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Summary R-prime plasmids were constructed from a derivative of Rhizobium strain NGR234 (ANU280) and were shown to contain overlapping genomic DNA segments involved in biosynthesis of exopolysaccharides (EPS). The R-primes originally constructed carried the mutant allele from Tn5-induced EPS-deficient (Exo) mutant ANU2811. This plasmid-located mutant allele was dominant to the corresponding wild-type allele as merodiploid strains were Exo. Exo+ revertants occurred at a low rate (1×10-7) and these were shown to result from double reciprocal recombination events, which led to the isolation of R-prime plasmids carrying functional wild-type exo alleles. R-prime plasmids that carry overlapping segments of DNA from parental strain ANU280 complemented 28 of the 30 group 2 Exo mutants of strain ANU280. Complementation of these Exo mutants also restored their symbiotic abilities of effective nodulation. Subsequent in vivo recombination between the wild-type alleles located on the R-prime and the corresponding mutated allele on the genome, was used to generate a new family of R-primes, which carried mutations in the exo genes. The 30 group 2 Exo mutants were classified into 7 distinct genetic groups based upon complementation and physical mapping data. Five of the seven exo loci were gentically linked and located on a 15-kb region of DNA. Mutations at two loci were dominant only when the mutations were R-prime plasmid-located while a mutation at a second locus was cis-dominant to two other exo loci. At least five genes involved in the synthesis of acidic exopolysaccharide synthesis have been identified.  相似文献   
Sucrose concentration in guard cells of epidermal strips ofCommelina benghalensis increased with stomatal opening. Sucroseuptake patterns were investigated using guard cell protoplastsof C. benghalensis. Sucrose (0.5 mM) uptake into these protoplastswas sensitive to pH, with an optimum at pH 6. Uptake of sucroseinto guard cell protoplasts was inhibited by 2,4-dinitrophenol(DNP), diethylstilbestrol (DES) and (ptrifluoromethoxy)carbonylcyanide phenylhydrozone (FCCP), while DCMU and o-phenanthrolinehad no effect on the uptake of sucrose. Fusicoccin (FC) stimulatedsucrose influx. The influence of pH and the effect of the metabolicinhibitors on the sucrose uptake into the guard cell protoplastsare consistent with an energy dependent membrane-function. (Received July 7, 1986; Accepted September 26, 1986)  相似文献   
Our recent spin trapping studies of free radical generation by ultrasound in aqueous solutions are reviewed. The very high temperatures and pressures induced by acoustic cavitation in collapsing gas bubbles in aqueous solutions exposed to ultrasound lead to the thermal dissociation of water vapor into H atoms and OH radicals. Their formation has been confirmed by spin trapping. Sonochemical reactions occur in the gas phase (pyrolysis reactions), in the gas-liquid interfacial region, and in the bulk of the solution (radiation-chemistry reactions). The high temperature gradients in the interfacial regions lead to pyrolysis products from non-volatile solutes present at sufficiently high concentrations. The sonochemically generated radicals from carboxylic acids, amino acids, dipeptides. sugars, pyrimidine bases. nucleosides and nucleo-tides were identified by spin trapping with the non-volatile spin trap 3.5-dibromo-2.6-dideuterio-4-nitrosobenzenesulfonate. At low concentrations of the non-volatile solutes. the spin-trapped radicals produced by sonolysis are due to H atom and OH radical reactions. At higher concentrations of these non-volatile solutes, sonolysis leads to the formation of additional radicals due to pyrolysis processes (typically methyl radicals). A preferred localization of non-volatile surfactants (compared to analogous non-surfactant solutes) was demonstrated by the detection of pyrolysis radicals at 500-fold lower concentrations. Pyrolysis radicals were also found in the sonolysis of aqueous solutions containing only certain nitrone spin traps. The more hydrophobic the spin trap, the lower the concentration at which the pyrolysis radicals can be observed. The effect of varying the temperature of collapsing transient cavities in aqueous solutions of different rare gases and of N2O on radical yields and on cell lysis of mammalian cells was investigated.  相似文献   
