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Some P-450 systems, notably aromatase and 14-demethylase catalyse not only the hydroxylate reaction but also the oxidation of an alcohol into a carbonyl compound as well as a C---C bond cleavage process. All these reactions occur at the same active site. A somewhat analogous situation is noted with 17-hydroxylase-17,20-lyase that participates in hydroxylation as well as C---C bond cleavage process. The C---C bond cleavage reactions catalysed by the above enzymes conform to the general equation:

It is argued that all three types of reaction catalyzed by these enzymes may be viewed as variations on a common theme. In P-450 dependent hydroxylation the initially formed FeIII---O---O. species is converted into FeIII---O---OH and the heterolysis of the oxygen—oxygen bond of the latter then gives the oxo-derivative for which a number of canonical structures are possible; for example FeV = O ↔ (+.)FeIV = O ↔ FeIV---O.. One of these, FeIV---O. behaves like an alkoxyl radical and participates in hydrogen abstraction from C---H bond to produce FeIV---OH and carbon radical. The latter is then quenched by the delivery of hydroxyl radical from FeIV---OH. The latter species may thus be regarded as a carrier of hydroxyl radical. We have proposed that the C---C bond cleavage reaction occurs through the participation of the FeIII---O---OH species that is trapped by the electrophilic property of the carbonyl compound giving a peroxide adduct that fragments to produce an acyl—carbon cleavage. Scientific developments leading up to this conclusion are considered. In the first author's views,

“The study of mechanisms is not a scientific but a cultural activity. Mechanisms do not aim at an absolute truth but are intended to be a “running” commentary on the status of knowledge in a field. As the structural knowledge in a field advances Mechanisms evolve to take note of the new findings. Just as a constructive “running” commentary provides the stimulus for higher standards of performance, so Mechanisms call for better and firmer structural information from their practitioners”.  相似文献   

