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We have previously demonstrated that a mixture of bradykinin and lysylbradykinin is generated in nasal secretions during the immediate allergic response to allergen. The present studies were performed to determine whether glandular kallikrein plays a role in kinin formation during the allergic reaction. Allergic individuals (n = 7) and nonallergic controls (n = 7) were challenged intranasally with appropriate allergen, and nasal lavages obtained before and after challenge were assayed for immunoreactive glandular kallikrein as well as for histamine, kinins, and N-alpha-tosyl-L-arginine methyl esterase (TAME-esterase) activity. The increase in postchallenge immunoreactive glandular kallikrein levels above baseline was significantly greater (p less than 0.01) for the allergic group (16.3 +/- 14 ng/ml; means +/- SD) than for the nonallergic controls (1.0 +/- 1.9 ng/ml). Increased levels of immunoreactive glandular kallikrein correlated with increases in kinins, histamine, and TAME-esterase activity and with the onset of clinical symptoms. Characterization of immunoreactive glandular kallikrein purified from postchallenge lavages by immunoaffinity chromatography confirmed the identity of this material as an authentic glandular kallikrein on the basis of its inhibition by protease inhibitors and by monospecific antibody to tissue kallikrein, its chromatographic behavior on gel filtration, and its ability to generate lysylbradykinin from highly purified human low m.w. kininogen. The specific activity of this purified material, in terms of kinin generation from kininogen, was very similar to that for authentic glandular kallikrein, suggesting that most if not all of the immunoreactive material purified from nasal lavages represented active enzyme. Inhibition studies by using pooled postchallenge lavages suggest that the majority of the kinin generating activity in these samples was due to glandular kallikrein. We conclude, therefore, that glandular kallikrein is secreted during the allergic response and can contribute to the formation of the lysylbradykinin produced during the allergic reaction.  相似文献   
Temnocephala novae-zealandie, a flatworm epizoic on crayfish, was examined by light and electron microscopy to investigate the variation within rhabdocoel turbellarians and to provide information on the possible structural modifications in the evolution of parasitism. The sucker is clearly glandular; the tentacular glands are eosinophilic and at the surface store and often release mucus as a coiled thread; the epidermis is clearly not reduced in structure and contains septate junctions in the anterior portion. Light microscope studies documented the presence of ten pair of paranephrocytes (athrocytes). In the laboratory, egg deposition, survival on and apart from the host and another crayfish, and behavior during the host molt were observed.  相似文献   
An equation is derived from first principles for describing the change in concentration with time of a beta-lactam antibiotic in the presence of intact Gram-negative bacteria possessing a beta-lactamase located in the periplasmic space. The equation predicts a first-order decline in beta-lactam concentration of the form [S] = [Si]e lambda t, where [S] is the exogenous concentration of beta-lactam, [Si] is the value of [S] at time zero, t is the time from mixing of cells and antibiotic and lambda (less than 0) is the decay constant. The value of lambda is exactly described by the theory in terms of experimentally measurable quantities. Quantitative data concerning cephaloridine hydrolysis by intact cells of Haemophilus influenzae agreed well with the theory, as did data concerning the uptake of 2-nitrophenyl galactoside by intact cells of Escherichia coli. Cephalosporin C hydrolysis by intact cells of Pseudomonas aeruginosa did not progress as predicted by the theory. The theory is applicable to any substrate which is acted on by an enzyme that is located solely in the periplasmic space and that obeys the Michaelis-Menten equation of enzyme kinetics.  相似文献   
Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase III (Ca2+/CaM kinase III) phosphorylates a protein of Mr = 100,000 (the 100-kDa protein), a major substrate for Ca2+/CaM-dependent protein phosphorylation found in many mammalian tissues and cell lines (Nairn, A.C., Baghat, B., and Palfrey, H.C. (1985) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 82, 7939-7943). Treatment of PC12 cells with nerve growth factor (NGF) or forskolin resulted in a decrease in the depolarization-dependent phosphorylation of the 100-kDa protein in intact cells and in a decrease in the Ca2+/CaM-dependent phosphorylation of the 100-kDa protein in cytosolic extracts. In experiments using cytosolic extracts, the initial effect of NGF on the phosphorylation of the 100-kDa protein was observed in less than 1 h, was maximal (70% decrease) after 12 h, and began to recover after 24 h. The effect of forskolin was more rapid and the maximal effect was greater (90-95% decrease). Decreased Ca2+/CaM kinase III activity was also found in PC12 cells treated with epidermal growth factor, 2-chloroadenosine plus isobutylmethylxanthine, or dibutyryl cAMP. The effect of forskolin did not reverse unless it was removed. Cycloheximide blocked the recovery of Ca2+/CaM kinase III activity observed following the removal of forskolin but did not affect the ability of forskolin to reduce kinase activity. Short-term treatment with phorbol ester had little effect on Ca2+/CaM kinase III activity; long-term treatment with phorbol ester, which results in the disappearance of enzymatically detectable protein kinase C, had no effect on the ability of NGF or 2-chloroadenosine to reduce Ca2+/CaM kinase III activity. The level of the 100-kDa protein as determined by immunological techniques was not changed by any treatment. These results suggested that the effect of treatment of PC12 cells with NGF or forskolin was to reduce the level of Ca2+/CaM kinase III per se.  相似文献   
