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Accurate parameterization of rooting depth is difficult but important for capturing the spatio-temporal dynamics of carbon, water and energy cycles in tropical forests. In this study, we adopted a new approach to constrain rooting depth in terrestrial ecosystem models over the Amazon using satellite data [moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) enhanced vegetation index (EVI)] and Biome-BGC terrestrial ecosystem model. We simulated seasonal variations in gross primary production (GPP) using different rooting depths (1, 3, 5, and 10 m) at point and spatial scales to investigate how rooting depth affects modeled seasonal GPP variations and to determine which rooting depth simulates GPP consistent with satellite-based observations. First, we confirmed that rooting depth strongly controls modeled GPP seasonal variations and that only deep rooting systems can successfully track flux-based GPP seasonality at the Tapajos km67 flux site. Second, spatial analysis showed that the model can reproduce the seasonal variations in satellite-based EVI seasonality, however, with required rooting depths strongly dependent on precipitation and the dry season length. For example, a shallow rooting depth (1–3 m) is sufficient in regions with a short dry season (e.g. 0–2 months), and deeper roots are required in regions with a longer dry season (e.g. 3–5 and 5–10 m for the regions with 3–4 and 5–6 months dry season, respectively). Our analysis suggests that setting of proper rooting depths is important to simulating GPP seasonality in tropical forests, and the use of satellite data can help to constrain the spatial variability of rooting depth.  相似文献   
Ecosystem scientists have yet to develop a proven methodology to monitor and understand major disturbance events and their historical regimes at a global scale. This study was conducted to evaluate patterns in an 18‐year record of global satellite observations of vegetation phenology from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) as a means to characterize major ecosystem disturbance events and regimes. The fraction absorbed of photosynthetically active radiation (FPAR) by vegetation canopies worldwide has been computed at a monthly time interval from 1982 to 1999 and gridded at a spatial resolution of 0.5° latitude/longitude. Potential disturbance events of large extent ( > 0.5 Mha) were identified in the FPAR time series by locating anomalously low values (FPAR‐LO) that lasted longer than 12 consecutive months at any 0.5° pixel. We find that nearly 400 Mha of the global land surface could be identified with at least one FPAR‐LO event over the 18‐year time series. The majority of these potential disturbance events occurred in tropical savanna and shrublands or in boreal forest ecosystem classes. Verification of potential disturbance events from our FPAR‐LO analysis was carried out using documented records of the timing of large‐scale wildfires at locations throughout the world. Disturbance regimes were further characterized by association analysis with historical climate anomalies. Assuming accuracy of the FPAR satellite record to characterize major ecosystem disturbance events, we estimate that nearly 9 Pg of carbon could have been lost from the terrestrial biosphere to the atmosphere as a result of large‐scale ecosystem disturbance over this 18‐year time series.  相似文献   
Darlington's recombination indices were calculated for eight species of Erythina by adding the mean chiasma frequency and the haploid chromosome number of each species. The recombination indices distinguished subgenus Erythraster (two species with greater mean chiasma frequency) from subgenera Micropteryx and Eythrina. This discrimination corroborates literature data on pollen morphology. It was not possible to separate groups at sectional level using recombination index. The recombination indices were also compared with data on breeding system and pollinators, available in literature, to investigate Grant's hypothesis on the occurrence of compensatory mechanisms in the regulation of recombination in plants. The data on breeding systems in Eythrina are very incomplete and it was not possible to correlate values of recombination indices with autogamy or allogamy. Species visited by hummingbirds showed lower recombination indices than species visited by other kind of pollinators.  相似文献   
This study assessed the results of anthropogenic sediment input on macroinvertebrate trophic structure in streams located in an area of oil and natural gas exploitation in Brazil's Amazon forest. The results indicate that macroinvertebrate communities both in streams impacted by anthropogenic sediments and in non‐impacted streams are composed mainly of taxa in the following functional feeding groups: predators, gathering‐collectors, scrapers, shredders and filtering‐collectors. The highest densities were observed for collector‐gatherers, followed by scrapers, predators, shredders and filtering‐collectors. However, both the richness and the density of all groups were reduced in impacted streams. The reductions were significantly related to suspended inorganic sediment load and to the colour of suspended sediments. The relative proportion of shredders in streams impacted by anthropogenic sediments was significantly reduced as compared with the proportion observed in non‐impacted streams. This resulted from lower availability of coarse particulate organic matter in these streams owing to burial of leaves and other plant material. These results indicate changes in the functioning and productivity of streams owing to anthropogenic siltation. This is because the benthic macroinvertebrate communities, sampled during this study, were dependent on the degradation of leaves, which are the primary energy source sustaining the benthic foodweb.  相似文献   

