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G. Nakos 《Plant and Soil》1984,79(1):101-121
Summary Soils derived from a number of different parent materials (lithologies) and developed along a climatic gradient, manifested by the altitudinal succession of natural vegetation zones (Mediterranean, sub-Mediterranean, Mountainous and Pseudoalpine), were sampled throughout mainland Greece.In soils derived from siliceous parent materials low in clay, acidity increase and percent base saturation decreases from the Mediterranean to the Pseudoalpine vegetation zones. Clay illuviation is found mainly in soils developed in the Mediterranean and the sub-Mediterranean zones. No such changes are apparent in clayey soils rich in bases.Organic matter content of the mineral portion of the soil profile increases by a factor of 2 with a decrease in mean annual air temperature of about 10°C. The pattern of change in clay and soil organic matter content with climate is in relatively good agreement with soil development trends in the area, when soil profiles are named according to the FAO-Unesco soil map of the world.Concentrations of Ca and Mg decrease and those of total N, total and extractable P, K, Fe, Mn and Zn increase from the Mediterranean to the Mountainous zone. Within the same zone, however, concentrations of N, Ca, K, Fe, Mn and Zn decrease, but those of Mg, total and extractable P increase with soil depth. The concentrations of most macro- and micronutrients in the humic horizon are several times higher than those in the mineral portion of the soil profile due to biological enrichment.  相似文献   
The relationship between anionic-lipid concentration and the functional properties of plasma-membrane domains was explored using the guinea-pig sperm membrane as a model, with polymyxin B (PXB) as a probe. Areas of plasmalemma specialized for fusion during the acrosome reaction had a higher affinity for the probe than adjacent nonfusigenic regions. In addition, capacitation--a process preceding acrosome:plasma-membrane fusion--markedly enlarged the area susceptible to PXB binding over the acrosomal cap. Protease treatment mimicked capacitation by increasing the acrosome-reaction incidence as well as PXB binding, at enzyme concentrations not affecting the surface coat nor altering filipin/sterol localization. Both proteolytic digestion and capacitation failed to augment PXB- or filipin-affinity in nonfusigenic zones, such as the post-acrosomal segment, including its particle-free maculae. Incubation of sperm in capacitating medium supplemented with 32P-labeled phosphate, followed by lipid extraction, thin-layer chromatography, and autoradiography, revealed a radioactive band comigrating with cardiolipin and phosphatidic acid. Vermiform protrusions elicited by PXB in the outer lamellae of cardiolipin- phosphatidylcholine liposomes resembled those seen in fusional regions of sperm membrane. We conclude that (a) differing concentrations of anionic lipids are found in adjacent domains of the sperm plasma membrane; (b) these domains mirror the functional regions of the membrane, with higher anionic-lipid concentrations localized over fusional zones; (c) the surface coat does not participate in the maintenance of such domains; (d) anionic-lipid synthesis may contribute to their formation; and (e) anionic-lipid concentrations increase as the membrane becomes fusionally competent, indicating that cellular modulation of lipid domains accompanies regulation of membrane function.  相似文献   
Summary Addition of marl (CaCO3) and/or manure to an acid soil in pots caused lime-induced chlorosis inPinus radiata seedlings, especially after excessive irrigation for 15 days. Chlorotic symptoms and their intensity were found to be related more to soil moisture and to the HCO3 concentrations, than to percentage of free CaCO3, in the soil mixtures.Comparative chemical analysis showed lower total Fe and Mn concentrations and higher concentrations of cations and organic anions in the needles of seedlings with chlorotic symptoms than in the needles of healthy ones.  相似文献   
