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Thyroid cells fall into the type of cells functioning during continuous production of high H(2)O(2) concentrations. We studied the effect of H(2)O(2)-induced oxidative stress (0.1, 1.0 and 10.0 mM) on the activities of the key steps of iodide metabolism (uptake, oxidation and organification) in thyrocytes cultivated in an organ culture. After 60 min cultivation of cells in a medium containing H(2)O(2) at concentrations of 1.0 and 10.0 mM iodide (I(-)) uptake, thyroperoxidase (TPO) activity and I(-) organification were completely inhibited. No restoration of the parameters studied was observed within the subsequent 24 h of cultivation. The inhibitory effect of 0.1 mM H(2)O(2) was reversible. Activation of I(-) uptake in the cultivated tissue and a 520-880% increase of the total I(-) content were observed after 8 and 24 h. The concentration of I(-) protein-bound fraction was raised by 220% after 24 h. A biphasic effect of 0.1 mM H(2)O(2) on TPO was observed: 76.2% and 72.2% inhibitions were seen after 2 and 8 h, respectively, whereas 40.0% enzyme activation was after 5 h. TPO activity was partially restored after 24 h and amounted to 65% of the initial value. The significant increase in the concentration of iodide protein-bound fraction, which was observed simultaneously with TPO inhibition, could be due to thyroglobulin non-enzymic iodination under H(2)O(2)-generated oxidative stress. The data obtained indicate that iodide oxidation, as a step in the biosynthesis of thyroid hormones, was most sensitive to oxidative stress activation. The impaired iodide uptake and its organification during oxidative stress can play a pathogenetic role in disturbed functions of thyroid cells.  相似文献   
Aberrant transglutaminase (TG) activity has been implicated in the pathology of numerous diseases, including Huntington’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease. To fully characterize the role of TGs in these disorders, it is important that simple quantifiable assays be made available. The most commonly used assay currently employed requires significant time and a radioactive substrate. The assay described here uses a biotinylated substrate in conjunction with a dot blot apparatus to eliminate the use of radioactive substrates and allows relative transglutaminase activity to be measured simultaneously with minimal sample preparation in a large number of samples containing purified enzyme, cell extracts, or tissue homogenates.  相似文献   
Rat kidney glutamine transaminase K (GTK) exhibits broad specificity both as an aminotransferase and as a cysteine S-conjugate β-lyase. The β-lyase reaction products are pyruvate, ammonium and a sulfhydryl-containing fragment. We show here that recombinant human GTK (rhGTK) also exhibits broad specificity both as an aminotransferase and as a cysteine S-conjugate β-lyase. S-(1,1,2,2-Tetrafluoroethyl)-l-cysteine is an excellent aminotransferase and β-lyase substrate of rhGTK. Moderate aminotransferase and β-lyase activities occur with the chemopreventive agent Se-methyl-l-selenocysteine. l-3-(2-Naphthyl)alanine, l-3-(1-naphthyl)alanine, 5-S-l-cysteinyldopamine and 5-S-l-cysteinyl-l-DOPA are measurable aminotransferase substrates, indicating that the active site can accommodate large aromatic amino acids. The α-keto acids generated by transamination/l-amino acid oxidase activity of the two catechol cysteine S-conjugates are unstable. A slow rhGTK-catalyzed β-elimination reaction, as measured by pyruvate formation, was demonstrated with 5-S-l-cysteinyldopamine, but not with 5-S-l-cysteinyl-l-DOPA. The importance of transamination, oxidation and β-elimination reactions involving 5-S-l-cysteinyldopamine, 5-S-l-cysteinyl-l-DOPA and Se-methyl-l-selenocysteine in human tissues and their biological relevance are discussed.  相似文献   
This study demonstrates that in mice subjected to hypoxia-ischemia (HI) brain injury isoflurane anesthesia initiated upon reperfusion limits a release of mitochondrial oxidative radicals by inhibiting a recovery of complex-I dependent mitochondrial respiration. This significantly attenuates an oxidative stress and reduces the extent of HI brain injury. Neonatal mice were subjected to HI, and at the initiation of reperfusion were exposed to isoflurane with or without mechanical ventilation. At the end of HI and isoflurane exposure cerebral mitochondrial respiration, H2O2 emission rates were measured followed by an assessment of cerebral oxidative damage and infarct volumes. At 8 weeks after HI navigational memory and brain atrophy were assessed. In vitro, direct effect of isoflurane on mitochondrial H2O2 emission was compared to that of complex-I inhibitor, rotenone. Compared to controls, 15 minutes of isoflurane anesthesia inhibited recovery of the compex I-dependent mitochondrial respiration and decreased H2O2 production in mitochondria supported with succinate. This was associated with reduced oxidative brain injury, superior navigational memory and decreased cerebral atrophy compared to the vehicle-treated HI-mice. Extended isoflurane anesthesia was associated with sluggish recovery of cerebral blood flow (CBF) and the neuroprotection was lost. However, when isoflurane anesthesia was supported with mechanical ventilation the CBF recovery improved, the event associated with further reduction of infarct volume compared to HI-mice exposed to isoflurane without respiratory support. Thus, in neonatal mice brief isoflurane anesthesia initiated at the onset of reperfusion limits mitochondrial release of oxidative radicals and attenuates an oxidative stress. This novel mechanism contributes to neuroprotective action of isoflurane. The use of mechanical ventilation during isoflurane anesthesia counterbalances negative effect of isoflurane anesthesia on recovery of cerebral circulation which potentiates protection against reperfusion injury.  相似文献   
