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Summary The histochemical localization of ascorbic acid in plant tissues with the alcoholic acidic silver nitrate reagent is shown here to be not specific for ascorbic acid, since some of the polyphenolic substances, including flavonoids, which are known to be widely distributed in plant tissues, are also able to reduce the acidic alcoholic silver nitrate reagent at low temperature (0–4°C) and at pH 2 to 2.5 in dark. This method may perhaps be used for animal tissues where flavonoid pigments do not occur in such large quantities as they do in plants. I therefore, come to the inevitable conclusion that the use of alcoholic acidic silver nitrate reagent in localizing ascorbic acid in plant tissues may be highly misleading.  相似文献   
The PE_PGRS family of proteins unique to mycobacteria is demonstrated to contain multiple calcium-binding and glycine-rich sequence motifs GGXGXD/NXUX. This sequence repeat constitutes a calcium-binding parallel beta-roll or parallel beta-helix structure and is found in RTX toxins secreted by many Gram-negative bacteria. It is predicted that the highly homologous PE PGRS proteins containing multiple copies of the nona-peptide motif could fold into similar calcium-binding structures. The implication of the predicted calcium-binding property of PE PGRS proteins in the light of macrophage-pathogen interaction and pathogenesis is presented.  相似文献   
Nutrient legacies in anthropogenic landscapes, accumulated over decades of fertilizer application, lead to time lags between implementation of conservation measures and improvements in water quality. Quantification of such time lags has remained difficult, however, due to an incomplete understanding of controls on nutrient depletion trajectories after changes in land-use or management practices. In this study, we have developed a parsimonious watershed model for quantifying catchment-scale time lags based on both soil nutrient accumulations (biogeochemical legacy) and groundwater travel time distributions (hydrologic legacy). The model accurately predicted the time lags observed in an Iowa watershed that had undergone a 41% conversion of area from row crop to native prairie. We explored the time scales of change for stream nutrient concentrations as a function of both natural and anthropogenic controls, from topography to spatial patterns of land-use change. Our results demonstrate that the existence of biogeochemical nutrient legacies increases time lags beyond those due to hydrologic legacy alone. In addition, we show that the maximum concentration reduction benefits vary according to the spatial pattern of intervention, with preferential conversion of land parcels having the shortest catchment-scale travel times providing proportionally greater concentration reductions as well as faster response times. In contrast, a random pattern of conversion results in a 1:1 relationship between percent land conversion and percent concentration reduction, irrespective of denitrification rates within the landscape. Our modeling framework allows for the quantification of tradeoffs between costs associated with implementation of conservation measures and the time needed to see the desired concentration reductions, making it of great value to decision makers regarding optimal implementation of watershed conservation measures.  相似文献   
Irrigated agriculture can modify the cycling and transport of nitrogen (N), due to associated water diversions, water losses, and changes in transport flow-paths. We investigate dominant processes behind observed long-term changes in dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) concentrations and loads of the extensive (465,000 km2) semi-arid Amu Darya River basin (ADRB) in Central Asia. We specifically considered a 40-year period (1960–2000) of large irrigation expansion, reduced river water flows, increased fertilizer application and net increase of N input into the soil-water system. Results showed that observed decreases in riverine DIN concentration near the Aral Sea outlet of ADRB primarily were due to increased recirculation of irrigation water, which extends the flow-path lengths and enhances N attenuation. The observed DIN concentrations matched a developed analytical relation between concentration attenuation and recirculation ratio, showing that a fourfold increase in basin-scale recirculation can increase DIN attenuation from 85 to 99%. Such effects have previously only been observed at small scales, in laboratory experiments and at individual agricultural plots. These results imply that increased recirculation can have contributed to observed increases in N attenuation in agriculturally dominated drainage basins in different parts of the world. Additionally, it can be important for basin scale attenuation of other pollutants, including phosphorous, metals and organic matter. A six-fold lower DIN export from ADRB during the period 1981–2000, compared to the period 1960–1980, was due to the combined result of drastic river flow reduction of almost 70%, and decreased DIN concentrations at the basin outlet. Several arid and semi-arid regions around the world are projected to undergo similar reductions in discharge as the ADRB due to climate change and agricultural intensification, and may therefore undergo comparable shifts in DIN export as shown here for the ADRB. For example, projected future increases of irrigation water withdrawals between 2005 and 2050 may decrease the DIN export from arid world regions by 40%.  相似文献   