Summary Results of experiments with four poplar clones and various chemical fertilizers in a nursery in southern Greece are presented. At the end of the first growth period the heights of the four clones, without fertilizers, decreased in the order of I-214>I-262>cv. campeator > black poplar 1/64 with significant differences only between black poplar 1/64 and the rest of the clones.Of the fertilizer nutrients N, P, K and Mg only N improved heights of all clones significantly and especially of the clone I-214. One hundred and 200 kg of P fertilizer per ha had minimal or negative effect on height increase of all clones.Ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate and potassium nitrate all at 400 kg N per ha were found equally effective in improving height growth of the clone I-214 but ammonium nitrate is the N fertilizer of choice by its higher N content and relatively lower price.Ammonium nitrate at 200 kg N per ha, in two or three equal dosages, during the first growth period, June–July, gave the maximum height increase for two consecutive years of the clone I-214. Six hundred kgs, of N per ha reduced height increase of the same clone and increased losses of N, as NO3 , in drainage water.  相似文献   
Nine white-rot fungal strains were screened for biodecolourization of brilliant green, cresol red, crystal violet, congo red and orange II. Dichomitus squalens, Phlebia fascicularia and P. floridensis decolourized all of the dyes on solid agar medium and possessed better decolourization ability than Phanerochaete chrysosporium when tested in nitrogen-limited broth medium. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology (2002) 28, 201–203 DOI: 10.1038/sj/jim/7000222 Received 12 July 2001/ Accepted in revised form 22 October 2001  相似文献   
The purpose of the present study was the development and evaluation of a fluorimetric method for the screening and differential determination of phospholipase A(2) and PAF-acetylhydrolase in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid and serum. Phospholipase A(2) was determined using C(12)-NBD-PC in the presence of Ca(2+), from the slope of the fluorescence enhancement due to the formation of C(12)-NBD-fatty acid. PAF-acetylhydrolase was determined using C(6)-NBD-PC, from the slope of the curve due to C(6)-NBD-fatty acid formation in the absence of Ca(2+). The results were confirmed after TLC analysis. The method's selectivity was evaluated by comparing to radiometric measurements. Light scattering did not interfere and inner filter effects was not observed under our experimental conditions. The effects of pH, temperature, and Ca(2+) were investigated. Protein caused an increase in the background fluorescence of both NBD-PCs. The standard curves of both NBD-fatty acids exhibited the same slope. Linearity extended at least up to 4. 5 nmoles per ml of reaction mixture at the normal pH 7.4. The fluorescence of the NBD-fatty acids remained stable for increasing concentrations of BAL fluid and serum and for BSA up to 100 microg/ml of reaction mixture. Porcine pancreatic PLase A(2) showed preference for C(12)-NBD-PC in the presence of Ca(2+), while without Ca(2+), serum PAF-AcH hydrolyzed only C(6)-NBD-PC. The method is highly sensitive, accurate, and reproducible and can be applied for the differential determination of phospholipase A(2) and PAF-acetylhydrolase activities in BAL fluid and serum.  相似文献   
Resistance to conventional anticancer therapies in patients with advanced solid tumors has prompted the need of alternative cancer therapies. Moreover, the success of novel cancer therapies depends on their selectivity for cancer cells with limited toxicity to normal tissues. Several decades after Coley's work a variety of natural and genetically modified non-pathogenic bacterial species are being explored as potential antitumor agents, either to provide direct tumoricidal effects or to deliver tumoricidal molecules. Live, attenuated or genetically modified non-pathogenic bacterial species are capable of multiplying selectively in tumors and inhibiting their growth. Due to their selectivity for tumor tissues, these bacteria and their spores also serve as ideal vectors for delivering therapeutic proteins to tumors. Bacterial toxins too have emerged as promising cancer treatment strategy. The most potential and promising strategy is bacteria based gene-directed enzyme prodrug therapy. Although it has shown successful results in vivo yet further investigation about the targeting mechanisms of the bacteria are required to make it a complete therapeutic approach in cancer treatment.