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Developmental regulation of myelin basic protein expression in mouse brain   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
Developmental regulation of myelin basic protein expression in mouse brain has been examined by comparing the myelin basic protein coding potential of mRNA in vitro with the accumulation of myelin basic protein-related polypeptides in vivo. In vitro translation of mRNA isolated from mouse brain generated eight myelin basic protein-related polypeptides with apparent molecular weights of 34K, 30K, 29K, 26K, 21.5K, 18.5K, 17K, and 14K. A similar set of eight myelin basic protein-related polypeptides with corresponding molecular weights was identified in vivo when total brain proteins were analyzed by immunoblotting. Each of the myelin basic protein-related polypeptides shows a characteristic developmental profile in terms of mRNA level and rate of accumulation implying a complex developmental program of myelin basic protein gene expression with regulation and modulation at several different biosynthetic levels.  相似文献   
Adult male Long-Evans rats were intermittently exposed to 2450 MHz CW microwaves at an average power density of 0.5 mW/cm2 for 90 days. The resulting SAR was 0.14 W/kg (range 0.11 to 0.18 W/kg). The animals were exposed 7 h/day, 7 days/wk, for a total of 630 h in a monopole-above-ground radiation chamber while housed in Plexiglas holding cages. Daily measures of body mass and food and water intake indicated no statistically significant effects of microwave exposure. Monthly assessment of reactivity to electric footshock, levels of cholinesterase and sulfhydryl groups in blood, and 17-ketosteroids in urine revealed no reliable differences between 14 sham-exposed and 14 microwave-exposed rats. After the 90 days of exposure, seven rats, randomly chosen from each group, were assessed for open-field behavior, shuttlebox performance, and schedule-controlled (IRT schedule) lever pressing for food pellets. Statistically significant differences between microwave-exposed and sham-exposed rats were observed in shuttlebox performances and lever pressing. Post mortem measures of mass of several organs and microscopic examination of adrenal tissue revealed no differences between the two groups of animals.  相似文献   
Order of metal binding in metallothionein   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Purified isoforms of rat liver apometallothionein were reconstituted in vitro with Cd and Zn ions to study the order of binding of the 7 metal sites in the two separate metal clusters, one containing four metal ions (cluster A) and the other containing three (cluster B). Reconstitution with 7 Cd ions resulted in a metalloprotein similar to induced Cd,Zn-metallothionein by the criteria of electrophoretic mobility, insensitivity to proteolysis by subtilisin, and the pH-dependent release of Cd. Proteolytic digestion of metallothionein reconstituted with suboptimal quantities of Cd followed by separation of Cd-containing polypeptide fragments by electrophoresis and chromatography revealed metal ion binding initially occurs in the 4-metal center, cluster A. Upon saturation of the 4 sites in cluster A, binding occurs in the 3-metal center, cluster B. Samples reconstituted with 1 to 4 Cd ions per protein molecule, followed by digestion with subtilisin, yielded increasing amounts of a proteolytically stable polypeptide fragment identical with the alpha fragment domain that is known to encompass the 4-metal center. Samples renatured with 5 to 7 Cd ions per metallothionein molecule showed decreasing quantities of alpha fragment and increasing amounts of native-like metallothionein. Similar results were obtained in reconstitution studies with Zn ions. Samples reconstituted with 7 Cd eq followed by incubation with EDTA revealed that cluster B Cd ions were removed initially. The binding process in each domain is cooperative. Reconstitution of apometallothionein with 2 Cd ions followed by proteolysis yields a 50% recovery of saturated Cd4 alpha cluster. Likewise, when Cd5-renatured metallothionein was digested with subtilisin, 30% of the molecules were identified as Cd7 metallothionein with the remainder as Cd4 alpha fragment.  相似文献   
Orthoclada laxa and O. africana have uncinate microhairs, which are compared to similar micro-hairs of the unrelated genus Neoslapfia, previously thought to be a unique grass in this respect. The bicellular and marginal microhairs, as well as general leaf anatomy, are also described. The root hair pattern is of the “panicoid” type. The chromosome number from root tip preparations is 2ra = 24.  相似文献   
The histogenesis of the leaf venation in Trifolium wormskioldii was followed, using whole cleared leaflets and transverse and paradermal microtome sections. Mature leaflets are about 8 mm in length. The midvein precambium appears in leaflets 100 μ in length; secondary vein procambium is first seen in 230 μ leaflets; procambium of minor veins first appears in leaflets 400-600 μ in length. Phloem is apparent before xylem, in midvein, secondary veins, and minor veins. Vein endings are initiated and they mature last. No evidence was found to support the theory of “vein breakage.” In the greenhouse 24 days elapsed from leaf initiation to exposure of leaf tips; 6 more days elapsed until full leaf expansion.  相似文献   
