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In applied research work dealing with heat-tolerant fungi, currently classified into two groups: namely thermotolerants and thermophiles, information on levels of thermotolerance is generally scant. Cited binomials are often referred to as representatives of thermophilic taxa. The present contribution attempts to specify proper heat-tolerance levels of species cited in biotechnological papers of academic and applied research types published in the last four decades. This assessment integrates relevant available information concerning well defined thermotolerant taxa. Distinction between both groups of heat-tolerant fungi is a mean to optimize investigations of temperature-dependent physiological processes. The nomenclatural status of the binomials retrieved was also re-appraised following the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature. Articles of the code govern the legal validity of fungal names. The goal is to deter `ghost names' that have no status of any kind. Their use in the literature is not only a source of confusion but also hinders the preparation of sound reviews and reference documents. The intention was also to detect names which do not fulfill all criteria for a valid legal publication. Their status could then be validated if the taxonomic position of the fungus justifies this procedure. The taxonomic status of these thermotolerants was also re-examined following present-day knowledge of their respective genera. Integration of warranted taxonomic decisions in the literature of applied research is crucial. These decisions consider the status of a fungus as a valid species (proposed synonymies) or the nature of its generic affinities (name change). Strict application of these decisions severly reduces levels of heterogeneity regarding names used for the same organism. It also clarifies its generic affinities with other thermotolerant fungi. The present note is not an exhaustive assessment on the nomenclatural and taxonomic positions of known thermotolerant fungi, an ecological group for which a global document remains to be produced. It only deals with those taxa most commonly cited in the literature examined. Over 130 fungi are here considered. The group manifests a diversity of taxonomic characters since it includes members of the following systematic groupings: Oomycetes, Zygomycetes, Ascomycetes, anamorphic fungi and Holobasidiomycetes. Few new taxonomic synonyms and invalid binomials are introduced in the present contribution. The former concern the following taxa: Gilmaniella thermophila, Mucor thermoaerospora, Sporotrichum lignicola and Zalerion thermophylii. Three binomials proved to have no taxonomic status of any sort: Acremonium cellulophilum, Nodulisporium microsporum and N. thermoroseum. This revised version was published online in November 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
To evaluate acquisition and activation of cytolytic functions during immune responses we generated knock in (KI) mice expressing Granzyme B (GZMB) as a fusion protein with red fluorescent tdTomato (GZMB-Tom). As for GZMB in wild type (WT) lymphocytes, GZMB-Tom was absent from naïve CD8 and CD4 T cells in GZMB-Tom-KI mice. It was rapidly induced in most CD8 T cells and in a subpopulation of CD4 T cells in response to stimulation with antibodies to CD3/CD28. A fraction of splenic NK cells expressed GZMB-Tom ex vivo with most becoming positive upon culture in IL-2. GZMB-Tom was present in CTL granules and active as a protease when these degranulated into cognate target cells, as shown with target cells expressing a specific FRET reporter construct. Using T cells from mice expressing GZMB-Tom but lacking perforin, we show that the transfer of fluorescent GZMB-Tom into target cells was dependent on perforin, favoring a role for perforin in delivery of GZMB at the target cells’ plasma membranes. Time-lapse video microscopy showed Ca++ signaling in CTL upon interaction with cognate targets, followed by relocalization of GZMB-Tom-containing granules to the synaptic contact zone. A perforin-dependent step was next visualized by the fluorescence signal from the non-permeant dye TO-PRO-3 at the synaptic cleft, minutes before the labeling of the target cell nucleus, characterizing a previously undescribed synaptic event in CTL cytolysis. Transferred OVA-specific GZMB-Tom-expressing CD8 T cells acquired GZMB-Tom expression in Listeria monocytogenes-OVA infected mice as soon as 48h after infection. These GZMB-Tom positive CD8 T cells localized in the splenic T-zone where they interacted with CD11c positive dendritic cells (DC), as shown by GZMB-Tom granule redistribution to the T/DC contact zone. GZMB-Tom-KI mice thus also provide tools to visualize acquisition and activation of cytolytic function in vivo.  相似文献   
Emericella desertorum Samson et Mouchacca spec. nov. is described and illustrated. It differs from the other Emericella species by the large ascospores with low crests. An Aspergillus conidial state was not observed. Additional information on the morphology and physiology of Emericella fruticulosa (Raper et Fennell) Malloch et Cain and Aspergillus egyptiacus Moubasher et Moustafa is given. The osmophilic and halophilic properties occurring within the genus Aspergillus are discussed.  相似文献   
Aspergillus floriformis, A. pseudodeflectus, Eurotium xerophilum (st. con.A. xerophilus) andEmericella purpurea (st. con.A. purpureus) are described and illustrated as new species. In addition the morphology of strains identified asAspergillus melleus, A. caespitosus andA. versicolor is discussed.  相似文献   
