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Summary The phenomenon of interspecific incompatibility between various wild tuber-bearing and closely related non-tuber-bearing Solanum species was studied. One area of investigation included an examination of possible protein interactions in the incompatibility reaction using SDS electrophoresis. Pollen tube inhibition and morphology were examined in conjunction with biochemical analysis. Two sets of crosses were examined: interspecific tuber-bearing species crosses and interspecific tuber-bearing × non-tuber-bearing species crosses. These crosses had consistent pollen tube inhibition in the upper one-third of the style. The upper third of the styles of incompatibly pollinated, compatibly pollinated, and unpollinated styles was studied under fluorescence microscopy to observe pollen tube growth and morphology. Interspecific tuber-bearing × non-tuber-bearing species crosses demonstrated consistent pollen tube inhibition just below the stigma with frequent pollen tube swelling and bursting and extensive callose deposition along the pollen tube wall. Interspecific tuber-bearing species crosses had pollen tube inhibition further down the style with pollen tube tip tapering and extensive callose deposition. Stylar proteins of the lower two-thirds of the styles were analyzed with SDS electrophoresis. No unique protein differences were found to be specifically associated with the interspecific incompatibility reaction in this portion of the style.Cooperative investigation of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, and the Wisconsin Experiment Station. Supported in part by the USDA, Cooperative States Research Service Competitive grant no. 83-CRCR-1-1253  相似文献   
Fetal cells in maternal blood: recovery by charge flow separation   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Fetal blood cells can be recovered from the maternal circulation by charge flow separation (CFS), a method that obviates the risks associated with amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling. By CFS, we processed blood samples from 13 women carrying male fetuses, 2 carrying fetuses with trisomy 21, and 1 who had delivered a stillborn infant with trisomy 18. On average more than 2000 fetal nucleated red blood cells were recovered per 20-ml sample of maternal blood. Recovery of fetal cells was confirmed by fluorescence in situ hybridization with probes for chromosomes Y, 18 and 21. After culturing of CFS-processed cells, amplification by the polymerase chain reaction revealed Y-chromosomal DNA in clones from four of six women bearing male fetuses, but not in clones from three women bearing female fetuses. Received: 8 January 1996 / Revised: 22 March 1996  相似文献   
The objective of this investigation was to examine the response to exogenous auxin (indole-3-acetic acid; IAA)of stem segments at two developmental stages. The standard auxin response of excised stem segments and intact plants consists of an initial growth response and a prolonged growth response. We found that this biphasic response does not occur in internodes at very early stages. Stem segments of light grown pea of various genotypes were cut when the fourth internode was at 6–13% of full expansion (early-expansion) or at 18–25% of full expansion (mid-expansion). Length measurements of excised segments were made after 48 hours of incubation on buffer with or without auxin. An angular position transducer linked to a computerized data collection system provided high-resolution measurement of growth of stacks of segments incubated in buffer over 20 hours. Early-expansion segments of all genotypes deviated from the standard auxin response, while mid-expansion segments responded in a manner consistent with previous reports. Early-expansion segments of tall, light-grown plants were unique in showing an auxin-induced inhibition of growth. The auxin-induced inhibition correlated with high endogenous auxin content, as determined by HPLC and GC/MS, across genotypes and between early-expansion and mid-expansion segments of tall plants. Measurement of ethylene evolved from stem segments in response to auxin, and treatment of segments with the ethylene action inhibitor, norbornadiene, showed the inhibition to be mediated in part by heightened ethylene sensitivity. Growth of early-expansion segments of dwarf and severe dwarf plants was stimulated by exogenous auxin, but the growth rate increase was delayed compared to that in mid-expansion segments. This is the first time that such a growth response, termed the delayed growth response has been emonstrated. It is concluded that developmental stage and endogenous hormone content affect tissue response to exogenous auxin.  相似文献   
