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The performance of a tapered reactor for the continuous cultivation of bakers' yeast (SCP) from cane molasses has been compared with that of a conventional cylindrical reactor. It is found that the tapered reactor has less non-idealities (bypass and deadspace).Using the experimentally evaluated bypass and deadspace values, a model for predicting conversions of substrate (cane molasses), based on the RTD model proposed by Cholette and Cloutier has been developed. The experimental substrate conversions are found to match the model satisfactorily.List of Symbols D h–1 dilution rate - E() exit age distribution function - K s kg/m3 Monod's saturation constant - -r sa kg/(m3 · h) rate of substrate utilization - S kg/m3 substrate concentration expressed as dextrose equivalent (DE) - S a kg/m3 substrate concentration in active zone - S 0 kg/m3 initial substrate concentration - S/S 0 dimensionless substrate concentration - v a dm3/h volumetric flow through active zone - v b dm3/h volumetric flow through bypass stream - u l dm3/h substrate feed rate - v g dm3/min air-flow rate - V dm3 total working volume of the reactor - V a dm3 volume of active zone in reactor - V d dm3 volume of dead zone in reactor - X kg/m3 biomass concentration Greek Letters fraction of bypass of feed, v b /v l - fraction of deadspace, V d /V - dimensionless residence time - m h–1 maximum specific growth rate - h mean residence time, V/v l   相似文献   
The effect of micromixing and macromixing on enzyme reaction of Michaelis-Menten type in a real continuously stirred tank reactor (CSTR) is considered. The effect of bypassing of a fraction of feed stream, dead space, initial enzyme concentration and Michaelis-Menten constant on substrate conversion is evaluated. Bypass reduces the substrate conversion significantly compared with other parameters in the case of micro and macromixing. Micromixing predicts higher substrate conversions compared with macromixing. The effect of micro and macromixing on substrate conversion is negligible at low and high conversions.List of Symbols C kmol/m3 concentration of reactant - ¯C kmol/m3 average concentration of reactant - CA kmol/m3 exit concentration of reactant A - CAa kmol/m3 exit concentration of reactant A from active zone - CAO kmol/m3 initial concentration of reactant A - CEO kmol/m3 initial enzyme concentration - CO kmol/m3 initial concentration of reactant - E(t) 1/s exit age distribution function - k 1/s reaction rate constant - M kmol/m3 Michaelis-Menten constant - r kmol/(m3s) rate of reaction - –rA kmol/(m3s) rate of reaction with respect to A - t s time - v m3/s volumetric feed rate - va m3/s volumetric feed rate entering the active zone - vb m3/s volumetric feed rate entering the bypass stream - V m3 total volume of the vessel - Va m3 active volume of the vessel - Vd m3 volume of dead space - XA conversion of A Greek Letters fraction of feed stream bypassing the vessel (vb/v) - fraction of the total volume as dead space (Vd/V) - (t) 1/s Dirac delta function, an ideal pulse occurring at time t = 0 - s life expectancy of a molecule - 1/s intensity function or escape probability function - s space time or mean residence time  相似文献   
Summary Virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) is an extremely powerful tool for plant functional genomics. We used Tobacco rattle virus (TRV)-derived VIGS vectors expressed from binary vectors within Agrobacterium to induce RNA silencing in plants. Leaf infiltration is the most common method of agroinoculation used for VIGS but this method has limitations as it is laborious for large-scale screening and some plants are difficult to infiltrate. Here we have developed a novel and simple method of agroinoculation, called 'agrodrench', where soil adjacent to the plant root is drenched with an Agrobacterium suspension carrying the TRV-derived VIGS vectors. By agrodrench we successfully silenced the expression of phytoene desaturase (PDS), a 20S proteasome subunit (PB7) or Mg-protoporphyrin chelatase (Chl H) encoding genes in Nicotiana benthamiana and in economically important crops such as tomato, pepper, tobacco, potato, and Petunia, all belonging to the Solanaceae family. An important aspect of agrodrench is that it can be used for VIGS in very young seedlings, something not possible by the leaf infiltration method, which usually requires multiple fully expanded leaves for infiltration. We also demonstrated that VIGS functioned to silence target genes in plant roots. The agrodrench method of agroinoculation was more efficient than the leaf infiltration method for VIGS in roots. Agrodrench will facilitate rapid large-scale functional analysis of cDNA libraries and can also be applied to plants that are not currently amenable to VIGS technology by conventional inoculation methods.  相似文献   

Agrobacterium tumefaciens is a unique pathogen with the ability to transfer a portion of its DNA, the T-DNA, to other organisms. The role of DNA repair genes in Agrobacterium transformation remains controversial. In order to understand if the host DNA repair response and dynamics was specific to bacterial factors such as Vir proteins, T-DNA, and oncogenes, we profiled the expression and promoter methylation of various DNA repair genes. These genes belonged to nucleotide excision repair (NER), base excision repair (BER), mismatch repair (MMR), homologous recombination (HR), and non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) pathways. We infected Arabidopsis plants with different Agrobacterium strains that lacked one or more of the above components so that the influence of the respective factors could be analysed. Our results revealed that the expression and promoter methylation of most DNA repair genes was affected by Agrobacterium, and it was specific to Vir proteins, T-DNA, oncogenes, or the mere presence of bacteria. In order to determine if Agrobacterium induced any transgenerational epigenetic effect on the DNA repair gene promoters, we studied the promoter methylation in two subsequent generations of the infected plants. Promoters of at least three genes, CEN2, RAD51, and LIG4 exhibited transgenerational memory in response to different bacterial factors. We believe that this is the first report of Agrobacterium-induced transgenerational epigenetic memory of DNA repair genes in plants. In addition, we show that Agrobacterium induces short-lived DNA strand breaks in Arabidopsis cells, irrespective of the presence or absence of virulence genes and T-DNA.