Wilms tumor, a common childhood renal tumor, occurs in both a heritable and a nonheritable form. The heritable form may occasionally be attributed to a chromosome deletion at 11p13, and tumors from patients with normal constitutional chromosomes often show deletion or rearrangement of 11p13. It has been suggested that a germinal or somatic mutation may occur on one chromosome 11 and predispose to Wilms tumor and that a subsequent somatic genetic event on the normal homologue at 11p13 may permit tumor development. To study the frequency and mechanism of such tumor-specific genetic events, we have examined the karyotype and chromosome 11 genotype of normal and tumor tissues from 13 childhood renal tumor patients with different histologic tumor types and associated clinical conditions. Tumors of eight of the 12 Wilms tumor patients, including all viable tumors examined directly, show molecular evidence of loss of 11p DNA sequences by somatic recombination (four cases), chromosome loss (two cases), and recombination (two cases) or chromosome loss and duplication. One malignant rhabdoid tumor in a patient heterozygous for multiple 11p markers did not show any tumor-specific 11p alteration. These findings confirm the critical role of 11p sequences in Wilms tumor development and reveal that mitotic recombination may be the most frequent mechanism by which tumors develop.  相似文献   
In the mouse embryo, neural crest mesenchyme associated with the first and second pharyngeal arches escapes from the epithelium that forms the tips of the midbrain/rostral hindbrain and preotic hindbrain neural folds. To investigate the ultrastructure of crest formation, embryos with four to eight pairs of somites were processed for transmission electron microscopy. In the earliest event related to crest formation, crest precursors in the midbrain/rostral hindbrain elongated and moved all or most of their contents to the basal region of the epithelium. Elongation was probably mediated by apical bands of microfilaments and longitudinally oriented microtubules. Elongated cells then relinquished apical associations while nonelongated cells maintained those associations and withdrew from the basal lamina. This resulted in an epithelium stratified into apical and basal (crest precursor) layers. The coalescence of enlarging extra-cellular spaces opened a delaminate gap between the two layers. Additional crest precursors entered this gap from the apical layer. From the time crest precursors began moving basally, some formed microfilament- and/or microtubule-containing processes, which penetrated the basal lamina. Some of these cells moved their contents into the larger, microtubule-containing processes, perhaps thereby escaping from the epithelium. Soon after elongating cells appeared, the basal lamina beneath the epithelium began to degrade in a pattern unrelated to process formation. This ultimately resulted in disruption of the lamina, dispersal of the basal layer of the epithelium, and release of the crest precursors in the delaminate gap. Once crest formation was complete, the apical layer reformed a basal lamina on a patch-by-patch, cell-by-cell basis. In the preotic hindbrain, elongating crest precursors apparently forced their basal faces through the basal lamina and then relinquished apical association to escape. As a result, the lamina was disrupted before the epithelium could stratify, and enlarged extracellular spaces appeared among mesenchymal cells rather than creating a delaminate gap. The failure of elongation to disrupt the basal lamina in the midbrain/rostral hindbrain and its success in the preotic hindbrain might be due to less-vigorous, less-concerted elongation in the midbrain/rostral hindbrain or to earlier, more rapid degradation of the lamina in the preotic hindbrain.  相似文献   
The deduced amino acid sequence of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus N-(5'-phosphoribosyl) anthranilate isomerase (PRAI), which is coded by trpF, was compared with TrpF of Caulobacter crescentus, Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Neurospora crassa, and Aspergillus nidulans. Sixty percent of identical or similar amino acids were located in alpha/beta TIM (triose-phosphate isomerase) barrels and in residues important in substrate binding and catalysis. In addition, the analysis of trpF genes presented here supports a model by which fusion between separate trpC and trpF genes arose in some cases by in-frame deletions.  相似文献   
Previous studies indicate that release of superoxide radicals during coronary reperfusion following occlusion may relate to the loss of endothelium-dependent coronary arterial relaxation. We examined coronary arterial ring relaxation in dogs subjected to temporary circumflex (Cx) coronary artery occlusion and treated with saline or the superoxide radical scavenger superoxide dismutase (SOD). In dogs treated with saline, Cx coronary ring relaxation in response to leukotriene D4 (LTD4) and acetylcholine (ACh) was attenuated (p less than 0.01), but coronary relaxation in response to nitroglycerin was preserved, suggesting loss of endothelium-dependent relaxation following coronary reperfusion. In contrast, Cx coronary relaxation in response to LTD4 and ACh was preserved in the SOD-treated dogs (p less than 0.01 compared to saline-treated dogs). To further examine the role of superoxide radicals in the loss of endothelium-dependent relaxation, normal nonischemic canine coronary artery and rat aortic rings were exposed to a superoxide radical generating system of xanthine and xanthine oxidase in vitro. Xanthine plus xanthine oxidase treatment caused a significant (p less than 0.01) decrease in the relaxant effects of ACh. Pretreatment of rat aortic rings with SOD protected against the loss of ACh-induced relaxation. These observations suggest that release of superoxide radicals during reperfusion is the basis of loss of endothelium-dependent coronary arterial relaxation. Treatment with superoxide radical scavengers prior to coronary reperfusion protects against this loss.  相似文献   
A phase I trial of interleukin-2 and interferon gamma combination treatment in patients with advanced malignancies was performed based on preclinical in vitro and in vivo data which demonstrated synergistic antitumor effect. The toxicities, immune parameters, and tumor responses are described. The clinical and biologic maximal tolerated doses were extrapolated from these data.  相似文献   
Summary About half of the cases of Angelman syndrome arise from deletions of chromosome band 15q12. In 25 cases we have been able to determine the parental origin of the deletion and, in line with other reported cases, we have found the deletion to be of maternal origin. There were no exceptions. The parental origin was determined using cytogenetic markers in 13 of the cases, in nine by using the pattern of inheritance of restriction fragment length polymorphisms, and in three using both techniques.  相似文献   
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