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The binding isotherms of CACCA(3'NHPhe----Ac) and CACCA(3'NHPhe) to E. coli ribosomes and 50S subunits were measured. A theoretical model of adsorption for the case of cooperative interaction between two ligands adsorbed on a ribosome was designated. The analysis of the experimental binding isoterms leads to the following conclusions. A ribosome (or subunit) binds one CACCA (3'NHPhe----Ac) molecule to donor site of the peptidyl transferase center, but two CACCA (3'NHPhe) molecules to both donor and acceptor sites. The binding of CACCA (3'NHPhe) to ribosomes (or subunits) is a cooperative process, characterized by the cooperativity coefficient tau = 40 +/- 5 or more. When model substrates CACCA-Phe, CACCA-Leu and CACCA-Val were taken instead of CACCA (3'NHPhe) in the incubation mixture with ribosomes, dipeptides were obtained even in the case, when ratio [model substrate]: [ribosome] (in moles) was much lower than 1. Puromycin binding to acceptor site with constant (1-2) X 10(4) M-1 also stimulates CACCA(3'NHPhe----Ac) adsorption to the donor site of ribosomes with cooperativity coefficient being equal to 1.5-2.5. It is also shown that cytidine 5'-phosphate binding to the donor site increases kappa cat of the reaction of minimal donors with CACCA-Phe by 1.5 orders of magnitude but has no effect on Km of this reaction. These facts point out that cytidine 5'-phosphate being adsorbed on the corresponding area of the donor site leads to the conversion of low-productive complex [ribosome + minimal donor substrate + acceptor substrate] into high-productive complex [ribosome + minimal donor substrate + acceptor substrate + cytidine 5'-phosphate].  相似文献   

S-shaped binding curves often characterize interactions of ligands with nucleic acid molecules as analyzed by different physicochemical and biophysical techniques. S-shaped experimental binding curves are usually interpreted as indicative of the positive cooperative interactions between the bound ligand molecules. This paper demonstrates that S-shaped binding curves may occur as a result of the “mixed mode” of DNA binding by the same ligand molecule. Mixed mode of the ligand-DNA binding can occur, for example, due to 1) isomerization or dimerization of the ligands in solution or on the DNA lattice, 2) their ability to intercalate the DNA and to bind it within the minor groove in different orientations. DNA- ligand complexes are characterized by the length of the ligand binding site on the DNA lattice (so-called “multiple-contact” model). We show here that if two or more complexes with different lengths of the ligand binding sites could be produced by the same ligand, the dependence of the concentration of the complex with the shorter length of binding site on the total concentration of ligand should be S-shaped. Our theoretical model is confirmed by comparison of the calculated and experimental CD binding curves for bis-netropsin binding to poly(dA-dT) poly(dA-dT). Bis-netropsin forms two types of DNA complexes due to its ability to interact with the DNA as monomers and trimers. Experimental S-shaped bis-netropsin-DNA binding curve is shown to be in good correlation with those calculated on the basis of our theoretical model. The present work provides new insight into the analysis of ligand-DNA binding curves.  相似文献   
The regulation of gene expression is a basic problem of biology. In some cases, the gene activity is regulated by specific binding of regulatory proteins to DNA. In terms of statistical mechanics, this binding is described as the process of adsorption of ligands on the one-dimensional lattice and has a probability nature. As a random physical process, the adsorption of regulatory proteins on DNA introduces a noise to the regulation of gene activity. We derived equations, which make it possible to estimate this noise in the case of the binding of the lac repressor to the operator and showed that these estimates correspond to experimental data. Many ligands are able to bind nonspecifically to DNA. Nonspecific binding is characterized by a lesser equilibrium constant but a greater number of binding sites on the DNA, as compared with specific binding. Relations are presented, which enable one to estimate the probability of the binding of a ligand on a specific site and on nonspecific sites on DNA. The competition between specific and nonspecific binding of regulatory proteins plays a great role in the regulation of gene activity. Similar to the one-dimensional "lattice gas" of particles, ligands adsorbed on DNA produce "one-dimensional" pressure on proteins located at the termini of free regions of DNA. This pressure, an analog of osmotic pressure, may be of importance in processes leading to changes in chromatin structure and activation of gene expression.  相似文献   
