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The karyotypes of six species of Acestrorhynchinae ( Acestrorhynchus alus, A. lacustris, Oligosarcus hepsetus, O. jenynsii, O. macrolepis and O. pinloi ) and of one species of Cynopotaminae ( Galeocharax knerii ) were studied. The six Acestrorhynchinae species have 2 n = 50, while Galeocharax knerii has 2 n = 52 chromosomes. Some chromosomal characteristics were detected which permit establishing some karyotypic relationships among the different species investigated. Thus, among the Acestrorhynchinae, the four Oligosarcus species are relatively more related to one another than the two Acestrorhynchus species, at least with respect to the cytogenetic data considered. On the basis of the methods used, no sex chromosome heteromorphism was detected in the species for which a comparative study between male and female specimens was possible.  相似文献   
Correct modeling of root water uptake partitioning over depth is an important issue in hydrological and crop growth models. Recently a physically based model to describe root water uptake was developed at single root scale and upscaled to the root system scale considering a homogeneous distribution of roots per soil layer. Root water uptake partitioning is calculated over soil layers or compartments as a function of respective soil hydraulic conditions, specifically the soil matric flux potential, root characteristics and a root system efficiency factor to compensate for within-layer root system heterogeneities. The performance of this model was tested in an experiment performed in two-compartment split-pot lysimeters with sorghum plants. The compartments were submitted to different irrigation cycles resulting in contrasting water contents over time. The root system efficiency factor was determined to be about 0.05. Release of water from roots to soil was predicted and observed on several occasions during the experiment; however, model predictions suggested root water release to occur more often and at a higher rate than observed. This may be due to not considering internal root system resistances, thus overestimating the ease with which roots can act as conductors of water. Excluding these erroneous predictions from the dataset, statistical indices show model performance to be of good quality.  相似文献   
The upper Tennessee River drainage, which includes portions of the States of Virginia, North Carolina, and Tennessee, supports an exceptionally diverse fish fauna. Recent reductions in abundance and geographic ranges of several freshwater fishes have promulgated the imposition of protective measures for about 115 species among the three states, with nearly half of those species occurring in the upper Tennessee River. Most protected species are darters (Percidae: Etheostomatinae) or minnows (Cyprinidae), and are typically small, benthic invertivores. Major impacts on the fish fauna have resulted from dams, introduced species, toxic spills, mining and agriculture. An important cumulative effect of these impacts is fragmentation of the watershed; nearly 40% of the riverine habitat in major tributaries is either impounded or altered by tailwater discharges. The isolation and stress imposed on tributaries of the river have caused and will continue to cause extirpations of fishes, mussels and other aquatic fauna. Numerous federal, state, and private organizations are co-operating in efforts to protect rare species and habitats, improve agricultural and coal-producing practices, and enforce regulations for industrial and municipal effluents.  相似文献   