This paper reports the conversion of cis-[14C]phytofluene to trans-[14C|phytofluene and the conversion of the latter compound to trans-ζ-[14C]carotene by a soluble enzyme system obtained from the plastids of red tomato fruits. Each of these radioactive compounds was also converted to labeled neurosporene, lycopenc, α-carotene, and β-carotene by the same enzyme system. The incorporation of each substrate into more unsaturated carotenes was carried out under nitrogen at pH 7.5–8.2 (borate buffer), at 25 °C in the dark.Proof of the formation of the above carotenes from each of the three radioactive substrates was demonstrated by cochromatography with authentic nonradioactive carotenes on an alumina chromatographic column. A close correspondence between radioactivity and light absorbance for each carotene was observed. Confirmation of these conversions was achieved by cochromatography with authentic samples on thinlayer plates. Final proof for the formation of the acyclic and cyclic carotenes from the above radioactive substrates was obtained by gas-liquid chromatography of the hydrogenated products. Coincidence between mass and radioactivity was observed.Maximum conversion of cis- and trans-phytofluenes to more unsaturated carotenes by the red tomato fruit enzyme system appears to be dependent upon the presence of NADP+, FAD, and Tween 80. The formation of the carotenes is also increased in the presence of Mg2+ or Mn2+ ions.  相似文献   
Phenol, p-cresol, and volatile fatty acids (VFA; acetic, propionic, isobutyric, butyric, isovaleric, and valeric acids) were used as odor indicators of swine waste. Aeration of the waste allowed the indigenous microorganisms to grow and degrade these malodorous substances. The time required for degradation of these substances varied according to the waste used, and it was not necessarily related to their concentrations. Using a minimal medium which contained one of the malodorous compounds as sole carbon source, we have selected from swine waste microorganisms that can grow in the medium. The majority of these microorganisms were able to degrade the same substrate when inoculated in sterilized swine waste but with an efficiency varying from one strain to the other. None of these strains was able to degrade all malodorous substances studied. Within 6 days of incubation these selected strains degraded the following: Acinetobacter calcoaceticus, phenol and all VFA; Alcaligenes faecalis, p-cresol and all VFA; Corynebacterium glutamicum and Micrococcus sp., phenol, p-cresol, and acetic and propionic acids; Arthrobacter flavescens, all VFA. On a laboratory scale, the massive inoculation of swine waste with C. glutamicum or Micrococcus sp. accelerated degradation of the malodorous substances. However, this effect was not observed with all of the various swine wastes tested. These results suggest that an efficient deodorization process of various swine wastes could be developed at the farm level based on the aerobic indigenous microflora of each waste.  相似文献   
Eight anionic disaccharide precursors of lipid A accumulate at 42 degrees C in 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonic acid-deficient temperature-sensitive mutants of Salmonella typhimurium. These compounds comprise a series of lipids based on the minimal structure, O-[2-amino-2-deoxy-N2,O3-bis(3-hydroxytetradecanoyl)-beta-D-glucopyranos yl] -(1----6)-2-amino-2-deoxy-N2, O3-bis(3-hydroxytetradecanoyl)-alpha-D-glucopyranose 1,4'- bisphosphate (designated lipid IVA) that differ from each other by the presence of an additional phosphoethanolamine moiety (IIIA), or an aminodeoxypentose moiety (IIA), or both (IA). A homologous set of metabolites is further derivatized with a palmitoyl function; these are designated IVB, IIIB, IIB, and IB (Raetz, C. R. H., Purcell, S., Meyer, M. V., Qureshi, N., and Takayama, K. (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 16080-16088). The attachment of the palmitoyl moiety, known to be on the reducing terminal GlcN residue by mass spectrometry, was determined to be O-beta of the N2-linked beta-hydroxymyristoyl group of that residue of IVB by 13C NMR and two-dimensional 1H chemical shift correlation spectroscopy experiments. 31P NMR indicated the presence of diphosphodiester moieties in IIIA, IIIB, and IA and monophosphodiester moieties in IIA and IA. Selective 1H decoupling of the 31P spectrum of IIIA demonstrated that the O-diphosphoethanolamine moiety is attached to the O4' position in IIIA. On the basis of the observed 31P chemical shifts it was concluded that the aminodeoxypentose is located at position 1 in IIA and IA, while diphosphoethanolamine is most likely located at O-4' in IA and IIIB, as in IIIA.  相似文献   
1. Evidence is presented that cyclic AMP inhibits the incorporation of l-[4,5-(3)H]leucine into protein in a cell-free system from rat liver. This inhibition occurs after aminoacyl-tRNA formation. 2. Microsomal fractions, isolated after the incubation of postmitochondrial supernatant with cyclic AMP and ATP, show a diminished ability to synthesize protein. Both cyclic AMP and ATP are required for this effect. 3. A possible physiological role for the anti-anabolic action of cyclic AMP is discussed in terms of the control of gluconeogenesis.  相似文献   
Summary The proportion of fixed loci for desirable genes and the time required for fixation is studied in simulated diploid populations, which have initially aHardy-Weinberg structure. A symmetric ten-locus system of additive or dominant genes is simulated with linkages between adjacent loci varying as .005, .05, or .5. A constant degree of upper truncation selection within a population is considered over the generations. In different populations the intensity of truncation is varied asN/N,N/N+2,N/N+4, ..., whereN is the parental population size, specified as 2,4,8 or 16. The selection differential in initial generation, , thereby varies from zero to more than two standard deviations in some cases. The initial mean gene frequency,p, simulated in an initial population is .1 or .5.It is pointed out that when selective advantage of a gene is large and is changing with gene frequency, diffusion approximations assuming constant selective advantage, gives higher values for proportion of fixed genes in the case ofp equal to .1 and lower values forp equal to .5. With parental population size of 16 or less, a relation withN alone does not give the proportion of fixed genes. Higher order terms ofN appear to be involved in the relation. For the sameN , the proportion is much higher for lowN.The depressing effect of low recombinations between loci is of different magnitude for differentN andp for a givenN . The increase in the proportion of fixed genes due to increasingN is not as large when is low. High intensity of selection offsets considerably the effects of population size and linkage when gene effects are large. It appears that with increased inbreeding and selection intensity, almost all the genes of large effects and at intermediate frequencies can be rapidly fixed regardless of linkage.Linkage has been shown to cause faster fixation of genes in the absence of selection. With selection, linkage tends to delay fixation. But in the case of very low recombinations, there appears to be a level of population size and selection intensity, below which there is more rapid fixation because of linkage. Selection for dominant genes in the case of very close linkage, delays fixation for a number of generations and this delay results in reducing the depressing effect of linkage.
Zusammenfassung Der Anteil fixierter Loci für erwünschte Gene und die für die Fixierung erforderliche Zeit werden in einer simulierten diploiden Population untersucht, wobei eine ursprünglicheHardy-Weinberg-Struktur angenommen wird. Es wird ein symmetrisches 10-Locus-System von additiven oder dominanten Genen mit Koppelung zwischen benachbarten Loci, die von 0,005 über 0,05 bis zu 0,5 variiert wird, simuliert. Hierbei wird ein konstantes Ausmaß von trunkierender (stutzender) Selektion für die Obergrenze der Verteilung in der Population betrachtet. In verschiedenen Populationen wird die Intensität der Verteilungsstutzung variiert in der folgenden FormN/N,N/N+2,N/N+4, ..., wobeiN die elterliche Populationsgröße ist, die mit 2,4,8 oder 16 spezifiziert wird. Das Selektionsdifferential der Ursprungsgeneration,i, variiert hierbei in einigen Fällen von 0 bis auf mehr als 2 Standardabweichungen. Die ursprüngliche mittlege Genfrequenz,p, die in einer Ausgangspopulation simuliert wird, ist 0,1 oder 0,5.Es wird gezeigt, daß, im Vergleich zu großem selektivem Vorteil eines Gens und frequenzabhängiger Änderung des Selektionskoeffizienten, Diffusionsnäherungen, die konstante selektive Vorteile voraussetzen, höhere Werte für den Anteil fixierter Gene im Fallp=0,1 und niedrigere Werte fürp=0,5 ergeben. Mit einer elterlichen Population der Größe 16 oder kleiner ergibt die BeziehungNi allein nicht den Anteil fixierter Gene, da Termini höherer Ordnung vonNi in die Bezichung einbezogen sind. Bei gleichemNi ist der Anteil bei kleinemN viel höher. Der reduzierende Effekt einer niederen Rekombinationsrate zwischen den Loci ist von unterschiedlicher Größenordnung bei verschiedenemN und bei einem gegebenenNi. Der Zuwachs im Anteil fixierter Gene infolge eines wachsendenN ist nicht so groß, wennp niedrig ist. Eine hohe Intensität der Selektion gleicht die Wirkungen der Populationsgröße und Koppelung erheblich aus, wenn die Genwirkungen groß sind. Es zeigt sich, daß praktisch alle Gene mit großer Wirkung und intermediärer Frequenz unabhängig von der Koppelung schnell fixiert werden können, wenn eine zunehmende Inzucht und Selektionsintensität vorliegt.Koppelung hat sich als eine Ursache für eine schnellere Fixierung von Genen in der Abwesenheit von Selektion erwiesen. Mit Selektion tendiert Kopplung dazu, die Fixierung zu verzögern. Es zeigt sich jedoch im Falle einer sehr niederen Rekombinationsrate, daß es für die Populationsgröße und Selektionsintensität einen Schwellenwert zu geben scheint, unterhalb dessen eine schnellere Fixierung als Folge der Koppelung auftritt. Eine Selektion auf dominante Gene verzögert im Fall der sehr engen Koppelung die Fixierung für eine Anzahl von Generationen und diese Verzögerung führt dazu, daß der verlangsamende Effekt der Koppelung reduziert wird.

