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Plant species that secrete oil as their primary floral reward are rare and sporadically found in the angiosperms. We report here thatMonttea, a genus previously unsuspected of being an oil-plant, produces lipids from trichome elaiophores on the inside of the lower (anterior) lip. The discovery of the production of oils by species of this S. American genus explains the occurrence of unusual dual-function collecting structures in ArgentineCentris (Hymenoptera: Anthophoridae) and explains the presence of oil-collecting bees in regions where oil-secreting flowers were previously thought to be absent. The behavior of these centridine pollinators onMonttea flowers parallels that of oil-collecting bees onDiascia (Scrophulariaceae) in S. Africa.  相似文献   
Aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase (AAAD) activity of rat retina is low in animals placed in the dark. When the room lights are turned on, activity rises for almost 3 h and reaches values that are about twice the values found in the dark. A study of the kinetics of the enzyme revealed that the apparent Km values for L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine and pyridoxal-5'-phosphate were unchanged in light- and dark-exposed animals, whereas the Vmax increased in the light. Treating the animals with cycloheximide before exposure to light prevented the increase of enzyme activity. Immunotitration with antibodies to AAAD suggested that more enzyme molecules are present in the light than in the dark. When the room lights are turned off AAAD activity drops rapidly at first and then more slowly, suggesting that at least two processes are responsible for the fall of enzyme activity. Exposure to short periods of dark followed by light results in a rapid increase of AAAD activity. Mixing homogenates from light- and dark-exposed rats results in activity values that are less than expected, suggesting the presence of an endogenous inhibitor(s). These studies demonstrate that AAAD activity is modulated in vivo.  相似文献   
The animal/vegetal cleavage ratio (AVCR), defined as the ratio of the height of the animal blastomere to the height of the Xenopus embryo at the 8 cell stage, can be shifted by placing embryos in novel gravitational fields: clinostating (microgravity simulation) increases AVCR, and centrifugation (hypergravity simulation) reduces AVCR. This report contributes to an understanding of the subcellular mechanism responsible for the furrow relocation and assesses its significance. Embryo inversion and D2O immersion were found to increase AVCR, and cold shock was found to reduce AVCR. Based on the additive or antagonistic effects of combined treatments, it is postulated that the primary cause of AVCR changes is an alteration in the distribution of yolk platelets and the rearrangement of microtubule arrays. Embryos with a decreased AVCR exhibited reduced survival in early developmental stages, indicating serious difficulties in cleavage, blastulation and/or gastrulation. Cold-shocked embryos with a reduced AVCR could be rescued by D2O pretreatment or clinostating, an observation which supports the notion that changes accompanying AVCR modifications represent the primary cause of the reduction in percent survival.  相似文献   
Sixteen clients afflicted with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) were reassessed 1 year following completion of a multicomponent treatment package incorporating progressive muscle relaxation, thermal biofeedback, cognitive therapy, and IBS education. For the 14 patients who kept a 2-week symptom diary, significant reductions in ratings of abdominal pain and tenderness, diarrhea, and flatulence were obtained comparing pretreatment and follow-up symptom-diary ratings. Eleven of 14 clients were improved over pretreatment levels, 57% met the criteria for clinical improvement of at least a 50% reduction in major symptom scores, and all but 1 of 16 rated themselves as subjectively improved.  相似文献   
This article reviews some of the neuropharmacology of the dopamine (DA)-containing small intensely fluorescent cells of sympathetic ganglia. The major metabolite of DA found in the ganglia is 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC). DOPAC content appears to be a direct reflection of DA synthesis. DA synthesis can be enhanced by muscarinic agonists and diminished by muscarinic antagonists. Neuroleptic drugs stimulate DA synthesis in the ganglion, which suggests that a local negative neuronal feedback loop might operate within the ganglion. There may be a correlation between deficient DA synthesis in spontaneous hypertensive rats and the development of hypertension. It is possible that some of the peripheral side effects of drugs that act on dopaminergic neurons in the brain might originate from the drugs' action on peripheral dopaminergic neuronal systems such as the sympathetic ganglion.  相似文献   
