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NADH diferric transferrin reductase in liver plasma membrane   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Evidence is presented that rat liver plasma membranes contain a distinct NADH diferric transferrin reductase. Three different assay procedures for demonstration of the activity are described. The enzyme activity is highest in isolated plasma membrane, and activity in other internal membranes is one-eighth or less than in plasma membrane. The activity is inhibited by apotransferrin and antitransferrin antibodies. Trypsin treatment of the membranes leads to rapid loss of the transferrin reductase activity as compared with NADH ferricyanide reductase activity. Erythrocyte plasma membranes, which lack transferrin receptors, show no diferric transferrin reductase activity, although NADH ferricyanide reductase is present. The transferrin reductase is inhibited by agents that inhibit diferric transferrin reduction by intact cells and is activated by CHAPS (3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)dimethylammonio]-1-propanesulfate) detergent. Inhibitors of mitochondrial electron transport have no effect on the activity. We propose that the NADH diferric transferrin reductase in plasma membranes measures the activity of the enzyme that causes the reduction of diferric transferrin by intact cells. This transmembrane electron transport system requires the transferrin receptor for diferric transferrin reduction. Because the transmembrane electron transport has been shown to stimulate cell growth, the reduction of diferric transferrin at the cell surface may be an important function for diferric transferrin in stimulation of cell growth, in addition to its role in iron transport.  相似文献   
Villalba  J. M.  Navarro  F.  Roldán  J. M.  González-Reyes  J. A.  Navas  P. 《Protoplasma》1994,178(3-4):87-96
Summary Expression of various sugar residues on the plasma membrane of frog (Rana perezi) epidermal cells at different stages of differentiation has been monitored with the use of a battery of HRP-conjugated lectins. In paraffin-embedded tissue, mannose residues (stained by Concanavalin A) were detected at the keratinocyte cell surface in all epidermal strata. However,Lens culinaris agglutinin (LCA), also specific for mannose, specifically stained the plasma membrane of cells from the stratum germinativum. Expression of N-acetyl-glucosamine (GlcNAc), labelled with wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), was maximum at the cell surface of basal cells and progressively decreased through the stratum spinosum. Galactose (Gal) and N-acetyl-galactosamine (GalNAc) residues, labelled withGriffonia simplicifolia I (GS I) andGlycine max (SBA) agglutinins, respectively, were expressed according to the degree of differentiation in amphibian epidermal cells. Sialic acid-containing glycoproteins, labelled withLimax flavus agglutinin (LFA), were found in the outermost plasma membrane of the replacement cell layer and stratum corneum. Glycoproteins responsible for the observed lectin-binding patterns have been identified by staining on nitrocellulose filters after electrophoresis of solubilized plasma membrane fractions and Western blotting. Changes at the level of glycosylation of plasma membrane glycoproteins as epidermal cells differentiate are discussed on the basis of a progressive addition of Gal residues. Integral membrane proteins have been solubilized with the non-denaturing detergent CHAPS and glycoproteins containing terminal Gal residues, that are expressed according to the degree of differentiation in frog epidermis, have been partially purified by affinity chromatography on a GS I-Sepharose 4 B column. The purified fraction was composed by four acidic glycoproteins with isoelectric points between 4.6 and 5.2 and, in SDS-gels gave five major protein bands with approximate molecular weights of 148, 140, 102, 60, and 52 kDa in SDS-gels. The 102 and 52 kDa bands correspond to the a and subunits of amphibian epidermal Na+,K+-ATPase as demonstrated by specific staining with a polyclonal antibody against the catalytic subunit of pig kidney proton pump and staining with lectins GS I, GS II, and WGA. Possible relationships between higher molecular weight proteins and the constituents of intramembranous particles from the outermost plasma membranes of the replacement cell layer and the stratum corneum are also discussed.Abbreviations BSA bovine serum albumin - CHAPS (3-[(cholamidopropyl) dimethyl-ammonio] 1-propanesulfonate) - Con A Canavalia ensiformis agglutinin - DTT dithiothreitol - Gal galactose - GalNAc N-acetyl-D-galactosamine - GlcNAc N-acetyl-D-glucosamine - GS I Griffonia simplicifolia agglutinin I - GS II Griffonia simplicifolia agglutinin II - HRP horseradish peroxidase - LFA Limax flavus agglutinin - LCA Lens culinaris agglutinin - NDPAGIF non-denaturing polyacrylamide gel isoelectric focusing - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - PAP peroxidase-antiperoxidase - PBS phosphate buffered saline - PMSF phenyl methyl sulphonyl fluoride - RCL replacement cell layer - SBA soybean agglutinin (Glycine max) - SB stratum basal - SDS sodium dodecyl sulphate - SG stratum granulosum - SS stratum spinosum - UEA I Ulex europaeus agglutinin I - WGA wheat germ (Triticum vulgaris) agglutinin  相似文献   
