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Human chorionic gonadotropins (hCGs) highly purified from the urine of patients with trophoblastic diseases and of healthy pregnant women contain approximately four mucin-type sugar chains in one molecule. The structures of these sugar chains were studied comparatively by using a new sensitive method to obtain mucin-type sugar chains quantitatively as radioactive oligosaccharides from a small amount of glycoproteins. The mucin-type sugar chains of all hCGs include sialylated and nonsialylated Gal beta 1----3GalNAc and Gal beta 1----4GlcNAc beta 1----6(Gal beta 1----3)GalNAc. In the case of normal hCG and hydatidiform mole hCG, oligosaccharides containing the tetrasaccharide core occupy approximately 10% of the total mucin-type sugar chains. The ratio of the tetrasaccharide containing oligosaccharides is increased prominently to approximately 60% in choriocarcinoma hCG. The proportion in invasive mole hCG was also increased, but less than the proportion of choriocarcinoma hCG.  相似文献   
The effects of estrogen on the uridine uptake into cells were examined in primary cultures of liver parenchymal cells from Xenopus laevis. The total uptake of [3H]uridine into the estrogen-treated cells and its incorporation into RNA were about 1.5 times higher than the values for control cells. The uptake of [3H]adenosine and its incorporation into RNA were not affected by estrogen. An experiment in which liver parenchymal cells were double labeled with [3H]uridine and [3H]adenosine showed that estrogen elevated the specific radioactivity of the UTP pool 1.4-fold the value found for the control cells, but that of the ATP pool was not altered by estrogen. Short term labeling revealed that estrogen did not significantly alter the rate of the initial uptake of [3H]uridine into the cells, but it did stimulate [3H]uridine phosphorylation about 1.7-fold. Uridine kinase activity measured in cell-free extracts of hepatocytes treated with estrogen had a value 1.6 times that of the control cells. These data indicate that the stimulation of [3H]uridine uptake and phosphorylation in Xenopus laevis hepatocytes in the presence of estrogen is caused by the enhancement of uridine kinase activity.  相似文献   
Summary A microbial sensor of immobilized Thiobacillus thiooxidans S3 cells was assembled to determine free sulphite in wine. Sulphite oxidation activity of the immobilized cells was sufficiently high for use even after 3 months storage at 4° C. The sensitivity of this sensor was 116 nA·1·mg-1 for sulphur dioxide. The relationship between the current decrease and the sulphur dioxide concentration was linear up to 17 mg·1-1. The sampling rate achieved was 10 min per sample including washing time. This sensor method needed no pretreatment of wine samples, and wines diluted with 5 mM sulphuric acid solution could be directly introduced in the computer-aided analysis system. The pigments in red wine did not disturbed the analysis.  相似文献   
Pleiotropic human KB cell mutants, selected for resistance to a conjugate of epidermal growth factor with Pseudomonas exotoxin (PE-EGF), were characterized genetically. These mutants have a pleiotropic phenotype, which includes reduced number of EGF receptors and reduced growth rate. Hybrid cells between HeLa D98 and four out of five of these resistant cell lines were more resistant to PE-EGF than hybrids formed between HeLa D98 and parental KB cells. This result indicates that the phenotype of PE-EGF resistance is incompletely dominant in four out of five cases and recessive in one out of five variants. In three separate experiments, transfection of DNA from two of the dominant resistant cell lines resulted in transformation of wild-type KB cells to PE-EGF resistance, confirming the dominant nature of these mutations, which affect levels of EGF receptor in KB cells.  相似文献   
We developed a method for a determination of the amount of retrogradely transported HRP in the rat masseteric motoneuron using a modification of Mesulam's HRP histochemical protocol and an image processing system combined with a light microscope and a television camera. To test the validity and reproducibility of the new method, a quantitative comparison of the amount of dark blue granules of HRP-product in the cell body of masseteric motor neurons was performed between the right and left trigeminal motor nuclei of 70 rats, which resulted in no significant difference. An additional study used the method was made of the effects of administration of five dopamine receptor antagonists with different biochemical and pharmacologic properties on retrograde transport of HRP in the rat masseteric motoneuron. As a result, chlorpromazine, haloperidol, SCH 23390, and sulpiride significantly enhanced retrograde transport of HRP as against domperidone which showed no significant change in the transport. A possible regulatory system for retrograde transport of HRP in the masseteric motoneuron was discussed in relation to the action of the dopamine receptor.  相似文献   