Polyclonal antibodies were generated to the 105 kDa herring sperm motility initiation factor (SMIF) and used to explore the role of SMIF in sperm-egg interaction. Using sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and immunoblotting with SMIF antibodies, it was demonstrated that SMIF is present as a minor (4–7% of total chorion protein) component of the chorion. The major polypeptides in the chorion migrated at 117 kDa and in a grouping between 48–54 kDa, with other minor bands above and below. The only detectable glycosylated component was the 105 kDa band, which was resolved at two isoelectric points (8.22 and 8.31) after isoelectric focusing gel electrophoresis. Using antibodies to SMIF, fertilization was blocked, sperm motility was inhibited in vitro in the presence of solubilized SMIF and SMIF binding sites on sperm were localized. Lastly, SMIF was localized to the region of the herring egg that encircles the micropyle.  相似文献   
Introduction of well-programmed nicks and gaps and the associated DNA repair activity in the genome at the pachytene interval is a characteristic feature of the meiotic prophase in organisms as varied as lilium and mouse. In the present study we have shown that the DNA synthetic activity in rat pachytene spermatocytes is insensitive to aphidicolin, a specific inhibitor of DNA polymerase , and , suggesting DNA -polymerase-mediated repair synthesis in these cells. We have developed a novel approach for the isolation of the DNA repair sites by combining two independent techniques. Following incorporation of BrdUrd into pachytene spermatocytes in the presence of aphidicolin, the repair sites were released as ssDNA fragments by treatment of nuclei with 30 mM NaOH. Subsequently, the BrdUrd containing ssDNA fragments were specifically isolated using polyclonal anti-BrdUrd antibodies. The DNA fragments released were of two size classes, namely 4–7S (major) and 9–12S (minor) and constituted approximately 1.75% of the pachytene genomic DNA. These DNA repair fragments were distinct from Okazaki fragments and other replicative intermediates isolated from rat bone marrow cells as evidenced by (a) their different size distribution and (b) little cross-hybridization. Southern hybridization of restriction enzyme digests of rat genomic DNA with probes made against BrdUrd-ssDNA fragments revealed that although the repair sites were distributed throughout the genome, strong hybridization signals were observed in EcoRI, (1.3 kb and 2.4 kb), BamH1 (9 kb) and HindIII (5 kb) repetetive DNA fragments. The EcoRI 1.3 kb family were cloned into M13 mp19, and a repair positive (1.3 A) and a repair negative (1.3 B) were identified and sequenced. The repair positive clone contained (a) (CA)22 repeat, (b) a (CAGA)6 repeat and (c) 4 sequences sharing high homology with various hypervariable minisatellite (HVMS) sequences. One of the HVMS sequence contained a GGCAGG motif known to be responsible for germline instability. The repair negative clone had (a) (CA)6 repeat and (b) a HVMS like sequence without GGCAGG. The significance of these motifs and their relevance to the events of DNA metabolism at pachytene interval have been discussed.  相似文献   
Drosophila nasuta (2n = 8) and Drosophila albomicans (2n = 6) are cross-fertile allopatric sibling chromosomal races of the nasuta subgroup of Drosophila. Hybrids of these races can be maintained for any number of generations. Some of the introgressed hybrid lineages of D. nasuta and D. albomicans, after passing through a transient phase of karyotypic polymorphism, ended up with a stable karyotype whose composition is different from those of the parental races. Such hybrid populations were called cytoraces, in which the chromosomes of D. nasuta and D. albomicans are represented in different combinations. The karyotypic composition of 16 such cytoraces have been presented and discussed with reference to evolutionary strategies such as balancing selection, directional selection, and sex-specific effect on different components of the evolving karyotypes.  相似文献   
