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A Mayer  F E Nargang  W Neupert    R Lill 《The EMBO journal》1995,14(17):4204-4211
Recognition of targeting signals is a crucial step in protein sorting within the cell. So far, only a few components capable of deciphering targeting signals have been identified, and insights into the chemical nature of the interaction between the signals and their receptors are scarce. Using highly purified mitochondrial outer membrane vesicles, we demonstrate that MOM22 and MOM19, components of the protein import complex of the outer membrane, bind preproteins at the mitochondrial surface in a reversible fashion. Interaction specifically and directly occurs with the N-terminal presequence and is abolished after inactivation of either MOM22 or MOM19. Binding is salt sensitive, suggesting that recognition involves electrostatic forces between the positive charges of the presequence and the acidic cytosolic domain of MOM22. MOM19 and MOM22 can be cross-linked with high efficiency. We propose that the two proteins form a complex which functions as the presequence receptor at the mitochondrial surface and facilitates the movement of preproteins into the translocation pore.  相似文献   
A. Hawse  R. A. Collins    F. E. Nargang 《Genetics》1990,126(1):63-72
We have examined the behavior of the [mi-3] mitochondrial mutation and two physical mtDNA markers in heterokaryotic cultures of Neurospora crassa. Previous workers showed that a 1.2-kilobase insertion in the larger polymorphic form of EcoRI-5 restriction fragment is a site of high frequency and rapid unidirectional gene conversion. We have confirmed this observation and determined by DNA sequence analysis that the insertion in the EcoRI-5 fragment corresponds precisely to an optional intron that contains a long open reading frame in the ND1 gene. Thus, the conversion of the short, intron-lacking, form of EcoRI-5 to the longer, intron-containing, form may be analogous to the unidirectional gene conversion events catalyzed by intron-encoded proteins in other organisms. The resolution of two polymorphic forms of the mtDNA EcoRI-9 restriction fragment in our heterokaryons differs from that observed previously and suggests that this locus is not a site of gene conversion in our heterokaryon pair. The size polymorphism of the EcoRI-9 fragments is due to a tandemly reiterated 78-base-pair sequence which occurs two times in the short form and three times in the long form. One copy of the repeat unit and 66 base pairs following it have been duplicated from the ND2 gene which is located about 30 kilobases distant on the mtDNA. In contrast to the [poky] mitochondrial mutant, which was completely dominant over wild-type mitochondria in heterokaryons, the [mi-3] mutant was recovered in only seven of twenty heterokaryons after ten cycles of conidiation and subculturing. The resolution of the [mi-3] or wild-type phenotype in heterokaryons may depend solely on random factors such as allele input frequency, drift, and segregation rather than specific dominant or suppressive effects.  相似文献   
We have used a technique referred to as ``sheltered RIP' (repeat induced point mutation) to create mutants of the mom-19 gene of Neurospora crassa, which encodes an import receptor for nuclear encoded mitochondrial precursor proteins. Sheltered RIP permits the isolation of a mutant gene in one nucleus, even if that gene is essential for the survival of the organism, by sheltering the nucleus carrying the mutant gene in a heterokaryon with an unaffected nucleus. Furthermore, the nucleus harboring the RIPed gene contains a selectable marker so that it is possible to shift nuclear ratios in the heterokaryons to a state in which the nucleus containing the RIPed gene predominates in cultures grown under selective conditions. This results in a condition where the target gene product should be present at very suboptimal levels and allows the study of the mutant phenotype. One allele of mom-19 generated by this method contains 44 transitions resulting in 18 amino acid substitutions. When the heterokaryon containing this allele was grown under conditions favoring the RIPed nucleus, no MOM19 protein was detectable in the mitochondria of the strain. Homokaryotic strains containing the RIPed allele exhibit a complex and extremely slow growth phenotype suggesting that the product of the mom-19 gene is important in N. crassa.  相似文献   