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to investigate whether early phase of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is associated with changes in immune response, either systemic or localized to the lung. ARDS and control mechanically ventilated patients, as well as healthy volunteers were studied. Alveolar macrophages (AMΦ) and blood monocytes (BM) were treated ex vivo with lipopolysaccharide (LPS), interferon-γ (IFNγ), and surfactant. Phospholipase A2 (PLA2) activity and TLR4 expression were evaluated as markers of cell response. AMΦ from ARDS patients did not respond upon treatment with either LPS or IFN-γ by inducing PLA2 production. On the contrary, upon stimulation, in control patients the intracellular PLA2, (mainly cPLA2) levels were increased, but secretion of PLA2 (mainly sPLA2-IIA) was observed only after treatment with LPS. Surfactant suppressed PLA2 production in cells from both groups of patients. Increased relative changes of total PLA2 activity and an upregulation of TLR4 expression upon stimulation was observed in BM from primary ARDS, control patients and healthy volunteers. In BM from secondary ARDS patients, however, no PLA2 induction was observed, with a concomitant down-regulation of TLR4 expression. Cytosolic PLA2, its activated form, p-cPLA2, and sPLA2-IIA were the predominant PLA2 types within the cells, while extracellularly only sPLA2-IIA was identified. These results support the concept of down-regulated innate immunity in early ARDS that is compartmentalized in primary and systemic in secondary ARDS. PLA2 isoforms could serve as markers of the immunity status in ARDS. Finally, our data highlight the role of surfactant in controlling inflammation.  相似文献   


Studies on host-pathogen interactions in a range of pathosystems have revealed an array of mechanisms by which plants reduce the efficiency of pathogenesis. While R-gene mediated resistance confers highly effective defense responses against pathogen invasion, quantitative resistance is associated with intermediate levels of resistance that reduces disease progress. To test the hypothesis that specific loci affect distinct stages of fungal pathogenesis, a set of maize introgression lines was used for mapping and characterization of quantitative trait loci (QTL) conditioning resistance to Setosphaeria turcica, the causal agent of northern leaf blight (NLB). To better understand the nature of quantitative resistance, the identified QTL were further tested for three secondary hypotheses: (1) that disease QTL differ by host developmental stage; (2) that their performance changes across environments; and (3) that they condition broad-spectrum resistance.


Among a set of 82 introgression lines, seven lines were confirmed as more resistant or susceptible than B73. Two NLB QTL were validated in BC4F2 segregating populations and advanced introgression lines. These loci, designated qNLB1.02 and qNLB1.06, were investigated in detail by comparing the introgression lines with B73 for a series of macroscopic and microscopic disease components targeting different stages of NLB development. Repeated greenhouse and field trials revealed that qNLB1.06 Tx303 (the Tx303 allele at bin 1.06) reduces the efficiency of fungal penetration, while qNLB1.02 B73 (the B73 allele at bin 1.02) enhances the accumulation of callose and phenolics surrounding infection sites, reduces hyphal growth into the vascular bundle and impairs the subsequent necrotrophic colonization in the leaves. The QTL were equally effective in both juvenile and adult plants; qNLB1.06 Tx303 showed greater effectiveness in the field than in the greenhouse. In addition to NLB resistance, qNLB1.02 B73 was associated with resistance to Stewart's wilt and common rust, while qNLB1.06 Tx303 conferred resistance to Stewart's wilt. The non-specific resistance may be attributed to pleiotropy or linkage.


Our research has led to successful identification of two reliably-expressed QTL that can potentially be utilized to protect maize from S. turcica in different environments. This approach to identifying and dissecting quantitative resistance in plants will facilitate the application of quantitative resistance in crop protection.  相似文献   
AR Boobis  MB Slade  C Stern  KM Lewis  DS Davies 《Life sciences》1981,29(14):1443-1448
Cytochrome P-448 (mol wt 55,000 Daltons) from rabbit liver was purified to a specific content of 16.6 nmol/mg. Mice were immunised with this preparation, their spleens removed and dissociated lymphocytes hybridised with myeloma cells. Four monoclonal antibodies against cytochrome P-448 were raised and partially characterised. All four antibodies interacted with cytochrome P-448 in intact microsomal fractions and selectively immunoadsorbed cytochrome P-448 from solubilised microsomal preparations. One of the antibodies inhibited benzo[a] pyrene hydroxylase activity in a reconstituted system, one had no effect on activity and two increased activity. The possible applications of such antibodies are discussed.  相似文献   
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