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Aerobactin genes in clinical isolates of Escherichia coli.   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
The location of the aerobactin gene complex on either the chromosome or plasmid was determined in eight aerobactin-positive clinical isolates of Escherichia coli by Southern hybridization analysis, using as probes the cloned aerobactin genes from the ColV-K30 plasmid. The aerobactin genes were in two cases detected on large plasmids, whereas in the other strains the aerobactin genes are most likely located on the chromosome. Restriction mapping revealed only slight variations in the structural genes and an at least 3.4-kilobase-long upstream region conserved in all three plasmid-coded systems. A 7.7-kilobase HindIII fragment upstream and adjacent to the 16.3-kilobase HindIII fragment carrying the complete aerobactin system was cloned from the ColV-K30 plasmid. Fine-structure restriction mapping identified the left insertion sequence in the upstream region as IS1, in inverted orientation to the IS1 element downstream from the aerobactin operon. The upstream and downstream sequences of IS1 appear to have perfect homology, as indicated by S1 nuclease resistance of a 760-base-pair DNA duplex formed by both IS1 elements.  相似文献   
The modification activity for the ferric enterobactin receptor in the Triton X-100 solubilized outer membrane of Escherichiacoli K-12 was adsorbed to a column of p-aminobenzamidine-//-sepharose and eluted with free benzamidine. Recombination of the dialyzed eluate with the filtrate from the column reinstituted conversion of the receptor from 81K to 81K1, the latter exhibiting an apparent molecular weight of 74,000 daltons in sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel analysis. The eluate from the p-aminobenzamidine column was shown to contain a component, coincident on gels with both protein and modification activity, which by mutational and other analyses appears to be identical with protein a of the outer membrane.  相似文献   
Summary Metal coordination confers an extraordinary structural stability to the ferrichromes which, independent of their variable amino acid composition, results in a basically unperturbed conformation for all the homologous peptides in the series. The proton magnetic resonance (pmr) characteristics for Al3+ analogues (alumichromes) reflect this conformational isomorphism in usual solvents so that single site substitutions are clearly recognized in the pmr spectra. Thus, the substitution of glycine byl-alanine orl-serine introduce new resonances characteristic of the sidechains and alter the pattern of the amide NH pmr region in that doublets substitute for glycyl triplets at the same site. Since for glycine- andl-serine-containing alumichromes the resonances have already been identified, it is possible to unequivocally establish the primary structure of the twol-alanyl homologues ferrichrome C ( ) and sake colorant A ( ) on the basis of the comparative pmr spectra of their Al3+ analogues, namely, alumichrome C and alumisake. The resonance assignment, and hence the site occupancy, is substantiated by the temperature coefficients of the NH chemical shifts, rates of1H-2H exchange and homonuclear proton spin decoupling experiments centered on the NH spectral region. Occupancy of site 1 by a glycine residue is observed for all known ferrichromes, which serves to conserve a hairpin turn. This method of obtaining sequence information should prove of general use for other systems of homologous polypeptides, provided their conformations are not affected by the residue substitutions.  相似文献   
Mechanisms of siderophore iron transport in enteric bacteria.   总被引:32,自引:19,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
Uptake of 55Fe- and 3H-labeled siderophores and their chronic analogues have been studied in Salmonella typhimurium LT-2 and Escherichia coli K-12. In S. typhimurium LT-2, at least two different mechanisms for siderophore iron transport may be operative. Uptake of 55Fe- and 3H-labeled ferrichrome and kinetically inert lambda-cis-chromic [3H]deferriferrichrome by the S. typhimurium LT-2 enb7 mutant, which is defective in the production of its native siderophore, enterobactin, appears to occur by two concurrent mechanisms. The first mechanism is postulated to involve either rapid uptake of iron released from the ferric complex by cellular reduction without penetration of the complex or ligand or dissociation of the complex and simultaneous uptake of both ligand and iron coupled with simultaneous expulsion of the ligand. The second mechanism appears to consist of slower uptake of the intact ferric complex.  相似文献   