How different mutations in cardiac troponin T (cTnT) lead to distinct secondary downstream cellular remodeling in familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (FHC) remains elusive. To explore the molecular basis for the distinct impact of different mutations in cTnT on cardiac myocytes, we studied mechanical activity of detergent-skinned muscle fiber bundles from different lines of transgenic (TG) mouse hearts that express wild-type cTnT (WTTG), R92W cTnT, R92L cTnT, and Delta-160 cTnT (deletion of amino acid 160). The amount of mutant cTnT is approximately 50% of the total myocellular cTnT in both R92W and R92L TG mouse hearts and approximately 35% in Delta-160 TG mouse hearts. Myofilament Ca2+ sensitivity was enhanced in all mutant cTnT TG cardiac muscle fibers. Compared with the WTTG fibers, Ca2+ sensitivity increased significantly at short sarcomere length (SL) of 1.9 microm (P < 0.001) in R92W TG fibers by 2.2-fold, in R92L by 2.0-fold, and in Delta-160 by 1.3-fold. At long SL of 2.3 microm, Ca2+ sensitivity increased significantly (P < 0.01) in a similar manner (R92W, 2.5-fold; R92L, 1.9-fold; Delta-160, 1.3-fold). Ca2+-activated maximal tension remained unaltered in all TG muscle fibers. However, tension-dependent ATP consumption increased significantly in Delta-160 TG muscle fibers at both short SL (23%, P < 0.005) and long SL (37%, P < 0.0001), suggesting a mutation-induced change in cross-bridge detachment rate constant. Chronic stresses on relative cellular ATP level in cardiac myocytes may cause a strain on energy-dependent Ca2+ homeostatic mechanisms. This may result in pathological remodeling that we observed in Delta-160 TG cardiac myocytes where the ratio of sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase 2/phospholamban decreased significantly. Our results suggest that different types of stresses imposed on cardiac myocytes would trigger distinct cellular signaling, which leads to remodeling that may be unique to some mutants.  相似文献   
Environmental stresses trigger a wide variety of plant responses, ranging from altered gene expression and cellular metabolism to changes in growth rates and crop yields. A plethora of plant reactions exist to circumvent the potentially harmful effects caused by a wide range of both abiotic and biotic stresses, including light, drought, salinity, high temperatures, and pathogen infections. Among the environmental stresses, drought stress is one of the most adverse factors of plant growth and productivity. Understanding the biochemical and molecular responses to drought is essential for a holistic perception of plant resistance mechanisms to water-limited conditions. Drought stress progressively decreases CO2 assimilation rates due to reduced stomatal conductance. Drought stress also induces reduction in the contents and activities of photosynthetic carbon reduction cycle enzymes, including the key enzyme, ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase. The critical roles of proline and glycine-betaine, as well as the role of abscisic acid (ABA), under drought stress conditions have been actively researched to understand the tolerance of plants to dehydration. In addition, drought stress-induced generation of active oxygen species is well recognized at the cellular level and is tightly controlled at both the production and consumption levels in vivo, through increased antioxidative systems. Knowledge of sensing and signaling pathways, including ABA-mediated changes in response to drought stress, is essential to improve crop management. This review focuses on the ability and strategies of higher plants to respond and adapt to drought stress.  相似文献   
Medicinal plants are extensively utilized in traditional and herbal medicines, both in India and around the world due to the presence of diverse low molecular weight natural products such as flavonoids, alkaloids, terpenoids and sterols. Flavonoids which have health benefits for humans are the large class of phenylpropanoid-derived secondary metabolites and are mostly glycosylated by UDP-glycosyltransferases (UGTs). Although large numbers of different UGTs are known from higher plants, very few protein structures have been reported till now. In the present study, the three-dimensional model of flavonoid specific glycosyltransferases (WsFGT) from Withania somnifera was constructed based on the crystal structure of plant UGTs. The resulted model was assessed by various tools and the final refined model revealed GT-B type fold. Further, to understand the sugar donors and acceptors interactions with the active site of WsFGT, docking studies were performed. The amino acids from conserved PSPG box were interacted with sugar donor while His18, Asp110, Trp352 and Asn353 were important for catalytic function. This structural and docking information will be useful to understand the glycosylation mechanism of flavonoid glucosides.


DOPE - Discrete Optimized Potential Energy, PDB - Protein Data Bank, PSPG - Plant Secondary Product Glycosyltransferase, RMSD - Root Mean Squared Deviation, UDP - Uridine diphosphate, UGT - UDP-glycosyltransferases.  相似文献   
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