The present synopsis reports on taxonomic decisions and name changes introduced in the last decades for a number of thermophilic fungi. Taxa dealt with are those most commonly cited in the literature of fundamental and applied work or concern species having complex taxonomic histories. The definition of a thermophile follows the classificatory scheme elaborated by Cooney & Emerson in 1964. The synopsis provides the latest legal valid names for several thermophiles. Binomials of accepted synonymies are also reported with arguments in favour of these taxonomic decisions. The material of this contribution is a synthetic simplified account of two previous reviews on the taxonomy of thermophilic fungi. The present document aims: (1) to suppress the use of ghost binomials having no status of any kind; (2) to favour the continuous use of the latest legal valid name of a taxon to avoid cases of redundancies by citing binomials of known synonyms. Homogeneity in cited names is a fundamental prerequisite for comparative studies. The synopsis is thus a sound tool for future critical reviews of ecological and of biotechnological interests. The status of over a hundred names are here reviewed. Two additional new synonyms are proposed; these concern Mucor miehei var. minor and Sporotrichum cellulophilum. This revised version was published online in November 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Heat tolerant fungi are organisms that may perform bioconversion processes and produce industrially important metabolites. They may either be obligate thermophiles or simple thermotolerants. The present document is the continuation of a critical note on thermotolerant fungi erroneously reported in the literature as possessing thermophilic attributes. Fifty strictly thermotolerant taxa are here considered. Some of their binomials have only recently been introduced in the scientific literature. The reported thermotolerant species are grouped according to broad taxonomic categories. The nomenclature of zygomycetous taxa and anamorphic fungi is straightforward, as usually only one binomial is available or only one state is produced in culture respectively. For Ascomycetes regularly producing in culture a conidial state, the name of the sexual state (teleomorph) should be used to designate the organism even when a binomial is available for the anamorph; this prevents the practice of interchangeably using the name of either states of the same fungus. When ascomycetous taxa produce the anamorph regularly and the teleomorph only under specific cultural conditions, the name of the anamorph could be preferentially selected. The goal is to introduce uniformity in name citations of fungi, particularly in the literature of applied research. Each species is reported under its taxonomically correct name, either the original binomial or the latest combined binomial after generic transfer(s). Known synonyms are also specified. Maximum efforts were undertaken to trace updated information on the taxonomic position of these fifty strict thermotolerant species. For each, information on the type material, morphological features distinguishing it from related members of the genus (and when necessary a generic taxonomic assessment) and, finally, salient ecological features including heat tolerance levels are given. For some information on their biotechnological use is also provided. Overall 86 strictly thermotolerant fungi are so far documented in the corresponding published and present contributions; however, this figure should not be regarded as exhaustive for the group. Among these 86 taxa ascomycetous fungi (46) presently outnumber anamorphic microfungi (28) but their relevant figures should be regarded as provisional. Only 12 zygomycetous species proved to be strict thermotolerants. Further cardinal temperature growth values established for these 86 thermotolerants disclose no pattern linked to their broad taxonomic categories. Standardized growth temperature curves at increments smaller than 5 °C have to be performed to assess conclusively variability in growth temperature relationships. Several heat tolerant fungi are widely used in industry; however, more research is needed to explore the applied potential of these particular organisms. An exhaustive document on the biodiversity of heat tolerant fungi also awaits production. It would be informative in relation to the global warming process of the earth.  相似文献   
Many hypotheses attempting to explain the speed and sensitivity with which a T-cell discriminates the antigens it encounters include a notion of relative spatial and temporal control of particular biochemical steps involved in the process. An essential step in T-cell receptor (TCR) mediated signalling is the activation of the protein tyrosine kinase ZAP-70. ZAP-70 is recruited to the TCR upon receptor engagement and, once activated, is responsible for the phosphorylation of the protein adaptor, Linker for Activation of T-cells, or LAT. LAT phosphorylation results in the recruitment of a signalosome including PLCgamma1, Grb2/SOS, GADS and SLP-76. In order to examine the real time spatial and temporal evolution of ZAP-70 activity following TCR engagement in the immune synapse, we have developed ROZA, a novel FRET-based biosensor whose function is dependent upon ZAP-70 activity. This new probe not only provides a measurement of the kinetics of ZAP-70 activity, but also reveals the subcellular localization of the activity as well. Unexpectedly, ZAP-70 dependent FRET was observed not only at the T-cell -APC interface, but also at the opposite pole of the cell or "antisynapse".  相似文献   
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