Biological Trace Element Research - Chronic non-healing diabetic foot ulcers (DFU) with a recurrence rate of over 50% in 3 years account for more than 1,08000 non-traumatic lower extremity...  相似文献   
Fungal endophytic communities and potential host preference of root-inhabiting fungi of boreal forest understory plants are poorly known. The objective of this study was to find out whether two neighboring plant species, Deschampsia flexuosa (Poaceae) and Trientalis europaea (Primulaceae), share similar root fungal endophytic communities and whether the communities differ between two sites. The study was carried out by analysis of pure culture isolates and root fungal colonization percentages. A total of 84 isolates from D. flexuosa and 27 isolates from T. europaea were obtained. The roots of D. flexuosa harbored 16 different isolate types based on macromorphological characteristics, whereas only 4 isolate types were found in T. europaea. The root colonization by dark septate and hyaline septate hyphae correlated with isolate numbers being higher in D. flexuosa compared to T. europaea. The different isolate types were further identified on the basis of internal transcribed spacer sequence and phylogenetic analysis. An isolate type identified as dark septate endophyte Phialocephala fortinii colonized 50 % of the T. europaea and 21 % of the D. flexuosa specimens. In addition, Meliniomyces variabilis, Phialocephala sphaeroides, and Umbelopsis isabellina were found colonizing the grass, D. flexuosa, for the first time and Mycena sp. was confirmed as an endophyte of D. flexuosa. Site-specific differences were observed in the abundance and diversity of endophytic fungi in the roots of both study plants, but the differences were not as predominant as those between plant species. It is concluded that D. flexuosa harbors both higher amount and more diverse community of endophytic fungi in its roots compared to T. europaea.  相似文献   
While cannabinoids are secondary metabolites synthesized by just a few plant species, N-acylethanolamines (NAEs) are distributed widely in the plant kingdom, and are recovered in measurable, bioactive quantities in many plant-derived products. NAEs in higher plants are ethanolamides of fatty acids with acyl-chain lenghts of C12-C(18) and zero to three C=C bonds. Generally, the most-abundant NAEs found in plants and vertebrates are similar, including NAE 16 : 0, 18 : 1, 18 : 2, and 18 : 3. Like in animal systems, NAEs are formed in plants from N-acylphosphatidylethanolamines (NAPEs), and they are hydrolyzed by an amidase to yield ethanolamine and free fatty acids (FFA). Recently, a homologue of the mammalian fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH-1) was identified in Arabidopsis thaliana and several other plant species. Overexpression of Arabidopsis FAAH (AtFAAH) resulted in plants that grew faster, but were more sensitive to biotic and abiotic insults, suggesting that the metabolism of NAEs in plants resides at the balance between growth and responses to environmental stresses. Similar to animal systems, exogenously applied NAEs have potent and varied effects on plant cells. Recent pharmacological approaches combined with molecular-genetic experiments revealed that NAEs may act in certain plant tissues via specific membrane-associated proteins or by interacting with phospholipase D-alpha, although other, direct targets for NAE action in plants are likely to be discovered. Polyunsaturated NAEs can be oxidized via the lipoxygenase pathway in plants, producing an array of oxylipin products that have received little attention so far. Overall, the conservation of NAE occurrence and metabolic machinery in plants, coupled with the profound physiological effects of elevating NAE content or perturbing endogenous NAE metabolism, suggest that an NAE-mediated regulatory pathway, sharing similarities with the mammalian endocannabinoid pathway, indeed exists.  相似文献   
Most legumes can establish a symbiotic association with soil rhizobia that trigger the development of root nodules. These nodules host the rhizobia and allow them to fix nitrogen efficiently. The perception of bacterial lipo-chitooligosaccharides (LCOs) in the epidermis initiates a signaling cascade that allows rhizobial intracellular infection in the root and de-differentiation and activation of cell division that gives rise to the nodule. Thus, nodule organogenesis and rhizobial infection need to be coupled in space and time for successful nodulation. The plant hormone cytokinin (CK) contributes to the coordination of this process, acting as an essential positive regulator of nodule organogenesis. However, the temporal regulation of tissue-specific CK signaling and biosynthesis in response to LCOs or Sinorhizobium meliloti inoculation in Medicago truncatula remains poorly understood. In this study, using a fluorescence-based CK sensor (pTCSn::nls:tGFP), we performed a high-resolution tissue-specific temporal characterization of the sequential activation of CK response during root infection and nodule development in M. truncatula after inoculation with S. meliloti. Loss-of-function mutants of the CK-biosynthetic gene ISOPENTENYLTRANSFERASE 3 (IPT3) showed impairment of nodulation, suggesting that IPT3 is required for nodule development in M. truncatula. Simultaneous live imaging of pIPT3::nls:tdTOMATO and the CK sensor showed that IPT3 induction in the pericycle at the base of nodule primordium contributes to CK biosynthesis, which in turn promotes expression of positive regulators of nodule organogenesis in M. truncatula.

Precise spatial and temporal characterization of cytokinin (CK) responses reveals the function of the CK biosynthesis gene ISOPENTENYLTRANSFERASE 3 during nodule development in Medicago truncatula.  相似文献   
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