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Isoenzymes of pyruvate kinase   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Flow cytometric determination of viable versus nonviable cells in fixed samples can be accomplished by utilizing the irreversible binding of photoactivated ethidium monoazide (EMA). EMA is a positively charged molecule which is excluded by cells with intact membranes (viable cells), included by cells with damaged membranes, and can be photochemically crosslinked to nucleic acids using visible light. EMA fluorescence can be excited using a standard argon laser operating at 488 nm and is able to be distinguished from fluorescein and phycoerythrin. Fixation is important when analyzing cells from a potentially infectious origin. EMA is photochemically crosslinked and therefore unable to leak out of cells when removed from the extracellular media, unlike propidium iodide (PI) or other viability stains, which were heretofore commonly used. We demonstrate the usefulness of EMA in combination with fluoresceinated and phycoerythrin labeled monoclonal antibodies in immunophenotyping. The photoaffinity labeling technique allows for a quick and efficient means of identifying nonviable cells which cannot be distinguished on the basis of light-scattering properties.  相似文献   
The experimental evidence reviewed in this article suggests that the kidneys may have an additional function in regulating blood pressure besides their role in controlling both blood volume by urine formation and the relative state of vasoconstriction by the renin-angiotensin system. That is, the kidneys may have an additional influence upon the vasculature of a hormonal vasodilating system. The interstitial cells of the renal medulla appear to be mediating this activity and lipid compounds have been extracted from the renal medulla which display depressor activity. One such compound, the antihypertensive polar renomedullary lipid (APRL), has been demonstrated to consist of specific alkyl ether analogues of phosphatidylcholine. The vascular responses to these compounds include vasodilation of both arterioles and venules, rapid lowering of arterial blood pressure with little or no tachycardia, increased depressor activity in hypertensive animals, and blockade of vascular smooth muscle alpha 1-adrenergic receptors. Most recently, APRL and a synthetic analogue, 1-0-octadecyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphorylcholine, have been used to demonstrate alpha-adrenergic receptor blockade on a smooth muscle cell line (DDT1) by radioligand assays. This action may be due to the insertion of these compounds into cell membranes causing subsequent steric interactions and blockade of the alpha-adrenergic receptor.  相似文献   
The kidney exerts both prohypertensive and antihypertensive functions. Part of the anti-hypertensive function of the kidney is mediated by the renomedullary interstitial cells (RIC), as an endocrine-type function. Six experimental models of hypertension and their relation to the antihypertensive function of the RIC are discussed. It is proposed that the anti-hypertensive function of the RIC may be deficient by the three mechanisms: 1) absence of the cells (as in the renoprival state); 2) severe damage to the cells (as in partial nephrectomy-salt hypertension of the rat and late malignant hypertension of the rabbit); and 3) constraint of the function of these cells (as in angiotensin-salt hypertension due to a lower salt intake). The constraint may result from excessive angiotensin, either by a direct effect or via a hemodynamic mechanism. The converting enzyme inhibitors (CEI) fail to exert their antihypertensive function when the RIC are absent or damaged. Conversely, the CEI are effective in those models associated with intact RIC. CEI appear to exert their antihypertensive action partly through an effect on RIC.  相似文献   
The Cotesia flavipes species complex of parasitic wasps are economically important worldwide for the biological control of lepidopteran stem borers. The complex currently comprises three species: Cotesia flavipes Cameron, C. sesamiae (Cameron) and C. chilonis (Matsumura) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), which appear morphologically similar. Despite their economic importance, little is known about the genetic diversity and phylogeography of these parasitoids. Differences in the biology of geographic populations have generally been interpreted as genetic divergence among strains, but direct genetic evidence is lacking. In Australia, several stem borer pests in neighbouring countries have been identified as significant threats to the sugar industry. However, the status of C. flavipes in Australia is unknown. To examine the genetic variation among worldwide populations of the C. flavipes complex and investigate the status of the Australian C. flavipes-like species, partial sequence data were generated for mitochondrial gene regions, 16S rRNA and COI. Parsimony, minimum evolution and Bayesian analyses based on 21 geographic populations of the complex and four outgroups supported the monophyly of the complex and the existence of genetically divergent populations of C. flavipes and C. sesamiae. The geographically isolated Australian haplotypes formed a distinct lineage within the complex and were ~3.0% divergent from the other species. The results indicated that historical biogeographic barriers and recent biological control introductions play an important role in structuring lineages within these species. This study provides a phylogeographical context for examining adaptive evolution and host range within biologically divergent strains of the C. flavipes complex.  相似文献   
