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PGRP-S (Tag7) is an innate immunity protein involved in the antimicrobial defense systems, both in insects and in mammals. We have previously shown that Tag7 specifically interacts with several proteins, including Hsp70 and the calcium binding protein S100A4 (Mts1), providing a number of novel cellular functions. Here we show that Tag7–Mts1 complex causes chemotactic migration of lymphocytes, with NK cells being a preferred target. Cells of either innate immunity (neutrophils and monocytes) or acquired immunity (CD4+ and CD8+ lymphocytes) can produce this complex, which confirms the close connection between components of the 2 branches of immune response.  相似文献   
Butler NC 《Bioethics》1989,3(3):181-199
Resolution of the question of pain relief in neonates and infants has been hampered by hesitation on the part of medical personnel to assign a high priority to consideration of the issue. Butler provides a partial explanation for this hesitation based on resistance to changes in belief and practice stemming from the history of neonatology and an epistemological need for coherence. She argues for suspension of both the hesitation and the resistance, and for quickly implementing changes in infant care practices. Showing that traditional reasons for denying or diminishing infant pain perception and its control have lost their persuasive power, she offers ethical arguments for recasting traditional concerns and adopting a new perspective.  相似文献   
During the first 3 days of exposure of rats to 5°C, the nitrogen concentration of interscapular brown fat increased by 50% and remained at this elevated level for the duration of the 8-wk observation period, while the mass of tissue increased fourfold. The concentration of both DNA and RNA per unit nitrogen reached a maximum after 3 days, then declined; however, the total quantity of each continued to rise. The concentration of various respiratory enzymes decreased during the first few days and then increased, but at different rates. The morphological changes in mature brown fat cells during cold acclimation were observed to be: a reduction in fat droplet size during the first 3 days, followed by a gradual increase in size through 6 wk in the cold; a continual increase in the amount of intermitochondrial ground substance during the first 3 wk, with increased granularity and glycogen content after 1 wk; initial disappearance of glycogen between mitochondria, followed by the reappearance of a few isolated particles in the intermitochondrial ground substance after 1 wk in the cold; initial increase in the density of intramitochondrial matrix for the first 3–4 days, followed by a gradual return to the control density; loss in integrity of mitochondrial outer membranes during the first 4 days, followed by gradual but incomplete restoration; temporary loss of the dense material in lipid droplets during the first 24 hr, with return after 1 wk in the cold; and a 40% increase in mitochondrial diameter within 1 day, followed by a decrease in diameter within 1 wk to a constant value about 15% larger than the controls.  相似文献   
Waardenburg syndrome (WS) is a dominantly inherited and clinically variable syndrome of deafness, pigmentary changes, and distinctive facial features. Clinically, WS type I (WS1) is differentiated from WS type II (WS2) by the high frequency of dystopia canthorum in the family. In some families, WS is caused by mutations in the PAX3 gene on chromosome 2q. We have typed microsatellite markers within and flanking PAX3 in 41 WS1 kindreds and 26 WS2 kindreds in order to estimate the proportion of families with probable mutations in PAX3 and to study the relationship between phenotypic and genotypic heterogeneity. Evaluation of heterogeneity in location scores obtained by multilocus analysis indicated that WS is linked to PAX3 in 60% of all WS families and in 100% of WS1 families. None of the WS2 families were linked. In those families in which equivocal lod scores (between −2 and +1) were found, PAX3 mutations have been identified in 5 of the 15 WS1 families but in none of the 4 WS2 families. Although preliminary studies do not suggest any association between the phenotype and the molecular pathology in 20 families with known PAX3 mutations and in four patients with chromosomal abnormalities in the vicinity of PAX3, the presence of dystopia in multiple family members is a reliable indicator for identifying families likely to have a defect in PAX3.  相似文献   
In all previous studies involving the behavior of the cushion star Pteraster tesselatus Ives, the possibility that this asteroid's copious secretions of mucus are defensive in nature has been suggested, but never studied to any degree.

Our research shows that discharge of mucus from Pteraster was triggered not only by physical stimulation, but also from contact with the asteroid-consuming sea stars Solaster dawsoni Verrill and Pycnopodia helianthoides (Brandt). It was also found that mucus repelled these two asteroids so effectively that it provided Pteraster tesselatus with protection from predation for essentially 100% of the time.

