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Employing known susceptible and resistant genotypes and pure bacterial inoculum (0.1 OD; 108 CFU/ml?1), five different inoculation methods were tried to assess the response of tomato genotypes to Ralstonia solanacearum. This included seed‐soaking inoculation, seed‐sowing followed by inoculum drenching, or at 2‐week stage through petiole‐excision inoculation, soaking of planting medium with inoculum either directly or after imparting seedling root‐injury. Seed‐based inoculations or mere inoculum drenching at 2 weeks did not induce much disease in seedlings. Petiole inoculation induced 90–100% mortality in susceptible checks but also 50–60% mortality in normally resistant genotypes within 7–10 days. Root‐injury inoculation at 2‐week seedling stage appeared the best for early and clearer distinction between resistant and susceptible lines. The observations suggest a role played by the root system in governing genotypic resistance to the pathogen. Direct shoot inoculation is to be adopted only for selecting highly resistant lines or to thin down segregating populations during resistance breeding.  相似文献   
Aims: To elucidate the cause of high variations and inconsistencies in bacterial CFU observed within and between different experiments while assessing viable bacterial counts through spread plating (SP). Methods and Results: Following the inconsistent results, CFU estimations were undertaken through conventional SP using the spreader, or a modified approach that did not use spreader employing four organisms. The latter approach involving spotting‐and‐tilt‐spreading of inoculum on agar surface [spotting spreading (SS)] yielded higher CFU by 11–120% over the weighted average depending on the organism and diluent. The adverse effect owing to the spreader was the most obvious in Escherichia coli followed by Staphylococcus epidermidis, Enterobacter cloacae and Bacillus pumilus. Plate attributes that determined the surface moisture levels of agar medium and the spreading practice adopted by the personnel formed two other major influencing factors. Plating for shorter periods (<60 s) using fresh 15/20 ml plates caused loss of 3–12% CFU owing to inoculum adhesion to spreader irrespective of glass or polypropylene make. On the other hand, prolonging the plating brought down the CFU significantly. Spreader movement on agar surface subsequent to the exhaustion of free moisture, which was marked by the experiencing of some friction to smooth spreader movement, was detrimental to vegetative cells, while Bacillus spores were less affected. Conclusions: The study brings out that the way SP is carried out exerts significant effects on CFU influenced by plate conditions. Prolonged use of spreader on dry agar surface could be highly detrimental to bacterial cells. A mild use of spreader accounting for spreader‐adhering inoculum or the practice of SS not involving the spreader is recommended. Significance and Impact of the Study: This study unravels the effects owing to the spreader on bacterial cells and the CFU and recommends an alternate approach of SS to minimize CFU inconsistencies and to maximize the viable bacterial counts.  相似文献   
D-Amino acid oxidase present in the cells of Trigonopsis variabilis became accessible to cephalosporin C, its substrate, when treated with either butyl acetate or Triton-X-100. The enzyme was not leached out enabling use of these cells as a biocatalyst.  相似文献   
A tailor-made glycidyl methacrylate-divinyl benzene (GMA-DVB) copolymer PC-3 was evolved by studying the effect of synthesis variables on binding and expression of D-amino acid oxidase (DAAO) from Aspergillus species strain 020. Almost quantitative binding (100%) and a high yield of immobilization per unit of enzyme loaded was achieved. Optimum pH, optimum temperature and K(m)95% was achieved by using 3% (w/v) solution of ceph C, 48 U of DAAO per g of ceph C, keeping dissolved oxygen level above 50%, maintaining the pH between 7.6 and 7.8 and temperature at 24 degrees C. The immobilized DAAO was used for 60 cycles in a stirred tank reactor.  相似文献   
Conversion of 10-hydroxygeraniol to 10-oxogeranial is a crucial step in iridoid biosynthesis. This reaction is catalyzed by a zinc-dependent alcohol dehydrogenase, 10-hydroxygeraniol dehydrogenase, belonging to the family of medium-chain dehydrogenase/reductase (MDR). Here, we report the crystal structures of a novel 10-hydroxygeraniol dehydrogenase from Catharanthus roseus in its apo and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP+) bound forms. Structural analysis and docking studies reveal how subtle conformational differences of loops L1, L2, L3, and helix α9' at the orifice of the catalytic site confer differential activity of the enzyme toward various substrates, by modulating the binding pocket shape and volume. The present study, first of its kind, provides insights into the structural basis of substrate specificity of MDRs specific to linear substrates. Furthermore, comparison of apo and NADP+ bound structures suggests that the enzyme adopts open and closed states to facilitate cofactor binding.  相似文献   
Elevated sphingolipids have been associated with increased cardiovascular disease. Conversely, atherosclerosis is reduced in mice by blocking de novo synthesis of sphingolipids catalyzed by serine palmitoyltransferase (SPT). The SPT enzyme is composed of the SPTLC1 and -2 subunits, and here we describe a novel protein-protein interaction between SPTLC1 and the PDZ protein Par3 (partitioning defective protein 3). Mammalian SPTLC1 orthologs have a highly conserved C terminus that conforms to a type II PDZ protein interaction motif, and by screening PDZ domain protein arrays with an SPTLC1 C-terminal peptide, we found it bound the third PDZ domain of Par3. Overlay and immunoprecipitation assays confirmed this interaction and indicate Par3 is able to associate with the SPTLC1/2 holoenzyme by binding the C-terminal SPTLC1 PDZ motif. The physiologic existence of the SPTLC1/2-Par3 complex was detected in mouse liver and macrophages, and short interfering RNA inhibition of Par3 in human THP-1 monocytes significantly reduced SPT activity and de novo ceramide