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Length-weight relationships (LWRs) were estimated for 16 ornamental fish species from Amanã Lake and nine tributary streams, in Central Brazilian Amazonia. Sampling was carried out bimonthly for a year (2007–2008), using two sets of four gillnets (20 m × 2 m, 2,5; 3,5; 04; 4,5 cm stretch mesh size); trawls were performed with seine nets (35 m × 6 m, 3 mm stretch mesh size); native fish-traps (fyke-net like fish-traps woven from local lianas), and dip nets (0.5 m × 0.5 m stretch mesh size). Measurements were done for standard length (SL – 0.1 cm precision) and total weight (Wt – 0.01 g precision). This study provides information on the length–weight relationships for all sampled species and, in addition, provides new maximum standard lengths for six species.  相似文献   
Dengue virus (DENV) and Zika virus (ZIKV) belong to the same viral family, the Flaviviridae. They cause recurring threats to the public health systems of tropical countries such as Brazil. The primary Brazilian vector of both viruses is the mosquito Aedes aegypti. After the mosquito ingests a blood meal from an infected person, the viruses infect and replicate in the midgut, disseminate to secondary tissues and reach the salivary gland (SG), where they are ready to be transmitted to a vertebrate host. It is thought that the intrinsic discrepancies among mosquitoes could affect their ability to deal with viral infections. This study confirms that the DENV and ZIKV infection patterns of nine Ae. aegypti field populations found in geographically separate health districts of an endemic Brazilian city vary. We analyzed the infection rate, disseminated infection, vector competence, and viral load through quantitative PCR. Mosquitoes were challenged using the membrane-feeding assay technique and were tested seven and fourteen days post-infection (early and late infection phases, respectively). The infection responses varied among the Ae. aegypti populations for both flaviviruses in the two infection phases. There was no similarity between DENV and ZIKV vector competencies or viral loads. According to the results of our study, the risk of viral transmission overtime after infection either increases or remains unaltered in ZIKV infected vectors. However, the risk may increase, decrease, or remain unaltered in DENV-infected vectors depending on the mosquito population. For both flaviviruses, the viral load persisted in the body even until the late infection phase. In contrast to DENV, the ZIKV accumulated in the SG over time in all the mosquito populations. These findings are novel and may help direct the development of control strategies to fight dengue and Zika outbreaks in endemic regions, and provide a warning about the importance of understanding mosquito responses to arboviral infections.  相似文献   
Interspecies variations in lipophosphoglycan (LPG) have been the focus of intense study over the years due its role in specificity during sand fly-Leishmania interaction. This cell surface glycoconjugate is highly polymorphic among species with variations in sugars that branch off the conserved Gal(β1,4)Man(α1)-PO(4) backbone of repeat units. However, the degree of intraspecies polymorphism in LPG of Leishmania infantum (syn. Leishmania chagasi) is not known. In this study, intraspecific variation in the repeat units of LPG was evaluated in 16 strains of L. infantum from Brazil, France, Algeria and Tunisia. The structural polymorphism in the L. infantum LPG repeat units was relatively slight and consisted of three types: type I does not have side chains; type II has one β-glucose residue that branches off the disaccharide-phosphate repeat units and type III has up to three glucose residues (oligo-glucosylated). The significance of these modifications was investigated during in vivo interaction of L. infantum with Lutzomyia longipalpis, and in vitro interaction of the parasites and respective LPGs with murine macrophages. There were no consequential differences in the parasite densities in sand fly midguts infected with Leishmania strains exhibiting type I, II and III LPGs. However, higher nitric oxide production was observed in macrophages exposed to glucosylated type II LPG.  相似文献   
The immunomodulatory properties of lipophosphoglycans (LPG) from New World species of Leishmania have been assessed in Leishmania infantum and Leishmania braziliensis, the causative agents of visceral and cutaneous leishmaniasis, respectively. This glycoconjugate is highly polymorphic among species with variation in sugars that branch off the conserved Gal(β1,4)Man(α1)-PO4 backbone of repeat units. Here, the immunomodulatory activity of LPGs from Leishmania amazonensis, the causative agent of diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis, was evaluated in two strains from Brazil. One strain (PH8) was originally isolated from the sand fly and the other (Josefa) was isolated from a human case. The ability of purified LPGs from both strains was investigated during in vitro interaction with peritoneal murine macrophages and CHO cells and in vivo infection with Lutzomyia migonei. In peritoneal murine macrophages, the LPGs from both strains activated TLR4. Both LPGs equally activate MAPKs and the NF-κB inhibitor p-IκBα, but were not able to translocate NF-κB. In vivo experiments with sand flies showed that both stains were able to sustain infection in L. migonei. A preliminary biochemical analysis indicates intraspecies variation in the LPG sugar moieties. However, they did not result in different activation profiles of the innate immune system. Also those polymorphisms did not affect infectivity to the sand fly.  相似文献   
