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Electron staining of the cell surface coat by osmium-low ferrocyanide   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary In aldehyde-fixed liver and renal cortex of rat and mouse several variations of postfixation with osmium tetroxide plus potassium ferrocyanide (FeII) were tried. Depending on the ferrocyanide concentration different staining patterns were observed in TEM.-Osmium-High Ferrocyanide [40 mM (1%) OsO4+36 mM (1.5%) FeII, pH 10.4], stains membranes and glycogen. Cytoplasmic ground substance, mitochondrial matrices and chromatin are partially extracted, cell surface coats remain unstained. Membrane contrast, but extraction too, are higher with solutions containing cacodylate- than phosphate-buffer.-Osmium-Low Ferrocyanide [40 mM (1%) OsO4+2 mM (0.08%) FeII, pH 7.4], stains cell surface coats and basal laminae, but not glycogen, except for special cases. The trilaminar structure of membranes is poorly delineated. Signs of cytoplasmic extraction are not visible. The surface coat staining is stronger and more widespread with solutions containing phosphate- instead of cacodylate-buffer; it is enhanced by section staining with lead citrate. The cell surface coat stain does not traverse tight junctions nor permeate membranes.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 105)  相似文献   
Summary New nephron anlages appear in the renal cortex up to the 4th postnatal day (PD). The last anlages to be formed develop into functional nephrons by PD 10, and the cortex appears mature at PD 12 after formation of the cortex corticis. The renal medulla develops by the longitudinal growth of loops of Henle and collecting ducts. The immature medulla cannot be divided into different zones and corresponds structurally to the later inner stripe of the outer zone. The inner zone is formed by PD 8, and the outer stripe of the outer zone by PD 12. The renal medulla is mature at PD 21.From the start of its development, the renal proximal tubule consists of the pars convoluta and pars recta. In both parts the formation of the brush border is accompanied by the simultaneous appearance of brush border enzymes (alkaline phosphatase, -glutamyltranspeptidase, dipeptidylamino-peptidase IV) and lysosomal enzymes (acid phosphatase, acid -galactosidase, N-acetylglucosaminidase, dipeptidylaminopeptidase II) over the full length of the proximal tubule. During the course of proximal tubule maturation, however, the lysosomal enzyme activities decline in the pars convoluta (with constant brush border enzyme activities), while the brush border enzyme activities increase in the pars recta (with constant lysosomal enzyme activities). The two parts further differ in that they exhibit different lysosomal patterns from the outset, the pars convoluta containing numerous large, highly enzyme-active lysosomes arranged in groups, and the pars recta containing only a few very small lysosomes with low enzyme activity. Thus, even in the newborn rat, the lysosomal pattern of the pars recta already corresponds to that of the mature S3 segment. The S1 and S2 segments of the pars convoluta first differentiate between PD 10 and 21, as the groups of large lysosomes are progressively broken up and the extent of the lysosomal apparatus is diminished, this proceeding in a retrograde direction from the end of the immature pars convoluta.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 105)  相似文献   
Catecholamines induce net salt and water movements in duck red cells incubated in isotonic solutions. The rate of this response is approximately three times greater than a comparable effect observed in 400 mosmol hypertonic solutions in the absence of hormone (W.F. Schmidt and T. J. McManus. 1977 a.J. Gen. Physiol. 70:59-79. Otherwise, these two systems share a great many similarities. In both cases, net water and salt movements have a marked dependence on external cation concentrations, are sensitive to furosemide and insensitive to ouabain, and allow the substitution of rubidium for external potassium. In the presence of ouabain, but the absence of external potassium (or rubidium), a furosemide-sensitive net extrusion of sodium against a large electrochemical gradient can be demonstrated. When norepinephrine-treated cells are incubated with ouabain and sufficient external sodium, the furosemide-sensitive, unidirectional influxes of both sodium and rubidium are half- maximally saturated at similar rubidium concentrations; with saturating external rubidium, the same fluxes are half-maximal at comparable levels of external sodium. In the absence of sodium, a catecholamine-stimulated, furosemide-sensitive influx of rubidium persists. In the absence of rubidium, a similar but smaller component of sodium influx can be seen. We interpret these results in terms of a cotransport model for sodium plus potassium which is activated by hypertonicity or norepinephrine. When either ion is absent from the incubation medium, the system promotes an exchange-diffusion type of movement of the co-ion into the cells. In the absence of external potassium, net movement of potassium out of the cell leads to a coupled extrusion of sodium against its electrochemical gradient.  相似文献   
This study presents a multivariate behavioural genetic analysis of the relationship between education, intelligence and age of first birth. Analyses investigated the mediational role of education in explaining the relationship between intelligence and age of first birth at both the phenotypic and behavioural genetic level. The data come from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY), a nationally representative survey that included genetically informative full- and half-sibling pairs (n = 1423 pairs). Respondents were aged 14 to 22 when contacted in 1979. Heritability estimates were 0.32, 0.50 and 0.06 for IQ, education and age of first birth, respectively. Shared environment estimates were 0.35, 0.23 and 0.20 respectively. Common genetic and shared environmental factors were substantial in explaining the relationship between intelligence and education, and also education and age of first birth. Education partially mediated the relationship between intelligence and age of first birth only in the phenotypic analyses. After considering the genetic and shared environmental factors that influence all three variables, evidence for mediation was less convincing. This pattern of results suggests that the apparent mediational role of education at the phenotypic level is in fact the result of underlying genetic and shared environmental influences that affect education, IQ and age of first birth in common.  相似文献   