A plentiful supply of fixed nitrogen as ammonium (or other compounds such as nitrate or amino acids) inhibits nitrogen fixation in free-living bacteria by preventing nitrogenase synthesis and/or activity. Ammonium and nitrate have variable effects on the ability ofRhizobiaceae (Rhizobium, Bradyrhizobium andAzorhizobium) species to nodulate legume hosts and on nitrogen fixation capacity in bacteroid cells contained in nodules or in plant-free bacterial cultures. In addition to effects on nitrogen fixation, excess ammonium can inhibit activity or expression of other pathways for utilization of nitrogenous compounds such as nitrate (through nitrate and nitrite reductase), or glutamine synthetase (GS) for assimilation of ammonium. This paper describes the roles of two key genesglnB andglnD, whose gene products sense levels of fixed nitrogen and initiate a cascade of reactions in response to nitrogen status. While work onEscherichia coli and other enteric bacteria provides the model system,glnB and, to a lesser extent,glnD have been studied in several nitrogen fixing bacteria. Such reports will be reviewed here. Recent results on the identity and function of theglnB andglnD gene products inAzotobacter vinelandii (a free-living soil diazotroph) and inRhizobium leguminosarum biovarviciae, hereinafter designatedR.l. viciae will be presented. New data suggests thatAzotobacter vinelandii probably contains aglnB-like gene and this organism may have twoglnD-like genes (one of which was recently identified and namednfrX). In addition, evidence for uridylylation of theglnB gene product (the PII protein) ofR. l. viciae in response to fixed nitrogen deficiency is presented. Also, aglnB mutant ofR. l. viciae has been isolated; its characteristics with respect to expression of nitrogen regulated genes is described.  相似文献   
Rhodococcus (opacus) erythropolis HL PM-1 grows on 2,4,6-trinitrophenol or 2,4-dinitrophenol (2,4-DNP) as a sole nitrogen source. The NADPH-dependent F420 reductase (NDFR; encoded by npdG) and the hydride transferase II (HTII; encoded by npdI) of the strain were previously shown to convert both nitrophenols to their respective hydride Meisenheimer complexes. In the present study, npdG and npdI were amplified from six 2,4-DNP degrading Rhodococcus spp. The genes showed sequence similarities of 86 to 99% to the respective npd genes of strain HL PM-1. Heterologous expression of the npdG and npdI genes showed that they were involved in 2,4-DNP degradation. Sequence analyses of both the NDFRs and the HTIIs revealed conserved domains which may be involved in binding of NADPH or F420. Phylogenetic analyses of the NDFRs showed that they represent a new group in the family of F420-dependent NADPH reductases. Phylogenetic analyses of the HTIIs revealed that they form an additional group in the family of F420-dependent glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenases and F420-dependent N5,N10-methylenetetrahydromethanopterin reductases. Thus, the NDFRs and the HTIIs may each represent a novel group of F420-dependent enzymes involved in catabolism.  相似文献   
Theodorou, Andreas, Natalie Weger, Kathleen Kunke, KyooRhee, David Bice, Bruce Muggenberg, and Richard Lemen. Ragweed sensitization alters pulmonary vascular responses to bronchoprovocation in beagle dogs. J. Appl. Physiol.83(3): 912-917, 1997.In ragweed (RW)-sensitized beagle dogs, wetested the hypothesis that reactivity of the pulmonary vasculature wasenhanced with aerosolized histamine (Hist) and RW. Seven dogs wereneonatally sensitized with repeated intraperitoneal RW injections, and12 dogs were controls (Con). The dogs were anesthetizedwith intravenous chloralose, mechanically ventilated, and instrumentedwith femoral arterial and pulmonary artery catheters. Specific lungcompliance(CLsp),specific lung conductance (Gsp),systemic vascular resistance index, and pulmonary vascular resistanceindex (PVRI) were measured before and after bronchoprovocation withHist and RW. After Hist inhalation (5 breaths of 30 mg/ml), both Conand RW dogs had significant (P < 0.05) decreases inCLsp(51 ± 4 and 53 ± 5%, respectively) andGsp (65 ± 5 and69 ± 3%, respectively), but only RW-sensitized dogs had asignificant increase in PVRI (38 ± 10%). After RW inhalation (60 breaths of 0.8 mg/ml), only RW-sensitized dogs had significant increases (62 ± 20%) in PVRI and decreases inGsp (77 ± 4%) and CLsp(65 ± 7%). We conclude that, compared with Con,RW-sensitized beagle dogs have increased pulmonary vasoconstrictiveresponses with Hist or RW inhalation.

The hypothesis that PGK-B, like LDH-C4, is restricted to spermatogenic cells was explored by examining isozyme patterns in testes from mice depleted of germinal cells by surgical cryptorchism. In experimentally cryptorchized C57BL/10Sn males, decline in PGK-B activity paralleled decline in LDH-C4 activity and was correlated with degeneration of spermatocytes, spermatids, and spermatozoa. Trace amounts of these sperm isozymes found in cryptorchid testes after the depletion of maturing germ cells probably came from degenerated spermatids and spermatocytes and not from somatic testicular cells.  相似文献   
A selective protonation strategy is described that uses [3-2H] 13C -ketoisovalerate to introduce (1H- methyl)-leucine and (1H- methyl)-valine into 15N-, 13C-, 2H-labeled proteins. A minimum level of 90% incorporation of label into both leucine and valine methyl groups is obtained by inclusion of 100 mg/L -ketoisovalerate in the bacterial growth medium. Addition of [3,3-2H2] -ketobutyrate to the expression media (D2O solvent) results in the production of proteins with (1H-1 methyl)-isoleucine (>90% incorporation). 1H-13C HSQC correlation spectroscopy establishes that CH2D and CHD2 isotopomers are not produced with this method. This approach offers enhanced labeling of Leu methyl groups over previous methods that utilize Val as the labeling agent and is more cost effective.  相似文献   
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