Abstract: A simple, rapid method is presented for the determination of acetylcholine (ACh) and choline (Ch) in neuronal tissue using HPLC with electrochemical detection. The method is based on the separation of ACh and Ch by reverse-phase HPLC and mixing the effluent as it emerges from the column with acetylcholinesterase and Ch oxidase, which converts endogenous Ch and Ch produced by the hydrolysis of ACh to betaine and hydrogen peroxide. Production of hydrogen peroxide is continuously monitored electrochemically. The sensitivity of the procedure is 1 pmol for Ch and 2 pmol for ACh. Specificity of the method is based on HPLC, two specific enzymatic reactions, and the detection of hydrogen peroxide.  相似文献   
Serotonin (5HT) containing 180 instead of 160 was found in brain after exposing rats to an atmosphere of 1802. The 180 incorporation appeared linear with time and 22% of the 5HT in striatum contained 180 after one hour of exposure. 180 entered 5HT by enzymatic reaction rather than by isotope exchange as treatment with p-chlorophenylalanine, to block tryptophan hydroxylase, prevented incorporation, while more 180-5HT than normal was found in brain after treatment with pargyline, to block monoamine oxidase. Our studies suggest that the incorporation of 1802 into brain 5HT might be a feasible approach for evaluating 5HT turnover in animals and with some modification might be applied in man.  相似文献   
Abstract: Tyrosine hydroxylase in rat retina is activated in vivo as a consequence of photic stimulation. Tyrosine hydroxylase in crude extracts of dark-adapted retinas is activated in vitro by incubation under conditions that stimulate protein phosphorylation by cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase. Comparison of the activations of the enzyme by photic stimulation in vivo and protein phosphorylation in vitro demonstrated several similarities. Both treatments decreased the apparent K m of the enzyme for the synthetic pterin cofactor 6MPH4. Both treatments also produced the same change in the relationships of tyrosine hydroxylase activity to assay pH. When retinal extracts containing tyrosine hydroxylase activated either in vivo by photic stimulation or in vitro by protein phosphorylation were incubated at 25°C, the enzyme was inactivated in a time-dependent manner. The inactivation of the enzyme following both activation in vivo and activation in vitro was partially inhibited by sodium pyrophosphate, an inhibitor of phosphoprotein phosphatase. In addition to these similarities, the activation of tyrosine hydroxylase in vivo by photic stimulation was not additive to the activation in vitro by protein phosphorylation. These data indicate that the mechanism for the activation of tyrosine hydroxylase that occurs as a consequence of light-induced increases of neuronal activity is similar to the mechanism for activation of the enzyme in vitro by protein phosphorylation. This observation suggests that the activation of retinal tyrosine hydroxylase in vivo may be mediated by phosphorylation of tyrosine hydroxylase or some effector molecule associated with the enzyme.  相似文献   
Abstract: Dopamine (DA) and its metabolites, homovanillic acid (HVA) and 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC), have been measured in peripheral tissues of the rat and human by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The content of HVA and DOPAC in peripheral tissue is higher than in blood and is usually higher than the content of DA. In the rat, chemical denervation with 6-hydroxydopamine decreased the tissue content of DOPAC. inhibition of monoamine oxidase increased tissue DA. Apparently, in vivo , a large quantity of peripheral DA is catabolized rather than converted to norepinephrine (NE). These observations suggest that either NE synthesis is inefficient, with a large quantity of DA wasted and not converted to NE, or that DA is physiologically utilized as a neurotransmitter and/or cotransmitter in many peripheral nerves. A survey of the reported actions of DA on peripheral tissues suggests that the latter proposal is more likely.  相似文献   
Protein splicing is a series of enzymatic events involving intramolecular protein breakage, rejoining and intron homing, in which introns are able to promote the recombinative transposition of their own coding sequences. Eukaryotic and prokaryotic spliced proteins have conserved similar gene structure, but little amino acid identity. The genes coding for these spliced proteins contain internal in-frame introns that encode polypeptides that apparently self-excise from the resulting host protein sequences. Excision of the ‘protein intron’ is coupled with joining of the two flanking protein regions encoded by exons of the host gene. Some introns of this type encode DNA endonucleases, related to Group I RNA intron gene products, that stimulate gene conversion and self-transmission.  相似文献   
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