Biosynthesis of lysosomal cathepsins B and H in cultured rat hepatocytes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The biosynthesis of lysosomal cysteine proteases, cathepsins B and H, was investigated by using pulse-chase experiments in vivo in primary cultures of rat hepatocytes. Cathepsins B and H were isolated from either total cell extracts or culture medium labeled with [35S]methionine by immunoprecipitation and analyzed for their molecular forms. Within 60 min of chase, cellular proforms of cathepsins B of 39 kDa and H of 41 kDa were converted to single-chain form cathepsins B of 29 kDa and H of 28 kDa, respectively, and persisted as these forms even after 12-h chase periods. The proforms of cathepsins B and H derived from pulse-labeling experiments showed complete susceptibility to endoglycosidase H treatment, indicating that these proenzymes bear high-mannose-type oligosaccharides at the stage of initial events of biosynthesis. In the presence of tunicamycin, unglycosylated proenzymes of cathepsins B of 35 kDa and H of 34 kDa were found to be secreted into the extracellular medium without undergoing proteolytic processing. Furthermore, in the presence of swainsonine, a potent inhibitor of Golgi mannosidase II, considerable amounts of the proenzymes were secreted and accumulated in the medium during chasing periods. These results suggest that the oligosaccharide moiety of these enzymes would be necessary for the intracellular sorting mechanism. In monensin-treated cells, the conversion of intracellular proenzymes to mature enzymes was significantly inhibited and the proenzymes were secreted into the medium. In the presence of chloroquine or ammonium chloride, proteolytic processing of the proenzymes was completely prevented and the enhanced secretion of proenzymes was observed. These results suggest that in the presence of lysosomotropic amines the intracellular sorting of proenzymes might not occur properly during biosynthesis.  相似文献   
The effects of the lysosomal fraction isolated from polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PLF) on the growth of cultivated aortic medial smooth muscle cells (SMCs) and arterial endothelial cells (ECs) were studied by assaying DNA synthesis and counting the numbers of cells. PLF proved to promote the growth of cultivated SMCs and ECs. There was a positive correlation between an increase in DNA synthesis and the dose of PLF. The growth-promoting effect was observed in sparsely cultivated SMCs and ECs, in densely cultivated SMCs, but not in confluently cultivated ECs. The difference in response between SMCs and ECs seems to depend on their biological characteristics. Because a small amount of PLF showed potent growth-promoting activity in the presence of 10% fetal bovine serum which possesses a high protease blocking activity, the mechanism of this promoting activity is suggested to be independent of the proteases contained in PLF.  相似文献   
Lipopolysaccharides (LPSs) isolated from phase I and phase II Coxiella burnetii (LPS I and LPS II, respectively) were analyzed for chemical compositions, molecular heterogeneity by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and immunological properties. The yields of crude phenol-water extracts from phase I cells were roughly three to six times higher than those from phase II cells. Purification of LPSs by ultracentrifugation gave similar yields for both LPS I and LPS II. Purified LPS I and LPS II contained roughly 0.8 and 0.6% protein, respectively. The fatty acid constituents of the LPSs were different in composition and content, with branched-chain fatty acids representing about 15% of the total. beta-Hydroxymyristic acid was not detected in either LPS I or LPS II. A thiobarbituric acid-periodate-positive compound was evident in the LPSs; however, this component was not identified as 3-deoxy-D-mannooctulosonic acid by gas and paper chromatographies. LPS II contained D-mannose, D-glucose, D-glyceromannoheptose, glucosamine, ethanolamine, 3-deoxy-D-mannooctulosonic acid-like material, phosphate, and fatty acids. LPS I contained the unique disaccharide galactosaminuronyl glucosamine and nine unidentified components in addition to the components of LPS II. The hydrophobic, putative lipid A fraction of LPS I and LPS II contained the above constituents, but the hydrophilic fraction was devoid of ethanolamine. The LPS I disaccharide galactosaminuronyl glucosamine was found in both fractions of the acetic acid hydrolysates. Analysis of LPSs by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis followed by silver staining indicated that LPS II was composed of only one band, whereas LPS I consisted of six or more bands with irregular spacing. Ouchterlony immunodiffusion tests demonstrated that LPS I reacted with phase I but not with phase II whole-cell hyperimmune antibody, and LPS II reacted neither with phase I nor phase II hyperimmune antibody. From these results, it was concluded that the chemical structures of LPSs from C. burnetii were different from those of the LPSs of gram-negative bacteria; however, the LPS structural variation in C. burnetii may be similar to the smooth-to-rough mutational variation of saccharide chain length in gram-negative bacteria.  相似文献   
A long-term follow-up study of rostral mesencephalic reticulotomy (RMR) for pain relief is presented. 34 patients (24 males and 10 females) were operated. Ages ranged from 18 to 65 years. The follow-up period was 1-70 months. The overall effectiveness of RMR showed good relief of pain in 23 patients (67%). The study of effectiveness of RMR according to type of pain showed good relief of pain in 5 out of 6 patients (83%) with nondenervation pain, whereas satisfactory pain relief was obtained in 18 out of 28 patients (64%) with denervation pain.  相似文献   
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