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The fine structure of the intersegmental glands of the sixth abdominal sternum in 1-week old females of Nomia melanderi is presented. The plasma membrane of the secretory cell is unfolded in many places and is covered by a basement membrane. The microvillous surface is invaginated to form a rather long sinuous cavity. The endoplasm is almost entirely filled by secretory granules. Many secretory granules are located close to the inner surface of the invaginated plasma membrane. The invagination contains a porous ductule, apparently of cuticulin origin, that is connected directly with the inner layer of the transport duct of the duct-forming cell. This type of arrangement allows the direct flow of the secretory substance to the outside in a continuous way. The cylindrical duct-forming cell, besides having typical cell organelles, contains a cuticular transport duct. This duct is composed of a thin cuticulin layer surrounded by a rather thick epicuticular one. The results suggest that the secretory cell has two secretory cycles. The first occurs while the gland is differentiating (at the pupal stage) and is involved in secretion of the cuticulin that forms the porous ductule. The second cycle, which starts by the beginning of nesting, is involved in the secretion of a substance that is carried to the outside via the transport duct of the duct-forming cell.  相似文献   
Bovine seminal plasma was shown to contain three similar proteins, called BSP-A1, BSP-A2 and BSP-A3. Both BSP-A1 and BSP-A2 were shown to be molecular variants of a recently characterized peptide called PDC-109. They seem to differ only in their degree of glycosylation and otherwise seem to possess an identical amino acid composition. The work in the present paper deals with the complete characterization of the third member of this series, namely BSP-A3. The complete amino acid sequence revealed that it is composed of 115 amino acids and predicts a Mr of 13,403. An analysis of the primary structure of BSP-A3 revealed a high degree of internal homology, with two homologous domains composed of 39 (residues 28-66) and 43 (residues 73-115) amino acids. An exhaustive computer-bank search for the similarity of this sequence to any known protein, or segment thereof, revealed two significant homologies. The first is between PDC-109 and BSP-A3, which is so high that we can confidently predict that both proteins evolved from a single ancestral gene. The collagen-binding domain of bovine fibronectin (type II sequence) was also found to be highly homologous to both BSP-A3 and PDC-109.  相似文献   
Apart from kidney, where renin synthesis takes place in all mammals, the submaxillary gland (SMG) of most mouse strains constitutes an important source of an isoenzyme, renin-2, that is highly homologous to renal renin, but unglycosylated [(1982) Nature 298, 90-92]. This unique phenotype is due to the presence of an extra copy of th renin gene. A puzzling observation is that (pro)renin-2 cannot be detected in the kidney of these animals, although both mRNAs accumulate at similar levels [(1985) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 82, 6196-6200]. In order to investigate whether (pro)renin-2 expression is detectable in mouse heterologous cell lines we transfected the renin-2 cDNA into AtT20 (pituitary corticotrope) and BTG9A (hepatoma) cells. Stable clones expressing renin were obtained in both cases. BTG9A cells secreted only prorenin while AtT20 cells secreted prorenin and active renin. In addition, in AtT20 cells the secretion of active renin was stimulated by 8-Br cAMP. Our results show that unglycosylated (pro)renin-2 can be expressed and secreted in two murine cell lines. Moreover, it is correctly processed to active renin and secreted upon stimulation in AtT20 cells.  相似文献   
The rat cDNA sequence of PC4 (rPC4), representing a new member of the Kex2/subtilisin-like proprotein convertases, demonstrated the presence of at least three rPC4 mRNAs resulting in the production of rPC4-A (654 amino acids), rPC4-B (619 amino acids), and rPC4-C (609 amino acids) with different C-terminal sequences. Analogous to rat PC4, three cDNAs were also found for the mouse PC4. The observed molecular diversity of PC4 mRNA possibly results from the differential splicing and/or exon skipping of the parent gene. PC4 mRNA, with a major form at 2.8 kilobases, was highly abundant in the rat testis but could not be detected by Northern analysis in any other tissues including the central nervous system and peripheral tissues. Testicular cell separation studies combined with Northern analysis indicate the high expression levels of PC4 in germ cells but not in Leydig, Sertoli, or peritubular cells. In situ hybridization histochemistry confirms the site of PC4 gene expression as the pachytene spermatocytes and the round spermatids but not in the elongating spermatids. We also demonstrate the colocalization of PC4 with proenkephalin in testicular germ cells by in situ hybridization. A study of the ontogeny of PC4 indicated that PC4 mRNA was first expressed postnatally between days 19 and 22, coinciding with the first stages of spermiogenesis. The stage-specific expression of PC4 in testis indicates its potential role in the developmental maturation of germ cells and that this convertase may play a specific physiological function in reproduction.  相似文献   