synthesis by nearly 40%. Given monocyte recruitment into inflamed vessels is thought to promote atherosclerosis, and because Par3 and sphingolipids have been associated with polarized cell migration, we tested whether the ability of THP-1 monocytes to migrate toward MCP-1 (monocyte chemoattractant protein 1) depended upon Par3 and SPTLC1 expression. Knockdown of Par3 significantly reduced MCP1-induced chemotaxis of THP-1 monocytes, as did knockdown of SPTLC1, and this Par3 effect depended upon SPT activity and was blunted by ceramide treatment. In conclusion, protein arrays were used to identify a novel SPTLC1-Par3 interaction that associates with increased monocyte serine palmitoyltransferase activity and chemotaxis toward inflammatory signals.Sphingolipids are a structurally diverse class of lipids that play correspondingly diverse roles in membrane structure, cell proliferation, immune function, and skin physiology (14). De novo sphingolipid synthesis is initiated by serine palmitoyltransferase (SPT),2 an enzyme that condenses serine and palmitoyl-CoA forming the biosynthetic intermediate 3-ketodihydrosphingosine that is subsequently converted to ceramide, sphingomyelin, and other sphingolipids (5). SPT is a heterodimer composed of the SPTLC1 and -2 subunits (6, 7), which may form higher order multimeric structures that can include a third subunit, SPTLC3 (8, 9). Both the SPTLC2 and -3 subunits are catalytically active and contain conserved lysines that act as Schiff bases during the condensation reaction (5, 8). In contrast, SPTLC1 does not contain the conserved catalytically active lysine, but is important for stabilizing the SPTLC2 subunit and anchoring the SPT holoenyzme on the cytosolic face of the endoplasmic reticulum (10, 11).Expression and regulation of the SPTLC1/2 holoenyzme are of interest because its activity controls de novo synthesis of sphingomyelin, and increased plasma levels of this sphingolipid have been correlated with an increased incidence of cardiovascular disease in humans (12, 13). Conversely, inhibition of SPT activity with myriocin, a fungal metabolite, strongly inhibits atherosclerotic development in ApoE−/− mice (1418). Moreover, the increased atherosclerosis seen in ApoE−/− mice has been associated with a post-translational increase in liver SPT activity (19). How SPT activity and sphingolipids may act to promote the progression of atherosclerosis is unclear, but the data do suggest analysis of factors that regulate SPT activity should provide mechanistic insight into the link between de novo sphingolipid synthesis and atherosclerosis. In this regard we have found that SPTLC1 can interact with the ABCA1 transporter and inhibit its ability to transfer cholesterol to apoA-I, a mechanism that would be expected to promote atherosclerosis (20). Thus, along with playing a direct role in the synthesis of sphingolipids, SPTLC1 may also have evolved as an SPT subunit whose function is to regulate SPT activity in response to the cellular demand for sphingolipids and other membrane constituents such as cholesterol. To play such a role, SPTLC1 may engage additional protein-protein interactions that integrate input from signaling pathways and allow SPTLC1 to modulate SPT activity in response to altered demand for sphingolipids.Here we have explored this hypothesis by first conducting a protein array screen for SPTLC1 interacting factors. Consistent with the potential to engage cellular factors in protein-protein interactions, sequence alignment of the SPTLC1 C terminus indicates it has been strongly conserved in mammals as a type II PDZ domain binding motif. Moreover, because topology studies indicate the SPTLC1 C terminus resides in the cytoplasm where it could be bound by PDZ proteins, we used protein arrays spotted with 123 PDZ domains from 73 different proteins to screen for interactions with the SPTLC1 C terminus. This screen indicated the SPTLC1 C terminus directly interacts with the third PDZ domain of PARD3 (partitioning defective protein 3). PARD3, also known as Par3, is a scaffolding factor that recruits signaling molecules, including atypical protein kinase C and Cdc42 into multiprotein complexes that regulate formation of membrane microdomains required for apical/basal polarity and for directed cell migration (2125). Mutation analysis confirmed the SPTLC1-Par3 interaction depended upon the SPTLC1 C-terminal PDZ motif, and immunoprecipitation assays indicate Par3 is able to associate with the SPTLC1/2 holoenyzme by binding the SPTLC1 C-terminal PDZ motif. The Par-3 interaction with the SPTLC1/2 holoenyzme was detected in the liver, a major site of SPT activity and sphingolipid synthesis. Given SPT activity is proatheroslerotic, and because we have also detected SPTLC1 expression in macrophages, a cell type that plays a central role in the progression of atherosclerosis, we tested and found that Par3 was expressed and interacted with the SPT holoenyzme in primary mouse macrophages. Significantly, loss of Par3 expression in human THP-1 monocyte macrophages reduced SPT activity and inhibited their ability to migrate toward MCP-1 (monocyte chemotactic protein-1). Likewise, shRNA suppression of SPTLC1 reduced monocyte migration toward MCP-1, as did myriocin inhibition of SPT activity, an effect that was blunted by loss of Par3 expression. In aggregate, our work has identified a novel protein-protein interaction between SPTLC1 and Par3 that is associated with an increase in SPT activity and the promotion of polarized cell migration in response to an inflammatory signal.  相似文献   
Evaluating different swabbing materials for spore recovery efficiency (RE) from steel surfaces, we recorded the maximum RE (71%) of 107 Bacillus subtilis spores with Tulips cotton buds, followed by Johnson''s cotton buds and standard Hi-Media cotton, polyester, nylon, and foam (23%) swabs. Among cotton swabs, instant water-absorbing capacity or the hydrophilicity index appeared to be the major indicator of RE, as determined by testing three more brands. Tulips swabs worked efficiently across diverse nonporous surfaces and on different Bacillus spp., registering 65 to 77% RE.  相似文献   
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