The NADH oxidase activity of isolated vesicles of soybean (Glycine max cv Williams 82) plasma membranes and elongation growth of 1-cm-long hypocotyl segments were stimulated by auxins (indole-3-acetic acid or 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid [2,4-D]). The auxin-induced stimulations of both NADH oxidase and growth were prevented by the thiol reagents N-ethylmaleimide, p-chloromercuribenzoate, 5,5[prime]-dithiobis(2-nitrophenylbenzoic acid), dithiothreitol, and reduced glutathione. These same reagents largely were without effect on or stimulated slightly the basal levels of NADH oxidase and growth when assayed in the absence of auxins. In the presence of dithiothreitol or reduced glutathione, both 2,4-D and indole-3-acetic acid either failed to stimulate or inhibited the NADH oxidase activity. The rapidity of the response at a given concentration of thiol reagent and the degree of inhibition of the 2,4-D-induced NADH oxidase activity were dependent on order of reagent addition. If the thiol reagents were added first, auxin stimulations were prevented. If auxins were added first, the inhibitions by the thiol reagents were delayed or higher concentrations of thiol reagents were required to achieve inhibition. The results demonstrate a fundamental difference between the auxin-stimulated and the constitutive NADH oxidase activities of soybean plasma membranes that suggest an involvement of active-site thiols in the auxin-stimulated but not in the constitutive activity.  相似文献   
Summary Ascorbate is stabilized in the presence of HL-60 cells. Our results showed that cAMP derivatives and agents that increase cAMP stimulate the ability of HL-60 cells to stabilize ascorbate. On the other hand, tunicamycin, a glycosilation-interfering agent, inhibited this ability. The ascorbate stabilization in the presence of HL-60 cells has been questioned as a simple chemical effect. Further properties and controls about the enzymatic nature of this stabilization are described and discussed. This data, together with hormonal regulation, support the hypothesis that an enzymatic redox system located at the plasma membrane is responsible of the extracellular ascorbate stabilization by HL-60 cells.Abbreviations AFR ascorbate free radicals - FCS fetal calf serum - Sp-cAMPS Sp-cyclic adenosine monophosphothionate - Rp-cAMPS Rp-cyclic adenosine monophosphothionate  相似文献   
A structural and histochemical study of the tongue in the Anuran Amphibian Rana ridibunda was carried out. Histochemical analysis of the filiform and fungiform papillae of the dorsal epithelium has shown a variety of cellular types which may be characterized cytochemically. All of them, except the goblet cells, show a remarkable amount of neutral mucins. The intensity of histochemical positive reaction for sulphomucins, sialomucins and protein is variable according to the cell type. Other histochemical reactions show that the lingual glands are rich in neutral mucins, but not in sialomucins. Histochemically in the component the basic proteins with sulphydryl groups are demonstrated. This sulphydryl groups are more abundant in the glands located in the deep regions.  相似文献   
To investigate the role mitochondrial membrane lipids play in the actions of CR (calorie restriction), C57BL/6 mice were assigned to four groups (control and three 40% CR groups) and the CR groups were fed diets containing soya bean oil (also in the control diet), fish oil or lard. The fatty acid composition of the major mitochondrial phospholipid classes, proton leak and H2O2 production were measured in liver mitochondria following 1 month of CR. The results indicate that mitochondrial phospholipid fatty acids reflect the PUFA (polyunsaturated fatty acid) profile of the dietary lipid sources. CR significantly decreased the capacity of ROS (reactive oxygen species) production by Complex III but did not markedly alter proton leak and ETC (electron transport chain) enzyme activities. Within the CR regimens, the CR-fish group had decreased ROS production by both Complexes I and III, and increased proton leak when compared with the other CR groups. The CR-lard group showed the lowest proton leak compared with the other CR groups. The ETC enzyme activity measurements in the CR regimens showed that Complex I activity was decreased in both the CR-fish and CR-lard groups. Moreover, the CR-fish group also had lower Complex II activity compared with the other CR groups. These results indicate that dietary lipid composition does influence liver mitochondrial phospholipid composition, ROS production, proton leak and ETC enzyme activities in CR animals.  相似文献   
