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The cytopharyngeal basket of Pseudomicrothorax dubius is used to ingest filamentous blue-green algae. The basket has three main components: a sheath of microfilaments, bundles of microtubules (the nemadesmata), and ribbons of microtubules. The ribbons of microtubules (nemadesmal lamellae) are adpressed to the food vacuole during ingestion. Cytochemical techniques show that both the lamellae and the microfilamentous sheath possess ATPase activity, but the reaction product appears under different conditions in the two cases. The presence of ATPase activity within the microtubular lattices of the feeding organelle suggests the capacity for active motility. Consequently the basket seems to have two motile systems, one may be used to constrict and dilate the cytopharynx while the other is used in the inward propulsion of the forming food vacuole.  相似文献   
SUMMARY. 1. The organic geochemistry of Coniston Water, a low productivity lake, has been investigated.
2. The relative inputs of the various known sources to different compound classes suggest terrestrial higher plants as the major source of sedimentary organic matter.
3. Early lipid diagenesis, proceeding in the bottom sediments as a result of microbial activity, produces relatively rapid changes, with shorter chain and unsaturated compounds being preferentially degraded.
4. Free and bound (acid liberated) lipids exhibit significant differences in composition, related to their respective sources and stability towards degradation.
5. The lipid composition of an aquatic higher plant, growing in the margins of the lake, has been determined; comparison with the sedimentary lipids reveal it not to be a significant source.  相似文献   
A brief review of the photosynthetic apparatus of higher plants is given, followed by a consideration of the modifications induced in this apparatus by changes in light intensity and light quality. Possible strategies by which plants may optimize photosynthetic activity by both long- and short-term modifications of their photosynthetic apparatus in response to changing light regimes are discussed.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. The nuclear apparatus of H. vermiculare consists of a single moniliform macronucleus and about 25 micronuclei. the micronuclei are about 3 μm in diameter and characterized by a meshwork of thick condensed chromatin. Mitosis is intranuclear and acentric as in all other ciliates. In metaphase, interpolar and chromosomal microtubules are abundant and the length of the micronuclei increases to about 5 μm. In late anaphase, interzonal microtubules become prominent and the spindle elongates to about 50 μ. In meta- and anaphase, the microtubules of the spindle are attached to the polar vesicles, and in anaphase, chromosomes become attached to it. In contrast to most other eukaryotes, micronuclear mitosis is not strictly bound to cell division in H. vermiculare. While most of the micronuclei divide prior to cytokinesis, others retain their interphasic shape or degenerate. In addition, some micronuclei divide in the interdivision period, i.e. between two successive divisions of the cell and macronucleus. Mating cells of H. vermiculare become joined to each other in the cilia-free region covering the cytostome. In the course of conjugation, the cell membranes and the underlying oral filamentous sheaths of both cells fuse, thus uniting the endoplasm of both cells in the mouth region. Synaptonemal complexes in the meiotic chromosomes are more distinct in H. vermiculare than in most other dilates. the micrographs presented here depict dearly the central filament, transverse elements, and other substructures.  相似文献   
Abstract. The influence of a slow stress and recovery cycle on the pattern of leaf expansion in four diverse sunflower cultivars ( Helianthus annuus L. cvs. Hysun 31, Havasupai, Hopi and Seneca) was studied in a glasshouse. Stress had no significant effect on the time of flower bud emergence and anthesis, or on final leaf number, but delayed the appearance of leaves at high insertions in all cultivars except Hysun 31.
Leaf expansion was markedly reduced as the predawn leaf water potential decreased from −0.35 to −0.60 MPa, and the predawn turgor pressure decreased from 0.3 to 0.2 MPa, and expansion ceased at a predawn leaf water potential of about −1.0 MPa, i.e. when the predawn turgor pressure reached zero.
The leaves most reduced in final size when water was withheld were those at the insertions which grew the most rapidly in unstressed plants. The maximum reduction in final leaf size of 25–35% was similar in all cultivars and was due to retardation of the rate of leaf expansion: the duration of leaf expansion was actually increased by stress. However, leaves that were initiated during stress, but emerged after rewatering, had final leaf areas at least equal to those in the unstressed plants: in the cultivar Seneca, the final size of leaves of high insertion was significantly greater in stressed than unstressed plants, whereas in the three other cultivars the final leaf sizes were similar in both treatments. All four cultivars examined adjusted osmotically to the same degree, but leaf water potentials in one, Seneca, increased more rapidly after rewatering than in the other three, and this may have contributed to the greater relative leaf size in the leaves of high insertion in this cultivar.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Stephanonympha nelumbium is a large trichomonad measuring 45–60 μm in length and 20–40 μm in width. It is a member of the multinucleate and multiflagellate family Calonymphidae. While the numerous flagella arise in groups of four at the anterior cell pole, the posterior body portion is covered with attached spirochetes and rod-like bacteria. Generally, in the apical body portion of S. nelumbium , 50–100 nuclei are arranged in five to seven circular rows. Each nucleus is associated with a typical mastigont system, comprised of three anterior flagella, one recurrent flagellum being attached to the cell surface for a certain distance, and several typical root structures. Akaryomastigonts and costas do not occur. The fine structure of S. nelumbium corresponds with that of other calonymphids. The main difference to Calonympha is that the axostyle does not embrace the nucleus but passes it in form of a flattened rod.  相似文献   
The reproductive phase in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is affected by salinity, but little is known about the underlying cause. We investigated whether high concentrations of Na+ and Cl in the reproductive structures influence reproductive processes. Chickpea genotypes contrasting in tolerance were subjected to 0, 35 or 50 mm NaCl applied to soil in pots. Flower production and abortion, pod number, percentage of empty pods, seed number and size were evaluated. The concentrations of Na+, K+ and Cl were measured in various plant tissues and, using X‐ray microanalysis, in specific cells of developing reproductive structures. Genotypic variation in reproductive success measured as seed yield in saline conditions was associated with better maintenance of flower production and higher numbers of filled pods (and thus seed number), whereas seed size decreased in all genotypes. Despite the variation in reproductive success, the accumulation of Na+ and Cl in the early reproductive tissues of developing pods did not differ between a tolerant (Genesis836) and a sensitive (Rupali) genotype. Similarly, salinity tolerance was not associated with the accumulation of salt ions in leaves at the time of reproduction or in seeds at maturity.  相似文献   
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