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Ascorbate oxidase activity rapidly increased during callus formationfrom pumpkin fruit tissue. The activity reached a maximum at5 days after transfer and then declined. In callus which hadbeen subcultured at about 4-week intervals for more than oneyear, the activity also increased after transfer to fresh mediumand reached a maximum in the early logarithmic phase of growth.Light had little effect on the appearance of ascorbate oxidaseactivity in pumpkin callus. In the callus grown in the presenceof 10µM CuSO4, the activity was about 10 times that inthe presence of 0.1 µM CuSO4, suggesting that the formatonof ascorbate oxidase in pumpkin callus is stimulated by copper,a prosthetic metal of the enzyme. From 45 to 75% of the totalascorbate oxidase activity in pumpkin cell suspension cultureswas found in the medium. Ascorbate oxidase activity in the medium,as well as that in the cells, increased soon after transferto fresh medium, and reached a maximum at about 5 days. (Received July 2, 1987; Accepted November 21, 1987)  相似文献   
Catalase was isolated in a pure form from sweet potato rootmicrobodies by simple procedures including ammonium sulfatefractionation and Sepharose 6B column chromatography. A singleprotein band was detected after polyacrylamide gel electrophoresisof the purified preparation. The catalase consisted of polypeptideswith a molecular weight of 60,000 when analyzed by sodium dodecylsulfate-polyacrylamidegel electrophoresis, while the molecular weight of the enzymewas about 240,000 when estimated from sucrose density gradientcentrifugation. The enzyme's ratio of absorbance at 280 nm tothat at 405 nm was about twice that of mammalian catalase. Thecatalase showed a maximal activity at pH 6.5–8.5 but wasstable only at alkaline pHs. In double immunodiffusion tests,antiserum against the purified preparation formed a single precipitinline with the crude soluble fraction from sweet potato roottissue as well as with the purified preparation. The antiserumhad no ability to inhibit the activity, but catalase in boththe crude fraction and the purified preparation was completelyprecipitated by the antiserum. (Received August 20, 1981; Accepted January 5, 1982)  相似文献   
Replication factor C (RFC) catalyzes the assembly of circular proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) clamps around primed DNA, enabling processive synthesis by DNA polymerase. The RFC-like genes, arranged in tandem in the Thermococcus kodakaraensis KOD1 genome, were cloned individually and co-expressed in Escherichia coli cells. T. kodakaraensis KOD1 RFC homologue (Tk-RFC) consists of the small subunit (Tk-RFCS: MW=37.2 kDa) and the large subunit (Tk-RFCL: MW=57.2 kDa). The DNA elongation rate of the family B DNA polymerase from T. kodakaraensis KOD1 (KOD DNA polymerase), which has the highest elongation rate in all thermostable DNA polymerases, was increased about 1.7 times, when T. kodakaraensis KOD1 PCNA (Tk-PCNA) and the Tk-RFC at the equal molar ratio of KOD DNA polymerase were reacted with primed DNA.  相似文献   
Kato N  Esaka M 《Planta》2000,210(6):1018-1022
 When pumpkin (Cucurbita spp., cv. Ebisu Nankin) ascorbate oxidase cDNA was introduced into cultured cells of tobacco BY-2 (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Bright Yellow No. 2) by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation, the transgenic cells expressed and secreted the recombinant pumpkin ascorbate oxidase into the culture medium. These transgenic cells showed no morphological difference from wild-type cells. However, in the presence of applied hormones protoplasts prepared from the transgenic cells elongated more rapidly than those of wild-type cells. We propose that ascorbate oxidase may play a key role in the regulation of cell expansion perhaps by controlling transport processes through the plasma membrane, but not by affecting the cell wall. Received: 28 October 1999 / Accepted: 18 January 2000  相似文献   
Hybrid weakness is a reproductive barrier that is found in many plant species. In rice, the hybrid weakness caused by two complementary genes, Hwc1 and Hwc2, has been surveyed intensively. However, their gene products and the molecular mechanism that causes hybrid weakness have remained unknown. We performed linkage analyses of Hwc1, narrowed down the area of interest to 60 kb, and identified eight candidate genes. In the F(2) population, in which both Hwc1 and Hwc2 genes were segregated, plants were separable into four classes according to their respective phenotypes: severe type, semi-severe type, F(1) type, and normal type. Severe type plants show such severe symptoms that they could produce only tiny shoot-like structures; they were unable to generate roots. Genetic analyses using closely linked DNA markers of the two genes showed that the symptoms of the F(2) plants were explainable by the genotypes of Hwc1 and Hwc2. Weakness was observed in plants that have both Hwc1 and Hwc2. In Hwc1 homozygote, the symptoms worsened and severe type or semi-severe type plants appeared. Consequently, Hwc1 should have a gene dosage effect and be a semi-dominant gene. The dosage effect of Hwc2 was recognizable, but it was not so severe as that in Hwc1. These results are useful to elucidate the mechanism that causes the hybrid weakness phenomenon and the role of each causal gene in hybrid weakness.  相似文献   