The content of cytochrome c-420 in Rhodospirillum rubrum chromatophores prepared by grinding with alumina is 5–10% of that in whole cells, and 20–40% in chromatophores by ‘French’ pressing.Flash-induced phosphorylation of various chromatophores which varied in cytochrome content from 7 to 40% is proportional to the cytochrome content. Extrapolating the cytochrome c-420 content to that observed in whole cells, a ratio ATPP+X? near 1 is calculated. At low flash intensity the phosphorylation per flash is proportional to flash energy.Photophosphorylation in flashes given after a time of several minutes is only slightly dependent on the number of flashes. If the flashes are spaced from 0.1 to 10 s, relative phosphorylation in the first flash is about 70% and in the second 90% of that observed in the following flashes. Proton binding is not affected by the cytochrome c-420 content and a ratio of H+P+X? of 2.3 was found.These results can be explained by a working hypothesis in which charge separation occurring at one reaction centre and the resulting electron transport mediated amongst others by c-420, results in the injection of two protons into an ATPase, this in contrast to a chemiosmotic mechanism, where the protons are released in the chromatophore inner space.  相似文献   
Paired immune receptors display near-identical extracellular ligand-binding regions but have intracellular sequences with opposing signaling functions. While inhibitory receptors dampen cellular activation by recognizing self-associated molecules, the functions of activating counterparts are less clear. Here, we studied the inhibitory receptor Siglec-11 that shows uniquely human expression in brain microglia and engages endogenous polysialic acid to suppress inflammation. We demonstrated that the human-specific pathogen Escherichia coli K1 uses its polysialic acid capsule as a molecular mimic to engage Siglec-11 and escape killing. In contrast, engagement of the activating counterpart Siglec-16 increases elimination of bacteria. Since mice do not have paired Siglec receptors, we generated a model by replacing the inhibitory domain of mouse Siglec-E with the activating module of Siglec-16. Siglec-E16 enhanced proinflammatory cytokine expression and bacterial killing in macrophages and boosted protection against intravenous bacterial challenge. These data elucidate uniquely human interactions of a pathogen with Siglecs and support the long-standing hypothesis that activating counterparts of paired immune receptors evolved as a response to pathogen molecular mimicry of host ligands for inhibitory receptors.  相似文献   
Cashew nut-shell liquid and the contained anacardic acids (AAs) have been shown to possess antioxidant, lipoxygenase inhibitory, anti-Helicobacter pylori and antitumor properties. Despite these known effects, hitherto there were no published reports on their likely gastroprotective effects. The present study was designed to verify whether AAs afford gastroprotection against the ethanol-induced gastric damage and to examine the underlying mechanism(s). Gastric damage was induced by intragastric administration of 0.2 mL of ethanol (96%). Mice in groups were pretreated orally with AAs (10, 30 and 100 mg/kg), misoprostol (50 μg/kg), or vehicle (2% Tween 80 in saline, 10 mL/kg), 45 min before ethanol administration. They were sacrificed 30 min later, the stomachs excised, and the mucosal lesion area (mm2) measured by planimetry. Gastroprotection was assessed in relation to inhibition of gastric lesion area. To study the gastroprotective mechanism(s), its relations to capsaicin-sensitive fibers, endogenous prostaglandins, nitric oxide and ATP-sensitive potassium channels were analysed. Treatments effects on ethanol-associated oxidative stress markers GSH, MDA, catalase, SOD, and total nitrate/nitrite levels as an index of NO were measured in gastric tissue. Besides, the effects of AAs on gastric secretory volume and total acidity were analysed in 4-h pylorus-ligated rat. AAs afforded a dose-related gastroprotection against the ethanol damage and further prevented the ethanol-induced changes in the levels of GSH, MDA, catalase, SOD and nitrate/nitrite. However, they failed to modify the gastric secretion or the total acidity. It was observed that the gastroprotection by AAs was greatly reduced in animals pretreated with capsazepine, indomethacin, l-NAME or glibenclamide. These results suggest that AAs afford gastroprotection principally through an antioxidant mechanism. Other complementary mechanisms include the activation of capsaicin-sensitive gastric afferents, stimulation of endogenous prostaglandins and nitric oxide, and opening of K+ATP channels. These combined effects are likely to be accompanied by an increase in gastric microcirculation.  相似文献   
