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Relative preferences of green June beetle, Cotinis nitida (L.), adults and grubs for different organic fertilizers were determined in field and laboratory choice experiments. Six organic fertilizer treatments (low rate of broiler litter, high rate of broiler litter, cow manure, hay, Milorganite, or no fertilizer [the control]) were applied to sandy-loam soil and exposed to adults in 2.7 by 3.7 by 2.4-m screen cages. More eggs and larvae were found in pots treated with broiler litter (43%), cow manure (23%), and hay (30%) than in pots treated with Milorganite (4%) or no fertilizer (0%). Orientation preferences of third-instar grubs were tested in Y-tube and satellite olfactometers. Of the five treatments (broiler litter, cow manure, hay, Milorganite, and a blank control), preference was greatest for broiler litter and cow manure, but all organic fertilizer treatments were generally preferred over the blank control. These experiments suggest that use of organic fertilizers may result in higher densities of green June beetle grubs both by attracting the ovipositing females, and by acting as a food attractant for the mobile larvae.  相似文献   
The small nuclear RNAs U4 and U6 display extensive sequence complementarity and co-exist in a single ribonucleoprotein particle. We have investigated intermolecular base-pairing between both RNAs by psoralen cross-linking, with emphasis on the native U4/U6 ribonucleoprotein complex. A mixture of small nuclear ribonucleoproteins U1 to U6 from HeLa cells, purified under non-denaturing conditions by immune affinity chromatography with antibodies specific for the trimethylguanosine cap of the small nuclear RNAs was treated with aminomethyltrioxsalen. A psoralen cross-linked U4/U6 RNA complex could be detected in denaturing polyacrylamide gels. Following digestion of the cross-linked U4/U6 RNA complex with ribonuclease T1, two-dimensional diagonal electrophoresis in denaturing polyacrylamide gels was used to isolate cross-linked fragments. These fragments were analysed by chemical sequencing methods and their positions identified within RNAs U4 and U6. Two overlapping fragments of U4 RNA, spanning positions 52 to 65, were cross-linked to one fragment of U6 RNA (positions 51 to 59). These fragments show complementarity over a contiguous stretch of eight nucleotides. From these results, we conclude that in the native U4/U6 ribonucleoprotein particle, both RNAs are base-paired via these complementary regions. The small nuclear RNAs U4 and U6 became cross-linked in the deproteinized U4/U6 RNA complex also, provided that small nuclear ribonucleoproteins were phenolized at 0 degree C. When the phenolization was performed at 65 degrees C, no cross-linking could be detected upon reincubation of the dissociated RNAs at lower temperature. These results indicate that proteins are not required to stabilize the mutual interactions between both RNAs, once they exist. They further suggest, however, that proteins may well be needed for exposing the complementary RNA regions for proper intermolecular base-pairing in the course of the assembly of the U4/U6 RNP complex from isolated RNAs. Our results are discussed also in terms of the different secondary structures that the small nuclear RNAs U4 and U6 may adopt in the U4/U6 ribonucleoprotein particle as opposed to the isolated RNAs.  相似文献   
Diaphragmatic contractility was assessed in spontaneously breathing ketamine-anesthetized rabbits by measuring the strength of diaphragmatic contraction in response to bilateral supramaximal phrenic nerve stimulation at frequencies between 10 and 100 Hz. During 10-180 min of inspiratory resistive loading, contractility decreased by approximately 40%, and hypoxemia and both respiratory and lactic acidosis developed. After 10 min of recovery, both the response to high-frequency stimulation (100 Hz) and the arterial PO2 and PCO2 returned to base-line levels, whereas metabolic acidosis and reduced response to low-frequency stimulation (10-20 Hz) persisted. Similar levels of hypoxemia and respiratory acidosis in the absence of inspiratory resistive loading did not alter diaphragmatic contractility. We conclude that in anesthetized rabbits excessive inspiratory resistive loading results in partially reversible diaphragm fatigue of the high- and low-frequency types, accompanied by hypoventilation and lactic acidosis.  相似文献   
The albumin, orosomuco?d and alpha 2-macroglobulin secretion by isolated hepatocytes of normal and suffering from Turpentine-induced inflammation rats, is investigated for 4 hr. The model, stable over the whole duration of incubation, is a true reflect of hepatic secretion in vivo and can be used to measure it.  相似文献   
Pyrimidine synthesis in tissue culture   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Abstract— Myelinated cerebellar tissue culture (organ culture) was used to assess the salvage and de novo pathways of pyrimidine synthesis in mammalian brain. Radioactive orotic acid and carbamyl aspartic acid were readily incorporated into UMP and into perchloric acid-insoluble RNA. The incorporation was effectively blocked by azauridine. Neither radioactive sodium bicarbonate or citrulline was incorporated into UMP or blocked by azauridine. [3H]Uridine, on the other hand, rapidly entered the cultures, was incorporated into UMP and perchloric acid-insoluble material, and was partially inhibited by azauridine. The failure to demonstrate activity of carbamyl phosphate synthetase suggests the potential importance of the salvage pathway and the likely dependence of the brain upon exogenous and endogenous pyrimidine precursors.  相似文献   
Elucidation of discontinuous linear determinants in peptides.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Synthetic peptides, made by the method of simultaneous multiple peptide synthesis, were coupled to the protein carrier keyhole limpet hemocyanin and used to raise mAb. Omission and substitution analogs of the original peptides were tested by ELISA to characterize their reactivity with the respective mAb. Linear antigenic determinants were located for 18 different peptides by using omission analogs. The length of the antigenic determinants ranged from 2 to 8 residues, with an average of 6 residues. The three aromatic amino acids, phenylalanine, tryptophan, and tyrosine, the charged hydrophilic amino acids, aspartic acid and lysine, and the neutral amino acid alanine were found to occur most often in the determinant region of the peptides tested, whereas asparagine, cysteine, and histidine occurred the least often. Alanine substitution analogs provided more information than omission analogs by enabling the determination of which side chain groups of the antigenic determinant residues were not critical for binding to the mAb. Detailed, "fingerprint" information about the interaction of the peptide, GASPYPNLSNQQT, and its mAb was obtained by synthesizing a complete series of analogs with individual substitutions for each position of the antigenic determinant, PYPNLS, with the 19 other amino acids. These results suggest that, at the amino acid level, all antigenic determinants of synthetic peptides defined by mAb can be considered discontinuous linear determinants.  相似文献   
SWISS-2DPAGE is a database of proteins identified on two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2-D PAGE). The current release contains 343 entries of human, yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and Escherichia coli origin, as well as virtual entries for each of the protein sequences in the SWISS-PROT database.  相似文献   
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