Tokunaga T  Miyahara K  Tabata K  Esaka M 《Planta》2005,220(6):854-863
l-Galactono-1,4-lactone dehydrogenase (GalLDH; EC is the last enzyme in the putative l-ascorbic acid (AsA) biosynthetic pathway of plants. Here, we show for the first time that the overexpression of GalLDH can increase AsA content in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) BY-2 cells. To see the effect, we analyzed the properties of these AsA-overproducing transgenic cell lines, especially in relation to AsA content of cells, cell division, senescence and resistance to oxidative stress. The mitotic index in AsA-overproducing cells was higher than in wild-type cells. Moreover, the browning of these cells was markedly restrained, and the proportion of dead cells was reduced, especially in the later period of culture. These AsA-overproducing cells also acquired resistance to paraquat (methyl viologen), which produces active oxygen species. These results contribute to the previous insights about AsA and raise the possibility of the generation of plants that have resistance to environmental stresses by increasing their AsA content.  相似文献   
Fukunaga K  Ichitani K  Taura S  Sato M  Kawase M 《Hereditas》2005,142(2005):38-44
We determined the sequence of ribosomal DNA (rDNA) intergenic spacer (IGS) of foxtail millet isolated in our previous study, and identified subrepeats in the polymorphic region. We also developed a PCR-based method for identifying rDNA types based on sequence information and assessed 153 accessions of foxtail millet. Results were congruent with our previous works. This study provides new findings regarding the geographical distribution of rDNA variants. This new method facilitates analyses of numerous foxtail millet accessions. It is helpful for typing of foxtail millet germplasms and elucidating the evolution of this millet.  相似文献   
We used quantitative real-time RT-PCR to investigate the effects of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and dexamethasone (Dex) on the mRNA expression levels of the housekeeping genes β-actin (ACTB), glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), β-glucuronidase (GUSB), hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1 (HPRT1), phosphoglycerate kinase 1 (PGK1), peptidylprolyl isomerase A (PPIA), and transferrin receptor (TFRC) in cultures of C2C12 myotubes. The ratios of ACTB mRNA levels to the HPRT1 mRNA level in C2C12 cells that were differentiating from myoblast cells to myotubes decreased from 0 to 120 h of culture, whereas the ratios of TFRC mRNA levels to the HPRT1 mRNA level increased from 0 to 120 h of culture. The ratios of GAPDH, GUSB, PGK1, and PPIA mRNA levels to the HPRT1 mRNA level remained constant from 0 to 120 h of culture. All housekeeping gene mRNA levels were unaffected by exposure to DMSO concentrations of 0.1% or less. The GAPDH mRNA level was increased by Dex, while the ACTB and PGK1 mRNA levels were significantly decreased by Dex. The GUSB, PPIA, and TFRC mRNA levels were unaffected by exposure to Dex. GUSB, HPRT1, and PPIA are thus suitable internal controls for evaluating mRNA expression levels in cultures of C2C12 cells.  相似文献   
cDNA cloning and differential gene expression of three catalases in pumpkin   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Three cDNA clones (cat1, cat2, cat3) for catalase (EC were isolated from a cDNA library of pumpkin (Cucurbita sp.) cotyledons. In northern blotting using the cDNA-specific probe, the cat1 mRNA levels were high in seeds and early seedlings of pumpkin. The expression pattern of cat1 was similar to that of malate synthase, a characteristic enzyme of glyoxysomes. These data suggest that cat1 might encode a catalase associated with glyoxysomal functions. Furthermore, immunocytochemical analysis using cat1-specific anti-peptide antibody directly showed that cat1 encoding catalase is located in glyoxysomes. The cat2 mRNA was present at high levels in green cotyledons, mature leaf, stem and green hypocotyl of light-grown pumpkin plant, and correlated with chlorophyll content in the tissues. The tissue-specific expression of cat2 had a strong resemblance to that of glycolate oxidase, a characteristic enzyme of leaf peroxisomes. During germination of pumpkin seeds, cat2 mRNA levels increased in response to light, although the increase in cat2 mRNA by light was less than that of glycolate oxidase. cat3 mRNA was abundant in green cotyledons, etiolated cotyledons, green hypocotyl and root, but not in young leaf. cat3 mRNA expression was not dependent on light, but was constitutive in mature tissues. Interestingly, cat1 mRNA levels increased during senescence of pumpkin cotyledons, whereas cat2 and cat3 mRNAs disappeared during senescence, suggesting that cat1 encoding catalase may be involved in the senescence process. Thus, in pumpkin, three catalase genes are differentially regulated and may exhibit different functions.  相似文献   
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