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Ten men and 11 women were studied to determine the effect of experimentally equating haemoglobin concentration ([Hb]) on the sex difference in maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max). VO2max was measured on a cycle ergometer using a continuous, load-incremented protocol. The men were studied under two conditions: 1) with normal [Hb] (153 g X L-1) and 2) two days following withdrawal of blood, which reduced their mean [Hb] to exactly equal the mean of the women (134 g X L-1). Prior to blood withdrawal, VO2max expressed in L X min-1 and relative to body weight and ride time on the cycle ergometer test were greater (p less than .01) in men by 1.11 L X min-1 (47%), 4.8 ml X kg-1 min-1 (11.5%) and 5.9 min (67%), respectively, whereas VO2max expressed relative to fat-free weight (FFW) was not significantly different. Equalizing [Hb] reduced (p less than .01) the mean VO2max of the men by 0.26 L X min-1 (7.5%), 3.2 ml X kg-1 min-1 (6.9%) or 4.1 ml X kg FFW-1 min-1 (7.7%), and ride time by 0.7 min (4.8%). Equalizing [Hb] reduced the sex difference for VO2max less than predicted from proportional changes in the oxygen content of the arterial blood and arteriovenous oxygen content difference during maximal exercise. It was concluded that the sex difference in [Hb] accounts for a significant, but relatively small portion of the sex difference in VO2max (L X min-1). Other factors such as the dimensions of the oxygen transport system and musculature are of greater importance.  相似文献   
Cytosol from rabbit heart and slow and fast skeletal muscles was fractionated using (NH4)2SO4 to yield three cytosolic protein fractions, viz., CPF-I (protein precipitated at 30% saturation), CPF-II (protein precipitated between 30 and 60% saturation), and cytosol supernatant (protein soluble at 60% saturation). The protein fractions were dialysed and tested for their effects on ATP-dependent, oxalate-supported Ca2+ uptake by sarcoplasmic reticulum from heart and slow and fast skeletal muscles. CPF-I from heart and slow muscle, but not from fast muscle, caused marked inhibition (up to 95%) of Ca2+ uptake by sarcoplasmic reticulum from heart and from slow and fast muscles. Neither unfractionated cytosol nor CPF-II or cytosol supernatant from any of the muscles altered the Ca2+ uptake activity of sarcoplasmic reticulum. Studies on the characteristics of inhibition of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ uptake by CPF-I (from heart and slow muscle) revealed the following: (a) Inhibition was concentration- and temperature-dependent (50% inhibition with approx. 80 to 100 μg CPF-I; seen only at temperatures above 20°C). (b) The inhibitor reduced the velocity of Ca2+ uptake without appreciably influencing the apparent affinity of the transport system for Ca2+. (c) Inhibition was uncompetitive with respect to ATP. (d) Sarcoplasmic reticulum washed following exposure to CPF-I showed reduced rates of Ca2+ uptake, indicating that inhibition results from an interaction of the inhibitor with the sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane. (e) Concomitant with the inhibition of Ca2+ uptake, CPF-I also inhibited the Ca2+-ATPase activity of sarcoplasmic reticulum. (f) Heat-treatment of CPF-I led to loss of inhibitor activity, whereas exposure to trypsin appeared to enhance its inhibitory effect. (g) Addition of CPF-I to Ca2+-preloaded sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles did not promote Ca2+ release from the vesicles. These results demonstrate the presence of a soluble protein inhibitor of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ pump in heart and slow skeletal muscle but not in fast skeletal muscle. The characteristics of the inhibitor and its apparently selective distribution suggest a potentially important role for it in the in vivo regulation of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ pump, and therefore in determining the duration of Ca2+ signal in slow-contracting muscle fibers.  相似文献   
New Zealand fur seals are one of many pinniped species that survived the commercial sealing of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries in dangerously low numbers. After the enforcement of a series of protection measures in the early twentieth century, New Zealand fur seals began to recover from the brink of extinction. We examined the New Zealand fur seal populations of Banks Peninsula, South Island, New Zealand using the mitochondrial DNA control region. We identified a panmictic population structure around Banks Peninsula. The most abundant haplotype in the area showed a slight significant aggregated structure. The Horseshoe Bay colony showed the least number of shared haplotypes with other colonies, suggesting a different origin of re-colonisation of this specific colony. The effective population size of the New Zealand fur seal population at Banks Peninsula was estimated at approximately 2500 individuals. The exponential population growth