Universal chemical assay for the detection and determination of siderophores   总被引:145,自引:0,他引:145  
A universal method to detect and determine siderophores was developed by using their high affinity for iron(III). The ternary complex chrome azurol S/iron(III)/hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide, with an extinction coefficient of approximately 100,000 M-1 cm-1 at 630 nm, serves as an indicator. When a strong chelator removes the iron from the dye, its color turns from blue to orange. Because of the high sensitivity, determination of siderophores in solution and their characterization by paper electrophoresis chromatography can be performed directly on supernatants of culture fluids. The method is also applicable to agar plates. Orange halos around the colonies on blue agar are indicative of siderophore excretion. It was demonstrated with Escherichia coli strains that biosynthetic, transport, and regulatory mutations in the enterobactin system are clearly distinguishable. The method was successfully used to screen mutants in the iron uptake system of two Rhizobium meliloti strains, DM5 and 1021.  相似文献   
In Prince Edward Island, Canada, widespread intensive potato production has contributed to elevated nitrate concentrations in groundwater and streams, and eutrophic or anoxic conditions occur regularly in several estuarine systems. In this research, the stable isotopes of nitrogen and oxygen in nitrate in intertidal groundwater discharge and stream water were used, in conjunction with water quality and quantity data and land use information, to better understand the characteristics of nitrate delivered to two small estuaries with contrasting land use in their contributory catchments. Most of the water samples collected during the two-year study had isotopic signatures that fell in the range expected for nitrate derived from ammonium-based fertilizers (26.5 % of the samples) or in the overlapping range formed between ammonium-based fertilizers and nitrate derived from soil (64 % of the samples). Overall, isotopic signatures spanned over relatively narrow ranges, and correlations with other water quality parameters, or catchment characteristics, were weak. Nitrate in groundwater discharge and surface water in the Trout River catchment exhibited significantly different isotopic signatures only for the nitrogen isotope, while in the McIntyre Creek catchment groundwater discharge and surface water had similar isotopic signatures. When the isotopic results for the waters from the two catchments were compared, the surface waters were found to be similar, while the isotopic signatures of nitrate in groundwater were distinct only for the nitrogen isotope. Denitrification in the two study catchments was not evident based on the isotopic results for nitrate; however, in the case of the Trout River catchment, where a small freshwater pond exists, an average nitrate load reduction of 14 % was inferred based on a comparison of nitrate loads entering and leaving the pond. Overall, it appears that natural attenuation processes, occurring either in the streams or groundwater flow systems, do not significantly reduce nitrate loading to these estuaries.  相似文献   
Intracellular cytokine staining combined with flow cytometry is one of a number of assays designed to assess T-cell immune responses. It has the specific advantage of enabling the simultaneous assessment of multiple phenotypic, differentiation and functional parameters pertaining to responding T-cells, most notably, the expression of multiple effector cytokines. These attributes make the technique particularly suitable for the assessment of T-cell immune responses induced by novel tuberculosis vaccines in clinical trials. However, depending upon the particular nature of a given vaccine and trial setting, there are approaches that may be taken at different stages of the assay that are more suitable than other alternatives. In this paper, the Tuberculosis Vaccine Initiative (TBVI) TB Biomarker Working group reports on efforts to assess the conditions that will determine when particular assay approaches should be employed. We have found that choices relating to the use of fresh whole blood or peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and frozen PBMC; use of serum-containing or serum-free medium; length of stimulation period and use of co-stimulatory antibodies can all affect the sensitivity of intracellular cytokine assays. In the case of sample material, frozen PBMC, despite some loss of sensitivity, may be more advantageous for batch analysis. We also recommend that for multi-site studies, common antibody panels, gating strategies and analysis approaches should be employed for better comparability.  相似文献   
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