Pteraster specimens were easily and harmlessly rendered defenseless by removing their mucous-cell-containing supradorsal membranes by dissection. Without the mucous secretions available for discharge, it was shown that P. tesselatus was easily preyed upon by both Solaster dawsoni and Pycnopodia helianthoides.  相似文献   

Intracerebroventricular (ICV) injections of interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta) produced a dose-dependent increase in plasma corticosterone and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) within 2 hr of injection and then declined over the next 24 hr. Using a potent steroidogenic dose of IL-1 beta (5 ng), ICV injection resulted in suppression of splenic macrophage IL-1 secretion following stimulation by LPS in vitro. Macrophage TGF-beta secretion was not affected, indicating a differential action of ICV IL-1 beta on macrophage cytokine production. Following adrenalectomy (ADX), the suppressive effect of ICV IL-1 beta was reversed and resulted in stimulation of macrophage IL-1 secretion, indicating that the suppression was mediated by adrenocorticol activation. However, surgical interruption of the splenic nerve to eliminate autonomic innervation of the spleen also prevented the macrophage suppressive signal in rats given ICV IL-1 beta. Furthermore, the combination of ADX and splenic nerve section resulted in a potent stimulatory effect of ICV IL-1 beta on splenic macrophage IL-1 secretion which was greater than either ADX or splenic nerve section alone. These results support the concept of a negative feedback on macrophage IL-1 secretion by the central action of IL-1 beta and indicate that both the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and the sympathetic nervous system mediate this effect.  相似文献   
 We built a “consensus” partial linkage map based on RAPD markers using 48 sibships of eight megagametophytes each from a natural population of Norway spruce. A RAPD linkage map for a single individual from the same population had previously been constructed. Using 30 random decamers that had yielded 83 RAPD markers in the single-tree map, eight megagametophytes for each of the 48 sibships were screened. The linkage relationship among markers was estimated considering each family of eight megagametophytes as a progeny of a phase-unknown backcross mating between a heterozygous mother and a fictitious ‘recessive’ father. Markers were assigned to windows using LOD=2.0 and θ=0.4 as thresholds, and ordered using a criterion of interval support ≥2.0. For eight “windows” of recombination selected on the single-tree map, we investigated the consistency of marker order in the two maps. We adopted restrictive criteria for rejecting co-linearity between the two locus orders. For each window we imposed the most likely locus order obtained from one data set to the other (and vice versa), obtaining two symmetrical log-likelihood differences. We considered the hypothesis of co-linearity rejected when both symmetrical differences were significant (ΔLOD>3.0). By bootstrapping a subset of markers for each window (highly informative, ‘framework’ loci chosen on the previous single-tree map using a matrix correlation method) the sampling variability of the single-tree and population maps was estimated. As expected the population map was affected by a larger variability than the single-tree map. Heterogeneity in pairwise recombination fractions among groups of sibship revealed a (possible) alternative genomic arrangement detected within a single recombination window. Received : 4 January 1997 / Accepted : 24 January 1997  相似文献   
To identify genes influencing age at onset (AAO) in two common neurodegenerative diseases, a genomic screen was performed for AAO in families with Alzheimer disease (AD; n=449) and Parkinson disease (PD; n=174). Heritabilities between 40%–60% were found in both the AD and PD data sets. For PD, significant evidence for linkage to AAO was found on chromosome 1p (LOD = 3.41). For AD, the AAO effect of APOE (LOD = 3.28) was confirmed. In addition, evidence for AAO linkage on chromosomes 6 and 10 was identified independently in both the AD and PD data sets. Subsequent unified analyses of these regions identified a single peak on chromosome 10q between D10S1239 and D10S1237, with a maximum LOD score of 2.62. These data suggest that a common gene affects AAO in these two common complex neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   


Genotyping of HBV is generally used for determining the epidemiological relationship between various virus strains and origin of infection mostly in research studies. The utility of genotyping for clinical applications is only beginning to gain importance. Whether HBV genotyping will constitute part of the clinical evaluation of Hepatitis B patients depends largely on the availability of the relevance of the evidence based information. Since Pakistan has a HBV genotype distribution which has been considered less virulent as investigated by earlier studies from south East Asian countries, a study on correlation between HBV genotypes and risk of progression to further complex hepatic infection was much needed


A total of 295 patients with HBsAg positive were selected from the Pakistan Medical Research Council's (PMRC) out patient clinics. Two hundred and twenty six (77%) were males, sixty nine (23%) were females (M to F ratio 3.3:1).


Out of 295 patients, 156 (53.2%) had Acute(CAH), 71 (24.2%) were HBV Carriers, 54 (18.4%) had Chronic liver disease (CLD) Hepatitis. 14 (4.7%) were Cirrhosis and HCC patients. Genotype D was the most prevalent genotype in all categories of HBV patients, Acute (108), Chronic (39), and Carrier (53). Cirrhosis/HCC (7) were HBV/D positive. Genotype A was the second most prevalent with 28 (13%) in acute cases, 12 (22.2%) in chronics, 14 (19.7%) in carriers and 5 (41.7) in Cirrhosis/HCC patients. Mixed genotype (A/D) was found in 20 (12.8%) of Acute patients, 3 (5.6%) of Chronic and 4 (5.6%) of carriers, none in case of severe liver conditions.


Mixed HBV genotypes A, D and A/D combination were present in all categories of patients except that no A/D combination was detected in severe conditions. Genotype D was the dominant genotype. However, genotype A was found to be more strongly associated with severe liver disease. Mixed genotype (A/D) did not significantly appear to influence the clinical outcome.  相似文献   
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