在主动脉与肾动脉缩窄造成的慢性心功能不全大鼠,血浆儿茶酚胺浓度增高;心脏β-肾上腺素受体(β-AR)数量增加,其中β_1-AR及其mRNA增加,而β_2-AR及其mRNA不变;左心房异丙基肾上腺素(ISO)浓度-收缩效应曲线右移;而心肌ISO浓度-cAMP蓄积曲线无显著改变;血淋巴细胞β-AR数量显著减少.结果提示心功能不全时心脏β_1-AR数量增多,但其介导的正性变力效应反而降低,在cAMP生成以后的信号转导过程或心肌收缩成分功能存在障碍,而血淋巴细胞β-AR的改变与心脏β-AR的功能改变平行.  相似文献   
[背景]耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌(Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus,MRSA)是一种具有多重耐药性的人畜共患病原菌,常引起奶牛乳房炎等疾病.形成生物被膜是MRSA重要的耐药机制之一.研究发现ica操纵子调控的胞间多糖黏附素(Polysaccharide Interc...  相似文献   
绣球菌是一种珍稀食药用真菌,本文对其醇提取物的降血糖作用及活性成分进行了研究.高脂高糖饲料联合链脲佐菌素造模建立了 Ⅱ型糖尿病小鼠模型,设置空白对照组、模型组、绣球菌提取物高、中、低3个剂量组(300、200和100mg/kg),连续给予相应药物3周,对各组小鼠的体重、血糖、血脂和胰腺进行组织病理学研究.结果显示:与模...  相似文献   
鸭脚木(Schefflera octophylla)是海南文昌铜鼓岭国家级自然保护区内滨海森林的优势种,也是海南其他地区热带森林常见伴生种。为深入了解该区滨海森林内鸭脚木种群的生存现状、更新机制以及未来发展的动态变化特点,该研究通过对海南热带滨海森林2.56 hm2样地中鸭脚木种群的调查,以径级结构代替龄级结构,编制鸭脚木种群静态生命表,并结合种群动态量化指数、生存函数、时间序列预测模型等方法定量分析鸭脚木种群结构和数量动态变化。结果表明:(1)研究区域内共记录鸭脚木数量2 814株,按照径级大小共划分为12个龄级,龄级结构呈倒J字型,属于趋向稳定型种群。(2)该区鸭脚木的存活曲线趋于Deevey-Ⅱ型,种群各径级的死亡率相接近。(3)鸭脚木种群的量化指数显示,Vpi=30.685> 0,Vpi’=0.236> 0,说明该种群现处增长阶段并且相对稳定。(4)据时间序列模型预测鸭脚木种群在未来的3、6、9 a内各龄级的种群个体数量整体呈现增加的趋势。综上分析认为,该区生境有利于鸭脚木种群的生长且该种群形成了良好...  相似文献   
杨忠岐  唐艳龙  姜静  王小艺  唐桦  吕军  高源 《生态学报》2012,32(24):7764-7773
花绒寄甲(Dastarcus helophoroides)(鞘翅目:寄甲科Bothrideridae)是寄生栗山天牛(Massicus raddei)中老龄幼虫和蛹的重要天敌,但其寄主栗山天牛世代周期长(3年1代)、发育比较整齐,不利于寄生性天敌种群数量的稳定.为了解利用花绒寄甲防治栗山天牛后,其种群能否在栎树林间长期保持较高的种群数量,达到持续控制栗山天牛的防治效果,调查研究了花绒寄甲在栎树林间的转主寄主和种群保持机制.结果表明,在东北辽东栎树干和树枝上除了栗山天牛外,还有其他8种天牛危害:双簇天牛(Moechotypa diphysis)、四点象天牛(Mesosa myops)、中华薄翅锯天牛(Megopis sinica)、锯天牛(Prionus insularis)、双带粒翅天牛(Lamiomimus gottschei)、八字绿虎天牛(Chlorophorus tohokensis)、日本绿虎天牛(C.japonicus)和拟蜡天牛(Stenygrinumquadrinotatum).其中以栗山天牛、双簇天牛、四点象天牛和拟蜡天牛数量较多,而花绒寄甲在辽东栎树干上的垂直分布与栗山天牛、双簇天牛和四点象天牛的垂直分布重叠较多.室内研究表明,花绒寄甲对四点象天牛老熟幼虫的寄生率达到26.67%,对蛹的寄生率达到了43.33%;对双簇天牛老熟幼虫的寄生率达到20.00%,对蛹的寄生率为6.67%.对双簇天牛和四点象天牛在林间的生活史调查和研究发现,花绒寄甲可寄生的这两种天牛的中老龄幼虫和蛹,在花绒寄甲不适宜寄生的栗山天牛幼龄幼虫期大量存在,表明双簇天牛和四点象天牛是花绒寄甲在栎树林中的主要转主寄主.由于这些转主寄主的存在,花绒寄甲在不利于其寄生的栗山天牛卵期、幼龄幼虫期可转移寄生这些寄主,从而在栗山天牛危害的栎树林间保持了较高的种群数量,达到对栗山天牛长期而有效的持续控制效果.  相似文献   
固定化海洋微藻对污水中Ni2+的吸附   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
采用海藻酸钠包埋小球藻和叉鞭金藻,制得含藻细胞的固定化胶球,用其对Ni^2 进行生物吸附,研究了固定化小球藻和固定化叉鞭金藻对污水中Ni^2 的吸附率。结果表明:对于同一种固定化微藻,处于对数生长中期时对Ni^2 吸附效果较好,且吸附过程主要在前4h完成;Ni^2 浓度越大,吸附率越高;固定化微藻比悬浮态微藻吸附率高;在相同的实验条件下,固定化小球藻比固定化叉鞭金藻吸附率高。  相似文献   
Loricifera is a phylum of minute animals that live exclusively in marine sediments. A total of 33 species have been described so far in this phylum; however, several more are already known from preliminary observations. Loriciferans are characterised by a complex life cycle, which involves a succession of several adult and larval stages. Here, we describe a new type of loriciferan larval stage: the Shira larva. The gross morphology of this larva is generally similar to that of the most prominent larval type of Loricifera, the so-called Higgins larva. However, the Shira larva possesses a number of unique features, namely (1) a single pair of anteroventral setae is present in the most anterior region of the abdomen, (2) the bases of the anteroventral setae are very large and swollen, (3) the thorax and abdomen are thinner than the introvert and (4) the abdominal region is divided into five sub-regions. Accordingly, we described the new species, Tenuiloricus shirayamai gen. nov. et sp. nov. (incertae sedis). The new findings are discussed from a comparative perspective with the Higgins larva as well as with the fossil of a putative loriciferan larval stage from the Middle Cambrian.  相似文献   
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