We studied leaflet anatomy, emphasizing secretory structures, from herbarium specimens of 128 species of 44 genera of tribeCaesalpinieae, using clearings, resin sections, and scanning electron microscopy. These observations, combined with those from our three earlier papers, provide a survey of 210 species representing all genera. Seventy-three species had secretory structures: 21 had glands or gland-like trichomes, 40 had living mesophyll idioblasts, and nine had cavities (three species each had two different types). Five additional species, all inCercidium (Caesalpinia group), had paired or clustered large spheroidal, thick-walled, empty cells (veinlet idioblasts) interconnected by perforation plate-like gaps. Secretory structures have systematic significance at various taxonomic levels.  相似文献   
Paraveinal mesophyll (PVM) is a distinctive anatomical feature of the leaf mesophyll of some plant taxa that may represent a specialized physiological compartment. A comprehensive review of the 42 published references that mention PVM or similar cell layers and a survey of 121 of the 272 species of all nine genera of thePhaseoleae subtribeErythrininae demonstrate that PVM is nearly exclusively found inLeguminosae. InLeguminosae, PVM is either rare or absent in subfamilyCaesalpinioideae, uncommon inMimosoideae, and extensively distributed amongPapilionoideae. In subtribeErythrininae, PVM is ubiquitous inErythrina, and occurs in four other genera. ThreeErythrininae genera (Apios, Mucuna, andCochlianthus) lack PVM. Unique chloroplast-poor, enlarged conical cells (pellucid palisade idioblasts) occur in 80 species ofErythrina but not in any other genus ofErythrininae.  相似文献   
The osmiophilia, under the conditions of normal tissue fixation, of the histidine, lysine, tryptophan, cysteine and methionine side chain of proteins is suggested by in vitro studies on blocked amino acids representative of such protein side chains, and the chemical nature of the reaction products elucidated. The chemical feasibility of inter- or intramolecular cross-linking of protein by OsO4 at these and other sites is demonstrated, as in the cross-linking of protein with unsaturated lipids such as methyl oleate, methyl linoleate and linolenate, and cholesteryl acetate. The relevance of these results to the process of tissue fixation by OsO4 is discussed.  相似文献   
Vole cells transformed by avian sarcoma virus carrying the src gene lose their fibroblastic morphology, the organized cytoskeletal system of the normal fibroblastic cell, the typical fibronectin deposit around the cell membrane, and the ability to shut off multiplication when suspended in liquid medium. All of these transformation characteristics are reversed by treatment with cAMP derivatives. Moreover, the cAMP treatment does not cause loss of activity of the src gene product. These data imply that cAMP exerts its effect at or after the point in the metabolic pathway affected by the src gene product, pp60src. Presumably, the decision to adopt the transformed or the normal state is determined by the degree to which the src gene or cAMP-mediated kinase activities respectively predominante in the cell. The development of all four transformation characteristics as a result of introduction of the src gene, and their coordinate reversal by cAMP derivatives, supports the previous thesis that in the normal vole or CHO fibroblast all four properties are part of a common regulatory system.  相似文献   
The anatomy of internal secretory spaces in immature and mature aerial stems, rhizomes, and roots of common goldenrod, Solidago canadensis (Asteraceae, tribe Astereae), was studied from resin-embedded samples cut 1–2 μm thick. Oil-filled cavities of different lengths, each lined by a uniseriate epithelium, form in young stems and rhizomes. Epithelial cells enlarge and elongate, and some continue to divide mitotically. The cavities thereby expand and accommodate themselves to the growing stem and rhizome. Septa are sometimes forced open by this enlargement, which merges adjacent cavities. Oil reservoirs in roots are probably also cavities, but their lack of densely cytoplasmic epithelial cells prevented us from locating the end walls. Cavities in stem, root, and the cortex of rhizomes occur only as one median file located just outside of each phloem strand; in the pith of rhizomes, however, several files of cavities of larger diameter seem randomly distributed. This study extends our earlier findings that the oil reservoirs in leaves of this species are cavities; we have therefore verified that cavities, not ducts, permeate the goldenrod plant.  相似文献   
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