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Summary In the genusMusa, germination is extremely variable and relatively difficult. Even more difficulties are faced when producing hybrids. The seed yield of hybrids in breeding programs is usually low and often, to ensure the viability and survival of seeds, it is necessary to attempt to germinate a large excess of these seeds. In this context,in vitro embryo culture might be an invaluable tool for obtaining desirable hybrid plants in a short time. Seeds ofMusa velutina were sown in seed trays in a peat-based mixture. Thein vivo seed germination reached 78% but only after 9 mo. Because of this delayed and intermittent germination, embryos were excised from seeds and inoculated onto half-strength Murashige and Skoog (1962) medium, with or without supplementation with various concentrations of gibberellic acid. Light and dark conditions were also used to test their effect on embryo germination. After 2 wk, 82% of embryos germinated in the dark on medium containing 0.1 μM gibberellic acid. Addition of gibberellic acid increased the shoot length and root number over the gibberellic acid-free treatment. Similarly, dark conditions gave a significant increase over light conditions for all the parameters except root number where light or dark conditions did not make any difference. Thus, the present study highlights the importance of various components of thein vitro culture ofMusa embryos and the advantage over direct use of greenhouse-sown seeds both in terms of the time taken to germinate and the final percentage.  相似文献   
Three novel strains in Calotrichaceae from tropical habitats were isolated and characterized with regard to their morphology, phylogenetic placement, and secondary structures of conserved domains in the 16S-23S internal transcribed spacer (ITS). The strains fell into two clades formerly identified as Calothrix from freshwater and brackish habitats. Based on both morphology and ecology, they differed from the type species of Calothrix, C. confervicola, which is marine, has wide trichomes with short cells, and narrows abruptly to a hyaline hair. The first clade grouped species with heteropolar filaments widened at the base and narrowed gradually toward the apex but not ending in a hair, with basal heterocytes that are formed in series as the apically placed heterocytes senesce; this clade is being named Fulbrightiella gen. nov., with two named species, F. bharadwajae sp. nov. and F. oahuensis sp. nov. The second clade was comprised of a single species with isopolar trichomes that are untapering as hormogonia, but which widen midfilament and taper toward both ends following growth. These trichomes develop pairs of heterocyte mid-filament, causing fragmentation into heteropolar trichomes with basal heterocytes and ends that taper, but not to a hair. This clade consists of a single species at present, Sherwoodiella mauiensis. With this action, four clades in the Calotrichaceae have been named: Macrochaete, Dulcicalothrix, Fulbrightiella, and Sherwoodiella. Calothrix sensu stricto is truly marine, morphologically distinct, and unsequenced; finding and sequencing the generitype for Calothrix remains as the most important and unfinished task in the revision of the Calotrichaceae.  相似文献   
The glucosyl transferase gene (gtr) from bacteriophage phage X (SfX) caused partial conversion of serotype Y (group antigen 3, 4) to X (group antigen 7, 8) when introduced into a candidate vaccine strain of Shigella flexneri serotype Y (SFL124). The gtr gene caused conversion of O-antigens but did not eliminate the adsorption of the corresponding phage SfX. The hybrid strain expressing both group antigens 7, 8 and 3, 4 showed 75% protection when immunized guinea pigs were challenged with a wild-type S. flexneri serotype X strain. No protection was observed against serotype Y challenge, although group antigen 3, 4 was detected in the LPS of the hybrid strain. This suggests the importance of O-antigen immunity in the host defense against shigellosis.  相似文献   
Chloroplast biogenesis requires synthesis of proteins in the nucleocytoplasm and the chloroplast itself. Nucleus-encoded chloroplast proteins are imported via multiprotein translocons in the organelle’s envelope membranes. Controversy exists around whether a 1-MDa complex comprising TIC20, TIC100, and other proteins constitutes the inner membrane TIC translocon. The Arabidopsis thaliana cue8 virescent mutant is broadly defective in plastid development. We identify CUE8 as TIC100. The tic100cue8 mutant accumulates reduced levels of 1-MDa complex components and exhibits reduced import of two nucleus-encoded chloroplast proteins of different import profiles. A search for suppressors of tic100cue8 identified a second mutation within the same gene, tic100soh1, which rescues the visible, 1 MDa complex-subunit abundance, and chloroplast protein import phenotypes. tic100soh1 retains but rapidly exits virescence and rescues the synthetic lethality of tic100cue8 when retrograde signaling is impaired by a mutation in the GENOMES UNCOUPLED 1 gene. Alongside the strong virescence, changes in RNA editing and the presence of unimported precursor proteins show that a strong signaling response is triggered when TIC100 function is altered. Our results are consistent with a role for TIC100, and by extension the 1-MDa complex, in the chloroplast import of photosynthetic and nonphotosynthetic proteins, a process which initiates retrograde signaling.

