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The involvement of GTP binding proteins in muscarinic acetylcholine receptor (mAChR) mediated responses of cultured chick embryonic cardiac muscle cells was studied by using islet activating protein (IAP) from Bordetella pertussis. Incubation of cells for 24 h with IAP resulted in inhibition of subsequent IAP-catalyzed incorporation of [alpha-32P]ADP-ribose into membrane proteins of Mr 39 000 (No alpha) and 41 000 (Ni alpha); treatment of cultures with 5 ng/mL IAP was sufficient to ADP-ribosylate all available No alpha and Ni alpha. Inhibition of forskolin-stimulated cAMP accumulation by the muscarinic agonist carbachol was abolished in cultures pretreated with IAP. The affinity of carbachol for the mAChR in membranes from IAP-treated cells was considerably decreased compared to control membranes and was not further decreased by addition of guanyl-5'-yl imidodiphosphate. In contrast, the affinity of carbachol for the mAChR on intact cells was not affected by pretreatment with IAP. To investigate the involvement of No and/or Ni in mAChR-mediated increases in K+ permeability, the effect of IAP treatment on mAChR stimulation of 86Rb+ efflux was determined. Treatment of cultures with 5 ng/mL IAP for 24 h completely blocked the stimulation of 86Rb+ efflux evoked by carbachol. Because previous work has shown that mAChR regulation of K+ permeability is independent of changes in cAMP levels, these results suggest a role for No and/or Ni in coupling the mAChR directly to K+ channels in the heart.  相似文献   
A neuroattenuated variant bunyavirus, designated RFC/25B.5 (B.5), was selected by serial passage of a reassortant clone (RFC virus) of a California serogroup virus in BHK-21 cells, followed by plaque purification of that passaged stock. Based on its virulence index (ratio of PFU/50% lethal dose), clone B5 was over 40,000-fold less virulent than its unpassaged RFC parent after intracerebral (i.c.) inoculation into adult mice. Clone B.5 also exhibited markedly reduced neuroinvasiveness after subcutaneous injection into neonatal mice, although it retained its ability to replicate and kill suckling mice after i.c. injection. A murine neuroblastoma line (NA cells) can be used as an in vitro surrogate for the adult mouse brain, since clone B.5 replicated to at least 1,000-fold-lower titers in NA cells than did several neurovirulent California serogroup viruses. Clone B.5 replicated in BHK-21 cells at 37 degrees C to titers similar to those achieved by other California serogroup viruses but was temperature sensitive (ts) since its replication was markedly restricted at 38.9 degrees C. Ten ts revertant clones of B.5 virus were selected at 38.9 degrees C, and all of them lost their ts phenotype and regained the ability to replicate to high titer in NA cells and to kill adult mice after i.c. injection. Clone B.5 is the first described California serogroup virus which is truly attenuated after i.c. inoculation, and its availability will permit genetic analysis of bunyavirus neurovirulence.  相似文献   
The avirulent high egg passage (HEP) strain of rabies virus produces an inapparent infection limited to the central nervous system (CNS) in intracerebrally inoculated adult mice. Heavy chain isotype (anti-mu antiserum) immunosuppression potentiates the infection, with a mortality of about 60% and with elevated virus titers in the brain. Anti-mu-treated mice fail to raise antibody responses to rabies virus although their T cell function is normal when measured by the concanavalin A response of splenic lymphocytes. This indicates that the B cell response plays an important role in clearance of rabies virus from the neuroparenchyma. Treatment with cyclophosphamide or by adult thymectomy, x-irradiation, and bone marrow reconstitution potentiates HEP infection to a greater extent than does isotype suppression. Since these suppressive techniques impair both T and B lymphocyte responses, the data suggest that cellular immune mechanisms may also contribute to host defenses against this central nervous system (CNS) virus infection.  相似文献   
The rate of uptake of uridine into the acid-soluble fraction of Novikoff hepatoma cells is inhibited by low concentrations of the ionophores A23187 and gramicidin and other perturbants of intracellular cation levels. Inhibition of uridine uptake by A23187 is dependent on Ca2+ and is reduced by serum and high levels of Mg2+. The effectiveness of A23187 is dependent on the Ca2+/Mg2+ ratio rather than the absolute concentration of either ion. Inhibition of uridine uptake by gramicidin is not significantly affected by serum or divalent cations. Other effectors of monovalent cation flux such as ouabain and valinomycin also inhibit uridine uptake. These results indicate that net uptake of uridine may be influenced by intracellular levels of certain monovalent and divalent inorganic cations.  相似文献   
Formation of cartilage by non-chondrogenic cell types   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Freshly excised embryonic rat skeletal muscle has been shown to form hyaline cartilage when organ cultured upon demineralized rat bone (bone matrix). Since skeletal muscle is composed of fibrous connective tissue (C.T.) as well as muscle cells, the cartilage could arise from either of these sources. The object of this study was to determine whether cartilage arose from fibrous connective tissue or muscle cells, or both, and whether the ability to form cartilage is limited to tissues derived from somatic mesoderm. Control experiments demonstrated that 19-day embryonic rat skeletal muscle formed cartilage when organ cultured on bone matrix after dissociation and cultivation in vitro, and that 11-day embryonic chick muscle also formed cartilage, although less reproducibly (3 out of 10 cases). Fibroblasts and skeletal muscle were cloned from similar suspensions of dissociated muscle in order to test these purified cell types. Dermis, vascular tissue, and tendons were mechanically removed prior to dissociation in order to eliminate fibroblasts from contaminant sources. Cloned fibroblasts, derived from rat skeletal muscle, formed cartilage in three out of three cases. It was not possible to clone sufficient rat skeletal muscle to place an aggregate onto bone matrix. An aggregate of several hundred chick skeletal muscle clones formed cartilage on bone matrix. The freshly excised C.T. capsules of embryonic chick thyroid and lung were tested for the ability to form cartilage as nonskeletal C.T. derivatives. The epithelial rudiments of thyroid and lung were also tested as endodermal derivatives. Chick cornea was similarly tested as an ectodermal derivative. Of these tissues, only the C.T. capsules formed cartilage. The results demonstrate that various C.T. cell types may alter their phenotype well after that stage at which their differentiation is thought to be stabilized, and that the ability to differentiate as cartilage may be common to all C.T. cells. The option of differentiating along a certain variety of pathways may depend more upon local conditions than on a predetermined pattern.  相似文献   
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