In the Americas, areas with a high risk of malaria transmission are mainly located in the Amazon Forest, which extends across nine countries. One keystone step to understanding the Plasmodium life cycle in Anopheles species from the Amazon Region is to obtain experimentally infected mosquito vectors. Several attempts to colonise Ano- pheles species have been conducted, but with only short-lived success or no success at all. In this review, we review the literature on malaria transmission from the perspective of its Amazon vectors. Currently, it is possible to develop experimental Plasmodium vivax infection of the colonised and field-captured vectors in laboratories located close to Amazonian endemic areas. We are also reviewing studies related to the immune response to P. vivax infection of Anopheles aquasalis, a coastal mosquito species. Finally, we discuss the importance of the modulation of Plasmodium infection by the vector microbiota and also consider the anopheline genomes. The establishment of experimental mosquito infections with Plasmodium falciparum, Plasmodium yoelii and Plasmodium berghei parasites that could provide interesting models for studying malaria in the Amazonian scenario is important. Understanding the molecular mechanisms involved in the development of the parasites in New World vectors is crucial in order to better determine the interaction process and vectorial competence.  相似文献   
Malaria affects 300 million people worldwide every year and is endemic in 22 countries in the Americas where transmission occurs mainly in the Amazon Region. Most malaria cases in the Americas are caused by Plasmodium vivax, a parasite that is almost impossible to cultivate in vitro, and Anopheles aquasalis is an important malaria vector. Understanding the interactions between this vector and its parasite will provide important information for development of disease control strategies. To this end, we performed mRNA subtraction experiments using A. aquasalis 2 and 24 hours after feeding on blood and blood from malaria patients infected with P. vivax to identify changes in the mosquito vector gene induction that could be important during the initial steps of infection. A total of 2,138 clones of differentially expressed genes were sequenced and 496 high quality unique sequences were obtained. Annotation revealed 36% of sequences unrelated to genes in any database, suggesting that they were specific to A. aquasalis. A high number of sequences (59%) with no matches in any databases were found 24 h after infection. Genes related to embryogenesis were down-regulated in insects infected by P. vivax. Only a handful of genes related to immune responses were detected in our subtraction experiment. This apparent weak immune response of A. aquasalis to P. vivax infection could be related to the susceptibility of this vector to this important human malaria parasite. Analysis of some genes by real time PCR corroborated and expanded the subtraction results. Taken together, these data provide important new information about this poorly studied American malaria vector by revealing differences between the responses of A. aquasalis to P. vivax infection, in relation to better studied mosquito-Plasmodium pairs. These differences may be important for the development of malaria transmission-blocking strategies in the Americas.  相似文献   
Numerous experimental vaccines have been developed to protect against the cutaneous and visceral forms of leishmaniasis caused by infection with the obligate intracellular protozoan Leishmania, but a human vaccine still does not exist. Remarkably, the efficacy of anti-Leishmania vaccines has never been fully evaluated under experimental conditions following natural vector transmission by infected sand fly bite. The only immunization strategy known to protect humans against natural exposure is “leishmanization,” in which viable L. major parasites are intentionally inoculated into a selected site in the skin. We employed mice with healed L. major infections to mimic leishmanization, and found tissue-seeking, cytokine-producing CD4+ T cells specific for Leishmania at the site of challenge by infected sand fly bite within 24 hours, and these mice were highly resistant to sand fly transmitted infection. In contrast, mice vaccinated with a killed vaccine comprised of autoclaved L. major antigen (ALM)+CpG oligodeoxynucleotides that protected against needle inoculation of parasites, showed delayed expression of protective immunity and failed to protect against infected sand fly challenge. Two-photon intra-vital microscopy and flow cytometric analysis revealed that sand fly, but not needle challenge, resulted in the maintenance of a localized neutrophilic response at the inoculation site, and removal of neutrophils following vector transmission led to increased parasite-specific immune responses and promoted the efficacy of the killed vaccine. These observations identify the critical immunological factors influencing vaccine efficacy following natural transmission of Leishmania.  相似文献   
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