Complementary mutations in TIC100 of the chloroplast inner envelope membrane cause reductions or corrective improvements in chloroplast protein import, and highlight a signaling role.

IN A NUTSHELLBackground: Plants harvest energy from the sun and CO2 from the air and convert them into the energy-rich molecules they, and eventually us, are made of. Plants do this, photosynthesis, in bodies called chloroplasts inside their cells. Chloroplasts, made of protein and membrane material, were, before plants evolved, free-living bacteria, but the synthesis of most of their proteins occurs outside them, using information carried by the cell’s nuclear DNA, so most proteins have to be brought into developing chloroplasts, across the double membrane surrounding them, through dedicated, selective channels, formed by TOC (outer) and TIC (inner envelope) proteins. The identity of those channels matters as it helps determine versions of chloroplasts suited for particular environments. Which TIC proteins constitute the inner envelope channel has been a matter of controversy.Question: A mutant Arabidopsis plant called cue8 is slow-to-green (young leaves begin almost white) and shows delayed chloroplast and plant development. We looked for the molecular identity of the CUE8 gene. We also caused further mutations in this mutant and searched whether any corrected the defects in cue8.Findings: We found the mutated gene causing the cue8 defects is the TIC100 gene. This is one essential component of the “TIC 1-MDa complex,” one of the two versions of the TIC import complex under debate. That complex is made of several proteins, all present at reduced levels in cue8. In laboratory assays in which proteins are imported into isolated chloroplasts, cue8 performed worse than normal plants for a photosynthetic and a housekeeping chloroplast protein. A corrective, “suppressor” mutant was identified, and it carried a second mutation in TIC100, one physically complementary to the first one. Both the single and the double (suppressed) mutant still were slow-to-green, which evidences a signaling role for import defects to the nucleus, making photosynthetic genes active or not.Next steps: Surprisingly the grasses, including the cereals, have one core protein of the TIC 1 MDa complex but not the rest (including TIC100). We don’t know how their TIC channels operate. We also need to learn how the information on the defect in protein import, which occurs at the chloroplast envelope, is relayed to the cell’s nucleus (but we do have some clues).  相似文献   
Hemocyanins are multi-subunit oxygen carrier proteins, found in select species of arthropoda and mollusca. Here, we have purified native hemocyanin from Pila globosa, a freshwater gastropod, verified using mass spectrometry and determined its molecular weight, secondary structure and the spectral properties, using Ultraviolet/visible, Fourier transform infra-red and Circular dichroism spectroscopy. Our results reveal the oligomeric and glycosylated nature of the protein, comprising of 400 kDa subunits, organized predominantly into a thermo-stable, alpha-helical conformation. Further, biochemical assays confirm catecholoxidase-like activity in hemocyanin, which has been used to develop a first-generation optical sensor, for the detection of phenols.  相似文献   
Enzyme-based catalysis has become one of the most important disciplines in organic synthesis and plays a noteworthy role in the establishment of many chemical industries, e.g. fine chemicals, food or energy, textiles, agricultural, cosmeceutical, medicinal and pharmaceutical industries. However, pristine enzymes fail to demonstrate requisite functionalities for an industrial setting where extremely specific and stable catalysts are required. Immobilization enhances the catalytic stability and activity of enzymes and trims the overall cost burden of the enzyme. Therefore, it widely endeavours for proficient, sustainable, and environmentally responsive catalytic processes. Amongst several immobilization strategies, e.g. (1) supports-assisted, i.e. physical or covalent coupling and (2) supports-free techniques, i.e. cross-linked enzyme crystals (CLECs) or aggregates are the most promising ones and widely pursued for enzyme immobilization purposes. This perspective review focuses on up-to-date developments in the area of enzyme immobilization and presents their potentialities to upgrade and/or modify enzyme properties. Both types of immobilization strategies, i.e. supports-assisted and supports-free techniques are discussed with particular reference to CLECs or aggregates and protein-coated microcrystals. Also, several useful traits achieved after immobilization are also discussed in the second half of the review.  相似文献   
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