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Detection of aphid remains in predatory insects and spiders by ELISA   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
An ELISA was developed which would detect and quantify ingested aphids in predators found in and around cereal crops. The detection limit of the assay was less than one hundredth of an homogenised adult aphid. Tests with 13 species of aphid showed that those which had been used as the principal immunogens reacted most strongly in the assay. Nearly a hundred species of invertebrates, both predators and alternative prey, have been tested in the assay and no evidence of significant cross-reaction was found with any of these species or with a number of samples of plant material on which aphids may be found. Aphid material could still be detected in predators which had been stored for up to 7 days in 4% formalin or 70% ethanol.  相似文献   
In 1987, 4516 species and 339 genera of the phylum Apicomplexa had been named. They consisted of the gregarines (subclass Gregarinasida) (1624 named species and 231 named genera), the hemogregarines (family Haemogregarinidae) (399 species and 4 genera), the eimeriorins (order Eimeriorida) (1771 species and 43 genera), the hemospororids (order Haemospororida) (444 species and 9 genera), the piroplasmids (order Piroplasmorida) (173 species and 20 genera), and a few others (105 species and 32 genera). The first apicomplexan protozoon was seen by Antony van Leeuwenhoek; in 1674 he saw oocysts of Eimeria stiedai in the gall bladder of a rabbit. The first member of the phylum to be named (by Dufour in 1828) was Gregarina ovata in earwigs. During the quarter century 1826–1850, 41 species and 6 genera of Apicomplexa were named. These numbers increased progressively. In the quarter century 1951–1975, 1873 new species and 83 new genera were named. Data are given for the numbers of named species and genera of apicomplexan protozoa of each group known in 1850, 1875, 1900, 1925, 1950, 1975, and 1987.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Suckling mice were used as a model host to compare the endogenous development of three different isolates of Cryptosporidium: one from a naturally infected calf, one from an immunocompetent human with a short-term diarrheal illness, and one from a patient with acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) and persistent, life-threatening, gastrointestinal cryptosporidiosis. After oral inoculation of mice with oocysts, no differences were noted among developmental stages of the three isolates in their sites of infection, times of appearance, and duration, morphology, and fine structure. Sporozoites excysted within the lumen of the duodenum and ileum, penetrated into the microvillous region of villous enterocytes, and developed into type I meronts with six or eight merozoites. Type I merozoites penetrated enterocytes and underwent cyclic development as type I meronts or they became type II meronts with four merozoites. Type II merozoites did not exhibit cyclic development but developed directly into sexual forms. Microgamonts produced £16 small, bullet-shaped microgametes, which were observed attaching to and penetrating macrogametes. Approximately 80% of the oocysts observed in enterocytes had a thick, two-layered wall. After sporulating within the parasitophorous vacuole, these thick-walled oocysts passed through the gut unaltered and were the resistant forms that transmitted the infection to a new host. Approximately 20% of the oocysts in enterocytes consisted of four sporozoites and a residuum surrounded only by a single oocyst membrane that ruptured soon after the parasite was released from the host cell. The presence of thin-walled, autoinfective oocysts and recycling of type I meronts may explain why a small oral inoculum can produce an overwhelming infection in a suitable host and why immune deficient persons can have persistent, life-threatening cryptosporidiosis in the absence of repeated oral exposure to thick-walled oocysts.  相似文献   
Maize plants were grown in nutrient solution without phosphate,or in which inorganic phosphate (Pi) was maintained at nearlyconstant concentrations of 1 µM, 10µM or 0·5mM. In vivo 31P-NMR measurements showed that there was no discernibledifference in the cytoplasmic Pi content (µmol cm–3root volume) of the mature roots of plants exposed to 1 µM,10µM or 0·5 mM external phosphate for up to 12d. However, the vacuolar Pi content of the mature roots variedabout 10-fold between these three groups. The cytoplasmic Pi content of roots receiving no external phosphatedecreased significantly after about 7 d total growth, and atabout this time the vacuolar pool of Pi became too small foraccurate measurement. The presence of 1 µM Pi in the nutrientsolution completely prevented this decline in cytoplasmic Pi,and there was some evidence that it also raised the Pi contentof the root vacuoles above the almost undetectable level foundin the totally P-starved roots. During the first 7–9 d of growth, the nucleoside triphosphatecontent of the mature roots was unaffected by the concentrationof phosphate in the nutrient solution. The results highlight the close control of cytoplasmic concentrationsof certain important phosphorus metabolites in roots growingin soil of normal agricultural fertility. Key words: Vacuole, cytoplasm, intracellular compartmentation, NTP, P-nutrition  相似文献   
Fecal samples of 36 ground squirrels, Spermophilus beldingi, from Tioga Pass (elev. ca. 3315 m) in the Sierra Nevada, California, yielded oocysts of Eimeria beckeri in nine squirrels, E. citelli in four squirrels, E. beldingii n. sp. in two squirrels, and degenerated, unidentifiable oocysts in ten squirrels. Eimeria beldingii n. sp. oocysts are ellipsoidal, 30–34 × 24–30 (mean 32 × 26) μm with a two-layered, rough, striated wall, without a micropyle or residuum, with polar granules; they contain ellipsoidal or ovoid sporocysts 11–15 × 9–12 (mean 13 × 10) μm with a Stieda body and residuum.  相似文献   
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