The structural gene for pyruvate kinase from Bacillus stearothermophilus has been cloned in Escherichia coli and sequenced. The open reading frame from the ATG start codon to the TAG stop codon is 1482 base-pairs and encodes a peptide of relative molecular mass 52,967. In the expression vector pKK223-3, containing the synthetic tac promoter, the gene is overexpressed in E. coli cells to an estimated level of 30% total soluble cell protein. A purification procedure for the overexpressed protein has been established. The construction and characterization of a pair of mutant proteins has given insight into the structural basis of allosteric regulation in the tetrameric enzyme. Substituting tryptophan for tyrosine at position 466 (mutant Trp466-->Tyr) resulted in an activated form of the enzyme, having a reduced K1/2 for the substrate phosphoenolpyruvate. We propose that the characteristics of this mutant might be the result of bulk removal releasing steric inhibition to the formation of an interdomain salt bridge between Asp356 and Arg444. The regulatory behaviour of the double mutant produced by making the additional substitution aspartate for glutamate at position 356 (Trp466-->Tyr/Asp356-->Glu) corroborates this. The position of the salt bridge is such that it might be pivotal to the conformation of a pocket that is proposed to open up when the active R-conformation is adopted. We suggest that the mechanism of activation of B. stearothermophilus pyruvate kinase by ribose-5-phosphate might hinge on an interaction with, or indirectly through, residue Trp466, removing it from the vicinity of the potential salt bridge between Asp356 and Arg444 and thus effecting a closing together of the protein structure concomitant with an opening up of the pocket region.  相似文献   
Morphological and physiological studies were made on chicken cecal isolates of the strictly anaerobic bacterial species Gemmiger formicilis. Structural features (phase-contrast and electron microscopy) of these microorganisms indicate they (i) are highly pleomorphic, (ii) possess a trilaminar cell wall like gram-negative bacteria, (iii) exhibit an unusual growth process characterized by polar swelling (resembling budding bacteria), and (iv) grow into elongated cells when exposed to a subinhibitory concentration of penicillin. The morphological data presented suggest that this species has a rod-shaped structure. These bacteria ferment a variety of sugars to produce formic, butyric, and lactic acids. There appear to be two groups of Gemmiger, one producing primarily lactate and the other producing formate as major fermentation metabolites. Growth of six strains in a basal medium, consisting of Trypticase, minerals, carbohydrate, Na2CO3 buffer, and cysteine as reducing agent, was stimulated by rumen fluid and yeast extract. Volatile fatty acids partially replaced the requirement for rumen fluid with some strains. Single deletions of vitamins (from a defined vitamin mixture) indicated that pantothenate, riboflavin, and thiamine were highly stimulatory to growth of the organism in a medium containing rumen fluid and Trypticase as source of vitamins. Other vitamin requirements were not studied.  相似文献   
Aim: To assess the survival of bacteria during two alternative means of cattle carcase disposal in windrows: static pile composting (SPC) and above ground burial in soil (AGB), under temperate climate conditions on agricultural land, compared to surface disposal as the control method. Methods and Results: Bacteriological reference materials (pooled bovine faeces in permeable nylon bags and lyophilized cultures of Escherichia coli in glass ampoules) were positioned above and below each of 33 beef cattle carcases (250–300 kg). Temperatures at these sites were monitored with data loggers, while temperature and CO2 probes were applied repeatedly at varying depths along the windrows. Aliquots of each reference material were cultured from three randomly selected animals from the SPC and AGB group and from all three control animals on five occasions (at 28, 56, 84, 126 and 182 days). SPC was highly efficacious in the destruction of coliforms in faeces and E. coli in ampoules within 28 days, while AGB was not significantly better than controls until 84 days, and bacteria in reference materials above the AGB carcases were still viable after 182 days. Temperature probes and loggers showed SPC provided sustained temperatures of 55–70°C, while AGB did not reach temperatures of 30°C, and the temperature differences correlated with bacteriological findings. Conclusions: In relation to emergency disease management, SPC can be successfully applied to eliminate pathogenic bacteria in cattle carcases, but AGB is unsuitable for carcase disposal. Significance and Impact of the Study: In emergency, animal disease outbreaks in temperate climates requiring large‐scale ruminant carcase disposal, SPC can be successfully applied for the destruction of micro‐organisms.  相似文献   
Predicting dispersal of nonindigenous species (NIS) is an essential component of risk analysis and management, as preventative measures are most readily applied at this stage of the invasion sequence. Gravity models provide one of the most useful techniques available to model dispersal of nonindigenous invasive species (NIS) across heterogeneous landscapes, as these models are able to capture transport patterns of recreational boaters who are dominant vectors responsible for aquatic NIS dispersal. Despite the widespread use of gravity models in forecasting biological invasions, different classes of gravity models have not been evaluated regarding their comparative ability to capture recreational transport patterns and subsequent use in predicting NIS establishment. Here we evaluate model selection between unconstrained, total-flow-constrained, production-constrained and doubly-constrained stochastic gravity models to assess dispersal of the spiny waterflea Bythotrephes between Ontario lakes. Differences between the models relate to the amount of data required and constraints under which calculations of source/destination interactions are made. For each class of gravity model, we then estimated the probability of a lake having established Bythotrephes populations by modeling the relationship between empirical presence/absence data and inbound recreational traffic (i.e. propagule pressure) via boosted regression. The unconstrained gravity model provided the best fit to observed traffic patterns of recreational boaters. However, when output from the gravity models was used to predict Bythotrephes establishment, the doubly-constrained gravity model provided the strongest relationship between inbound recreational traffic and observed Bythotrephes presence/absence, followed by the production-constrained model. Our results indicate production-constrained gravity models offer an acceptable balance between modeling recreational boater traffic and their utility to estimate establishment probabilities.  相似文献   
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