The temperature stability of nanoconstructions formed by double-stranded DNA molecules fixed in the structure of their liquid crystalline dispersions and cross-linked by nanobridges was determined. It was shown that the heating of nanoconstructions is accompanied by a decrease in the amplitude of the negative bands in the CD spectrum both at lambda approximately 310 and lambda approximately 505 nm. Temperature "melting curves" were derived and characterzed by T(M) values. The T(M) values at lambda approximately 310 and lambda approximately 505 nm coincided with each other but differed from the T(M) value characteristic of the DNA cholesteric liquid crystalline dispersion.  相似文献   
We describe formation of a molecular construction that consists of double-stranded molecules of nucleic acids (or synthetic polynucleotides) located at a distance of 30–50 Å in the spatial structure of particles of their cholesteric liquid-crystalline dispersion and crosslinked by polymeric chelate bridges. The resulting superstructure, which possesses peculiar physicochemical properties, can be used as an integral biosensor whose properties depend on temperature, the presence of chemical or biologically active compounds of different nature, etc.  相似文献   
A thermodynamic model of the formation of bridges consisting of alternating daunomycin molecules and copper ions and connecting neighboring nucleic acid molecules in a particle of a liquid crystalline dispersion was constructed. The model is based on the conception that ligands are adsorbed on lattices of reaction centers which are formed in a liquid crystal at a particular spatial arrangement of adjacent nucleic acid molecules (phasing). Equations were derived that describe typical experimentally obtained S-shaped dependences of bridge concentration on the concentration of copper ions and daunomycin molecules in an initial solution. It was shown that dependences of this kind take place in two variants of the adsorption model: when the binding of daunomycin with adjacent nucleic acid molecules is considered to be independent on the formation of bridges and when bridges compete with single daunomycin molecules for the sites on adjacent nucleic acid molecules.  相似文献   
The binding of chitosan molecules to DNA in solutions of different ionic strength has been studied. The data were analyzed in terms of the model of ion condensation and the thermodynamic theory of the binding of protracted ligands to DNA. Combining these approaches made it possible to estimate the sterical and energetic characteristics of chitosan-DNA binding and establish the dependence of the chitosan-DNA binding constant on the ionic strength of solution.  相似文献   
Monomeric bis-benzimidazole (MB) is an analog of the Hoechst 33258 dye. The enthalpy and entropy of MB binding were evaluated by analyzing the calorimetric data on MB reverse titration with poly(dA) · poly(dT). A mathematical model was developed to estimate the thermodynamic parameters of binding on the basis of calorimetric data. The results agree well with spectrophotometric data on the binding of analogous compounds. The model was used to estimate the parameters of binding with poly(dA) · poly(dT) for dimeric bis-benzimidazole (DB), which consists of two bis-benzimidazole monomers linked via a flexible chain. The ligand was assumed to produce different types of complexes with the polymer.  相似文献   
We investigated the phenomenon of ultrasonic cleavage of DNA by analyzing a large set of cleavage patterns of DNA restriction fragments using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The cleavage intensity of individual phosphodiester bonds was found to depend on the nucleotide sequence and the position of the bond with respect to the ends of the fragment. The relative intensities of cleavage of the central phosphodiester bond in 16 dinucleotides and 256 tetranucleotides were determined by multivariate statistical analysis. We observed a remarkable enhancement of the mean values of the relative intensities of cleavage (cleavage rates) in phosphodiester bonds following deoxycytidine, which diminished in the row of dinucleotides: d(CpG) > d(CpA) > d(CpT) >> d(CpC). The cleavage rates for all pairs of complementary dinucleotides were significantly different from each other. The effect of flanking nucleotides in tetranucleotides on cleavage rates of all 16 types of central dinucleotides was also statistically significant. The sequence-dependent ultrasonic cleavage rates of dinucleotides are consistent with reported data on the intensity of the conformational motion of their 5′-deoxyribose. As a measure of local conformational dynamics, cleavage rates may be useful for characterizing functional regions of the genome.  相似文献   
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