Coenzyme Q is an isoprenylated benzoquinone lipid that functions in respiratory electron transport and as a lipid antioxidant. Dietary supplementation with Q is increasingly used as a therapeutic for treatment of mitochondrial and neurodegenerative diseases, yet little is known regarding the mechanism of its uptake. As opposed to other yeast backgrounds, EG103 strains are unable to import exogenous Q6 to the mitochondria. Furthermore, the distribution of exogenous Q6 among endomembranes suggests an impairment of the membrane traffic at the level of the endocytic pathway. This fact was confirmed after the detection of defects in the incorporation of FM4-64 marker and CPY delivery to the vacuole. A similar effect was demonstrated in double mutant strains in Q6 synthesis and several steps of endocytic process; those cells are unable to uptake exogenous Q6 to the mitochondria and restore the growth on non-fermentable carbon sources. Additional data about the positive effect of peptone presence for exogenous Q6 uptake support the hypothesis that Q6 is transported to mitochondria through an endocytic-based system.  相似文献   
Evolutionary ecologists dating back to Darwin (1871) have sought to understand why males are larger than females in some species, and why females are the larger sex in others. Although the former is widespread in mammals, rodents and other small mammals usually exhibit low levels of sexual size dimorphism (SSD). Here, we investigate patterns of sexual dimorphism in 34 vole species belonging to the subfamily Arvicolinae in a phylogenetic comparative framework. We address the potential role of sexual selection and fecundity selection in creating sex differences in body size. No support was found for hyperallometric scaling of male body size to female body size. We observed a marginally significant relationship between SSD and the ratio of male to female home range size, with the latter being positively related to the level of intrasexual competition for mates. This suggests that sexual selection favours larger males. Interestingly, we also found that habitat type, but not mating system, constitutes a strong predictor of SSD. Species inhabiting open habitats – where males have extensive home ranges in order to gain access to as many females as possible – exhibit a higher mean dimorphism than species inhabiting closed habitats, where females show strong territoriality and an uniform distribution preventing males to adopt a territorial strategy for gaining copulations. Nonetheless, variation in the strength of sexual selection is not the only selective force shaping SSD in voles; we also found a positive association between female size and litter size across lineages. Assuming this relationship also exists within lineages (i.e. fecundity selection on female size), this suggests an additional role for variation in the strength of fecundity selection shaping interspecific differences in female size, and indirectly in SSD. Therefore our results suggest that different selective processes act on the sizes of males and females, but because larger size is favoured in both sexes, SSD is on average relatively small.  相似文献   
The short-term incubation of HeLa cells in the presence of diferric transferrin or ferricyanide, which are reduced externally by the transplasma membrane reductase, produces a stoichiometric decrease in NADH and increase in NAD+, which is stimulated by insulin. The NADP/NADPH ratio does not change during 15 min incubation with the oxidants. The total pyridine nucleotide pool of HeLa cells is not affected. Incubation with apotransferrin and ferrocyanide, which cannot act as oxidants for transmembrane electron transport, does not change the pyridine nucleotide concentrations in the cells. Our results show that NADH can act as the internal electron donor for the reduction of external oxidants by the transmembrane reductase. It appears that oxidation of NADH by the transmembrane electron transport using ferricyanide or iron transferrin as external electron acceptors is sufficient to stimulate growth in HeLa cells.  相似文献   
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