On leave from West Pakistan Agricultural University, Lyallpur.

Journal paper No. 5870, Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station, Ames, supported by National Institute of Health Grant No. GM 13827.  相似文献   
Summary Production of 2,3-butanediol byKlebsiella oxytoca was enhanced in the presence of low levels (<8 g/l) of added sodium lactate. Cell growth was inhibited, however, and essentially stopped above 15 g/l added lactate. Levels of by-products (acetic acid and ethanol) were also higher. With 3 g/l lactate and an initial glucose level of 98 g/l, butanediol concentration and productivity increased 164% with 98% utilization of glucose. With high glucose concentration (219 g/l), addition of 2.64 g/l lactate after the growth phase resulted in 81 g/l butanediol, with a productivity of 0.65 g/l/h and 71% glucose utilization.  相似文献   
The role of mast cells in polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMN) influx in Ag-antibody complex-induced peritonitis was evaluated in mast cell-deficient WBB6F1-W/Wv (W/Wv) mice and their normal littermates, WBB6F1-+/+ (+/+). Peritoneal cell influx was evaluated after i.p. injection of preformed immune complexes. The first significant elevation in the PMN count over PBS-treated controls in +/+ mice was observed 2 h after stimulation. During the period of maximum leukocyte concentrations (6 to 10 h), the increase in total cell count was 5-fold and in PMN 25-fold. In W/Wv mice the PMN influx started 2 h later than in the +/+ mice, and the maximum response (8 to 10 h) was only 50% of that in controls. Reconstitution of mast cells in W/Wv mice for 2 wk or more restored the PMN response to immune complexes. Mast cell release due to AG-antibody complexes was evaluated by measuring fluorescence intensity after berberine sulfate staining for heparin in mast cells from unstimulated as well as stimulated +/+ mice. There was a significant decrease in fluorescence intensity as early as 15 min after stimulation. By 30 min the fluorescence intensity had declined by 65%. This indicates extensive mast cell release that started before PMN mobilization. These experiments demonstrate that mast cells make a significant contribution to immune complex-induced inflammation.  相似文献   
Summary Using analytical and preparative methods, we demonstrated the presence of an indigenous plasmid (pNIAB-I) in a diazotroph,Klebsiella sp. NIAB-I isolated, from the roots of Kallar grass, growing on saline lands in Pakistan. The plasmid is approximately 50 kilobase (kb) in size. Transformation experiments indicated that non-halophilic bacteria such asE. coli K12 strain (MV10) andK. pneumoniae M5AI on acquiring this plasmid become tolerant to high salt (NaCl) and alkaline pH.  相似文献   
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