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In this study, all the components of Jatropha curcus and Morus indica were chemically characterized and their biochemical methane potentials (BMP) were determined. From the variables that showed strong influence on the ultimate methane yield (Bo) of J. curcus, a multiple regression Jatropha model was developed. This model comprised of total carbohydrates, protein, lipid, acid-detergent fiber (ADF), cellulose and ash in ADF as independent variables, with r2 value of 0.943. The Jatropha model was validated on 7 samples of M. indica parts and wastes from silkworm rearing trays of this study and 13 samples of heterogeneous organic wastes of earlier studies, to judge the prediction quality. It was found that most of the predicted values differed by less than 15% of their experimental Bo.  相似文献   
The neuronal ceroid-lipofuscinoses (NCL) is a group of neurodegenerative disorders characterized by epilepsy, visual failure, progressive mental and motor deterioration, myoclonus, dementia and reduced life expectancy. Classically, NCL-affected individuals have been classified into six categories, which have been mainly defined regarding the clinical onset of symptoms. However, some patients cannot be easily included in a specific group because of significant variation in the age of onset and disease progression. Molecular genetics has emerged in recent years as a useful tool for enhancing NCL subtype classification. Fourteen NCL genetic forms (CLN1 to CLN14) have been described to date. The variant late-infantile form of the disease has been linked to CLN5, CLN6, CLN7 (MFSD8) and CLN8 mutations. Despite advances in the diagnosis of neurodegenerative disorders mutations in these genes may cause similar phenotypes, which rends difficult accurate candidate gene selection for direct sequencing. Three siblings who were affected by variant late-infantile NCL are reported in the present study. We used whole-exome sequencing, direct sequencing and in silico approaches to identify the molecular basis of the disease. We identified the novel c.1219T>C (p.Trp407Arg) and c.1361T>C (p.Met454Thr) MFSD8 pathogenic mutations. Our results highlighted next generation sequencing as a novel and powerful methodological approach for the rapid determination of the molecular diagnosis of NCL. They also provide information regarding the phenotypic and molecular spectrum of CLN7 disease.  相似文献   
A 4-year-old girl with Down syndrome exhibited an autosomal translocation t(2;18) in addition to trisomy 21. An evaluation of GTG-banded metaphases revealed the karyotype 47,XX,t(2;18),21 that was confirmed by using fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) probes. This case represents a very rare coincidence of an autosomal aneuploidy and a structural rearrangement. Her parents showed a normal chromosome complement. The translocation must have been an apparently "balanced" one as the proband presented with typical features of Down syndrome alone. The mechanism of origin of this rearrangement along with a nondisjunctional error and its significance are discussed.  相似文献   
Length–weight relationships (LWRs) of six finfish species under two families of the order Perciformes collected from Pulicat lagoon (India) are presented in this study. The fish specimens were collected weekly from the catches of shore seine net (with a mesh size of 50mm at the main webbing and 10 mm at the cod end) operated in the lagoon at an average depth of 2.5 m by the local fishermen during the period from July 2018 to April 2019. This study reports the LWRs for five gobiid and one siganid fish species which have no earlier reports on LWRs. The calculated ‘b’ value ranged from 3.538 (Favonigobius reichei) to 2.677 (Oxyurichthys microlepis) and ‘a’ value varied from 0.0041 (Favonigobius reichei) to 0.0199 (Acentrogobius cyanomos). This study also reports the new maximum total length (TLmax) for the gobiid fish species Oxyurichthys microlepis.  相似文献   
Plant growth-promoting rhizobacterial (PGPR) strains were isolated from different agro-ecosystems of Tamil Nadu, India, and were tested for their efficacy against the sheath rot pathogen Sarocladium oryzae under in vitro, glasshouse and field conditions. Vigour and a relative performance index (RPI) were used to assay the growth promotion and antagonistic activity of Pseudomonas strains against S. oryzae under in vitro conditions. The results revealed the significant performance by strains Pf1, TDK1 and PY15 compared to other strains. Further, the combination of Pseudomonas strains Pf1, TDK1 and PY15 was more effective in reducing sheath rot disease in rice plants compared to individual strains under glasshouse and field conditions. Quantitative and native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) analysis of peroxidase (PO), polyphenol oxidase (PPO) and chitinase activity in rice plants showed an increased accumulation of defence enzymes in the treatment with a combination of Pf1, TDK1 and PY15 compared to the treatment with individual strains and untreated controls. The present study revealed the probable influence of antagonism, plant growth promotion and induced systemic resistance (ISR) by the mixture of Pseudomonas bioformulations in enhancing the disease resistance in rice plants against sheath rot disease.