Nelfinavir (NLF), an antiretroviral agent, preserves mitochondrial membranes integrity and protects mature brain against ischemic injury in rodents. Our study demonstrates that in neonatal mice NLF significantly limits mitochondrial calcium influx, the event associated with protection of the brain against hypoxic-ischemic insult (HI). Compared to the vehicle-treated mice, cerebral mitochondria from NLF-treated mice exhibited a significantly greater tolerance to the Ca2+-induced membrane permeabilization, greater ADP-phosphorylating activity and reduced cytochrome C release during reperfusion. Pre-treatment with NLF or Ruthenium red (RuR) significantly improved viability of murine hippocampal HT-22 cells, reduced Ca2+ content and preserved membrane potential (Ψm) in mitochondria following oxygen-glucose deprivation (OGD). Following histamine-stimulated Ca2+ release from endoplasmic reticulum, in contrast to the vehicle-treated cells, the cells treated with NLF or RuR also demonstrated reduced Ca2+ content in their mitochondria, the event associated with preserved Ψm. Because RuR inhibits mitochondrial Ca2+ uniporter, we tested whether the NLF acts via the mechanism similar to the RuR. However, in contrast to the RuR, in the experiment with direct interaction of these agents with mitochondria isolated from naïve mice, the NLF did not alter mitochondrial Ca2+ influx, and did not prevent Ca2+ induced collapse of the Ψm. These data strongly argues against interaction of NLF and mitochondrial Ca2+ uniporter. Although the exact mechanism remains unclear, our study is the first to show that NLF inhibits intramitochondrial Ca2+ flux and protects developing brain against HI-reperfusion injury. This novel action of NLF has important clinical implication, because it targets a fundamental mechanism of post-ischemic cell death: intramitochondrial Ca2+ overload → mitochondrial membrane permeabilization → secondary energy failure.  相似文献   
Impairments in mitochondrial energy metabolism have been implicated in human genetic diseases associated with mitochondrial and nuclear DNA mutations, neurodegenerative and cardiovascular disorders, diabetes, and aging. Alteration in mitochondrial complex I structure and activity has been shown to play a key role in Parkinson''s disease and ischemia/reperfusion tissue injury, but significant difficulty remains in assessing the content of this enzyme complex in a given sample. The present study introduces a new method utilizing native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in combination with flavin fluorescence scanning to measure the absolute content of complex I, as well as α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex, in any preparation. We show that complex I content is 19 ± 1 pmol/mg of protein in the brain mitochondria, whereas varies up to 10-fold in different mouse tissues. Together with the measurements of NADH-dependent specific activity, our method also allows accurate determination of complex I catalytic turnover, which was calculated as 104 min−1 for NADH:ubiquinone reductase in mouse brain mitochondrial preparations. α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex content was determined to be 65 ± 5 and 123 ± 9 pmol/mg protein for mouse brain and bovine heart mitochondria, respectively. Our approach can also be extended to cultured cells, and we demonstrated that about 90 × 103 complex I molecules are present in a single human embryonic kidney 293 cell. The ability to determine complex I content should provide a valuable tool to investigate the enzyme status in samples after in vivo treatment in mutant organisms, cells in culture, or human biopsies.  相似文献   
Cysteine S-conjugate β-lyases are pyridoxal 5′-phosphate-containing enzymes that catalyze β-elimination reactions with cysteine S-conjugates that possess a good leaving group in the β-position. The end products are aminoacrylate and a sulfur-containing fragment. The aminoacrylate tautomerizes and hydrolyzes to pyruvate and ammonia. The mammalian cysteine S-conjugate β-lyases thus far identified are enzymes involved in amino acid metabolism that catalyze β-lyase reactions as non-physiological side reactions. Most are aminotransferases. In some cases the lyase is inactivated by reaction products. The cysteine S-conjugate β-lyases are of much interest to toxicologists because they play an important key role in the bioactivation (toxication) of halogenated alkenes, some of which are produced on an industrial scale and are environmental contaminants. The cysteine S-conjugate β-lyases have been reviewed in this journal previously (Cooper and Pinto in Amino Acids 30:1–15, 2006). Here, we focus on more recent findings regarding: (1) the identification of enzymes associated with high-M r cysteine S-conjugate β-lyases in the cytosolic and mitochondrial fractions of rat liver and kidney; (2) the mechanism of syncatalytic inactivation of rat liver mitochondrial aspartate aminotransferase by the nephrotoxic β-lyase substrate S-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethyl)-l-cysteine (the cysteine S-conjugate of tetrafluoroethylene); (3) toxicant channeling of reactive fragments from the active site of mitochondrial aspartate aminotransferase to susceptible proteins in the mitochondria; (4) the involvement of cysteine S-conjugate β-lyases in the metabolism/bioactivation of drugs and natural products; and (5) the role of cysteine S-conjugate β-lyases in the metabolism of selenocysteine Se-conjugates. This review emphasizes the fact that the cysteine S-conjugate β-lyases are biologically more important than hitherto appreciated.  相似文献   
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