Ivermectin and moxidectin are closely related avermectin/milbemycin anthelmintics and available data suggest that side resistance occurs with these two drugs. However, moxidectin remains effective against many species of ivermectin-resistant worms due to its higher potency. The larval development assay (LDA) is routinely used to diagnose ivermectin resistance in Haemonchus contortus but laboratory diagnosis of moxidectin resistance is hampered by the lack of any validated in vitro tests. The objective of this study was to measure the relative susceptibility/resistance of H. contortus to moxidectin on goat farms in Georgia, and to validate the DrenchRite LDA for detecting resistance to moxidectin. Fecal egg count reduction tests (FECRT) were performed at five different moxidectin dose levels and DrenchRite LDAs were performed in duplicate on nine meat goat farms in Georgia, USA. To improve our ability to make inferences on the relative levels of resistance between farms, FECRT data were first analysed using a linear mixed model, and then Tukey's sequential trend test was used to evaluate the trend in response across dose levels. LDA data were analysed using log-dose logit-response and probit models. Using these statistical results, we were able to rank the nine farms from the least to the most resistant, and to develop a set of criteria for interpreting DrenchRite LDA results so that this assay can be used to diagnose both clinically apparent moxidectin resistance, as well as sub-clinical emerging resistance. These results suggest that our novel approach for examining these types of data provides a method for obtaining an increased amount of information, thus permitting a more sensitive detection of resistance. Based on results of the LDA, moxidectin-resistant farms had resistance ratios, compared with an ivermectin-sensitive farm, ranging from 32 to 128, and had resistance ratios of 6-24 compared with an ivermectin-resistant/moxidectin naive farm. Moxidectin resistance was diagnosed both in Haemonchus and Trichostrongylus on almost half of the farms tested, despite this drug only being used on these farms for 2-3 years.  相似文献   
The zebrafish is a potentially important and cost-effective model for studies of development, motility, regeneration, and inherited human diseases. The object of our work was to show whether myofibrils isolated from zebrafish striated muscle represent a valid subcellular contractile model. These organelles, which determine contractile function in muscle, were used in a fast kinetic mechanical technique based on an atomic force probe and video microscopy. Mechanical variables measured included rate constants of force development (k(ACT)) after Ca(2+) activation and of force decay (τ(REL)(-1)) during relaxation upon Ca(2+) removal, isometric force at maximal (F(max)) or partial Ca(2+) activations, and force response to an external stretch applied to the relaxed myofibril (F(pass)). Myotomal myofibrils from larvae developed greater active and passive forces, and contracted and relaxed faster than skeletal myofibrils from adult zebrafish, indicating developmental changes in the contractile organelles of the myotomal muscles. Compared with murine cardiac myofibrils, measurements of adult zebrafish ventricular myofibrils show that k(ACT), F(max), Ca(2+) sensitivity of the force, and F(pass) were comparable and τ(REL)(-1) was smaller. These results suggest that cardiac myofibrils from zebrafish, like those from mice, are suitable contractile models to study cardiac function at the sarcomeric level. The results prove the practicability and usefulness of mechanical and kinetic investigations on myofibrils isolated from larval and adult zebrafish muscles. This novel approach for investigating myotomal and myocardial function in zebrafish at the subcellular level, combined with the powerful genetic manipulations that are possible in the zebrafish, will allow the investigation of the functional primary consequences of human disease-related mutations in sarcomeric proteins in the zebrafish model.  相似文献   
Guntinas-Lichius  O  Martinez-Portillo  F  Lebek  J  Angelov  D. N  Stennert  E  Neiss  W. F 《Brain Cell Biology》1997,26(4):241-248
Facial and hypoglossal nerves were resected unilaterally in a total of 108 rats. Rats were divided into two groups; one group received standard food pellets (placebo), the other received food pellets containing the Ca2+-blocking agent nimodipine. The expression of glial fibrillary acidic protein was examined in paraffin sections of the brainstem using light microscopical immunocytochemistry, and the degree of glial process ensheathment of the surviving neuronal perikarya in the hypoglossal and facial nuclei quantified on electron micrographs. Up to 28 days post-axotomy no differences in glial fibrillary acidic protein-immunoreactivity were observed between placebo and nimodipine-treated animals. By 42–days, glial fibrillary acid protein-immunoreactivity was stronger in the nimodipine treated animals and by 112 days, glial fibrillary acid protein-immunoreactive astrocytes occured only in nimodipine-treated animals. Thin astrocytic processes were seen to ensheath neurons in both placebo and nimodipine-treated animals. By 28 days post axotomy, lesioned neurons in nimodipine treated animals were covered by a mean of 2.6 (hypoglossal) and 2.9 (facial nucleus) astrocytic lamellae, compared with 1.7 lamellae in the placebo group. This relatively greater ensheathment of hypoglossal and facial neurons was maintained up to 112 days post-lesion, but reduced in the placebo-treated group to ~ 1.4 lamellae. It is concluded that nimodipine enhances the formation of astrocytic lamellae on lesioned neurons and that this process may be associated with a protective role for activated astrocytes directed towards motoneurons suffering from permanent target-deprivation.  相似文献   
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