Translocation of nuclear-encoded preproteins across the outer membrane of mitochondria is mediated by the multicomponent transmembrane TOM complex. We have isolated the TOM core complex of Neurospora crassa by removing the receptors Tom70 and Tom20 from the isolated TOM holo complex by treatment with the detergent dodecyl maltoside. It consists of Tom40, Tom22, and the small Tom components, Tom6 and Tom7. This core complex was also purified directly from mitochondria after solubilization with dodecyl maltoside. The TOM core complex has the characteristics of the general insertion pore; it contains high-conductance channels and binds preprotein in a targeting sequence-dependent manner. It forms a double ring structure that, in contrast to the holo complex, lacks the third density seen in the latter particles. Three-dimensional reconstruction by electron tomography exhibits two open pores traversing the complex with a diameter of approximately 2.1 nm and a height of approximately 7 nm. Tom40 is the key structural element of the TOM core complex.  相似文献   
The Oxa1 protein is a ubiquitous constituent of the inner membrane of mitochondria. Oxa1 was identified in yeast as a crucial component of the protein export machinery known as the OXA translocase, which facilitates the integration of proteins from the mitochondrial matrix into the inner membrane. We have identified the Neurospora crassa Oxa1 protein which shows a sequence identity of 22% to the yeast homologue. Despite the low level of identity, the function of the homologues is conserved as the N. crassa gene fully complemented a yeast null mutant. Genetic analysis revealed that Oxa1 is essential for viability in N. crassa. Cells propagated under conditions that severely reduce Oxa1 levels grew extremely slowly and were deficient in subunits of complex I and complex IV. Isolation of the Oxa1 complex from N. crassa mitochondria revealed a 170-180-kDa complex that contained exclusively Oxa1. Since the Oxa1 monomer has a molecular weight of 43,000, our data suggest that the OXA translocase consists of a homooligomer most likely containing four Oxa1 subunits.  相似文献   
The TOB or SAM complex is responsible for assembling several proteins into the mitochondrial outer membrane, including all β-barrel proteins. We have identified several forms of the complex in Neurospora crassa. One form contains Tob55, Tob38, and Tob37; another contains these three subunits plus the Mdm10 protein; while additional complexes contain only Tob55. As previously shown for Tob55, both Tob37 and Tob38 are essential for viability of the organism. Mitochondria deficient in Tob37 or Tob38 have reduced ability to assemble β-barrel proteins. The function of two hydrophobic domains in the C-terminal region of the Tob37 protein was investigated. Mutant Tob37 proteins lacking either or both of these regions are able to restore viability to cells lacking the protein. One of the domains was found to anchor the protein to the outer mitochondrial membrane but was not necessary for targeting or association of the protein with mitochondria. Examination of the import properties of mitochondria containing Tob37 with deletions of the hydrophobic domains reveals that the topology of Tob37 may be important for interactions between specific classes of β-barrel precursors and the TOB complex.  相似文献   
Transport of nuclear encoded proteins into mitochondria is mediated by multisubunit translocation machineries in the outer and inner membranes of mitochondria. The TOM complex contains receptor and pore components that facilitate the recognition of preproteins and their transfer through the outer membrane. In addition, the complex contains a set of small proteins. Tom7 and Tom6 have been found in Neurospora and yeast, Tom5 has been found so far only in the latter organism. In the present study, we identified Neurospora Tom5 and analyzed its function in comparison to yeast Tom5, which has been proposed to play a role as a receptor-like component. Neurospora Tom5 crosses the outer membrane with its carboxyl terminus facing the intermembrane space like the other small Tom components. The temperature-sensitive growth phenotype of the yeast TOM5 deletion was rescued by overexpression of Neurospora Tom5. On the other hand, Neurospora cells deficient in tom5 did not exhibit any defect in growth. The structural stability of TOM complexes from cells devoid of Tom5 was significantly altered in yeast but not in Neurospora. The efficiency of protein import in Neurospora mitochondria was not affected by deletion of tom5, whereas in yeast it was reduced as compared with wild type. We conclude that the main role of Tom5, rather than being a receptor, is maintaining the structural integrity of the TOM complex.  相似文献   
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