred boundary layer in the water surrounding the mats and veils prevented microturbulent or convective mixing of O2 and H2S. The two substrates reached the bacteria only by molecular diffusion through the boundary layer. The bacteria lived as microaerophiles or anaerobes even under stirred, oxic water. Oxygen and sulfide zones overlapped by 50 μm in the bacterial layers. Both compounds had concentrations in the range of 0 to 10 μmol liter−1 and residence times of 0.1 to 0.6 s in the overlapping zone. The sulfide oxidation was purely biological. Diffusion calculations showed that formation of mats on solid substrates or of veils in the water represented optimal strategies for the bacteria to achieve a stable microenvironment, a high substrate supply, and an efficient competition with chemical sulfide oxidation. The continuous gliding movement of Beggiatoa cells in mats or the flickering motion of Thiovulum cells in veils were important for the availability of both O2 and H2S for the individual bacteria.  相似文献   
In a study of 58 patients with various diseases of muscle or of the neuromuscular system, the serum activity of various enzymes was measured. Abnormal elevation of serum activities of aldolase, lactic dehydrogenase and, to a lesser extent, glutamic-oxalacetic transaminase and phosphohexose isomerase, was an almost constant feature in patients with progressive muscular dystrophy. These elevations were very frequent in dermatomyositis, common in acute cerebral vascular accidents, and rarely seen in other neurological disorders. Abnormal serum activity of iso-citric dehydrogenase was not observed in the course of the present study.Supplementary protein feeding of patients with muscular dystrophy had no effect on serum enzyme activity, no consistent effect on urinary creatine excretion and no effect on the strength of the patient or the course of the disease.Dystrophic muscles from a dystrophic strain of mice showed a decrease in activity of lactic dehydrogenase and aldolase below that of control muscle and an increase of iso-citric dehydrogenase activity. These findings, taken with the differences in serum activities of lactic dehydrogenase, aldolase and isocitric dehydrogenase in the dystrophic animals, support the conclusion that dystrophic animals handle these soluble enzymes in quite different ways.  相似文献   
The involvement of auxin in the submergence-induced petiole elongation has been investigated in Rumex palustris and Ranunculus sceleratus. Both wetland species are capable of enhanced petiole elongation upon submergence or treatment with exogenous ethylene (5μl l−1). Treatment of intact Rumex palustris plants with 1-naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) at 10−4 M enhanced petiole elongation, while treatment with N -1-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) had no effect on petiole elongation. The elongation response after NAA or NPA treatment was comparable for plants in both submerged and drained conditions. Pre-ageing of detached petioles of Rumex palustris for 3 h in light or in dark conditions had no effect on the submergence-induced elongation. In comparison to intact plants, detached petioles of Rumex palustris , with or without lamina, did not show significant differences in responsiveness to IAA between drained or submerged conditions. This was in contrast to Ranunculus sceleratus where submergence caused a clear increase in responsiveness towards IAA. Removal of the lamina, the putative source of auxin, or treatment with NPA did not hinder the submergence-induced elongation of detached Rumex palustris petioles, but severely inhibited elongation of detached Ranunculus sceleratus petioles. This inhibition could be restored by application of NAA, suggesting the specific involvement of auxin in the submergence response of Ranunculus sceleratus. It is concluded that, in contrast to Ranunculus sceleratus , auxin is probably not involved in the submergence-induced petiole elongation of Rumex palustris.  相似文献   
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