Incorporation of radioactivity from [6-14C]orotate into the pyrimidine constituents of shoots of Pisum sativum, Phaseolus vulgaris and Lathyrus tingitanus was examined with special reference to the unusual pyrimidine constituents. With each species, although 80% of the orotate supplied was catabolized to β-alanine, all the pyrimidine derivatives became radioactively labelled. With Pisum, the major part of the radioactivity incorporated into pyrimidines was located in UMP and the uracil derivatives, including the uracilyl amino acids willardiine and isowillardiine. With Phaseolus, UMP and the uracil derivatives were again the major radioactive products; incorporation of radioactivity into 5-ribosyluracil (pseudouridine), which accumulates in Phaseolus tissues, was comparable to the incorporation into orotidine and twice that found in cytidine. Lathyrus incorporated a substantially larger part of the presented [6-14C] orotate into pyrimidine derivatives than did the other two species. CMP was the most highly radioactive product, followed next by lathyrine and UMP. Surprisingly, 20% of the total radioactivity incorporated into pyrimidines by Lathyrus was located in the pyrimidine amino acid lathyrine. This confirms previous evidence that lathyrine is essentially a product of the orotate pathway. The overall recovery of radioactivity in all three species was 93–95%. The data emphasize the necessity of including the less common pyrimidine constituents, as well as the common ones, in quantitative studies of pyrimidine metabolism in plants.  相似文献   
It was observed that ground substance between the smooth muscle fibers in cerebral arteries stained by periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) was red as seen by ordinary bright-field microscopy (BF), but blue as observed by phase-contrast microscopy (PC). The basement membranes in the small intestine and around the kidney tubules, as well as the striated borders of the intestinal epithelium and the brush borders of the kidney tubules, were seen in blue when stained by PAS and observed by PC. The cytoplasm of PAS stained liver cells, when observed by PC, had irregular shaped areas of blue interspersed between the red material. This blue color was seen by PC after PAS, ninhydrin-Schiff and the Feulgen procedures. Our evidence suggests that this phenomena is characteristic of Schiff-positive material. Digestion by various enzymes: malt diastase, testicular hyaluronidase, collagenase, pepsin, pectinase, trypsin and DNase showed different effects on ground substance, liver cells, basement membranes, and brush and striated borders.  相似文献   
Fragmentation of bovine chromogranin A by plasma kallikrein   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chromogranin A has been reported to be processed in vivo by an as yet undefined proteinase(s) suggesting that it is a precursor of biologically active peptides such as pancreastatin. In this study, plasma kallikrein was used as a model proteinase to identify the cleavage sites exposed in bovine parathyroid chromogranin A. Purified bovine parathyroid chromogranin A was digested with human plasma kallikrein. The proteolytic fragments produced were isolated by HPLC and chemically characterized by amino acid composition and sequence analysis. The combined results indicate that the enzyme has preference for specific single Arg residues, cutting C-terminal to this amino acid, although certain pairs of basic sites were also cleaved. The characterized fragments were released in a selective manner from the whole molecule with rapid production of the fragments covering positions 1-247 and 352-358.  相似文献   
Nabil  Samira  Cosson  Joël 《Hydrobiologia》1996,326(1):511-514
On Normandy coasts, the red alga Delesseria sanguinea perennates by its stipe; fronds grow in January and disappear in June. Seasonal variations in sterol composition in relation to the biology of D. sanguinea are reported. Sterols in cellular membranes are free or conjugated by esterification with fatty acids, heterosides or lipid complexes like phospholipids. Both kinds of sterols were analyzed by GC-MS. The major sterol (80%) found in fronds was cholesterol whereas in stipes, cholesterol was also the major sterol in spring, but in September, an important reduction in cholesterol yield was noted with proportional increase in sitosterol content. It appears that cholesterol is synthesized in fronds in spring, then transferred to the stipe, which loses an important amount of cholesterol with loss of the blades.  相似文献   
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