rate parameter for the area was 35, which corresponds to an expanding population. In general, samples from adjacent colonies shared 4.4 haplotypes while samples collected from colonies separated by between five and eight bays shared 1.9 haplotypes. The genetic data support the spill-over dynamics of colony expansion already suggested for this species. Approximate Bayesian computations analysis suggests re-colonisation of the area from two main clades identified across New Zealand with a most likely admixture coefficient of 0.41 to form the Banks Peninsula population. Approximate Bayesian computations analysis estimated a founder population size of approximately 372 breeding individuals for the area, which then rapidly increased in size with successive waves of external recruitment. The population of fur seals in the area is probably in the late phase of maturity in the colony expansion dynamic.  相似文献   
Operant behavior in transition reflects neonatal exposure to cadmium   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Male Long-Evans rats were injected with 0, 1, 3, or 6 mg/kg of cadmium chloride on the first day of life. Animals free of morphological stigmata at weaning were selected for study. Tissue concentrations of cadmium and operant behavior under various fixed-ratio (FR) schedules of reinforcement were evaluated when these rats were adults. Dose-related increases in cadmium were present in the brains, livers, and kidneys. Dose-related differences in behavior were most evident during the transition from fixed ratio 25 (FR 25 or 25 responses/reinforcer) to FR 75. An inverted U describes the relationship between response output during the transition to FR 75 and cadmium chloride dose response output increased at 3 mg/kg and decreased at 6 mg/kg. The rate decreases were not correlated with weight loss that appeared after some of the animals exposed to 6 mg/kg reached 60 days of age. Challenge doses of d-amphetamine revealed no interaction between neonatal exposure to cadmium and d-amphetamine. The occurrence of alterations in operant behavior in animals that appeared normal on a number of preweaning evaluations suggests that operant behavior in transition was sensitive to subtle effects not observed with other commonly used tests. The data provide evidence for delayed effects in the adult that are due to neonatal exposure to cadmium.  相似文献   
Etoposide is a potent inducer of mitotic catastrophe; a type of cell death resulting from aberrant mitosis. It is important in p53 negative cells where p53 dependent apoptosis and events at the G1 and G2 cell cycle checkpoints are compromised. Passenger proteins regulate many aspects of mitosis and siRNA interference or direct inhibition of Aurora B kinase results in mitotic catastrophe. However, there is little available data of clinical relevance in leukaemia models. Here, in p53 negative K562 myeloid leukemia cells, etoposide-induced mitotic catastrophe is shown to be time and/or concentration dependent. Survivin and Aurora remained bound to chromosomes. Survivin and Aurora were also associated with Cdk1 and were shown to form complexes, which in pull down experiments, included INCENP. There was no evidence of Aurora B kinase suppression. These data suggests etoposide will complement Aurora B kinase inhibitors currently in clinical trials for cancer.  相似文献   
Cell cycle arrest is a major cellular response to DNA damage preceding the decision to repair or die. Many malignant cells have non-functional p53 rendering them more “aggressive” in nature. Arrest in p53-negative cells occurs at the G2M cell cycle checkpoint. Failure of DNA damaged cells to arrest at G2 results in entry into mitosis and potential death through aberrant mitosis and/or apoptosis. The pivotal kinase regulating the G2M checkpoint is Cdk1/cyclin B whose activity is controlled by phosphorylation. The p53-negative myeloid leukemia cell lines K562 and HL-60 were used to determine Cdk1 phosphorylation status during etoposide treatment. Cdk1 tyrosine 15 phosphorylation was associated with G2M arrest, but not with cell death. Cdk1 tyrosine 15 phosphorylation also led to suppression of nuclear cyclin B-associated Cdk1 kinase activity. However cell death, associated with broader tyrosine phosphorylation of Cdk1 was not attributed to tyrosine 15 alone. This broader phosphoryl isoform of Cdk1 was associated with cyclin A and not cyclin B. Alternative phosphorylations sites were predicted as tyrosines 4, 99 and 237 by computer analysis. No similar pattern was found on Cdk2. These findings suggest novel Cdk1 phosphorylation sites, which appear to be associated with p53-independent cell death following etoposide treatment.  相似文献   
The recent structure determinations of the mammalian effector enzyme adenylyl cyclase reveal the structure of its catalytic core, provide new insights into its catalytic mechanism and suggest how diverse signaling molecules regulate its activity.  相似文献   
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