Duraisamy SaravanakumarEmail:
Several fractions of fruits and vegetable solid wastes (FVSW), sorghum and napiergrass were analyzed for total solids (TS), volatile solids (VS), total organic carbon, total kjeldahl nitrogen, total soluble carbohydrate, extractable protein, acid-detergent fiber (ADF), lignin, cellulose and ash contents. Their ultimate methane yields (B(o)) were determined using the biochemical methane potential (BMP) assay. A series of simple and multiple regression models relating the B(o) to the various substrate constituents were generated and evaluated using computer statistical software, Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The results of simple regression analyses revealed that, only weak relationship existed between the individual components such as carbohydrate, protein, ADF, lignin and cellulose versus B(o). A regression of B(o) versus combination of two variables as a single independent variable such as carbohydrate/ADF and carbohydrate+protein/ADF also showed that the relationship is not strong. Thus it does not appear possible to relate the B(o) of FVSW, sorghum and napiergrass with single compositional characteristics. The results of multiple regression analyses showed promise and the relationship appeared to be good. When ADF and lignin/ADF were used as independent variables, the percentage of variation accounted for by the model is low for FVSW (r(2)=0.665) and sorghum and napiergrass (r(2)=0.746). Addition of nitrogen, ash and total soluble carbohydrate data to the model had a significantly higher effect on prediction of B(o) of these wastes with the r(2) values ranging from 0.9 to 0.99. More than 90% of variation in B(o) of FVSW could be accounted for by the models when the variables carbohydrate, lignin, lignin/ADF, nitrogen and ash (r(2)=0.904), carbohydrate, ADF, lignin/ADF, nitrogen and ash (r(2)=0.90) and carbohydrate/ADF, lignin/ADF, lignin and ash (r(2)=0.901) were used. All the models have low standard error values, which indicate the amount of spread is less. Thus, considering only the higher r(2) values, six models are proposed for predicting the B(o) based on FVSW data and sorghum and napiergrass data. It would be more convenient if B(o) could be predicted by analyzing the chemical composition of the substrate rather than performing the long-term batch fermentation. To test the validity of the regression models, chemical constituents of FVSW that were not included in the regression analyses were determined and their experimental B(o) were determined by BMP assay. All the six models were used to predict the B(o) from the chemical constituents of these FVSW. It was found that most of the predicted values were within 20% of the experimental B(o) in models 1, 3 and 6. Since models 3 and 6 used the same variables namely, total soluble carbohydrate, ADF, lignin/ADF, nitrogen and ash, B(o) can be predicted from these five chemical constituents which accounts for more than 90% of the variation in B(o) (r(2)>90).  相似文献   
Two fluorescent chemosensors, denoted as chemosensor 1 and chemosensor 2 , were synthesized and subjected to comprehensive characterization using various techniques. The characterization techniques employed were Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR), proton (1H)- and carbon-13 (13C)-nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, electrospray ionization (ESI) mass spectrometry, and single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. Chemosensor 1 is composed of a 1H-imidazole core with specific substituents, including a 4-(2-(4,5-c-2-yl)naphthalene-3-yloxy)butoxy)naphthalene-1-yl moiety. However, chemosensor 2 features a 1H-imidazole core with distinct substituents, such as 4-methyl-2-(4,5-diphenyl-1H-imidazole-2-yl)phenoxy)butoxy)-5-methylphenyl. Chemosensor 1 crystallizes in the monoclinic space group C2/c. Both chemosensors 1 and 2 exhibit a discernible fluorescence quenching response selectively toward iron(III) ion (Fe3+) at 435 and 390 nm, respectively, in dimethylformamide (DMF) solutions, distinguishing them from other tested cations. This fluorescence quenching is attributed to the established mechanism of chelation quenched fluorescence (CHQF). The binding constants for the formation of the 1 + Fe3+ and 2 + Fe3+ complexes were determined using the modified Benesi–Hildebrand equation, yielding values of approximately 2.2 × 103 and 1.3 × 104 M−1, respectively. The calculated average fluorescence lifetimes for 1 and 1 + Fe3+ were 2.51 and 1.17 ns, respectively, while for 2 and 2 + Fe3+, the lifetimes were 1.13 and 0.63 ns, respectively. Additionally, the applicability of chemosensors 1 and 2 in detecting Fe3+ in live cells was demonstrated, with negligible observed cell toxicity.  相似文献   
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