The two characterized crustacean pigment-dispersing hormones (α-PDH; β-PDH) are octadecapeptides which differ in primary structure at six positions. Assays for melanophore pigment-dispersing activity showed β-PDH to be 21-fold more potent than α-PDH. In an effort to explain the difference in potencies between the two PDHs, we synthesized and purified six analogs of α-PDH (Leu4?, Leu11?, Lys13?, Asn16?, Asp17?, and Glu3, Leu4? α-PDH) in which the amino acid residues of α-PDH were substituted with those of β-PDH. Four analogs (Leu11?, Lys13?, Asn16?, and Asp17? α-PDH) possessed melanophore-dispersing activity equivalent to α-PDH. Leu4? α-PDH and Glu3, Leu4? α-PDH were 2.4? and 4-fold more potent than α-PDH, respectively. Glu3-α-PDH was 3.3-fold more potent than α-PDH (Jorenby et al., 1987). These results suggest that the 21-fold increase in activity of β-PDH over α-PDH is due to an interactive effect of two or more substitutions rather than from the product of the effects brought about by individual substitutions.  相似文献   
The behaviour, development and reproductive capacity of Aphis craccivora, vector of a number of groundnut viruses, are compared on a range of susceptible and resistant genotypes. Field trials demonstrated no significant difference between genotypes in the rate of arrival of alates, but population development was slower, and subsequent population decline faster, on the genotype EC 36892 (ICG 5240). Behavioural studies in the screenhouse, likewise showed no inhibition to alighting onto EC 36892 though choice tests demonstrated a significant redistribution of the population in favour of the susceptible genotype TMV 2 (ICG 221) over the following 10 h. In clip cage experiments, development was faster and nymphal numbers were higher on the genotype TMV 2 compared to EC 36892.  相似文献   
Temperature and plant age influenced the nitrogenase activityof Lotus and Stylosanthes nodules. Time course studies usingnodulated plants in closed vials showed a decline in activityafter 48 h; regassing with 10% (v/v) acetylene in air partiallyrestored the activity. Transfer of plants from 15, 20, 25, and30 ?C to 40 ?C immediately stopped activity; this was completelyrestored within 1 h after return to original temperatures. Detached nodules cultured on nitrogen-free agar medium exhibiteda sucrose concentration (2–8%, w/v)-dependent nitrogenaseactivity at each temperature. With 6% sucrose prolonged activity,up to 96 h, was obtained. Decline in nitrogenase activity indetached nodules was due partly to exposure to air during excisionand transfer to the medium.  相似文献   
Infection threads were observed abundantly in the root hairsof Lotus corniculatus L., but very rarely in L. hispidus, Desf.,in response to infection by Rhizobium strains 3001 and 3002.Numbers of infections differed between species and strains andwere also affected by temperature. In L. corniculatus all thenodules originated from infection threads, but in L. hispidusmost nodules appeared to originate by direct bacterial penetrationthrough the epidermis, and infected root hairs were very rarelyseen. Both species of Lotus were tolerant to cold temperatures,the minimum temperature for nodulation being 10 ?C. The optimumtemperature for nodulation of L. corniculatus was 20 ?C with3001 and between 27 and 30 ?C with 3002, a few nodules beingformed with both strains at 35 ?C. L. hispidus formed more nodulesthan L. corniculatus and the optimum temperature for both thestrains was between 25 and 27 ?C. No infection threads were seen in root hairs or nodules of Stylosanthesguyanensis (Aubl.) S. W. and S. humilis H.B.K. infected withRhizobium strain CB1552, and all the nodules were formed inthe axils of lateral roots. Optimum temperature for nodulationin S. guyanensis and S. humilis was around 27 ?C; nodulationwas completely inhibited at 15 ?C and very few nodules wereformed at 35 ?C. Both in Lotus and Stylosanthes the transfer of plants from suboptimalto optimal and supraoptimal temperatures increased nodulation.Delayed inoculation and excision of root tips increased nodulation.  相似文献   
Many environmental pollutants have toxic effects that can alternormal limb regeneration and molting in Crustacea. The mostcommon effect of heavy metals is that of retardation of regenerationof limbs accompanied by a delay in ecdysis; in some cases regenerationis affected without altering the molt cycle. Chlorophenols anddithiocarbamates caused inhibition of regeneration without affectingmolting in shrimp. Organic toxicants such as aromatic hydrocarbonsanddioxins also result in a decrease in the growth increment permolt, while DDT was found to accelerate regeneration and molting.A number of toxicants also produce morphological alterationsin the regenerated limbs of crabs. These may be relatively minor,such as reduced number of pigment cells, setae, or tuberclesin the regenerated limbs (mercury and cadmium), or may be moremajor deformities, such as abnormal bending in the limb or claw(tributyltin), or defects inchitin formation in the exoskeleton(diflubenzuron).  相似文献   
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