Identifying the sulfenylation state of stressed cells is emerging as a strategic approach for the detection of key reactive oxygen species signaling proteins. Here, we optimized an in vivo trapping method for cysteine sulfenic acids in hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) stressed plant cells using a dimedone based DYn-2 probe. We demonstrated that DYn-2 specifically detects sulfenylation events in an H2O2 dose- and time-dependent way. With mass spectrometry, we identified 226 sulfenylated proteins after H2O2 treatment of Arabidopsis cells, residing in the cytoplasm (123); plastid (68); mitochondria (14); nucleus (10); endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi and plasma membrane (7) and peroxisomes (4). Of these, 123 sulfenylated proteins have never been reported before to undergo cysteine oxidative post-translational modifications in plants. All in all, with this DYn-2 approach, we have identified new sulfenylated proteins, and gave a first glance on the locations of the sulfenomes of Arabidopsis thaliana.Among the different amino acids, the sulfur containing amino acids like cysteine are particularly susceptible to oxidation by reactive oxygen species (ROS)1 (1, 2). Recent studies suggest that the sulfenome, the initial oxidation products of cysteine residues, functions as an intermediate state of redox signaling (3 5). Thus, identifying the sulfenome under oxidative stress is a way to detect potential redox sensors (6, 7).This central role of the sulfenome in redox signaling provoked chemical biologists to develop strategies for sensitive detection and identification of sulfenylated proteins. The in situ trapping of the sulfenome is challenging because of two major factors: (1) the highly reactive, transient nature of sulfenic acids, which might be over-oxidized in excess of ROS, unless immediately protected by disulfide formation (7); (2) the intracellular compartmentalization of the redox state that might be disrupted during extraction procedures, resulting in artificial non-native protein oxidations (8, 9). Having a sulfur oxidation state of zero, sulfenic acids can react as both electrophile and nucleophile, however, direct detection methods are based on the electrophilic character of sulfenic acid (10). In 1974, Allison and coworkers reported a condensation reaction between the electrophilic sulfenic acid and the nucleophile dimedone (5,5-dimethyl-1,3-cyclohexanedione), producing a corresponding thioether derivative (11). This chemistry is highly selective and, since then, has been exploited to detect dimedone modified sulfenic acids using mass spectrometry (12). However, dimedone has limited applications for cellular sulfenome identification because of the lack of a functional group to enrich the dimedone tagged sulfenic acids. Later, dimedone-biotin/fluorophores conjugates have been developed, which allowed sensitive detection and enrichment of sulfenic acid modified proteins (13 15). This approach, however, was not always compatible with in vivo cellular sulfenome analysis, because the biotin/fluorophores-conjugated dimedone is membrane impermeable (9) and endogenous biotinylated proteins might appear as false positives.More recently, the Carroll lab has developed DYn-2, a sulfenic acid specific chemical probe. This chemical probe consists of two functional units: a dimedone scaffold for sulfenic acid recognition and an alkyne chemical handle for enrichment of labeled proteins (9). Once the sulfenic acids are tagged with the DYn-2 probe, they can be biotinylated through click chemistry (16). The click reaction used here is a copper (I)-catalyzed azide-alkyne cycloaddition reaction (17), also known as azide-alkyne Huisgen cycloaddition (16). With this chemistry, a complex is formed between the alkyne functionalized DYn-2 and the azide functionalized biotin. This biotin functional group facilitates downstream detection, enrichment, and mass spectrometry based identification (Fig. 1). In an evaluation experiment, DYn-2 was found to efficiently detect H2O2-dependent sulfenic acid modifications in recombinant glutathione peroxidase 3 (Gpx3) of budding yeast (18). Moreover, it was reported that DYn-2 is membrane permeable, non-toxic, and a non-influencer of the intracellular redox balance (17, 18). Therefore, DYn-2 has been suggested as a global sulfenome reader in living cells (17, 18), and has been applied to investigate epidermal growth factor (EGF) mediated protein sulfenylation in a human epidermoid carcinoma A431 cell line and to identify intracellular protein targets of H2O2 during cell signaling (17).Open in a separate windowFig. 1.Schematic views of the molecular mechanism of the DYn-2 probe and the strategy to identify DYn-2 trapped sulfenylated proteins. A, DYn-2 specifically detects sulfenic acid modifications, but no other thiol modifications. B, Biotinylation of the DYn-2 tagged proteins by click reaction. C, Once DYn-2 tagged proteins are biotinylated, a streptavidin-HRP (Strep-HRP) blot visualizes sulfenylation, or alternatively, after enrichment on avidin beads, proteins are identified by mass spectrometry analysis.Here, we selected the DYn-2 probe to identify the sulfenome in plant cells under oxidative stress. Through a combination of biochemical, immunoblot and mass spectrometry techniques, and TAIR10 database and SUBA3-software predictions, we can claim that DYn-2 is able to detect sulfenic acids on proteins located in different subcellular compartments of plant cells. We identified 226 sulfenylated proteins in response to an H2O2 treatment of Arabidopsis cell suspensions, of which 123 proteins are new candidates for cysteine oxidative post-translational modification (PTM) events.  相似文献   
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